Collecting these all in one place so I can refer back to them later!
Y’all remember how I was gushing about getting to go to Memoire et Racines last summer, right? Well, I’ve had the delight of finding several videos from the show–a couple from a performance that Dara and I actually saw, and a few more of a performance we didn’t.
Videos behind the fold!
The stuff we saw comes courtesy of the official YouTube channel of the band Belzébuth. Who are, it must be noted, quite good; I’ve got two of their albums! And as I said in the post about the festival, it was particularly delightful that night to see a couple of the guys from La Volée d’Castors on the stage with them! Two of the numbers from their set are here and here.
This, however, was the big finish to their set. Note how the video taker keeps panning over to the left-hand side of the stage–which has been taken over by a horde of dancers! That was huge, huge fun to watch live.
Meanwhile, Dara and I had also had huge, huge fun watching the redoubtable Bernard Simard et Compagnie, not only for the compelling question of whether it’s even LEGAL to have that much awesome fiddle power on the stage at once, but also for the one-two punch of Bernard Simard’s beautiful voice AND the Tiny But Feisty Saxophone! I haven’t been able to find any videos of their big stage show yet, which was the show we saw. But I HAVE now found vids from their smaller show at the festival.
The first two of these are here and here.
But this one is the third of the three and features the most kickass Tiny Saxophone action. That saxophone, ladies and gentlemen of the Internets, was what shot Dara out of her seat for a standing ovation even before me, at the show we saw!
I weep, WEEP I TELL YOU, that these boys have not yet released a live album. The instant they do, I am ALL OVER IT.