It’s a damn good thing I started working on bringing up live versions of my book pages on this new site, because I realized after checking that some of the preview and buy buttons are not working there. I don’t know how long that’s been the case. But it’s made it clear that I will need to doublecheck all live links to previewing and buying my books as the pages become active here.

And heh, it’s also occurred to me that while the Rebels of Adalonia books are not really fantasy romances even if their covers look fairly romance-y, it is fair to call them romantic fantasy. Or, since this term appears to have become popular these days, “romantasy”.

So I’ve started sharing links to those books too on Mastodon. If you happen to come by here from my Mastodon feed because romantasy titles sound interesting to you, hiya! I hope you’ll consider picking up the Rebels books. You can get them all for a very low price! And you’ll want all three of them because they are not standalones.



