"The Capacity to Be Cruel" Log Date: 2/6/00 Log Cast: Samein, Mairi, Starsong, Faanshi, Thenomain, Saleem, Aztlan, Jillin, Gaelius, Rajhid (NPC Hound emitted by Aztlan), Sylvan Hound (NPC emitted by Aztlan), Atesh-Gah guards (NPCs emitted by Faanshi), Itzak, Madhuri Log Intro: Tensions have erupted as of late between Faanshi and one of her teachers, the aged Arch-magus Samein -- tensions centered around Faanshi's mistress Kiera, as well as Faanshi's position among the Varati people in general. What began as an invitation from the old healer-shaper into Delphi for tea has grown into a rift between Samein and Faanshi, for although Faanshi would not normally disobey the wishes of a Varati elder, she has had to refuse his invitation because Kiera asked her not to enter the Delphic Citadel. And thus has Faanshi been challenged on the very core of her beliefs by one of the last people she would have expected to issue her such a challenge, and it has caused her much grief, for she has grown to look upon Samein almost as an adoptive father. Pained by the argument they have had, but nevertheless determined not to disobey the wishes of her mistress, Faanshi has done her best to avoid Delphi as of late -- and Samein. But the old Arch-magus has his own powerful feelings about what has happened between himself and his young pupil, and little does Faanshi realize how the man is about to choose to act upon them... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Night (Duskside) Date on Aether: Monday, December 26, 3905. Year on Earth: 1505 A.D. Phase of the Moon: First Quarter Season: Winter Weather: Snow Temperature: Freezing *==========================================================================* The Rialto - Haven(#159RDJM$) Reigning over the Rialto is the very heart of Haven: the Delphic Citadel. It dwarfs the other buildings, which cluster around it like so many children seeking a parent's protection. Day or night, rain or shine, its walls seem to glimmer with a light of their own, as if, over the centuries, the magic within had slowly permeated the entire structure. The main tower soars higher than the tallest tree, and each side tapers inward so that it resembles a giant obelisk. Four smaller towers stand at the four points of the compass, representing the unification of each race under Delphi's government. And here is where they all gather. The Rialto is the famed marketplace of Haven, full of shops, stalls, and brightly colored tents. The shouts of merchants, the haggling of patrons, the music of entertainers, and the laughter of children create a nigh-constant cacophony that assaults the senses. But the Rialto is nothing if not exciting, and crowds often gather here for important events and public addresses. (Note: 'places' are enabled here.) Contents: Samein Starsong Mairi Obvious Exits: Streets Delphic Citadel Head down, a black hood draped over his thin neck and the back of his head, Samein slogs forth into the square. He is scowling, ill-tempered, and seems generally morose, a condition no doubt amplified by the weather, if not caused initially by such. Only the glinting symbols of his rank break the monochrome of coarse black robes on white snow. Mairi half-turns to look at the vest. She lifts it off it's shelf, "Of course I do," she says with another give-me-money smile. She walks back to the window of her stall, showing the vest to Starsong, "Does this interest you? Or perhaps something like it?" She's discovered one secret of her trade...never give the customer time to think it over. She sets her chin a bit stubbornly, resolving to speak more quickly--pawn something off on this girl before her escort gets back! The dreamy look is gone, and Starsong's eyes are bright and focused as she reaches out eagerly for the vest. "Oh! This edging is wonderful...and you've gotten the color so deep! I wonder...could you do something like this, only all in leather? And maybe a little narrower at the waist..." Her fingers are starting to get a bit clumsy with the cold, and she fumbles a little with the heavy cloth as she folds the edges back. Samein's slogging forth continues, a slow and shuffling arc which leads him along the more established trail through the snow: the path leading by the merchant's booths. Momentary glances upwards keep him for the most part from running into passers-by, and one of these glances finds Starsong, a target for which he half-heartedly aims. Rather far less monochrome than Samein with her vivid Clan Khalida colors of garb, Faanshi nevertheless shares something of his temperament at the moment. The maiden stands out rather more vividly in the torchlit marketplace than does her big befurred canine companion, what with the snow that has dusted Kosha's fur; still, though, the pair of them are difficult to miss as they come up from the southeast into the square. Kosha is trotting at a strong and healthy pace, but Faanshi's shoulders are bowed and her head slumped against the bite of the wind. Seeing as how Mairi is behind her stall, and the weather isn't exactly clear, she can't see any others who may be coming in her direction. Besides, all her attention is on Starsong. "I could most certainly do that for you. Would this be for yourself? She places the vest on the ledge, fingering the lacings briefly. Her eyes narrow in thought. At least let's hope it's thought. Starsong nods quickly. "Oh yes," she says, smile brightening even more. "Although," she hesitates, a new thought coming to her, "I might want something else as a present...but I'd have to think about exactly what. And figure out the size," she adds, a hint of sheepishness entering her giggle as she ducks her head out of the way of a gust of wind. Samein pauses behind this spectacle of haggling, perhaps five feet off. The black robe, gaunt visage, and wind-whipped hood leave him looking like some version of the Grim Reaper, especially with a mood as foul as the weather. He kicks briefly at a snowdrift, and then stands for a moment, squinting at the rest of his surroundings. It won't be long before he notices Faanshi. Thenomain comes from the sturdy smithy of Shimone and Thenomain Thenomain has arrived. And, perhaps as if to aid Samein in that noticing, Kosha might be heard to bark from off across the marketplace, alerting a passing shivering Mongrel to get out of the way of him and his young mistress. A bark from a hundred pounds worth of dog is a resonant, well-carrying thing... and it carries quite easily to the old Varati mage. Thenomain breathes clouds of cold as he comes out of the cheerful yellow warmpth of the smithy, looking here then there. This day...well, night...is certainly more productive than Mairi expected. She /expected/ for it to be a typical winter night...frowning and glaring, but no sales. Now she has a Sylvan who might even buy /two/ things! Yay her. "As it is only a vest, I am thinking that I can get away without measuring you," she says to Starsong. "Would you like me to add lacings or buttons so you can close it? Would you be paying for it yourself? And would you be picking it up at my stall, or would I have to make a delivery?" Samein had been poised, perhaps, to give some logically sound piece of advice to the budding capitalist near him, but the barking has its effect. His head twitches to the side, his face seeming to pale slightly more, if this is possible. His scowl shifts into a pensive frown, and Samein reaches to sweep the hood away from his head, peering at the morose half-breed across the square. One foot hesitates, and then takes a single step forward. The sudden sound draws Starsong's attention sharply to the side, her eyes popping wide open in surprise at both sound and sight of the enormous dog. Still, she recovers quickly, and blinks back towards the merchant with a hasty shake of her head to clear it. "Hm? Oh - laces, definitely. And I can come pick it up, I'm sure...oh, and could you put some of that blue trim on it?" she adds, running a finger along the edge of the vest. "The color...what dye do you use to get it so strong?" she asks impulsively, eyes lifting to look at Mairi once more. "Excuse me, imphada," Faanshi murmurs tonelessly to the Mongrel woman, just as she skids to a halt on the slush-strewn cobblestones in time to avoid colliding with the substantial bulk of Kosha. The shudra maiden bows deeply to the gray-haired dame, getting her a strange look for the show of deference, but then the Mongrel woman simply grunts an acknowledgement and goes on her way. Careful, deliberate steps carry one man step by step through the Rialto, with hands deliberately in the pockets of a well-tailored jacket. The kind of fabric and stitching would make an empyrian artisan look twice, the filgiree on the sleeves threaded in a bright yellow or possibly gold -- though it is too dark to tell -- and even the lapels suggest the same: Station, money. To cause the expression to glance twice would be that the man, the owner, is a /Mongrel/. This clearly must be one of the permenant merchant-artisans of the Rialto, a place where, if properly nurtured with the proper amount of clawing and scratching and working yourself into a state of permenant gritiness, such as this Mongrel has done, anything can happen. Thenomain, in fact, steps out to the dirt-and-cobbled streets of the Rialto, grungy even with the scattering of pure white flakes, to seek out ... kaf. Saleem is lured in from the north by the aroma of baked goods. Saleem has arrived. Thenomain does find kaf in the way of a small, suspicious little Varati man who seems as though he partakes his own product far too much. Why else would any sane man -- though how many sane men are in the Rialto? -- be up at this time of night? Holding her snow-chilled hands up to her mouth to blow on them, Starsong turns contentedly away from the merchant's stall and back towards the Rialto. Eyes still drawn by the enormous bulk of the dog, she begins to drift out into the crowd again, hands to mouth, as she peers out over them curiously. The decision has been made. Samein's shuffling gait is different, and his stride carries all the brisk efficiency of the authority he once held. He is moving towards Faanshi now, his face fully open to the cold, his mouth a tight, pensive line, his eyes... his eyes are different, confused. Limpid, and almost... expressive now, as if seeking to convey some emotion but not quite able. Sometimes voices can be heard around the northern edge of the Rialto. "Yes, I like my kaf that way." "Come, Kosha," Faanshi murmurs to her hound once the Mongrel woman has shuffled on about her business -- but the big dog catches sight of Samein coming their way, and a small whurf that might be greeting and might be warning rumbles up out of him. Seeing Kosha's attention divert itself, the shudra girl glances in that direction... and goes rigid as stone at the sight of the old mage drawing near. Sometimes voices can be heard around the northern edge of the Rialto. "Nonetheless, I want it au Emperyan." An appropriate response for the old Shaper, and one which lets Samein continue his brisk course, stopping perhaps three feet away. Conversational distance. He stops short, there, glancing briefly towards the tips of his boots, then up, then... he seems uncertain of what to say, suddenly. The businesslike manner evaporates into a steady gaze with his newly expressive eyes, trying to communicate some regret which has failed to make it past the confines of his throat. Before the little Sylvan girl can get more than a few steps away from the cloth merchant's stall, a tall indigo-robed Sylvan woman descends upon her, green eyes flashing as she calls sharply, "Starsong! I thought I told you to come right over! You've been there far too long!" Suddenly snapping to attention, Starsong freezes in place, gulping as her escort swoops down. With little more than a sheepish, "Sorry, Adept," the girl falls meekly into step beside the tall woman, and they fade into the thin crwod once more Starsong has left. Saleem pads in from the north, walking slowly, idly. He seems to have been recognized by some of the merchants for they keep a watchful eye on the man, lest he drift into their stalls or somesuch as he has been wont to do. If there is any art at which Faanshi can be called a mistress -- that is, aside from the polishing of floors or the healing of ailing or injured Mongrels or Varati -- it is the art of conveying emotions with the eyes, despite the veil that conceals half her face and is additionally bolstered for the time being with an extra layer of silk against the cold. Those eyes of hers, Sylvan green against the comparatively dusky hue of her skin, go wide at the uncharacteristic expression upon Samein's visage. Surprise is there in her gaze, and fear, and the look of an innocent child who has for some reason grown alarmed by a formerly trusted elder. But all she says is a low, toneless, "Namaste', Imphadi Samein." And as gracefully as she ever does, she clasps her hands at her breast and bows low over them. Sometimes voices can be heard around the northern edge of the Rialto. "It's good coin. Look, would it help you to think of me as a Varati from the far west?." Nighttime, but not quite total night; on the horizon dark purple shades fortell the sun's slow approach. Near-invisible snow drifts down from the heavens, illuminated by the soft glow of the many torches spread throughout the Rialto, who even in the dead of winter, amid the ice, still finds itself populated with the hardiest vendors who are arriving, staking their claim on the best sites to sell their wares. From the darkened maw of the Delphic Citadel, three Hounds emerge, pacing steadily amid their thickened armor. Samein's voice is faintly hoarse, whether from the bitter cold of the day or some other cause. He stands in that ineffectual silence for only a brief moment longer, before finally speaking without preamble, "I wish to apologize for bringing you hurt, Faanshi." His voice is clipped, the words rough, and probably too low-spoken for most anyone else to hear. Sometimes voices can be heard around the northern edge of the Rialto. "And you don't look like an Agni-Haidar. That was one kaf au Empyrian. Do you know how to make it or not?" Saleem drifts around the market, actually taking in the wares of the stalls. Oh goody, he's having a lucid day. Of course, depending on a number of things, that might or might not be a good thing. Thenomain, the richly dressed (but practically dressed - he might put someone in mind of a minor statesman today) Mongrel man, is still having words with a scrawny Varati vendor of cheap Rialto kaf. Why Thenomain does not simply pass on to some other vendor is not immediately clear. Kosha pauses, torn between greeting Samein as as Friend and shying back from him, for in the back of his doggie memory, the beast recollects that stone has a tendency to do alarming things around this particular two-legger. Faanshi, as skittish as her hound if the look in her eyes is any indication, shoots a fleeting glance up to Samein; apparently, she is not quite willing yet to meet his strangely emotive regard. Very softly, with a hint of unsteadiness in the words, she replies, "Th... thank you, Imphadi Samein. I apologize that I have caused you disappointment as a teacher." Our brave trio of Hounds, trudging through the ice and snow of the still-darkened morning, continue through the various byways of the Rialto. Aztlan, the skinnier one behind the two larger, more warrior-like Hounds practically huddles deep within his thick kaftan, enjoying the warmth within while still gazing about idly, searching out those who might better themselves within the walls of Delphi. Thenomain leans over the counter and says in a loud and definate voice, "Kaf. Au Empyrian. Now." Samein's lips purse, his eyes casting downwards again, towards those snow-scuffed boots. He opens his mouth briefly as if to speak some platitude, closes it once more, and then says only, "I am sorry as well, Faanshi. It is a pity that you will not break some of these molds. I feel that it obstructs you, more than you shall ever know. And it hurts me." *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* go the bootsteps of the Hounds, which are subtley guided by an occasional mutter from the robed one in the rear. Guided towards what, the question may be raised, but it doesn't take too much intuition that it might involve the conversation occuring between the Archmagus Samein and his...acquaintance. Saleem plucks up a piece of glassware, holds it up to the light, studying it curiously. He sets it down, picks up the next. He works his way through the display methodically. Thenomain does, in fact, get his kaf au Empyrian. He does in fact pay and he does take it with him back to the smithy front, sparing a steely-eyed glare to anyone who might decide he's worth picking on. Behind her veil, Faanshi bites her lip at Samein's words; her eyes close, sharply, concealing a prick of tears. Her hand instinctively seeks out the ears of her dog, who whurfles softly and edges closer to her. "Imphadi Samein," she breathes, "I... am Imphada Kiera's shudra, by the mercy of the Most High himself. I... must be a worthy shudra... and I do not... understand why I need to explain to you why... disobeying my imphada is to go against the Amir-al!" The maiden's voice cracks, then, on a grief barely held in check. Thenomain might even kick a few pups or mongrel brats on the way. It's hard to tell. "I know this one," comes the soft, slightly muffled statement from Aztlan before the trio of Hounds finally meets up with Samein. "This unaffiliated healer is not giving you any trouble, I would presume?" The Atlantean's eyes glide across the woman and her dog slowly as he moves to Samein's side. The Mongrel smith's anger quickly fades, though as he sits there staring into the small mug he has grasped within his hands. He makes no move to drink it, in fact, as he divines from its inky, dark depths. Samein's voice shifts suddenly, perhaps goaded by the realization of the Hounds behind him. He straightens himself slightly, and his words are stern, meticulously delivered. "Imphada Kiera is an oxymoron. She is shudra herself, and has no place holding property within Varati society under the Old Laws. Do you now realize that even within that ridiculous system, your current position is flawed?" The old Varati's lips twitch faintly in distaste. "That one... would have been made into something more sane and managed, save for Khalid Atar's desire to spite me." He glances back, his words clipped, "Trouble? It depends on one's definition. Welcome, Aztlan." Oh dear. Faanshi blinks over her veil at the arrival of Aztlan -- memory shooting through her back to the last time she'd seen this man, while she was healing an ailing Mongrel boy in the street. Gentle though her nature is, still a tiny glimmer of irritation flickers through her at the Atlantean's clear misunderstanding of her conversation with her teacher -- but not quite enough irritation for her to do more than murmur demurely, "I wish to cause no trouble, Imphadi Samein. P-please excuse me, I must go..." And, with soft, anxious movements, she tugs at the collar worn by her dog. The Atlantean Hound's eyes pan from Faanshi to Samein. Like some sort of Spanish Inquisitor, he turns his gaze, glassy from its perceiving the world through the aetherial plane, back to The Condemned. "As you say, Archmagus. The first and last time I encountered her, she was able to save herself from Delphic inquest by explaining her position to the...how do you say, Ameer-Al." Faanshi goes very still, warning crying a small alarm in the back of her mind, and she experiences a sudden urge to break out running across the marketplace, back to the relative if lonely safety of Atesh-Gah. "I am the shudra of Kiera Khalida," she murmurs as levelly as she possibly can, "the Favored of Khalid Atar. Namaste', Imphadi..." This, to Aztlan, to whom she bows. And to Samein, another bow, though she does not meet the old mage's eyes. "Namaste', Imphadi Samein. I must go home now." Yes, she said that already. But something tells her it is worth repeating. ~Aetherially, the tendrils which emanate from Aztlan's core, usually seen by those with the ability swaying languidly are now tense, poised as if tentacles ready to lash out and consume their prey.~ "Wait." Samein's eyes have turned cold, back to their old stern inexpressiveness. It is at this point that Kosha begins to experience something which presumably the dog is not accustomed: inconsistency of matter. The stone below the dogs feet has turned sludgy, liquid, and the dog begins to sink, as if into mud. Samein's voice is almost feather-soft in inquiry, "You told an agent of Delphi that you were directly in the employ of Khalid Atar?" Saleem pauses mid examination of some craft, swings his head about as if looking for something. Like hearing the call of his name, but not knowing the direction of it. A startled whine escapes the dog, and Kosha starts trying to scramble sideways to get away from the disturbing behavior of the earth beneath his feet. The noise of distress from her four-footed guardian diverts some of Faanshi's attention -- and does nothing to ease the feeling of alarm building within her. But she answers earnestly, taking refuge in the simple truth of what she'd uttered Aztlan, months ago, "I told him before, Imphadi Samein, that my service belongs to the Khalid Atar and to Kiera Khalida, his Favored... Kosha? Kosha, be at peace..." Worriedly, she turns to try to catch and soothe the dog. The dog is already caught. This particular grey mud allows only sinking in, not scrambling out, for it remains hard stone. Soon paws are entombed, and to Aztlan's eyes the Archmagus' aura would seem almost alarmingly erratic, flickering and intuitively used. Samein gives a slow sigh, his tone seemingly resigned to some awful decision. "Aztlan. What is your course of action here, as my Hound?" The use of the posessive is a rather interesting departure, and seems to suggest a particular answer. A little squeak of dismay escapes Faanshi, now, as she realizes what has happened to Kosha's paws. The dog begins to howl his agitation, and the maiden shoots a wide-eyed and now distinctly frightened glance up to Samein, even as she kneels by the beast in an attempt to comfort him, heedles of the possibility that her knees might suffer the same fate as canine feet. "Imphadi Samein," she cries, "w-what are you doing? Let Kosha go!" Saleem puts the piece of wood down, and begins to walk towards the large dog who seems to be entombed in the stone of the ground. He looks from it, to the participants standing around the dumb animal. Eyes the color of kelp but not devoid of emotion eye Faanshi and the dog which struggles against the ground for several long moments. "The imphada, by my perception is relatively powerful with her magical abilities." Another moment passes, as the Atlantean's head tilts slightly, as if focusing for a more detailed examination. "And yet the control she wields over her magic is...stable. However, I am not one to make such a judgement; the law states that only reeves may exert an immediate judgement. However I will report this upon my return to the Bastion, and she will be summoned before a tribunal and further examined before it." Aztlan's words are said matter-of-factly. "Very well. Given her intrinsic instability as a half-breed, and the gravitas of the Healer's code, I shall mandate that she be confined within a vacant Novice's room under an Adept's supervision and training. Until such an asessment can be made, of course." Samein's eyes shift, and he merely watches the dog now, who has reached the equivilent of his knees in solid stone, and whose strugglings are becoming more and more muted in their hopelessness. Something has happened, like the flicking of a switch. Whatever sad regret was behind those eyes a moment ago is gone, far away. "WHAT?!" Very seldom does anything move Faanshi to exclaim anything with force. This, however, is an exception. The syllable bursts out of the maiden in a high-pitched explosion of shock, and for an instant Faanshi is torn between trying to hang onto her trapped dog and surging to her feet. "_No!_ Imphadi Samein, w-w-what -- you cannot _do_ this! I am a shudra of Clan Khalida -- my imphada told me not to go into Delphi! Let Kosha go! Let him go!" Acute fear is visible in her eyes now, and more than a little horror at this apparent betrayal from her elder teacher. Tears well up in those big Sylvan-green eyes, streaking down to dampen her veil. Thenomain gets up and yawns. Well, nothing much for watching the Rialto, today. He decides on getting some sleep inside instead of out, where at least it's warm. Thenomain goes into Shimone and Thenomain's Smithy, a sturdy building at the edge of the Rialto. Thenomain has left. Saleem stands, watching this, first to the shudra, then to the man who made the judgement, then to the Hound. He's rather curious, of course, though, about what is in question. Jillin enters the Rialto from the northwestern intersection of Fairway and Border. Jillin has arrived. The dog, growing increasingly frantic even as his limbs sink deeper into the stone and therefore more and more immobile, keeps howling. Despite the cries of Faanshi, Aztlan turns calmly, horribly calmly, and states: "that is not the process of the law, Archmagus. Only a Reeve, a Commander, the Archon, or a member of the Estrella may make such a judgement. The woman will be required by the law of Haven to appear before a tribunal where she /will/ be judged, but incarceration within the Citadel is not a stipulation of that law. Were she...consumed...then that may be a possible course of action, though that is not this situation. If she is so closely aligned with the Amir-Al or His Favored, then it will be simple enough to track her." Gaelius is lured in from the north by the aroma of baked goods. Gaelius has arrived. Jillin wanders her way through the crowds, aiming for the food-tents. Without her usual grin, except for a rather weak one that she offers over the fishcakes, as she hands her money over. There is a brief, terribly stern silence which comes over the elder ArchMagus, his lips pursed into a grim line. He looks up at last, gazing at the rightfully indignant Faanshi as he speaks. The dog does not waver in its slow, painfully slow descent, up to its hairy chest now. "Interesting. A pity I did not take the opportunity to re-join the Estrella when it was so easily offered to me." He turns his head slightly to the side, gazing forcefully at one of the Hounds accompanying Aztlan. "You. You will escort this Lady to the assigned location, gently and respectfully. You will do so on the count of three, or you shall be entombed in stone, like... like a dog, as it were. One." Never mind the chilling calm sobriety with which the two men are discussing her magic and her position. Faanshi's gentle heart rips at the visible terror of her hound, and she begins to sob frenetically, leaping to her feet to try to hurl herself at the old Varati mage. "Let him _go_!" she wails, and one slender golden hand surges up. Making a fist. Throwing a punch to try to strike the man. A number of Mongrels familiar with this normally demure maiden would probably be proud. Gaelius comes trotting into the Rialto, green eyes simply going wide at the scene of a dog being entombed. And the sight of the shudra girl wailing, her composure totally lost. "By the Lahrs!" comes his baritone shout, carrying with all the bardic training that he has across the Rialto, trot turning into a quick military run. Gaelius Long golden hair, reminding one of sunshine, is touched with streaks of silver by the Sun's lover, the Moon, almost tenderly. Normally, it would be in a loose braid, with a few unruly strands escaping, but today it is contained in a tight, and precise braid that falls down to the small of his back, that must have taken him time to do. Equally as intense are his laughing green eyes, framed by slight tinges of crow'd feet that doesn't do anything to detract from his demenaour, but rather adds to it. His smile is what defines his lips, dimpling his cheeks, wide and generous. There's the faint tracery of old scars, but there is one long cut, on his cheek, still with stitches. If it weren't for the laughing eyes, and the smile, he would've been rather patrician. This Empyrean is rather resplendent in his warrior's armor, each segment of his scaled corium burnished, and well oiled. Scarlet red is seen under his armor, a rich cloth, worn on formal occassions. Greaves and gauntlets of polished steel protects his legs and hands. Like all Empyreans, he is slender, but has the build and power of the rigorous training as a Praetorian, and a hard life. Draped over one hip is the scabbard that holds his favored weapon, the gladius commonly used by the Praetorians. His wings spread out behind him, rather large and white, but with the sure motions and grace of someone used to having them encumber him. A sharp contrast and exception to his definitely marital and Praetorian appearance is the lute slung over his back. Saleem reaches out and catches the shudra's arm, "Clan Khalida or not, imphada. You do not hit men, nor elders." He eyes Samein expectantly. He had been standing somewhat nearby, probably not noticed, but guess he will be now, won't he? "Doing such, Archmagus," Aztlan's voice lifts softly, "would be a direct violation of Haven's laws against-" and then there's the issue of Faanshi's fist...which is quickly intercepted, as is the rest of the Healer's body, by a burly Varati Hound, (do you /honestly/ think Az would wander around alone or with like-bodied Hounds?) who does an effective job at keeping the Healer from striking the Archmagus. The situation once again under control, Aztlan continues: "Haven's laws against magical assault. Stand down, Archmagus....please." And that please is /not/ subservient to Samein, but a stern, yet polite warning. This was certainly not something which Samein expected, and thusly the punch, however hasty and ill-aimed, lands, striking the frail old man and causing him to stir from his position, staring wide-eyed at Faanshi. His staggering recoil is at last pulled short, but the dog remains where he is, no longer sinking, but now nearly to his neck in solid stone. Samein's reaction is thus, even if he is not actually struck -- the motion of those intercepting her is enough. He takes another step back, and remarks dryly, "I have not heard your man's answer, Hound." He glances towards the soldier once more, as the dog gives what might be its last pathetic whimper. And there's an Empyrean warrior coming closer, and closer. He's quite pissed, his hand going to his gladius, but not drawing it, as he keeps his anger in check. "By the Lahrs!" comes Gaelius' baritone voice again, enough to scatter anyone's brains momentarily, steps taking him next to Samein. Boden steps from the gates of Delphi and into the Rialto. Boden has arrived. Boden walks westward toward Main and Border. Boden has left. Jillin stares at the crowd, eyes widening. At the sight of the dog she turns, and works her way back out, as quickly as she can. Jillin makes her way south, toward Seaside. Jillin has left. From his position holding one of Faanshi's arms, the large Varati Hound, though finding himself at the end of a threat by a an old, skinny archmagus, holds his temper. "Archmagus, the Esper speaks true. It is not your place to serve judgement in this matter." Just as effectively immobilized as Kosha by the pair of Varati men, Faanshi struggles once in the dual grasp of Saleem and the Hound on her opposite side. Then, she stares once at Samein, with a searing, tear-filled gaze... and then she slumps between the two men, weeping with an unmistakably broken heart. Oh. Direct Physical Danger. Samein is late to notice, and the elder swivels to one side, peering rather dubiously at the irate Empyrean. Out of place and out of time, the former Avatarati seems rather weary, distant... removed from this situation. The base soldier's answer resonates, and he glances downwards briefly, remarking in a very quiet voice, "Never forget this, Faanshi. Never forget our mortal capacity to be cruel." The third Hound, a quick-footed Sylvan, is quick to lift a warning hand palm-forward to the charging Ex-Guardsman. "Hold, friend-Empyrean, and ensure that your voice is the only weapon which is unsheathed in this matter," he says sternly. Saleem releases his grip as soon as he determines that Varati Hound has quite firm enough control and probably should be handling it in any case. "Your pardon, imphadi." He steps away and stands aside to watch the outcome. A low growl from the warrior-bard, as he points at the dog encased in stone with his free hand. One gets the distinct impression that in one smooth motion, the gladius can be drawn and stuck somewhere vital, before anyone can blink. Gaelius' voice is soft, but strong, "I suggest that you free the dog, imphadi. It is not within your place, or right, to take away the shudra's beloved dog." eyes narrow at the third Hound, almost challenging. ...And, of course, bringing such a crowd of viewers as any sort of violence in the Rialto encourages, with this comes the approach of other triages of Hounds, alerted to the situation in the marketplace by various means... Samein's gaze raises only slightly, peering down at the long-suffering dog's head poking out of the stone. The stone shifts again, ratcheting its position around the dog's neck down another inch. He remarks mildly, "I would say, emotive Bard, that this dog's life is worth more than mine own, in sheer emotional weight. It fascinates me. I have never before held quite this keen a desire to destroy something." And that said, there is a sudden, swift shift, the cobbletones disgorging the beast in one swift motion, thrusting it forth. The two captives, hound and maiden, appear now to have broken under the implacable forms of restraint placed upon them -- though, granted, the burly Varati's steely grip upon Faanshi accords her far more freedom of movement than the stone that has nearly swallowed poor Kosha. The canine's terror-stricken hounds have slacked off into piteous whines... but then, the ground surges, and poor Kosha is suddenly freer than his young mistress. The hound tumbles tail over ears till he figures out how to right himself, and then he struggles to his feet. Canine instincts waver for a moment -- there are many Threats here, and Kosha's hackles are visibly up, his ears laid back against his head. But the ground nearly swallowing him has frightened the creature badly, and so his next movement is to try to hurl himself at Faanshi, desperate to seek the comfort of her soothing hands. Aztlan turns his gaze upon Samein as well, his voice softening from the sterness of 'Servant of the Law' to 'Brother of the Delphic Order' as he says: "Archmagus, Rajhid will acompany you to the Citadel immediately." And near-instantaneously, the Varati's grip loosens on the Healer, the large warrior escorting the black-clad Samein towards the Citadel. Likewise, Silentstep (the Sylvan Hound) seems unphased by the former Praetor's rough speech. Amid all this, Aztlan adopts a near-glare as he peers at those around. "The law of Haven has been enforced; all will bear witness. We of the Delphic Order, though the creator's of the city's laws, are subject to its constraints as any else are..." and after this, he turns his eyes to Faanshi, "and the law, as many may perceive it, is not blind nor deaf. It sees pain and hears the cries of those in need." A beat, and the proclamation. "You will be summoned before a Tribunal within the week; any attempt to evade it will result in a delcaration of Rogue status upon your head, in which case you will be tracked, hunted down, and arrested, and most likely Branded if not Stripped of your Magical Affinity via a Tapping Enclave." Again, attention is called to the mage's eyes, which are not void of compassion, but hold a stern warning within their Atlantean depths. Aztlan An image of marine fragility, beauty, and grace, the Atlantean before you stands approximately six feet tall, his age somewhere in his early twenties. Shimmering in the light is his skin, what of it you can see. It's much like a dolphin's, blue-grey toning along the back side of his body (the dorsal, if you will), and it gently fades into a sandy white along his stomach. Eyes the color of kelp look out at the world, reading depth and intent in every action. His hair, if seen, falls to his shoulders, its color a piercing red. Usually it can be seen pulled into a loose ponytail or hanging free, when he's not wearing a helm. His movements are lithe and graceful, having spent enough time on the land to lose his Atlantean awkwardness. His hands are lightly webbed, each finger slender. He walks with confidence, but not arrogance. His gaze can at once be cold and distant or warm and compassionate. His wardrobe is an interesting mixture of his status as a Hound, and as an adept of the Delphic Order. A thick upsidedown triangular vest-type piece of bleached armor adorns his chest and torso over a an indigo undertunic. A pair of bracers molded to accomodate for his forearm fins are clasped around his wrists. On the tops of each hand on the bracers is a blue jewel. On the tops of his chest armor are carved representations of his magical affinities: on one shoulder two pips of quartz, and on the other three pips of opal, an Acolyte-level Mystic, and an Adept-level Sibyl. Beneath his chestplate, he wears a cream-colored kaftan. It has been altered so that it appears like a robe but still grants him the freedom required for agile movement. On the chestplate, a relief of Cerberus has been etched. On his belt he carries a dagger and a sheathed shortsword, but he does not in general seem to be a fighter, or if he is, it is not based in the physical realms of swords and shields, but in the aetherial with metaphor and raw power. The maiden in sari and veils shoots a gaze almost as terror-stricken as that of her dog up at Aztlan -- and she visibly flinches back from his words. The moment she is released from the grasp of the Varati who holds her, her only motion is to collapse to her knees by her frantic dog. She wraps her arms immediately about his furry neck, buries her face against his fur, and sobs. Saleem isn't sure what started this whole thing out, but decides, based on what he's heard, for the sake of his own talent that it may be time to be leaving. And he'll find the shudra and ask later the particulars. After all, if they're picking up non-Delphi trained mages, he'll be a lot more damned careful about the things he does. He pulls his absentminded-ness across his awareness as if it were a cloak and become rapt in something -over there-. And Gaelius' hand relaxes from the hilt of his gladius, not so ready to draw it in an eyeblink anymore. Boots and greaves clang, even as he moves to hover over the shudra lass, and her dog. Eyes close slowly, the lids softly descending over eyes that have seen more tonight than Aztlan hoped he wouldn't see in several months of service. The Atlantean Hound gives a sharp, yet long exhalation that doesn't relax the tense shoulder muscles as he had hoped it might. "Silentstep," he says, eyes still closed. Indeed they need not be open for him to know where his companion stands, "return to the Bastion and begin filing your recollection of the incident. I'll hand deliver it all once it's put together to the Commander myself." The Sylvan nods and pivots, heading off towards the Bastion. The mage, now left alone, reopens his eyes and glances back to the Citadel, wondering if he /really/ wants to be there for the next few hours. "Yes, imphadi." The words come out of Faanshi dully in response to Aztlan's stern pronouncements, toneless, broken, the voice of a servant girl who has just been beaten by her masters -- or might as well have been. That tiny, ragged voice might well have come from somewhere or someone else, for all the strength in it. She keeps crying even as she mumbles out these words, her mind retreated into the old familiar cadences of a shudra's deference, unable to let her speak in any other fashion. "Do I have your leave to depart, imphadi?" Kosha, in the meantime, tries his level best to climb into Faanshi's arms and never mind that he weighs a good hundred pounds. In reflexive desperation he squirms around until his muzzle is securely nestled under her chin, one front paw looped over her shoulder, the other planted in her lap. Regardless of Aztlan's answer, or not, regardless of Faanshi's words, regardless of anything, the Empyrean warrior-bard stoops down to sweep the shudra girl into his arms, almost protectively cradling her against him, just about ready to march away with her somewhere, away from this scene, and the gaggle of people watching. Aztlan lifts his hand dismissively to Faanshi. "Yes, imphada, you may depart. Heed my words carefully; and I apologize for the actions of the Archmagus. He clearly overstepped his bounds." After this, Aztlan glances about, curious as to...something...he noticed while perceiving aetherially at an earlier time. His gaze sweeps over to...Saleem. Gaelius's intervenion wins him two immediate responses -- the panicked yelp of the dog as Faanshi is lifted away from him, and the equally panicked gasp of the maiden as she is separated from the touch of her beloved pet. Uncomprehending green eyes register momentarily upon Gaelius, and in unthinking reaction, the halfbreed girl tries to squirm out of his arms. "D-dominus, let me go... my... my dog..." As Kosha whines, thrusting forward and growing more agitated, as if to leap up and knock Gaelius over to better reach his mistress, the maiden manages to break at least a little out of her dull torpor. A whistle at the dog, "Follow." from Gaelius, even as his mighty wings begin to beat, a leap into the air carrying him, and the shudra girl in his arms into the air, a dizzying, spiraling ascent. Kosha howls all over again, as the halfbreed healer is abruptly carried off and far beyond the easy range of his ability to leap. As Gaelius wings into the sky the creature breaks into a frantic run, trying to follow his disappearing mistress -- and soon enough, both the two in the air and the dog on the ground are gone. [And shortly...] Courtyard - Atesh-Gah - Haven(#430RJM$) If indeed the Hebrew folk of lost Earth are correct in their legends, then this must be the legendary garden from which mankind was expelled. The flat expanse of the great courtyard of Atesh-Gah is covered in the most luxurious grass of bright emerald green, broken only by a cobblestone path for riding and walking to prevent wear upon the lawn. Rich copses of carefully tended wood grow by the walls, lovingly groomed flower gardens acting as a barrier of colour before the rising trees. Perhaps even more relaxing than the sight of the yard are the sensations of it. The lovely scents of flower and tree; honey-suckle, apple blossom, peach, and jasmine; combine with the soft cushion of green grass to provide a sense of peace and harmony that defies the looming sand-hued walls of unbreakable stone. Not even the shadowed maw of the main gate, nor the blocky, unimpressive presence of the impenetrable main keep can overshadow the beauty of this place. Indeed, the stark contrast serves only to enhance it. Obvious exits: Temple Fountain Out Entrance Foyer Stables Gaelius passes between the heavy stone pillars that flank the entrance to Atesh-Gah, and joins you in the courtyard. Gaelius has arrived. The Empyrean bard's arms are strong and warm against you, even as he spirals upwards in the air. And for a moment, you can see all of Haven below you, before he plumments from the air, towards Atesh Gah, wings folded back. Faanshi was terrified before -- and now, as she feels herself hauled into the air with nothing between her and the ground but a pair of strong arms, a strangled little croak bursts out of her. The shudra girl reflexively buries her tear-wet face against the muscled shoulder near it, too emotionally devastated to take any wonder or joy in the experience of flight. Perhaps fortunately for the heartbroken girl, the flight is a short one. And in moments, cries from the sentries at the front gates of the Varati citadel suggest that the white-winged figure descending toward them has been spotted. The folded back wings suddenly spread out buffetting his descent from the skies. The Varati should know that the Empyrean warrior-bard intends to land in the courtyard, rather than lead a host of Empyreal Praetorians down onto them, as he has done before twenty years ago. And finally, he's on the ground, cradling Faanshi against him. Perhaps it's because she's been removed from harm's way... perhaps it's because she's been separated, however briefly, from her dog... and perhaps it's simply because at least for the time being, she has a shoulder to cry on and a pair of arms holding her. Whatever the reason, Faanshi sobs upon the Empyrean's shoulder, her slender form gone limp with exhaustion and distress. She seems barely cognizant of once more regaining contact with the earth. Even as the bard wings down into the courtyard, a challenge from the nearest of the sentries -- a young Varati in Clan Khalida colors -- calls out a challenge, bidding Gaelius to remain where he is in the name of Khalid Atar, Hawk of Heaven and Son of the Dawn. Footsteps and voices from the surrounding torchlit shadows suggest that more than one sentry may be on his way down to meet the Empyrean who's displayed the effrontery to land in the territory of the Children of Fire. Wings rustle behind Gaelius, folding behind him into a more compact package, even as he continues to hold Faanshi against him, simply awaiting the guards. They may recognize him, as one that's amused the Amir-al, pleased the Queen-Maharani with a gift. That bold Empyrean. The first of the guardsmen to arrive upon the scene is not the same one that called challenge; instead, a stern-faced older man with silver streaking his black hair and the seams of experience and age lining his dark visage comes striding into the courtyard. He is clad in the colors of Clan Khalida, and his black eyes sweep a stern gaze over the armed and armored Son of the Air, as well as the crying girl he's cradling. If he recognizes the bold bard who'd requested the favor of writing songs about the God-King, his stoic expression gives no sign of it. "State your business, Empyrean," he brusquely requests, just shy of an outright order. "I am here to return the Favored One of the Favored One of the Amir-al." Gaelius' voice turning lyrical, and almost eloquent. "I am here, to deliver her away from the hands that would take her healing talents and skills away from the Hawk of Heaven, robbing her for themselves. I am here, to deliver word that the Delphic Order has the effrontery to impose their laws on the Amir-al's people, to rob Him of greatly needed magic. I am here, to deliver a stricken girl into the hands of those that love and care for her. I am here to deliver news to the Amir-al, and his most FAvored One." The rolling, resonant pronouncement of the warrior-bard catches the weathered guardsman clearly by surprise. Black eyes narrow in shocked wrath at these words of Delphi going against the God-King -- and then in speculation as he strides up to face the Empyrean man and to inspect the burden of the near-unconscious girl he is cradling in his arms. "This one; she is the shudra Faanshi? The halfbreed, who serves Kiera Khalida?" At the sound of the man's voice, Faanshi stirs fretfully, peering up from Gaelius' shoulder in furtive desperation. Then, in a tiny whisper, she pleads of him, "P-please put me down, dominus..." "Aye, that she is. Faanshi, the halfbreed, healer and servant of Kiera Khalida, by decree of the Amir-al." Gaelius replies equally as resonantly, still holding the shudra girl, despite her weak protestations. He doesn't think she's quite ready to be back on her feet. The guard sweeps another speculative gaze over the halfbreed girl, and it may be easily assumed that if there are any within Atesh-Gah who love and care for the maiden, this man doesn't count as one of them. But while some might show disgust at the sight of a halfbreed -- and while many Varati might show disgust at the sight of an Empyrean holding one -- this man is apparently as stone-faced and stoic as his people are generally reputed to be. He turns, then, barking off an order to an underling lingering discreetly some distance behind him, bidding him bring a shudra. All he says is a short, "Yield the girl up to us, Empyrean, and she will be duly returned to her mistress. This news of Delphi, however, is another matter. You say that the Order attempted to take this girl?" "Aye, the Delphic Order did." a nod from Gaelius, affirming this fact. "And the Hounds have ordered thus:" and Gaelius pauses, to cast Aztlan's words with uncanny cadence, and imitation, "'You will be summoned before a Tribunal within the week; any attempt to evade it will result in a delcaration of Rogue status upon your head, in which case you will be tracked, hunted down, and arrested, and most likely Branded if not Stripped of your Magical Affinity via a Tapping Enclave.'" looking a bit reluctant to yield up the girl just yet. The guard might be stone-faced -- but a hint of why his race is called the Children of Fire blazes across his ebon eyes as Gaelius quotes the pronouncement made upon the young shudra. "This must be reported to the Amir-al at once," the man rumbles, his dusky features growing even harder in palpable displeasure. As he speaks, his underling returns, bringing with him a flustered-seeming figure in sari and veils of the colors of the Khalida Clan; all that can be determined about the woman is apparent age, for the eyes that flash a glance to Faanshi are wrinkled about the edges. "In the meantime, if you please, dominus, the girl." A stiff, yet graceful nod from Gaelius, as he gently hands over Faanshi to the Khalida woman. "Very well." a slight faint smile on his face, even as he bows. "And now, I must be going to attend to a few things." his wings readying itself to launch the warrior-bard back into the air. Itzak enters from the carefully tended bushes which conceal the sight of a gurgling fountain. Itzak has arrived. Madhuri enters from the carefully tended bushes which conceal the sight of a gurgling fountain. Madhuri has arrived. Her hand is trembling. So is the rest of her. For a few moments Faanshi considers trying to press her fingers against Gaelius, to try to push herself up and out of his grasp... but then another little mewling sob sounds somewhere in the back of her throat, and her eyes press closed in a surge of renewed hopelessness. _Why,_ a small corner of her mind wonders, _should I try? Samein is right, I have no will, he is a man, he does not care what I want, I am nothing, I..._ But even as her mind rolls back and forth through this despondent litany, she feels herself passed carefully into the arms of the old shudra woman. Confusion, exhaustion, and the ache of her heart combine to send her into another fit of quiet weeping... and even as the head guardsman barks out several more orders, for someone to take over his post and someone else to bring him parchment and pen to write an immediate report, the halfbreed girl is ushered away into the hall. Itzak comes from beyond the fountain, climbing up the stairs from the lower levels of Atesh-Gah, following the veiled Madhuri. Itzak's head snaps up as the change in guard is called, and he watches as the guards exchange appropriately. He then corners the now-off-duty captain, and with a hand on his elbow, asks him what has happened. And with a mighty beat of large white wings, the Empyrean warrior-bard in the midst of all the commotion bids his farewell to Faanshi, "Ave, imphada!" gleaming silver and burnished armor rising up into the air. With a whispered murmur of sandals against stone, Madhuri emerges into the light of the courtyard, momentarily raising one hand to shield her eyes from the overwhelming light. As her eyes adjust, the guard is called and her hand lowers, the sharpness of her eyes moving around the courtyard. With emotion nearly impossible to judge through the veil, her body draws itself up, and her eyes lift from Faanshi to the winged one ascending from the courtyard. In crisp, short sentences, the captain turns to salute the guardsman who serves the Imam, and relays the tale that the Empyrean bard known as Gaelius, the man who has been recently spotted within Atesh-Gah seeking the permission of the God-King to write songs of Him, has brought the halfbreed shudra servant of Kiera Khalida back to Atesh-Gah, following an apparent summoning of the girl by the Delphic Order to a tribunal. "I am informed, imphadi," he concludes, "that the Order has threatened her with branding and tapping, should she fail to appear." The occupants of the courtyard spiraling ascent of a fully armored, and armed Empyrean Praetorian, normally feared, when descending from the skies, leading a host of winged warriors. But, he's flying away, unscathed. Itzak nods, disinterested with the plight of the girl and more concerned with why an Empyrean was in Atesh-Gah without an invitation. He dismisses the man to write down the same, and continues to escort Madhuri across the grounds to the temple. Gaelius leaps into the air and takes flight, disappearing into the sky above Haven. Gaelius has left. Dismissed, the captain strides swiftly off to file this report -- and in moments, like the Empyrean, like the shudra girl, he is gone. [End log.]