Did some work this afternoon and evening during the Super Bowl to clean up various bits of annathepiper.org as well as the journals it mirrors out to. This included:
- Deleting my InsaneJournal account; don’t really need it since I’m on both JournalFen and Dreamwidth, and nobody ever answers my posts on IJ
- Un-mirroring a lot of older posts from annathepiper.org off of LJ, DW, and JF
- Changed my theme on LJ just because I was tired of looking at the old one
- Finally bought a paid account on Dreamwidth, just because of their general awesomeness
- Updated my sidebar links a bit on JF just to link off to the other sections of my little web of journals
- And, on annathepiper.org, fixed some broken links by instituting a WordPress plugin contact form on my re-instated Contact page; also, re-instated my long-missing Nethack page, which is mostly there to commemorate my still one and only Ascension
Slowly re-instating a bunch of old missing content on annathepiper.org as well, just for giggles and because I can. The GBS, TOFOG, Filk, and Sonnets sections are on the way back eventually.