Log Date: 10/8/96, 10/9/96 Log Cast: Trouble, Dart, Doreel Log Intro: Trouble and her travelling companion Dart have inadvertantly followed Dart's father's footsteps... right into the perilous spider-infested woods surrounding the hidden grove of the mad elder, Doreel. Overcome by the spiders, Dart once again echoed his father by ordering Trouble to run for it, to recover his arrows. But Trouble, frantically recalling to mind her tribe's council on Doreel, decides that, mad or not, he is a healer -- and the nearest source of help to make sure that Dart is not eaten by the arachnids. Thus, Trouble send-shouts, hoping to catch Doreel's attention. She is met by one of the ancient elf's troll-like Helpers... and, the Helper is surprised as she is, when they meet. Trouble denies being a "Rillwhisper" -- but, upon hearing that her name is Trouble, the Helper panics and flees back to his Master. But Trouble follows... and asks Doreel for help. He agrees to send his Helpers to find her friend... but only if they stay with him. Wary, but willing to do anything to assure Dart's life, she agrees. Thus, Doreel sends his Helpers out into the trees, while bidding her to stay, and wait... and eat. He offers her fruits, claiming they will "make her calm"... and a couple of mushrooms, which produce in her a strange sensation of fizziness, though Doreel claims that the shrooms do nothing.... ---------- Trouble, mushroom eaten, lifts her now empty hand and squints at it. ** My fingers're... . ** Doreel ohs? in genuine curiosity, moving closer. "Hmmm. Have another?" He procures another one of the speckled shrooms, offering it. The huntress blinks once, then twice. "I..." Why is he so eager to see her eat? "I'm not... hungry." The other ohs, this time faintly disappointed. "Well, alright." He retracts it, shrugging faintly. "Later." He nods to himself. "You'll be hungry later." Later. "Later," mumbles Trouble, slowly. And she turns, more slowly than she intends, back to scan the trees. "Dart'll be back first?" "Oh, perhaps." The keeper of the grove moves back to sit on the steps in the tree. "Shouldn't worry. The helpers'll find him. They always do." Trouble frowns, anxiously. "I should help." Now that she's speaking, her voice is husky, a bit slurred with exhaustion. Doreel shakes his head, looking thoughtfully at one of the fruits he'd gathered. "They'll be along soon, I'm sure." Trouble starts to pace, still gripping her lowered bow and arrow in one leanly muscled hand. Her other one twitches, seemingly at random, and she frowns down momentarily at it. The old elf mutters quietly to himself, something about preservers and playing with them too long. He tosses the fruit up and down in one hand, then closes his fingers about it and brings it to his lips to take a bite. Trouble finally stops again, as the tingling wears off out of her fingertips, but lingers in her toes. Bemused, she looks down at them. "Sure that... mushroom doesn't do anything?" [And in the meantime, within the corner of the spider wood in which Dart has been found by the Helpers...] There. The motion again. Then something gives, the silk around you rips, torn by whatever is outside. Have the spiders returned? Dart locksends to Trouble, almost panicked, ** Spiders? Spiders outside? Sent spiders? ** Trouble locksends ** No! No, look, see: ** Dart continues to squirm, trying to work limbs towards what feels like the rip in the cocoon. The rip is larger now, and the sticky webbing pulled away. Dart frees up one hand and starts trying in some way to help tear the webbing. Dart struggles to get to his feet as he's cut free of the spidersilk. One of the two squat green figures nods with satisfaction, slipping the thorn it had wielded into its belt. The other looks toward you, eyes bright. "Another Strongbow?" It whispers to the first, tsking softly. "And trouble. Oh well." Dart mumbles weakly, "Not.. Strongbow..." The one nods, fishing a leaf out of a pouch. This it hands up to you, frowning. "Lira's leaf." It says, as though to explain. Dart sniffs the leaf cautiously, eyeing both leaf and source warily. "What's.. it do?" "It helps." states the creature sagely, bobbing its head once. The other nods knowingly, adding, "Good for preserver bites." Dart mumbles something and then reluctantly chews on the leaf, not liking it one bit. Dart senses in a locksend, Trouble touches your mind in repeated restless sendings, urging, ** C'mon, Dart... you're okay, you must be... help's coming! ** The leaf is bitter, terribly so, but both of the burrowers watch intently until they're quite certain you've finished. Then the one reaches for your hand. "Must hurry, before the preservers return. Master waits." Dart nods and lets the little creature take one of his hands and lead the way to wherever this master is. Dart locksends ** Little troll things.. helping.. ** to Trouble. Helper pushes their way quickly through the trees and webs, trying to reach the grove as quickly as possible. Trouble locksends ** That's right... they're Doreel's helpers...! ** [And back in that Grove, as Doreel does not answer Trouble's question about the mushrooms....] [No answer from the elder.] The shadows shift slowly as the waiting continues, but the keeper of the grove does not, sitting motionless on the lowest step. Now and again something moves in the trees, but never does anything come out of them. The huntress, Trouble, continues to be restless. She finally returns to the edge of the path into the trees, and scans them repeatedly, as she shifts from foot to foot. At last the tingling leaves her toes; by then, though, she's forgotten about it, and she keeps sending, ** C'mon, Dart! ** You locksend to Dart, Trouble touches your mind in repeated restless sendings, urging, ** C'mon, Dart... you're okay, you must be... help's coming! ** Dart locksends ** Little troll things.. helping.. ** Another something rustles in the leaves. And another. And then, yes, then.. Helper comes in from the overgrown path, twigs and leaves stuck to them haphazardly. You locksend ** That's right... they're Doreel's helpers...! ** to Dart. Trouble straightens, anxiously. ** Dart! ** Dart comes in from the overgrown path, twigs and leaves stuck to them haphazardly. Dart has arrived. Trouble lets out a noise half-whine and half-whimper, and runs to the new arrivals; she doesn't have far to go, waiting as she had been practically right on the end of the path. ** Dart! ** One of the burrowers squeaks as it's almost run over, while the other scrambles away from the approaching trouble. "We found it, Master." Dart A stray auburn lock plays across Dart's deep brown eyes, the rest of the untameable hair held back for the time being by a band of orange colored leather and flows down his back like a raging rive. Slender as an arrow-whip, Dart looks as though he's had a run in with a thorn bush. Sun darkened skin is pierced in countless places by tiny fang marks, a few of them still bleeding slightly. In general the wolfrider is a few shades lighter than the average Sun Folk. Wearing a flowing white shirt under a close-fitting vest of orange leather, Dart augments his usual bright green loincloth with light tan leggings to protect against chill weather. He also wears green boots and a yellow metal collar in conjunction with a largish wooden pendant. Carrying: a well hidden tent(#9781Je) Wooden Pendant Arrow-whip Dart stumbles along, looking like the end result of a zwoot stampede. He manages a weak smile for Trouble, ** Good thing spiders didn't get yah... ** Trouble reaches for her taller companion. ** Ran for help, ** she send-murmurs, and glances over her shoulder, eyes still anxious. Doreel looks up finally, nodding in acknowledgement to the declaration of the burrower. He quirks a brow, faintly, and looks the newest arrival over thoughtfully. Trouble then asks Dart, worriedly, ** Are you alright? The spiders' poison... ** Underneath her sending is a clear, though unformed, question: can you think straight? Dart drapes and arm tiredly around Trouble's shoulders, more for support than anything else, ** Fine... ** HE shakes his head, trying to clear it some, ** Sunhowler should've come by now though. ** Nope, not quite straight.. Trouble frowns, leaning slightly as Dart's frame slumps into her. ** Look. I found help... ** She looks up and over, then, at the waiting ethereal figure nearby. ** Um... thank you, Doreel, for sending the Helpers... ** Dart mumbles softy, "Thing called me my sire... not my sire.." Doreel, silent up til this point, nods rather lightly to Trouble. "He doesn't look well." He says, pointedly, folding pale hands in his lap. Trouble's brow furrows at that; she focuses, though, on holding Dart up, and looks then over to Doreel. ** Will you heal him? ** Eyes blue as the summer skies continue to watch, and the ancient elf answers by way of question. "Will you stay here with us?" Trouble adds almost challengingly, ** I know you can heal! ** Challenge and plea both in her sent words, and a taste of swallowed pride. ** I said we'd stay for a while, didn't I? ** The maiden's tone turns more towards plea, then. Dart mumbles, "Always stay with her.. follow anywhere." Trouble flicks a green look at her companion, and, noticeably, blushes. "That will do. For now." Doreel stands, beckoning you both over. He glances toward the waiting burrowers as he then moves to a grassy spot. "Go find Lira." The pair exchange glances, looking at the strange elves. Then one nods, and they both move off to.. well, to find Lira. Trouble sucks in a relieved breath, and nudges Dart to guide him towards the tall elf. ** C'mon. He's a healer, ** she urges. And just barely bites back the addition that -- at least according to Strongbow and Rillwhisper -- he's _mad_. Later, she thinks, she'll tell him when he's able to think straight. Dart slumps his way towards Doreel, leaning on Trouble for balance and support since his legs don't seem to keen on following orders. Trouble oofs slightly, and wraps both her arms around Dart's lean torso. Then she looks up at Doreel, exhausted, concerned, and frightened all at once. Lightly the other settles there on the grass, waiting paitently. "Lie him here," says Doreel, "then rest yourself." Trouble mutters, "I'm fine." But, she settles Dart down, as gently as she can manage. Dart's gaze shifts between the healer and his travelling companion, a nervous expression dominating and otherwise exhausted face. Trouble props Dart's head on her leg, and frowns anxiously down at him, then up at Doreel. ** Do it, ** she asks, tautly. "Please. Relax." Doreel smiles. "I won't bite." Then, pushing back his sleeves, he reaches his hands out to rest them on Dart, one on the other's temple and one on his shoulder. Dart's dark brown eyes fix on the healer. Trouble settles herself, hand hovering a bit over Dart's brown forehead, before she hesitantly strokes his hair back from his face. For a moment nothing happens, then Doreel closes his eyes. Almost immediatly the soft, golden glow of healer's magic wells up from his hands, bathing the flesh beneath them in light. Trouble shies back, ever so slightly. Magic. And lots of it. As though reminded of something unnerving, she frowns, then forces her attention back to Dart's face. Dart remains perfectly still as the healer's powers flow over him. His dark brown lupine gaze focused on Doreel, expression shifting from one of exhaustion to mild relief. Magic extended, yes, probing and purging, removing the effects of the poison, answering questions of the healer's. Doreel's breathing slows, and one hand moves, the tears on the skin beneath sealing under influence of the light. Trouble rests her hand on Dart's thistle-thatch of dark hair, watching, waiting anxiously. Dart cringes, eyes squeezing shut. He grits his teeth for a moment before opening his eyes again, his gaze lingering on Trouble before it shifts back to the healer. The huntress starts forward at that look from her companion's huge violet-brown eyes, gasping faintly. You locksend ** Dart....? ** to Dart. Doreel locksends ** ** to Dart. Doreel's hand pauses momentarily, and for that moment the radiance brightens. Then it passes, and what remains of the healing continues. You sense in a locksend, Dart sends with the clairity you knew of him before the spider's attack. ** What's wrong? Did I fall asleep? ** Trouble's frown flickers, uncertain, as though she can't decide whether to let it ease or deepen. You locksend ** I... don't know, you looked upset... are you alright? ** to Dart. Dart glances up at Trouble, a puzzled expression on his face. He looks over at Doreel and blinks, ** What happened? Where are the spiders? Who are you? ** He returns his gaze to Trouble, this time more questioning than confused. You sense in a locksend, Dart frowns in his send, ** I remember the spiders, then just now.. ** Trouble blinks. Then, tentatively, she smooths her companion's hair again, and tells him, ** I found us... help. This is Doreel. He's a healer. ** As she sends, she eyes the latter, her gaze tinged with a shade of nervousness. The glow fades, finally, and the healer retracts his hands. One hand moves up to tuck a lock of his own hair back over one ear, eyes opening to survey his work. You locksend ** This place is Doreel's. He... Dart, I've got to talk with you, are you alright? ** to Dart. Dart locksends ** I'm fine, I'm sure I'll remember what happened. What's wrong? ** You locksend to Dart, Trouble answers, her sending small, wary, as though she tries to hide it, ** I forgot. Your sire... Rillwhisper. When they were missing. This is where they were... ** Dart umms, ** Thank you for healing me, Doreel. ** He gives the healer a critical glance before regarding Trouble with a look of mild alarm. Dart locksends ** Here? Father never told me much about happened to him... ** Trouble nods, the movement short, restrained, as though Trouble barely wishes to move under the tall, fair-haired healer's regard. The nod is clearly, though, directed at Dart, and not Doreel. You locksend ** Here! I-I-I forgot... I should have remembered the tales... but I couldn't think of where else to go for help, it's too far back to Lostholt, or Grove...! ** to Dart. You locksend to Dart, Trouble finishes, abashedly, ** Doreel... your father said Doreel's mad, but he's a healer, an-and I couldn't leave you to be eaten...! ** If Doreel notices the rather obvious unease, he does not show it. Instead, he sighs softly, shifting positions to stand up. "You'll have to excuse me. I, eh." he trails off, motioning to the trees with a sweep of one hand. "There is food, and water. Make yourselves at home." Trouble slowly turns red of cheek as she looks down at the elf still propped against her leg; then, startled, she looks up at the healer. You sense in a locksend, Dart sends softly, almost soothingly, ** It's alright.. you did what you had to. Let's just hope for once I look enough like my dam. ** You locksend ** Doreel said he wouldn't heal you unless we stayed with him. I... said we'd stay a while. ** to Dart. Trouble says, gruffly, "Thank you..."" Dart sits up slowly, "Thank you." Doreel nods faintly and sets off toward the tree at the far end of the grove. Doreel climbs up the winding stairs around the tree, and then moves inside. Doreel has left. Trouble watches Doreel go, then releases a long, slow breath. She's shaking, now. Dart moves so that he's sitting right next to Trouble, ** We'll think of a way out... ** Trouble whispers, "They were _here_. Skywise came, and helped the Willowholters get them out..." Dart says softly, "I don't think we can wait long enough for either of our tribes to come looking for us." Trouble mutters, "Can't send for help anyway. Too far." She blushes, and looks over at you again. "Told him we'd stay a while, but I couldn't think of what else to say..." Dart says "You said what you had to, no one can fault you for it." Trouble smiles halfheartedly, and studies you. "Are... you alright?" Dart nods, "Memories just a little patchy about how I got from surrounded by spiders to here." Trouble's gaze turns dark. "The spiders have poison in them. Strongbow and Rillwhisper both got bitten. They said so." Dart glances at himself noting the small holes and tears in his clothes, "So I got bitten... a lot." Trouble nods to you, grimly. [With Dart still tired from his ordeal, he agrees with Trouble that he should take a rest... and she agrees to keep a watch over him. End log.]