10/27/96. The archer calls council as Lostholt's acting chieftain, with potentially bad results. See also a log from Pike's POV. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strongbow drops down onto the lowest branch of the Father Tree, glower less present than usual. Cursorily, he sends, ** Council. ** Dewshine almost says something, but stops as S'bow enters and sends. Oh boy. [Dart] Ribs stick out like winter bared branches and the stomach growls demanding sustinence, a time of great hunger has struck the young jackwolf chieftain making him too lean for his own good. Tangles of brown hair are matted against equally grimey, paled flesh. Sunken cheeks and dull eyes provide further testament to Dart's recent starvation. Several unusual bites marr Dart's right arm as though he tried to fend off some kind of fanged reptile or spider. Dart's once richly coloured and well tended clothes have been reduced to tatters. What was once a brilliant green loincloth is torn and fraying at the edges. His once new boots have worn through the toes and soles from extensive running while whatever tops caused the faint tanlines on the young chieftains arms and chest is long gone. Not even Dart's leather forearm bracers escaped whatever ordeal he's been through, orange fringe is missing or torn while the green leather is shredded or missing completly in others. Pike looks at Strongbow and then whispers to Dewshine... Dewshine giggles. Dart is glowering at the others already gathered with a bug perched on his head. The archer drops, then, off of that branch to the ground. He gives his son a look up and down, concerned gaze dark, and stalks off toward the clearing. You walk away from the tree, back into the clearing that marks the entrance to the Lost Holt. Lost Holt Clearing The land of the Abode surrounds you. Here is where the elves of Lost Holt gather for tribe councils, howls and receiving visitors from other tribes. The clearing is now blanketed under a thick cover of cold white snow, and in the center there is a stone fire ring. The cold bites into into your skin and makes you wish to light the fire for warmth. Off to the north lies the massive Father Tree, home to many of the elves of Lost Holt. It is an icy whitecolds night. The snow-covered holt seems to glow in the light from the moons. Contents: Denning Tree Obvious exits: Path Hill Approach to the Father Tree Strongbow sends to the whole tribe ** Council in the clearing. ** Skywise walks over from the Father Tree. Skywise has arrived. Dart walks over from the Father Tree. Dart has arrived. Dewshine walks over from the Father Tree. Dewshine has arrived. Pike walks over from the Father Tree. Pike has arrived. Dewshine is following Dart. Pike is following on the heels of Dewshine. The archer stands in the center of the clearing, looking for all the world as if he'd rather he wasn't. ** Comfortable, ** he manages, and on top of that even manages as much as a smile's shadow in his eyes. Dart strides in, immedietly scrambling up a tree and sitting to try and hide the fact that he's completely winded. Berrybuzz walks over from the Father Tree. Berrybuzz has arrived. [OOC] Berrybuzz is still in Dart's hair, okiedokie :) Skywise shivers a little, glancing back at Dart amd the others before casting an impatient glance towards Strongbow. He seats himself, waiting. Pike flops himself down, leaning back against a root, watching Strongbow expectantly. Dewshine perches near Dart, keeping an eye on him. Dart scowls at Dewshine, a silent comment about her proximity. Strongbow folds his arms and scowls around. ** You've heard about Trouble, ** he sends, the statement only a question if anyone denies it. Dewshine frowns poutingly back, and scoots a scoot farther away, then looks at S'bow, nodding. Pike nods his head, pondering something as he watches Strongbow. Skywise nods, "Aye... Still trapped in the Mad One's grove." He shudders. Dart nods to his sire. ** I know first-hand what that means. ** He does not expand on that thought, but continues, ** We must...get her back. ** The archer paces a little, circling the middle of the clearing, steps crunching in the ice. Dewshine watches the archer pace, the earlier laughter gone from her face. Pike looks at 'Bow oddly. Dart sends openly ** She's fine except for the mushrooms, maybe not enough meat. She ate what Doreel gave her. ** You locksend to Dart, Strongbow scowls inwardly. ** And how much do you trust her to be what you left when you find her again, if she stays there in between? ** Strongbow turns to his son, gaze dark for a moment. Then he turns to look at the clearing, gaze searching. ** I would bring in the mad one as well. ** Dart glares at his sire, ** She wasn't the same as when we arrived as when I left. I just hope to find her alive! ** The archer's sending is sharp and low, oddly quiet, tense like a readied bowstring. ** She risks more than life there. ** He looks at Skywise, directly. ** We must find her. ** Skywise's thin brows furrow. He gazes at the ground in thought, though he remains attent to Dart and Strongbow's exchange. Skywise looks up now to meet the archer's gaze. "I would like to be considered when you decide who's to go. I've been to the Mad One's grove." Though he draws in a breath in memory of those spiders. Pike looks at Skywise and then looks back at Strongbow. Dewshine asks worriedly, "What can we do, Strongbow?" as a shadowyform joins her, listening. Strongbow crosses his arms once more, stance widening. ** Fire sent the spiders off last time. We'll need it again. ** Strongbow looks from face to face, pausing with a little odd mercy on Skywise, nodding silently to his words, and again on Pike. ** With the permission of tribe, I would warn Willowholt. We may need Ynderra back, and the firestarter. ** Pike nods to Strongbow and Skywise. Dart scowls, ** Doreel hasn't hurt her physically, he was even trying to think of a way to get meat for her when I left. If you set fire to his grove he may hurt her.. or worse. ** Strongbow fixes his gaze on his son, stance uncompromising, send more so. ** If we don't get her back, she will not be Trouble when we see her next. ** He moves not at all, but his gaze, if anything, intensifies. ** She may not be Wolfrider, not in her head. What would you do to get to her? ** Pike looks down at the ground at Strongbow's send. Skywise nods, "Willowholt needs her... Though I somehow think Ynderra's gift could be put to better use healing Lostholt elves rather than magic-crazy trees..." Dewshine looks down, cuddling with Scouter as she listens. ** We can send warriors to fight the spiders. ** The Lostholt archer shrugs slightly, lips curling a bit in a silent growl. ** But you may need fire to get out, even so. ** Dart sends openly ** Trouble wanted to try and get Doreel to come to Lostholt, willingly so Leetah and Y'nderra could work on him. She said she was going to give him a chance. ** Pike purses his lips at that, the closest he comes to a frown, and he looks up. Skywise says quietly, "Cutter and Leetah aren't back yet." It's mostly to himself, this obvious statement. Dart thumps his chest with a hand, ** I say that you try the same way. Getting past the spiders isn't that hard. I'm here aren't I? ** After a long, unreadable look at his son, Strongbow turns away without a word. He stares at Skywise and nods, almost imperceptibly, and at last sends, ** Yes. You are. But I might not have been. ** Strongbow lifts a hand to his bow and pulls it from his shoulder. ** Fight them, then, and try to bring Doreel here. I will send for Ynderra. ** That, in itself, troubles him. Dewshine asks... "Alone?" her voice worried. Dart slumps noticably against the trunk of the tree he perched in, ** I go back to Sorrow's End... and soon. ** Myriel walks over from the Father Tree. Myriel has arrived. Myriel looks around at the (small) group. ** No. ** The archer's gaze has not, in fact, made note of his son since turning away. ** Skywise leads. Pike, and your denmates, if Skywise will have them. ** He looks at Skywise. ** The jackwolf-rider chief belongs here, or with his tribe. Here until he can travel. ** There is not a finger's breadth of compromise in his tone, and in closing, he tells Skywise, ** And I stay, as chief. You take whom else you need. ** Pike looks up and nods to Strongbow. Myriel looks to strongbow. "Update me?" Skywise straightens at this. "I understand." He glances about, at the rest of the gathered tribe, considering. Dewshine nods quietly, a flicker of relief passing her thru her face, upon hearing Dart was staying put. Dart glares evenly at his Father, ** You know as well as, I do I can't stay here. There's no healer here, there's no better unless I get rid of the poison. ** You locksend to Myriel, Strongbow's send is gentle, but blunt. ** We send a hunt for your cub. ** The stargazer turns to Dart with a look of concern. "Ynderra will come for you. No worries..." Strongbow turns to Dart, gaze focusing on him. ** Ynderra. ** And, as if anticipating the next thought, adds, ** You will help protect the Holt in the absence of its hunters. ** [To Dart] Strangely, your sire adds, locksent, ** Please. ** Dewshine watches the drama below, throwing worried looks at Dart every once in a while. Myriel mmms quietly, looking to Skywise, then to Strongbow again. Dart snorts, "With what? You think Doreel would let me, someone who looks like one of the elves who set fire to his grove have a weapon? He took my arrow-whip away when his 'Preservers' wrapped me." Skywise peers at Dart, his ribs sticking out like a starved wolf at the low end of the pack. Who's going to protect -him-? The Lostholt archer's hand clenches on his bow, but he puts it, at last, on his shoulder. He turns and gives Dart a pained expression. ** Then crawl across the burning waste. There's certainly no arrows, wood, or weapons here. ** He snorts softly and turns toward Skywise. ** Council is yours, stargazer. Howl. ** With that, he stalks into the shadows to lurk, perhaps watching. Dewshine blinks slightly, but says not a word. Myriel watches Strongbow, sighing quietly. Strongbow folds his arms, silent in the shadows of the trees. Dart glares at his sire, eyes distant as he locksends. Dart locksends ** I've been away from my tribe for too long, Gentlerock wasn't ready to be chieftain. ** Skywise stands up. With a curious look to his left, his eyes purposely not resting on any elf, he sends, ** I'd take Myriel with me, if she'll come... ** You locksend to Dart, Strongbow accepts that. ** You're in no shape to make the journey. ** Myriel hmmms, looking over at Skywise. *Me?* Skywise nods to Myr. "She's your cub!" He adds, his expression thoughtful. "Those spiders are -fast-... We need someone faster." His gaze falls on Dewshine. "You're as fleet as any..." Dart locksends ** Doesn't matter if I am or not. Bug'll be with me and knows enough to find Mender and wrapstuff me if I get in trouble. ** Pike pats himself down, searching for something. He doesn't seem to find it as he pats himself down yet again. He then pats himself down a third time. finally, on his fourth pat-down, he produces a large enough pouch, "Here we are..." Dewshine looks up to see Skywise looking at her... You locksend to Dart, Strongbow retorts, ** You'll trust yourself to the burning waste and a bug before Ynderra's healing? ** Pike opens his pouch and pops a berry in to his mouth. Myriel glances to Skywise, pursing her lips, but saying nothing. She then turns her glance to Dart, and shrugs. Skywise nods, with a small smile, at Dewshine. "Yes, you!" He chuckles, shifting to meet Pike's berry-colored gaze. "And as Strongbow said, you can come.. Just leave the dreamberries behind, perhaps? Your senses will be muddled enough once you're inside Doreel's grove." Pike blinks? "What fun would THAT be?" Dewshine blinks, then nods, "Alright..." Pike then looks at his pouch, "I only had -ONE-!" Dart locksends ** Yes, I would. ** A few sudden sounds signal the leaving of the archer, footsteps making a rather quick way toward the Father Tree. You walk towards the Father Tree. Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJ) A dense grove of grotesquely shaped trees dominated by one immense Grandfather of a tree whose age is no less great than its size. It is obvious that the old tree has survived a terrible tragedy and you can see some of the scars left by the terrible blaze on the snow covered branches. Snow lies piled around the trees roots and in drifts around the Father Tree. Like old friends, the gnarled trees embrace one another, their many branches entwined and now snow collects atop them, occasionally crashing down to the ground below. It is an icy whitecolds night. The snow-covered holt seems to glow in the light from the moons. Contents: Blaze ColdHands' bundle Moonshyne SafeRunner Calmwind Obvious exits: Into the Tree Around the Tree Clearing Moonshyne is listening to cubs play. Expression hurt -- emotional and pained -- the archer fairly well stalks through, and past the Father Tree, eyes narrowed to near-closed. [The archer moves on to the...] Skywatching branch The land of the Abode surrounds you. You find yourself atop a thick branch, that could hold perhaps three elves. Right now, it is slippery and covered with snow. Looking up you see that the branches have grown in such a way as to let an opening up to the sky, allowing for easier stargazing. The view is excellent, as the leaves are all gone, replaced now instead with long fingered icicles. Snow coveres the branches and you find yourself brushing it away so you can find seat that wont be cold and wet. It is an icy whitecolds night. The snow-covered holt seems to glow in the light from the moons. Obvious exits: Back into the Tree You sense in a locksend, Blaze sends with all the curiosity and innocence of a cub, ** Strongbow? ** You locksend to Dart, Strongbow responds, at length, almost a whisper, aching. ** Before you would trust me. ** A little louder, he adds, ** A chief trusts his tribe...first. I'll send for the healer...and expect you not to be here when she comes. ** You locksend to Blaze, Strongbow's send is a whisper, softer than ever he's sent to you before, and despite his aching effort to make it kind, whistles with pain. ** Oh, cub. ** Strongbow sits on the branch for a time, staring at the stars, finding no comfort in them. After a time, he curls inward to the trunk of the tree, holding the bark, eyes stinging for all their glimmering narrowness. Sending more effort than he can bear, he curses his own chief in his mind and, lone in the tree, closes himself off from the outside. [End log.]