Category: Main
Site update
Removed counters from a lot of the pages, to free up some space on’s primary machine.
Site update
Tance’s character page now automatically updates his age. Fixed incorrect date and link to the Han log mentioned for the 1/4 update. Link to the FAQ added to the Fave Links page. Restored mandalore-1.txt to the Shenner logs index. editing to add
Site update
Added Deborah Hooker’s link to my Friends section of the Favorite Links page.
Site update
Added the link for the American Association of University Women to my Causes page.
Site update
Deleted several defunct links off my Favorite links page; corrected the typo in the link to Mimi’s page, in the same section.
Site update
New logs added to the Tance index; link to the “Another Shirt Ruined!” Amelia Peabody fan web site added to the Links page.
Site update
Did a fair amount of house-cleaning; there are several new logs on the Shenner index. Also changed a bit of layout but mostly for maintenance purposes. My counters have all reset themselves, due to a web server upgrade at, but well hey, life’s like that. The MUSH Resources Page has had an extra link…
Site update
Janne Torklep’s link updated; Roguelike games page link deleted.
Site update
Removed ‘align’ tags from all images serving as bullets — trying to make them line up as well as possible with their corresponding text in both IE and Netscape without having to go to the trouble of putting them in table cells. Also, discovered problems in Netscape with proper display of fonts and color of…
Site update
Rillwhisper and Woodhawk added to the characters pages. Sanctuary directory link now active from the main index. SAS link now active, with updated information as to the status of the SAS site. Rellawy logs index activated in the old logs category, although some of the Rellawy logs are still missing, so their links won’t work.