Turning Point Written by Faanshi (July 21, 1999) "It is not safe for you to stay here, Faanshi -- and I gave my word that I would see to your safety." Thomas Murako's solemn words did not particularly surprise her. But until the man many had begun to call the Mongrel King -- the man who had invited her to Arcillium, who had introduced her to a fledgling community where men and women looked on one another as equals, and who had been one of the first precious friends she had made upon being blessed with deliverance from the mad Warlord Hashim -- came to tell her that he wished to send her away, Faanshi had never before quite realized what it meant to leave a place one thought of as home... or to leave people who had grown dear to her. But she could hardly argue. The oncoming winter had been expected, but the rise of the renegade Drazhar and his taking of Thomas's Hand, Milane, had not. With several sorely needed men and women sent with the Herald StormBearer on his search for gold with which to buy what Avalon needed to stand on its collective feet, Murako needed everyone under his command to see to the safety of his city. He himself was gripped with the urgent priority of recovering the lost Milane. Faanshi, who felt more drawn to the Mongrel leader's Hand than she had to any woman she had met to date -- including Imphada Kiera -- had no heart to try to distract him from duty's call. Almighty Khalid Atar himself had a woman for his Shakir; thus it seemed right and just that Thomas should emulate the Amir-al and have a woman for his Hand. What was the worth of a halfbreed shudra, even one with magic pricking at her palms and driving her to venture out into the strange new city to find the sick children and ailing elders, when compared with the life of she who served as Shakir for all that a different word was given it? What was time spent with a lowly servant to unlock the mysteries of writing when balanced against the safety of an entire people? And how could the fragile wishes of a shudra stand against the implacable order of the Hawk of Heaven, which if broken would risk not only her present life, but also her next? Thus Faanshi submitted to her only possible fate, gathering her meager belongings and joining the escort Murako arranged for her. Submission was familiar to her; such was the lot of one who had grown up beneath the harsh, fierce hand of Hashim. But what was not familiar to her, as she rode in the midst of five armed men and women away from Arcillium and south again, was the sharp-edged ache that pierced her heart at the thought of what she was abandoning. Men, women, and children who had never known the touch of a healer's hand. Milane, in peril, possibly dead. Milane, who seemed to her almost what more fortunate women would call a sister. StormBearer and his music and his strange, fell companion, trapped in the shape of a crow but retaining glimmers of the cognizance of a man. Thomas, with his purpose and his passion. Thomas Murako, who had lifted himself up from the depths of slavery to become a leader of men. New Moon, Mongrel King, the fire that burned at the heart of Avalon and which kindled within every soul who joined the infant nation. Thomas, commanding and forceful, wise and compassionate. But to her, gentle and patient in a way Faanshi had yet to see him use with anyone else. She could still feel his hand gripping her own. Not to confine, but to support, to uplift, to lend forth his inherent strength. Thomas, whose gaze she could barely dare to meet -- though not because of the same fears that kept her from looking into the eyes of most men -- and whose face remained emblazoned upon her thoughts all the way from Arcillium to Haven. By necessity, her escort was small. There was Kira, who'd volunteered for the trip to be her chaperone and who made up for her middle-aged, relatively untrained frame by keeping a stout cudgel near her at all times. Daniel and Judith with their bows, and Nine-Fingered Rab with his many knives, most of which had been stolen on the streets of Haven... and none other than Murako's own second, Gaiden, to lead them. Five armed men and women, with seven lightly laden horses, one for extra provisions and one to spare, to be her escort. The shudra maiden rode with one of the others throughout the journey, for it was swifter than bringing along a wagon, even if Kosha had to ride in a basket lashed to a horse's side. Travelling thus, however, served only to remind her of the journey to Arcillium -- and who she'd ridden behind then. Each day of the journey brought with it a new reminder, from the deferential way the younger fighters called her Miss Faanshi no matter how hard she tried to dissuade them, to the comment Nine-Fingered Rab offered her along with one of his smallest knives -- "Master Thomas'd prefer it if we helped you be at least a little safe turning you loose again in that big city, I'm sure" -- to the gruff thanks Gaiden came to give her in private for her having healed his leader. "I never did have the chance to thank you properly, Miss Faanshi. He'd never have asked you for help himself, y'know." Memory of that one healing, of Thomas Murako's damaged flesh mending beneath her fingers, stayed with her until their small party reached the gates of Haven. And what she'd felt when she did it, the beginnings of something like the light of determination she saw in the dark eyes of a single Mongrel man, compelled her to ask her escorts to leave her before they entered the city... and to turn to them, a hand lifted for their attention, before they could ride away. Five armed Mongrel men and women wore equal expressions of astonishment as a slim, shaking hand reached up to lower the silken veil that concealed the lower half of the healer's face. Green eyes beneath feathery black brows were joined by a nose and mouth delicately drawn in the sun-golden visage, too small in comparison with those large luminous eyes. Cheekbones seemingly sculpted from something more fragile than the stone-stuff from which were hewn the Children of Fire gave her face an almost lupine, alien cast, a touch of Other. _Great sun, that's what she looks like_-- "Faanshi, lass, are you sure you're supposed to--" _I know that face! The colors are wrong, but I know--_ _Milane. She looks like Milane!_ "Hurry back," she begged them all, clutching her bag to her while her dog huddled plaintively at her feet. She met their gazes square on for the first time any of them could remember, that small mouth of hers drawn into a stoic line, her eyes full of a painful shyness blended with the first tiny sparks of something that might almost be called resolve. "Help find the Hand... and the evil ones who captured her. Kira..." The Mongrel matron, her eyes very full, smiled awkwardly down at her from her place on her horse. "Aye, Miss Faanshi?" "Tell Milane, when she comes back safely" -- for Thomas would, the shudra swore to herself, have his Hand back; there was no other option -- "tell her... I hope to see her again. Please?" "Of course, lass... of course..." As though someone had made her swallow an earth-mage and in his anger he was trying to shape his way free, a stone seemed to grow in her throat as she turned to Murako's second. "Gaiden... please tell Imphadi StormBearer that I... wish I could have had... more time to learn from him of his people... and Gaiden..." Patiently, the commander waited until she was able to finish, to find words adequate to convey what had haunted her throughout the journey. What she finally managed -- "Tell Thomas... I think of him" -- seemed woefully insufficient, for all that it was the truth. She was far from experienced at reading the expressions in the faces of men, but it seemed to Faanshi that Gaiden's eyes lightened ever so slightly, and he inclined his head to her in respectful acknowledgement. "I will, lass," he promised, almost gently. Faanshi begged them all to go, then, and thus they went, with a single shudra halfbreed and the puppy at her feet to watch them ride off and vanish up the northward road down which they'd brought her. Only when they were out of sight did Faanshi turn at last to face the gates of the city. Rab's knife made a strangely comforting weight beneath her sari where she could reach it, but where no man's eye could easily discern its presence. Kosha, the ever-loyal Kosha, was ready to follow her wherever she might choose to go. And within her, frail but showing signs of blossoming strength, was the ember which Thomas had kindled in her heart. She returned the veil to its proper place... but beneath it, ever so slightly, she was smiling. And above it, her gaze grew ever so slightly sharper, ever so slightly more intent. She still owed her soul and life to the Khalid Atar, and her service to Kiera Khalida, his daughter of the heart... but she owed that little ember, and the courage it gave her to walk into Haven to not only face her fate but begin to change it, to Thomas Murako. Fini.