Category: Main
The 2024 Nanowrimo scandal explosion
Reaction post to this week’s outcry about Nanowrimo coming out in favor of generative AI. Includes a list of various links I’ve seen going around my feeds about it all.
Now looking for freelance work
I am seeking freelance work in a variety of areas, including proofreading or beta reading for authors, consulting on WordPress or self-publishing, ebook creation, or website testing. If you’re in need of any of these services, consider working with me! This post includes what services I can offer, as well as potential negotiable rates.
Acts of bike maintenance
Being able to do a bit of bike maintenance is a wonderful way to feel a bit more competent, that’s for sure!
Hard drive upgrade for my laptop
Upgraded the hard drive in my 2012 MacBook Pro to an SSD. This post is about the bumps in the process!
On women in fiction
It is articles like this one that remind me why the majority of my SF/F reading is books written by women: i.e., because that will give me a much stronger chance of a story in which there are in fact multiple female characters. Because the author of this article (herself an author) has it exactly…
Another round of SF/F vs. romance
There’s another round of discussion going on about SF/F’s tendency to snub the romance genre, and folks talking about an excellent article posted by Uncanny Magazine on that very topic. Check it out.
- back online, yay!
For those of you who didn’t see me post this to the social networks or to my LJ and Dreamwidth accounts, we had a windstorm last night and that took out power at my house for several hours. Since my site is hosted on my home servers, that meant was inaccessible for the duration.…
Initial impressions of Yosemite
Initial impressions of Yosemite, now that I’ve got it installed on my MacBook. So far, so good.
General reminder and FAQ: Still not a romance writer
I got mistaken for a romance writer again. General reminder: not a romance writer.
Initial impressions of iOS 8
Initial thoughts on iOS 8 after having it on my phone and iPad for a couple of days now. So far survey says: not bad!