Category: Shards of Recollection
Yesterday's writing metrics
I’ve hit another dry spell lately, which is annoying, so yesterday I decided to try to do something about that. Throwing small chunks of words at everything I have in progress seemed to help. I did at least over my usual desired target quota of 500, even if those 500 words were scattered across six…
CoyoteCon reminder, and status update
Do y’all know how weird it is to be able to actually say “I’m on a PANEL”? ‘Cause, y’know, it is! I’m sure it’d be weirder if it were a big-time physical face to face type convention, but you know what? A virtual convention is still pretty damned awesome. And tomorrow–okay, today, since it’s after…
Wow, there sure are a lot of books here
It occurred to me this week that I have six, count ’em, six books in progress in various stages, and as part of the Great Get My Ass Back in Gear Initiative, it might behoove me to do a quick rundown of where all of these books are and what needs to get done with…
More small pointer advancement
It’s been a while since I posted about this, but some of y’all may remember that in addition to Bone Walker and Mirror’s Gate, I have several other barely started works in progress. One of them is currently tentatively titled Shards of Recollection; this is the SF-flavored novel that’ll be starring heavily adapted versions of…