Log Date: 12/28/95 Log Intro: Jasmael, Trollkiller, and NightDancer, after a long journey from Willowholt, have finally arrived at Blue Mountain. Jasmael's sendings to Gerren have gone unanswered -- until at last the Glider Viresse emerged from the Mountain to inform them that Gerren was no longer present there, and had been ever since her own return to the Gliders' home. In the meantime, unbeknowst to the threesome, their chieftess Rillwhisper and her archer-friend Strongbow have long since arrived at Lostholt -- only to discover that Strongbow's lifemate Moonshade is missing. The two set out from Lostholt to Grove Holt, intending to see if the tanner is there, but on the way they have stumbled into a remote and menacing forest -- and have gotten attacked by giant spiders, which have injected them both with potent venom and wrapped them up in webbings. And Dawn and Dusk have set out from the Willowholt, as Dawn has been stirred by feelings that something is wrong, that someone is danger. Assuming that the 'someone' must be one of the elves who have gone to Blue Mountain, she heads that way.... ---------- Field before Blue Mountain A single mountain stands almost unnaturaly into the air before you, grand and solid. Boulders and uneven, sheer rock faces threaten those who wander too close. Huge cracks split the mountain's roots, down to the assortment of rubble at its feet and up, hundreds of heights toward the mountain's spindly peak. In either the brightness of day or under the light of twin moons, the entire mountain and all the rocks about it have a definite blue tint. The field, dotted with boulders, seems to end at the mountain itself. One of the larger cracks obviously delves in deeper, forming a short, narrowing cave. Contents: Jasmael Obvious exits: Shallow cave South Littlefang follows the trail from the south. Littlefang has arrived. Dawn lands easily on the ground by Littlefang, giving him a friendly pat on the back. Dawn has arrived. Trollkiller woos. ** Hi. ** Dawn pats Littlefang. Dusk remains on his back, waving cheerfully to the others. Dawn pounces Jasmael and Trollkiller! Trollkiller Whufs. Jasmael yeeps, being pounced. She giggles, and hugs Dawn back and although glad to see her tribesmate here, seems rather depressed and disappointed about something. ** What brings you here, Dawn? ** Dawn sends openly ** I kept getting this bad feeling that something was wrong.. are you all all right? ** Jasmael glances upwards at the Mountain. ** Gerren's not here anymore. ** Trollkiller looks at Dawn. ** Um. Bad feelings, like how? ** He seems to look concerned, but like he was already concerned to begin with. Dawn frowns a little, tapping her chin. ** Like.. dreams, except I couldn't remember them. But I knew something was wrong with somebody, so I figured it had to be one of you. ** Trollkiller shakes his head. ** I've... ** Jasmael frowns at that, glancing at Trollkiller. ** Dreams...? ** Dawn gives Trollkiller another hug. ** You, too? ** Jasmael sends openly ** Nightdancer's off hunting right now... ** Trollkiller nods. ** Me too. About Rill. ** Dawn looks puzzled. ** Isn't she in lostholt with Strongbow? ** Jasmael sits down against a large rock, listening to the two of you. Trollkiller sends openly ** That's where she was going... ** Dawn sends openly ** Well, it doesn't get much safer than there. Are you sure everybody is fine, here? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Well... Jasmael is upset, but no one is in danger... ** Jasmael picks up a small twig that she'd carried with her along the way here, one end of it charred. She doesn't answer Dawn's question, looking at the charred end of the twig. Dawn looks at Jasmael's twig. ** About, um, Gerren? ** Jasmael nods, turning and to the rock and dragging the charred twig along the surface of it, leaving a trail of black in its wake. [Throughout the subsequent poses, Jasmael continues to draw on the rock with the char from the twig, which she reignites and puts out every so often to keep her 'ink' from running out.] Trollkiller sends openly ** He's not here. ** Dawn frowns a little. Trollkiller sends openly ** But I have to admit, right now, I'm much more bothered about Rillwhisper. ** Dawn sends openly ** You think..she might be the one in trouble? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** I don't remember exactly what I dreamed, and it wasn't very clear anyway. But... ** Trollkiller sends openly ** It definitely felt like she was involved. And not happy. ** Dawn scritches her nose. ** And Gerren is not here. Should we be going to Lostholt? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** I'm thinking ... that would be a good idea. ** Trollkiller hops back and forth, antsily. Dawn skitches Littlefang, thoughtfully. You locksend ** I think Jasmael will want to leave soon, as well - but I don't think she wants to go straight back to the holt, I think she wants to go looking more for Gerren. ** to Dawn. Dawn locksends ** Doesn't she want to find out about her daughter? ** You locksend ** She's sure she knows what happened to her daughter. She's sure she died. ** to Dawn. Dawn locksends ** But Rillwhisper said.. Do you think so, too? ** Dawn peers at Jasmael. You locksend ** I... don't have any reason to think Dawn is wrong. But Sar _sent_ that he didn't do anything, so that can't be a lie, either... ** to Dawn. Dawn nods, frowning a little. Dawn locksends ** We really should find out. Did Jasmael try to send to her yet, do you know? ** You locksend ** Send to her? To the cub? ** to Dawn. You locksend ** I... ** to Dawn. You locksend ** I don't know! ** to Dawn. Dawn nods gravely to Trollkiller. Dawn locksends ** We should ask her, in a little. ** You locksend ** I agree. ** to Dawn. Jasmael sits back onto the grass from her drawing, the fruit of her work being a rather surprisingly well-made charcoal image of an elfin face. Sar flies down from above. Sar has arrived. Sar floats down, but hovers a length or so above the ground. He studies the strange-looking elves below curiously. Jasmael is kneeling on the grass in front of one of the rocks around the field, what appears to be an elfin face drawn in charcoal on one of the smoother sides of the rock. Trollkiller sends openly ** Ah. ** Dawn eeps, and dives into a bush! Dawn heads towards South Dawn has left. You locksend ** Hey! ** to Dawn. Trollkiller sends openly ** Hello again, Sar... ** You locksend ** Uh, Dawn? ** to Dawn. Sar tilts his head slightly, regarding the ..furry? elf. "You know my name?" Jasmael seems to stir slightly at the sending of -The- name, but forces herself to stay quiet and calm. Sar floats down, landing a few steps away, his expression one of mild curiosity. "I noticed you. Being here." Trollkiller sends openly ** That would be apparent, from my use of it... ** Trollkiller looks askance at Sar, whose demeanor is completely different from the _last_ time he saw the glider... You sense in a locksend, Dawn is a bit embarrased. ** He startled me. ** You locksend ** And what game are you playing this time, I wonder... ** to Sar. You locksend to Dawn, Trollkiller sends, amused, ** Ah. ** Sar gives Jasmael a brief, equally curious look, then returns his attention to Trollkiller. "I do not know you. Though it seems we have met." Trollkiller snorts. ** A forgetful Glider? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** We met at Sorrow's End, during the festival. My chieftain, Rillwhisper, talked to you a great deal about your actions regarding Jasmael's cub. ** Sar smiles mildly. "By choice, or so they tell me. I fear I do not know either of the names you mention." Trollkiller blinks, then reconsiders Sar's statement. ** Ah. So this _is_ a game. ** Jasmael sends quietly, ** Liar. ** Sar starts to reply to Trollkiller, then looks to Jasmael, puzzled. "I do not understand." Trollkiller's head whips around at Jasmael's send. He recovers. Sar looks quite unperturbed, though puzzled. Jasmael shakes her head, offering and giving no explanation as she looks at the face she's drawn. Trollkiller sends openly ** This _is_ an odd game, Glider. Does it have rules? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Or, perhaps, even an object? ** Sar looks at the face, too. And is very unlikely to recognize it, so he looks back to Trollkiller. He says mildly. "If there is a game, I do not know of it. What would the object be?" Trollkiller sends openly ** Well, you came here; it must be _your_ game. Perhaps guessing the object _is_ the object? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** If that's it, then I guess your game is simply to mock us. It's like you, from what I've been told. ** Sar runs a hand through his hair, then slowly shakes his head. "I saw you, when hunting. I was curious..you look very different. There is no game, outsider." Trollkiller narrows his eyes, and leans towards Sar. ** Send that. ** Sar talks over to Trollkiller, his steps apparently barely touching ground. And looks into his eyes. Sar locksends ** I know of no game. ** Trollkiller looks _very_ confused. Trollkiller sends openly ** You don't. You really... don't. ** Sar tilts his head a little. "Why are you so surprised?" Trollkiller sends openly ** Do you really not know Jasmael? And with whatever respect, send back - to us both. ** Jasmael looks down, at her hands, shaking her head in disbelief. Trollkiller nods to Jasmael. Sar looks over at the other elf. ** I do not know either of you. ** Jasmael sends in response, ** How can you not, after what you've *done* to me? ** Trollkiller just blinks. He finds it easy to accept that Sar would forget him. Not so easy that he'd forget Rillwhisper. Nearly impossible that he'd forget Jasmael. Sar looks thoughtful. After a moment, he walks over to Jasmael, and kneels on one knee to look more closely at her. After a long study of her face, he sends calmly. ** Truly, I do not know you, or any deed I could have done to you. I have no past. ** Trollkiller shakes his head negatively. ** Oh, you have one. You may not remember it right now. But you have one. ** Jasmael turns her head, her eyes meeting Sar's own... showing an unusual sight for her. Hatred. ** You have a past, Sar... one I want to hurt you so badly for... ** Sar watches Jasmael's eyes. ** Perhaps that is why I have forgotten it. ** Jasmael turns away from Sar, closing her eyes. ** I haven't. ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Chosen to forget it, you said... or so you're "told." ** Sar stands, gracefully. ** Does it matter? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** That would depend upon why you chose to forget, now, wouldn't it? ** Sar floats slowly up, replying to Trollkiller. ** I have no memory of this, either. Truly, it matters not. ** Trollkiller sends openly ** When you sleep, Sar, do you dream? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Do you dream of frightened cubs, Sar? ** Sar smiles, quietly. ** I rarely sleep. ** Jasmael sends openly ** I sleep... and dream. ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Because you don't need to, or because you can't? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Do you dream of stolen cublings, Sar? ** You locksend ** Cublings, howling for their sires and dams? ** to Sar. Sar looks increasingly puzzled. ** Cublings? I know of no such thing. ** Sar locksends ** You do not make sense. ** You locksend ** Do you see them, in your dreams, as they die? ** to Sar. Trollkiller is staring up, daring Sar to flinch. Sar watches Trollkiller from his elevated position, a faint frown creasing his pale brow. ** I do not like these sends. ** Trollkiller steps forward. ** Something twinge in there, Sar? Something ugly? ** Sar floats a step back. ** Why are you speaking of these things? ** He looks troubled. Jasmael sends openly ** You killed my daughter, Sar... if not for you, I'd still be in the Mountain, with Gerren when he woke, with his daughter in my arms... ** Trollkiller sends openly ** You said once before that you did not. But did you really not, or did you just not... choose... to remember? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Or is that another thing you've chosen to forget. ** Sar's eyes flicker to Jasmael, the furrow deepening. Sar floats another step away. "I.. do not recall.." Trollkiller sends openly ** Speaking now, Sar? Not sending? ** Trollkiller steps another step forward. Just to keep up. ** Not quite as convinced as you were a moment ago? ** Sar's gaze flickers between the two, then he lands again and braces himself. ** I have no memory, truly. It might be as you say. Or it might not. ** Sar adds, troubled. ** I hope it is not. ** Trollkiller's eyes narrow to slits, and he tilts his head to one side. ** You hope...? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Huh. ** Trollkiller rolls that send around in his head for a little while, listening to it echo. Sar touches his forehead with a slightly trembling hand. ** I.. do not enjoy this conversation. I will leave. ** Trollkiller nods. ** You do that. ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Maybe something will come to... mind. ** You locksend ** But I doubt it. ** to Jasmael. Jasmael locksends ** ... ** Sar takes a step backward, then another, then seems to remember his gliding again. He flies off, without further words. Sar pushes the air away and lifts higher... and higher... Sar has left. Trollkiller sends openly ** This isn't the Sar we knew, Jasmael. ** Jasmael opens her eyes slowly, looking down at the twig in her hands, which is mostly charred now though it wasn't before Sar's arrival. Dawn follows the trail from the south. Dawn has arrived. Dawn emerges from the bushes once Sar is gone. Trollkiller sends openly ** That's his body, maybe. But not his mind. ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Perhaps a distant cousin... ** Trollkiller shakes his head in amazement. Trollkiller sends openly ** It must have been with Winnowill's help. Nobody could forget that deeply without aid. ** Trollkiller sends openly ** Or, he really didn't kill her... but if not, why choose to forget? ** Dawn pads over to Trollkiller, frowning. ** Does that mean we won't find out? ** Trollkiller sends openly ** I don't know. But if we do, it won't be from him. ** Trollkiller staggers a little, suddenly. Trollkiller ...? Trollkiller sends openly ** ...spiders? ** Jasmael glances up at Trollkiller, distracted from her thoughts. ** What? ** Trollkiller blinks, and sits down, stumbling, against a rock. ** ...spiders. ** Jasmael sends openly ** Spiders? ** Trollkiller shivers, and shushes Jasmael. ** Listen. ** Dawn looks alarmed, taking Trollkiller's arm in support. ** Spiders? What? ** Trollkiller shivers. ** So faint... ** Jasmael perks an ear, remaining silent though she hears nothing. Trollkiller blinkblinkblinks, and looks very much afraid. ** It's Rill... ** Jasmael sends openly ** She's in trouble? ** Trollkiller sends, ** I... it's gone. ** Dawn closes her eyes, "listening." Trollkiller shakes his head back and forth, several times, hard. Trollkiller sends openly ** It was her. Yes. She's in trouble. ** Trollkiller stands up, to head for the camp. ** Must go. Now. ** He still seems a little dizzy. Dawn follows Trollkiller. ** If Rillwhisper is in trouble, I'm coming with you. ** She looks determined. Jasmael looks torn, between Trollkiller, and the image she drew on the rock. ** Go on, I'll be alright. ** Trollkiller starts, and looks back at Jasmael. ** Um. No. Here? You come with. Or at least not stay here. It isn't good for you. ** Jasmael sends openly ** I think I know where Gerren's gone... I'll go there. ** Dawn looks undecided.. but finally says. ** I'm going with you, Trollkiller. ** Trollkiller shakes his head some more. ** Okay... I guess - where'd that be? ** Jasmael sends openly ** Wolfhaven... it's the only other place Gerren's been. ** Trollkiller sends, ** Wolfhaven. Safe place. Okay. I'll tell the tribe. And maybe come after you later, once Rill is found. ** Jasmael nods a little. ** Go on, ** she urges. Trollkiller sends openly ** Okay. Be sure. Not to stay here much longer. ** You locksend ** Woodhawk. ** to Woodhawk. You sense in a locksend, Woodhawk starts, alertly -- and immediately answers you, though he's surprised and concerned to hear you. ** Lifemate. Where are you? ** You locksend ** Blue Mountain. Coming home. Rill... spiders? Trouble. ** to Woodhawk. Trollkiller leans over suddenly and hugs Jasmael, hard. ** Don't forget. ** Trollkiller grabs stuff at a dizzying rate. Dawn cocks her head, "listening" again. and touches Trollkiller's arm, gently. ** I sensed something.. ** You sense in a locksend, Woodhawk, from the distance at which he is, cannot send as clearly as usual... but you get a flash of sharp worry from him, and a sense that _something_ has just been confirmed. ** ** You locksend ** Coming. ** to Woodhawk. Trollkiller sends openly ** Get stuff. Now. ** Dawn never got time to unpack, so her stuff is still with Littlefang. But she helps Trollkiller gather his, quietly, her expression grave. Trollkiller grabs everything - such as "everything" is, for Trollkiller - and leaps onto Skitches. ** Go. ** Skitches yarf!s, nervous from all the worry, and runs off. Jasmael returns the hug, and watches Trollkiller leave. Dawn takes a hold of Littlefang's fur and climbs up. Dawn has left. [End log.]