Category: Bone Walker

  • Unexpected character brainstorming FTW!

    Unexpected character brainstorming FTW!

    Determined to write a couple hundred words for Bone Walker tonight, I lamented to that I had a logistics problem to solve as I started the new chapter. The issue with writing several characters who don’t normally drive, you see, is that when I have a situation that requires them to get from point A…

  • Bone Walker checkpoint

    Bone Walker checkpoint

    Ladies and gentlemen, Bone Walker just broke 30K on the word count! Chapter 10 is done, and features the worldview of a young Warder and an old Warder getting rattled all to hell. However, this ain’t going to stop Christopher or Millie or least of all Kendis from doing what needs to get done. Before…

  • Bone Walker, Coyotecon, and Maynowrimo continue!

    Bone Walker, Coyotecon, and Maynowrimo continue!

    This past weekend I sat in as sort of unofficial moderator at two different Coyotecon panels, “Writing Mental Illness” and “Young Adult Speculative Fiction”. That was fun all around, and gave me a chance to interact with a few folks I hadn’t before. Those transcripts aren’t up yet, but if you go over here, you…

  • Maynowrimo Monday

    Maynowrimo Monday

    Just the one book worked on tonight, but I’m pretty keen on what was accomplished: 521 words on Bone Walker tonight, punting Chapter 10 up to 759 words, and the book in general to 27,680. And, well, have a snippet! I could see this being the scene snippet that shows up at the beginning of…

  • More CoyoteCon and status update-y type things

    More CoyoteCon and status update-y type things

    Today’s Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Fiction panel went swimmingly if I do say so myself, and as soon as I have a link to the transcript, I shall post it here! There was quite the turnout, not only of Drollerie authors but of one non-Drollerie author as well, Lucy Snyder, whose urban fantasy Spellbent I think I’ll…

  • CoyoteCon reminder, and status update

    CoyoteCon reminder, and status update

    Do y’all know how weird it is to be able to actually say “I’m on a PANEL”? ‘Cause, y’know, it is! I’m sure it’d be weirder if it were a big-time physical face to face type convention, but you know what? A virtual convention is still pretty damned awesome. And tomorrow–okay, today, since it’s after…

  • Quite satisfied with this

    Quite satisfied with this

    Chapter 8 of Bone Walker is well and thoroughly underway, and for the first time as I’ve gotten into this chapter, I’ve come to realize that this book’s definitely setting a different tone than Faerie Blood. For one thing, the world’s already established, so I don’t have to spend much time at all on introductory…

  • This is what I am TALKING ABOUT

    This is what I am TALKING ABOUT

    1,209 words tonight. Chapter 7 of Bone Walker is complete, and tonight without even the benefit of the Word Wars chat room. Apparently, “letting a pissed off nogitsune chomp on Christopher” ranks up there with “participating in the Word Wars” as a means to get me writing! Muahaha. This means Bone Walker has now passed…

  • Wow, there sure are a lot of books here

    Wow, there sure are a lot of books here

    It occurred to me this week that I have six, count ’em, six books in progress in various stages, and as part of the Great Get My Ass Back in Gear Initiative, it might behoove me to do a quick rundown of where all of these books are and what needs to get done with…

  • Wrote tonight, more or less

    Wrote tonight, more or less

    Pried a couple hundred more words out of my brain tonight, some for Bone Walker and some for Mirror’s Gate, mostly for the sake of advancing the pointers on at least a couple of stories. And being able to say that I actually wrote something tonight. This long dry spell is frustrating in the extreme,…