Category: Queen of Souls

  • Victory of the Hawk (and Kickstarter) update

    Victory of the Hawk (and Kickstarter) update

    A status report on pretty much EVERYTHING, but mostly Victory of the Hawk and Bone Walker.

  • Vote for me! Vote for Queen of Souls!

    Vote for me! Vote for Queen of Souls!

    So the fine folks over at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management have a blog I’ve been following for a while, and one of their agents, Mr. Jim McCarthy, is running a little contest. He invited readers to send in the first lines of their manuscripts, and from the hundreds of submissions he received, he chose…

  • Wow, there sure are a lot of books here

    Wow, there sure are a lot of books here

    It occurred to me this week that I have six, count ’em, six books in progress in various stages, and as part of the Great Get My Ass Back in Gear Initiative, it might behoove me to do a quick rundown of where all of these books are and what needs to get done with…

  • Wrote tonight, more or less

    Wrote tonight, more or less

    Pried a couple hundred more words out of my brain tonight, some for Bone Walker and some for Mirror’s Gate, mostly for the sake of advancing the pointers on at least a couple of stories. And being able to say that I actually wrote something tonight. This long dry spell is frustrating in the extreme,…