"The Atman and the Empyrean" Log Date: 3/3/99 Log Cast: Niamh, Faanshi, Allegra, Rory Log Intro: After her dealings with the Atarvani who had travelled with the Varati legions during the war, and needing to juggle the contradiction of what they had done to Thomas Murako versus the one kind Nabi who had reached out to _her_, it is an odd thing indeed for Faanshi to conceive that there may be more priests of the Hawk of Heaven who may not look ill upon her. And for all that she should perhaps have been prepared for the notion of stranger persons than she dwelling in Atesh-Gah -- after all, the Amir-al's own Favored, Kiera Khalida, is a much more dramatic halfbreed than herself -- it is also a decidedly odd thing for her to conceive that there may in fact be young Empyreans dwelling in the embassy. Empyreans who are in fact under the care of personages as lofty as Kaimakams of the Agni-Haidar. But strange as both of these concepts are to the young shudra, they are both nevertheless _truth_, adding to the wonder of the new world in which she finds herself now dwelling.... ---------- Niamh has taken to sitting on the couches in the foyer since the weather outside is so chill and wet. The chill at least he can deal with, but not the sleet. Bending over a leather-bound book, he seems to have made himself rather comfortable in this public area. On quiet feet, a dripping figure comes slipping into the massive foyer, a bundle perhaps brought in from the kitchens clutched in her slender arms. Although a translucent blue veil hides half her face, still, Faanshi's green gaze is relieved. Better to be inside on a day like today. Niamh looks at you for a moment. Niamh looks up from his book, black eyes taking in the new-figure...or at least one he has not seen since his arrival here months before. He notes her rather sodden appearance and sighs, "It's still raining out, isn't it...?" Faanshi turns, startled, looking for the source of the voice. Niamh Black eyes, impossible to tell iris from pupil, burning in their intensity peer out from this young Varati's dusky complexion. These eyes seem to miss nothing, they devour every sight about him with a hunger of only the most curious. Thick black lashes frame these magnificent eyes, thick and dark as if lined with kohl. His cheekbones are high, narrowing his eyes some in his dusky complected face. When he speaks and in the rare smile, his straight, white teeth contrast sharply with his coppery skin. His features are strong, striking, yet there seems to be no vanity in this one at all. His thick black hair is oftentimes too long, as he tends to forget to cut it. Dressed in the red robes of the Atarvani, his only ornamentation being two embroidered diamonds at the collar. Although non-violent pursuits are more in his nature, his broad shoulders and well-musculed form indicate that he is in no way weak or untrained in the use of weapons. Niamh waits patiently for an answer...even though it is fairly obvious...still, the weather could have lessed...maybe? Faanshi pauses, blinking a time or two, and then bobs her sari-covered head. Water spots abound upon the blue cloth as well as the shoulders of her choli. "It rains, imphadi," she affirms in a shy voice, her gaze directing itself towards the floor. Faanshi At first glance, some things about this individual are easy to discern. The garments worn are those oft seen on Varati females, yet while this figure stands tall at 5'9", the build is small for a woman of that race. But woman she clearly is, if the glimpses of slender hands and feet and of the shape beneath her flowing garb are to be believed. What portions of her skin are visible are a warm shade of gold; a hint of a braid of coal-black peeks out from beneath her sari. Shy or perhaps simply trained to submissive silence she must be, for she rarely raises her eyes to anyone unless specifically bidden, and she speaks so seldom and so softly that it is nigh impossible to determine the quality of her voice. Only the most astute of observers might notice that every so often -- perhaps when she thinks no one is watching -- this silent one peeks with furtive curiosity out from behind her veil at the world at large, with eyes set at a slight un-Varatish slant in her face, eyes the color of summer leaves. She is simply clad, her garments of humble make but excellent repair, perhaps the clothing of a servant whose household garbs even its servants well. Her choli is a bright shade of red; her silwar, bright blue. A darker blue sari with gold trim is wrapped about her slender frame, and a veil of translucent light blue silken stuff conceals the lower half of her face from easy view. On her feet are a penniless shudra's version of boots -- several rags of blue, red, and gold cloth tied there and there along her calves, ankles and feet, held in place by the long thongs of her sandals. Niamh nods and unconsciously draws his robes closer about him. "This weather just confuses me...it was so pleasant the other day." He closes the book after marking his page and observes the woman before him a moment before commenting, "I do not think I have met you...I am Niamh Gitanjali Mazat, Atman atarvani." His voice is not unkind as he introduces himself. The girl in red and blue peeks up briefly at the introduction, a fleeting curious glance, before ducking her gaze once more. She then drops a respectful curtsey, still clinging to the wrapped bundle in her arms. "We have not met, imphadi," she confirms. "My name is Faanshi... I serve the imphada Kiera Khalida." Niamh ahs and nods, "Yes, I have seen the Imphada Kiera since she returned, but have not had a chance to speak to her. I hope she is well. Would you tender her my regards?" Faanshi once more nods, saying gravely, "As you wish, Atman, when I next meet with my mistress." Her gaze stays down, her voice soft. Allegra has arrived. Allegra looks at you for a moment. Niamh nods to Faanshi and looks her over once more, "Forgive me for keeping you...I do not wish you to take ill." Green eyes come up again, and the girl called Faanshi blinks, blurting, "Oh... I will be fine, imphadi, the weather is not so severe here as it was during the marches... but I thank you." And again she curtsies, turning to go, but pausing. Perhaps something is on her mind, though it is difficult to say, with half her visage veiled. Allegra creeps down the stairs, looking around a bit furtively as she moves. Almost as if searching for something, or someone. Niamh catches sight of the Imphada Zada and hides a smile as he looks back to Faanshi as she pauses. "Is there something wrong?" he asks, black brows furrowing slightly. "Forgive my curiosity, Atman, but..." The young shudra considers, and then goes on hopefully, "Do you know the Nabi Jhonan?" Allegra continues to creep almost noiselessly. Very unlike the winged child to take such care coming down the stairs. Finally she reaches the bottom, and after one last look around, beams at Niamh, her pleasure evident in her eyes. Niamh gestures for Zada to come closer should she wish. He then pauses a moment to see if the name is familiar. Familiar it is, yes...but not someone he knows personally...and he offers this information to Faanshi. "I have heard the name, but I fear I do not know him personally. I am sorry." Disappointment flickers across the unveiled green eyes, and the shudra's soft voice wafts forth with quiet dismay: "Oh... he is the only atarvani I know, so I thought... forgive my curiosity, imphadi." Faanshi then blinks, catching the young man's gesture, and her attention goes sidelong to peek at the gesture's recipient. And with that, the shudra gasps, very softly. Allegra A small Empyrean girl, barely 3 feet tall if that. The girl looks not to have an ounce of fat on her. She's all skin and bones, looking as delicate as an intricately blown piece of glass. Her hair, golden blond, drifts in soft waves to her mid-back. Her eyes the gray of silver, fringed by long golden lashes look out at you with fascination. The child is only about 4 years old, perhaps younger. She's so thin and frail it's difficult to tell for certain. Her 6 foot wingspan is snowy white. She is dressed in a light pink sari made of thick silk and veils which cover her head and the lower part of her face. Allegra approaches Niamh with ease, wrapping her little arms around her favorite Atarvani's legs. "Good afternoon, Imphadi Niamh." Niamh smiles to Zada, "Good day, Imphada." He moves the heavy book from the seat next to him and offers it to the young imphada. Then, back to Faanshi he actually smiles, "Now you know two." Niamh's words seem to make Faanshi brighten, for all that it is difficult to read the expression of a girl in a veil. She bobs her head in acknowledgement, though still with gaze shyly dipped down, and turns once more to slip out. But her steps are slow, and her attention now riveted on the little winged child in something that may well be wonder. Allegra does indeed move up to sit beside Niamh, rather eagerly it would seem. She looks at Faanshi and whispers (well, what is a whisper for a child at least) "Who is she? I don't 'member her." Niamh glances first to Zada at the question and then to the others, again smiling only slightly. "Her name is Faanshi and she works for Imphada Kiera. You should introduce yourself to her." Allegra almost bounces off the couch. "Oh, you know Kiera? I go flying with her. I am Zada." Over the top of her veil, Faanshi's eyes brighten noticeably at the child's reaction. "Good day, Imphada Zada," she replies gently, gazing at the little winged girl in now unmistakable fascination. "Imphada Kiera is my mistress." Niamh smiles to himself and manages to catch the book beside Zada before she bounces it onto the floor. Allegra nods, perfectly happy. "I have not see-d her since she first comed back. I hope I get to go flying again soon. I'm not let to go flying without Kiera or Amir-al. But I haven't getted to go flying with Amir-al yet." Somehow, the notion of the Khalid flying with this tiny winged waif seems to shock Faanshi. Green eyes go wide, and she breathes in astonishment, "Does... does He go flying often, Imphada Zada?" She has yet to put down her bundle; perhaps she's forgotten she holds it. Allegra shrugs. "I don't know. I have only see-d him twice before he had to go to war. I have not see-d him since he comed home. But he promised me to fly with him." Such an odd look in the leaf-hued eyes of the shudra girl: amazement and awe and reverent warmth all mingle together within her gaze, before she abruptly and shyly looks down again, afraid that the atarvani might see and disapprove. But she does breathe in unhesitant tones, "Then the Khalid will fly with you, small imphada. I hope for you that he will do it soon...!" Allegra nods with infinite confidence in her beloved Amir-al. "Oh yes, I know he will. Have you meeted him? He is wonderful." Faanshi murmurs, very softly, "Yes, Imphada, I have..." She pauses. Would it be proper, really, to say that they have _met_? Indecision darkens her green eyes for a moment as the shudra peers unsurely at the winged child. At last, she explains earnestly, "I have been made known to Him. By His mercy and grace, I now serve Imphada Kiera." Allegra nods. "Did you meeted her in the war?" Again, Faanshi considers; then, she ventures nearer, dropping down to her blue-clad knees, the better to keep her attention demurely averted from the atman unless he should require it, and the better to behold this lovely little wonder of a child. "Yes, imphada," she answers. "She saved my life." Allegra smiles brightly. Though it is covered, it is revealed by the twinkling in her eyes. "Yes, Kiera is very nice. You are nice too," she proclaims. "You honor me, imphada," says Faanshi softly, warmly. "Would you allow me to know... do you... live here, within Atesh-Gah?" There is a trace of hesitance in her voice now, perhaps a fear of asking an improper question, but there is also curiosity sparking in those green eyes, at least when the shudra chances to glance up from the floor. Allegra nods. "Of course. I live with Mama and Daddy. Do you know them? Imphada Alaia and Imphadi Zuhayr. My daddy is the Kaimikam," she says proudly. Well, it would certainly be logical that the child would live with her mother and father, yes? But still, sheltered as Faanshi has been, it strikes her as odd that a child with wings... Empyrean she must be, surely!... would dwell within Atesh-Gah, and call a man who ranks as Kaimakam her father. A bit of a puzzled look flits across the upper unveiled half of her face as she strives to reason this through. And then it occurs to her: adopted, perhaps, or given the holy favor of the Khalid. Wonder creeps anew across the leaf-hued eyes, and Faanshi says, honestly impressed, "Your father is very important, then!" Allegra nods. "Yes, my daddy is very important. Him and Mama take care of me. They say I am a gift from Amir-al. I think they are a gift to me from Amir-al. Daddy named me Zada because it means 'lucky one'." "Then the Amir-al has been very kind to both you and your mama and daddy," Faanshi murmurs in reverent tones. "Have you given thanks unto Him?" Allegra nods. "But of course." How silly to think that she would not have. This apparently meets with the shudra's approval, and she nods in gentle patience. There might even be a smile there, almost visible, for up close the lines of her features can almost be made out through the shimmery silken stuff of her veil. Faanshi murmurs, "Then you are a wise and good child, Imphada Zada, and I hope that if you ever need a service you will allow me to perform it for you...!" Allegra smiles. "Why would I need a service?" Not entirely sure what that is, of course. "I am a good girl. I try to do what Daddy and Mama tells me to do. Did you know we are going to have new babies? Mama has -two- babies in her tummy." A soft indrawn breath is Faanshi's reply to this. "I did not know...! _Two_...?" Clearly, this is wondrous news indeed to the young woman. Allegra nods. "Mama say-ed Amir-al has truly blessed us. And Mama will depend on me to help take care of them. And there will still be room for me." "I have never heard of _two_ babies at once," breathes Faanshi, awestruck. She then nods her blue-saried head in agreement, now unable to look away from this astonishing little creature. Now, too, there is almost a longing in the maiden's voice, hidden under the wonder. "Your mother is right, little imphada!" Allegra nods. "I wish I could go outside, but it is sleeting today. I am supposed to stay in." Faanshi pulls in a very soft breath, trying to regain her composure. Such wonders she has already encountered in Haven, and she has yet to venture past the walls of Atesh-Gah! _Truly,_ she tells herself, _I am ill-prepared to face the city on my own..._ "It is sleeting," she agrees. "I have been out, to run errands. It is very cold." Allegra nods. "I getted sick before when I went out. And it sticks to my wings." She makes a face at the thought. Niamh awakens from his reverie...or meditation...or whatever has been pulling his attentions with a startled blink. Faanshi nods slowly, softly, in commiseration of the child's dislike of sleet upon her wings. "Imphada Kiera does not like the bad weather either," she murmurs. Allegra giggles and nods, then yawns. "I think it's maybe time for my nap." Niamh frowns slightly towards the outside...it's still raining, is it? He then looks to Imphada Zada, "Be careful not to walk in your sleep this time." he smiles a bit...remember the events from the past few nights. Faanshi starts a bit -- she'd almost forgotten that the atman was present. "I should not keep you from your nap, then," she whispers to little Zada. Allegra yawns and nods. "Yes, I should not like to see those Empys again. Are they staying in Atesh-Gah, Imphadi Niamh?" Niamh stands and offers to walk Zada back to her suites, "Yes, Imphada...one of them is, but you needn't worry about him. He can't hurt you." Faanshi rises, politely, her gaze still shyly averted, and she steps backwards out of the way of her betters. She clings to her bundle all the while. Allegra shudders. "Mama say-ed I was safe." Niamh nods and offers a hand to Zada, "You are...very safe." Rory has arrived. Allegra nods, taking the offered hand and clinging to it tightly, stifling another yawn. Quickly lighting afoot from the throne room, Auvrey may be seen, her veils shimmering delicately as the pace brings a self-made breeze through the delicate silk. On a mission, she is. Rory steps through the great double doors and emerges into the courtyard. Rory has left. Niamh goes to escort the Imphada Zada back to her suites, his book forgotten on the couch. Allegra leaves the foyer, ascending the stairs toward the hallway. Allegra has left. Niamh leaves the foyer, ascending the stairs toward the hallway. Niamh has left. [End log.]