Category: Main
Site update
Added the link to Doranna Durgin’s homepage to my links list.
Site update
I have a new background graphic — drawn and scanned in and thrown through Photoshop by me, and it’s simple, but I’m proud of it. It may be distributed around the net at will, but be nice and tell me if you swipe it. 😉 I wanted to lose the leaf-border graphic as it was…
Site update
Flipped names of top-level files over to phtml format from html, to allow for use of the PHP/FI scripting. Did the same for the logs archives, and the Murkworks MUSH home page.
Site update
Added the What’s New link to my index page.
Site update
Did a general overhaul to the look of the page: new graphics, especially on title headers. Improved the links between my various pages and deleted links off the issues and links pages that were no longer valid. Many new links added to Seriously Swoonable People, and to my MUSH resources page (deleted the link to…