Category: Writing
writing goals for december
I’ve actually been writing again, and am pleased to report I’m almost done with the novella Daughter of the Hammer, thanks to participating in Writing Month. Next goals: finish the novella, get it beta read and edited, and find it some cover art!
Writing again, finally
Holy crap, I’m actually writing again. Here’s a brief pointer post off to the longer post I did about it on
Writing Process Blog Tour 2014
I got tagged for the Writing Process Blog Tour meme going around, so here are my answers! If you’d like to be tagged so I can link folks off to you, let me know!
A few words about expectations management
Every so often well-meaning family and/or friends ask me questions like “So when do you get to quit your day job?” or “When do you get to be the next Tolkien/J.K. Rowling/Stephanie Meyer/Amanda Hocking/etc.?” Which are lovely questions and I do appreciate the support, but the long and short of it is, the likely answer…
Note to my brain: no, you may not write this yet
Memo to my brain: No, you may NOT write a short story based on the Le Vent du Nord song “Le dragon de Chimay”. No matter how awesome a mental image you have in your head of a dragon breaking out of chains that hold him underground and surging up into the open air in…
A character in the making
I don’t know who this character is yet, but she’s been lurking in my brain for a while now as I’ve thought about how to do an urban fantasy with an overweight woman as the heroine. I don’t even have a name for her, or any real idea yet of what her story is. But…
Possible story for later
I woke up around 6ish or so this morning, conscious of having just interrupted a dream I was having. This happens a lot, but what was unusual about this one was that it didn’t seem to involve me in any way. Rather, it was a bit of what seemed like it was trying to be…