Category: Book Log

  • Book Log #19: Night Work, by Laurie R. King

    Book Log #19: Night Work, by Laurie R. King

    Like pretty much everything I’ve ever read by Laurie King, I quite enjoyed Night Work, the fourth installment of the Kate Martinelli series. Of the ones I’ve read lately, it’s my least favorite–but this is in no way a disparagement, since I’ve found that even a lesser King work is still an excellent read. In…

  • Justine Larbalestier and Alaya Johnson’s books

    Justine Larbalestier and Alaya Johnson’s books

    What I wound up spending my Barnes and Noble coupon on last night was a hardback copy of Justine Larbalestier‘s Liar. I’d seen a lot of traffic about this book on the publishing blogs a while back, pretty much because her publisher had initially opted to put a white face on the cover–and her protagonist,…

  • I need your book recommendations!

    I need your book recommendations!

    Okay, so it’s a quiet Friday afternoon and work is quiet and I’m bored, so I turn to you, O Internet, for the answer to the following vital question: I have a 15% Barnes and Noble member coupon! Since I can’t spend it on ebooks, what recently released print book should I spend it on?…

  • Book Log #18: To Play the Fool, by Laurie R. King

    Book Log #18: To Play the Fool, by Laurie R. King

    The second of Laurie R. King’s Kate Martinelli books, To Play the Fool, is a tightly written, thoughtful work, and was a nice re-introduction for me to the series. I’d previously read the third and then the first ones; going back to read the second filled in the blanks nicely on things that I’d missed.…

  • More book roundups!

    More book roundups!

    I’ve gotten onto a kick of replacing all my J.D. Robbs with ebook versions, since there are so many of those that that will clear a good chunk of my shelf space off. As a result, I’ve also been re-reading the series from the beginning, which has been pretty fun; look for forthcoming review posts.…

  • Book Log #17: The War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells

    Book Log #17: The War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells

    By modern standards, The War of the Worlds isn’t much of a plot: Martians come and take over the world, everybody goes OHNOEZ!, Martians conveniently are beaten not by any efforts of the protagonists, but rather by a deus ex machina (which I will not identify, on the off chance that someone reading this review…

  • Book Log #16: Skin Deep, by Mark Del Franco

    Book Log #16: Skin Deep, by Mark Del Franco

    After getting four books in on the Connor Grey series, it’s both a refreshing and a disconcerting change of pace to jump over into the Laura Blackstones, the new series Del Franco is spinning off. This series is set in the same universe, but featuring a new protagonist, the druidess Laura Blackstone, a covert operative…

  • Book Log #15: Unperfect Souls, by Mark Del Franco

    Book Log #15: Unperfect Souls, by Mark Del Franco

    With Unperfect Souls, the latest in the Connor Grey series, we’re well and thoroughly into the action at this point. If you’re new to the Connor Greys, this is not the book to start with. Thanks to the events at the tail end of the last book (Unfallen Dead), the Dead of the fey no…

  • Quick book roundup

    Quick book roundup

    Because I forgot to mention in the grip of the Martian Death Cold, picked up more ebooks from Fictionwise: Naked in Death, Glory in Death, and Immortal in Death, by J.D. Robb. The first three of the In Death series, as I’m swapping out paperback copies for ebooks. Just the Sexiest Man Alive, Practice Makes…

  • More new books for Anna!

    More new books for Anna!

    First up, in print: Jade Man’s Skin, by Daniel Fox, a.k.a. ! Fantasy. Purchased in print because the cover is gorgeous, and also, all of his books, I get in print. (Watch this space for a forthcoming Chaz Brenchley/Daniel Fox readathon, in fact!) And, in electronic form: Every last currently available book of The Dresden…