Early in the morning, Kevlan Sharr sets out in his sled, the _Teesa Narie_, to seek out a new claim for the cutting, since his last black claim has petered out. He closes in on a promising-looking and surprisingly attractively green valley amongst the hills, and noses the sled down, to look for a landing spot. But, much to his astonishment, the sled's controls freeze up for no apparent reason - and as the sled crashes, Kevlan is tossed about mercilessly in his sled. His right shoulder is wrenched out of its socket, and he faints across the controls. Much later, regaining consciousness, a dazed Kevlan slaps on the emergency beacon on his sled, realizing he is incapable of flying the _Teesa_ back in. Meanwhile, back at the Heptite Guild, on the Hangar floor.... A warning claxon goes off and a bland voice announces that Kevlan has turned on the emergency beacon for his sled. Kilanjth emerges from the ready room with purpose. Kilanjth frowns, "I heard a claxon." Samira descends from the catwalk. Dalyc descends from the catwalk. Dalyc follows Samira closely. Jerrik frowns up at the display, and doesn't seem to immediately notice the recruit as he quickly adjusts several controls. "I can't get a fix on him, Corbin," he calls over his shoulder, and the lead hanger tech growls. Samira looks to Corbin and Kil, "What's up? Who's coming in?" Reef descends from the catwalk. Samira motions the recruits to one side as she confers with Jerrick and Corbin. Samira says "Who's out." Dalyc moves quietly out of the way, observing with wide eyes. Kilanjth shrugs, "I have no clue." She stands out of the way, though. Samira looks at the recruits, "Stay sharp, people.." Jerrik, as several onlookers gather, catches motion out of the corner of his eye, and glances up at last, clearly not having heard any of the prior discussion. Focusing on Samira, he says, "CS Kevlan Sharr has activated his emergency beacon, ma'am." Kilanjth just hopes the symbiont doesn't hit her at a crytical point. Samira says "What's the met report? Did he get hit by a storm?" Dalyc's face has a look of concern for the well-known singer Kevlan. Reef can be heard to mutter "I'll lay odds he wrecked the cutter again." Jerrik frowns up at the display again, and shakes his head. "Weather's clear tonight, ma'am. Has been all day, he's been out since early morning." Kilanjth just sits still, watching, trying to make sense out of what's being said, not quite sure what exactly is going on. Samira . o O (as long as he doesn't crash into the JPF, he's okay) Dalyc looks over to Kilanjth and whispers "I think Singer Kevlan is having problems." Jerrik, as a repair crew assembles at Corbin's bellowed command, snaps his gaze up and reports, "Got him, sir. Narrowed in on the signal." Kilanjth eyes Dalyc, whispering back, "I know that, but what is the question..." Samira stays out of the professionals way but kind of tiptoes to see the display. Corbin nods firmly, and orders the repair crew to get a recovery vehicle out. Dalyc nods expressively to Kilanjth, her face concerned. Fortunately, it doesn't take more than a short wait before the recovery team returns, with the battered _Teesa Narie_ in tow. Jerrik promptly joins the repair crew, and pounds on the door of the sled, yelling, "Galahad! Hey, Galahad, boy, talk to us?" Kevlan steps out from the cramped interior of the airsled. Kevlan pushes open the door with his left arm, and lurches unsteadily out. "'Bout... 'bout time... you guys caught on... " Kilanjth eyes the devstated sled and the hurt singer, awaiting instructions from hangar personnel for any help to be rendered. Jerrik flicks the young Singer a darkly concerned glance, and he and another tech catch Kevlan before he crumples to his knees. "Here, hold on, boy, you need a medic... " Kevlan mumbles something confused-sounding and lets out a hiss of pain as the other tech grabs his right arm. Jerrik frowns, and lets his coworker steady Sharr while he and several other techs get to work on the sled. But he keeps glancing worriedly at the boy. Kevlan blinkblinks as he becomes aware of the crowd of onlookers; looking embarrassed, he blushes. Dalyc edges back closer to the wall and her brow furrowed with anxiety. Kilanjth just smiles encouragingly at Kevlan. The remaining tech immediately leans the Singer against his battered sled, while another tech, a woman, gets on the communit. "Medic to the hangar floor, medic to the hangar floor." Kevlan mumbles, "Mah... mah cutter... " Jerrik, emerging from the sled, smiles ruefully at the onlookers as he reports to Corbin, attracting a wide-eyed worried glance from the Singer, "She's battered, sir, and her landing gear is going to need some work. But we can do it in a matter of a few hours." Corbin nods satisfiedly, and the hangar techs go about the job. A medic comes briskly into view, and the techs clear the way for her as she approaches the Singer. She smiles quietly, kneeling down by Kevlan, and checking him over with professional quickness. "Talk to me, Singer. What happened?" Kevlan blinkblinks foggily. "Ah... Ah hit *ow!* mah shoulder, ma'am... when Ah crashed... " Some of the hangar techs exchange surprised-sounding mutters. "Galahad crashed?" "In _his_ sled? She purrs like a kitten!" "Weird... " Kilanjth smiles softly at some of the comments, still hanging back as ordered. Reef ventures near the sled to see how securely the cutter was stowed, and if it needs work. The medic, her hands steady and her voice kind, murmurs an encouragement to the Singer as she concocts a temporary sling for his right arm. "This should hold you, Singer, until we can get you down to the Infirmary. We don't want you moving that arm." Kevlan smiles raggedly, and mumbles something that sounds like, "Ain't... *gasp* plannin' on it, ma'am... " Kilanjth smiles weakly, not wanting to imagine how painful that is from how it looks. Dalyc is watching Kevlan's reactions more closely now. Kevlan bites his lip, his lean face paling a little as the medic secures the sling about his arm. He nods heavily, as the medic asks him if he thinks he can stand. The medic asks briskly, "Can someone help me escort this man to the Infirmary, please?" Reef frowns, not seeing the cutter. "If he left it in the Ranges..." Kevlan shoots a startled glance to the cutter tech. "Ah... *cough*... got it right here... " Reef says "You *what*?" Kevlan weakly nods at the cutter on its strap, on his left and unslinged shoulder. Kilanjth smiles, stepping forward, "I'll help. Just tell me what to do." Reef takes the cutter from the Singer, carefully. "I'll have it fixed up and stored for you. Though I should use it to take your head. Didn't you learn *anything* about taking care of it?" The medic arches her eyebrows, and says, "Well, you don't need that in the Infirmary, Singer." She glances at the cutter tech, and peers a little more closely at him to register his identity. "Hannet, can you inspect the thing for him?" Kevlan cringes a little, and turns crimson as the medic inserts smoothly, "You can harangue him _after_ his shoulder has been repaired, tech Hannet." As one of the recruits steps forward, she nods and instructs, "Here, help me support him." Kevlan glances from medic to cutter tech in mortification. Reef nods to the medic, and walks off with the cutter. Kilanjth helps the medic support Kevlan as she is shown. Dalyc follows Kilanjth unsure what else to do. The medic assists Kevlan to his feet, and directs Kilanjth to the Singer's right side. "Watch the sling, recruit. Now, Singer, you know the way, you're too new to have forgotten yet. Slow and easy, let's go." Kevlan, evidently driven mute with embarrassment, allows himself to be led off, while the hangar techs working on his sled watch him go worriedly. Kevlan ducks into the ready room, escaping from the swirling wind. Kilanjth nods and keeps away fromt he sling, carefully. She helps guide them out, knowing where the infirmary is from the visits she's done. Kilanjth ducks into the ready room, escaping from the swirling wind. Dalyc looks after Kilanjth and follows quietly. Dalyc ducks into the ready room, escaping from the swirling wind. Reef climbs the metal stairs to the catwalk on the western wall. [The medic, and the two recruits Kilanjth and Dalyc, escort the wounded Kevlan to the Infirmary.] Dalyc follows quietly. Kilanjth nods and keeps away from the sling, carefully. She helps guide them out, knowing where the infirmary is from the visits she's done. Kevlan, hobbling between the medic and the recruit, grits his teeth as he walks. Dalyc slips back out of the way, wishing she could help, but not wanting to be in the way. Kevlan bites back a tiny groan as he is assisted into the medical area. Kilanjth eyes the medic, "Trauma? Or just the infirmary? I don't think it's bad enough for the trauma center, but I'm not a medic, either. The medic says briskly, "Dislocated shoulder, we can take him to the Infirmary. I'll have to find an available tech to tend him, we've got our hands full with your class coming down with the sickness, recruit." She smiles, though, and adds to Kevlan, "You should learn to carry that shield of yours a little higher, Galahad." Kevlan blushes, as he is led on. Kilanjth grins at the medic's words, wondering when she will sicken, herself, and helps support Kevlan into the infirmary. The woman eases the Singer into a chair, and eyes the two recruits levelly. "Hrmm. I'm going to have to find another tech, you two can keep an eye on him if you wish, it'll help. Please excuse me, all of you." She includes a warm smile to Kevlan with that last, and then turns to stride off. Kevlan grimaces, sinking back in the chair. Kilanjth nods and finds a chair, sitting in it near Kevlan. She smiles softly to him, "So... what did you do wrong?" Kevlan swallows hard. "Wh... what?" Kilanjth smiles, "How did you get hurt and damage your sled? Was up in Met when a claxon went off." Kevlan frowns vaguely. "Ah... Ah was lookin' for a place t' land... " Kilanjth nods, frowning. "Must have been a bad place... Kilanjth A youngish appearing woman in her upper teens or lower twenties. Her golden brown hair is styled simply, pulled back in a pony tail and extremely bright green eyes glance back at you, probably contacts or medically augmented. She is in a snugly fitting generic jump suit that is light gray in color, with some patterns in a dim blue-gray (bright gray with patterns of light blue-gray for vision enhanced personnel). She stands near 170 centimeters tall and is in good shape. Kevlan closes his eyes, looking somewhat confused. "No... it was kinda green and purty... " Kilanjth frowns, "The landing site?" Kevlan nods heavily, his mouth twisting as he instinctively clutches at his shoulder. Kilanjth shrugs, "Whatever. Probably had to have been there." Kilanjth smiles at you, "Though I think I wouldn't have liked to have been there, personally. I don't have your recuperative powers yet." Kevlan seems a little troubled under his daze, but he grins muzzily. "Mah fingers grew back," he mumbles. Kilanjth nods, "And so will your arm heal back." SHe frowns slightly, "Just don't know when I'm going to get sick.." Kevlan blinkblinks as if recalling the significance of what the medic had said, and he glances blearily between the two recruits. "Y'all... gittin' sick, now?" Kilanjth smiles softly and nods, "About one half of us have come down with the symbiont sickness." Kevlan ohs, and then mumbles slurrily, "B... Berni sick? She was... awful worried... " Kilanjth nods, "Yes.. I was there when Berni got sick. Helped her until the medics got there and she fell unconscious." Kevlan frowns vaguely, and automatically tries to get up, mumbling, "Wheresheat... " Kilanjth says "No you don't. Sit back down." She pushes carefully at your chest. "Stay right there til a medic comes." Morgan walks softly from the lift area. Morgan sighs, "What have you done to yourself now Kevlan?" Kilanjth smiles at Morgan, "This one is being a bit uncooperative." Kevlan blinkblinks foggily as the recruit nudges him back into his chair, and then blinks again, up at Morgan. He blushes, and clutches at his shoulder reflexively. "*gasp* Ah... Ah tore mah s-shoulder up, ma'am.... " Morgan nods and examines his shoulder, "What were you doing?" Kilanjth steps out of the way and grins softly. Kevlan frowns a little, vaguely, and seems slightly troubled for some reason. "Tryin'... t' land mah sled... ma'am... " Morgan nods and gives Kevlan an analgesic, "That should decrease the pain somewhat, your symbiont can't do everything." Kevlan's eyes drift shut, and he starts to relax before his eyes suddenly fly open again, and he blurts, "Berni! Th-they said... Berni's here, Miz Morgan ma'am... " Morgan nods, "She came down the other day." Kilanjth smiles, "She's fine, Kevlan. She's in the best hands possible." You say "C'n... *gasp* Ah see 'er? She was real worried, don't... want her... frettin'..." Morgan, now that the analgesic has had time to take effect, takes hold of Kevlan's shoulder. "Let's get you sorted out first." Kilanjth smiles softly, just watching for now, nodding a little. Kevlan swallows, and stares perplexedly as his shoulder is relocated, with a small *pop*. "Didn't hurt," he mumbles. Kevlan's gaze seems to get a little bit of alertness, and he lets out a shaky breath. Kilanjth smiles at Kevlan, softly, yet encouragingly as she sees him looking a bit more... there. Morgan carefully eases his shoulder back into place and reaches for some bindings to keep it in place till it heals. Kilanjth smiles, "That's the best way." Morgan says "There that should do, just be careful not to jar it, You can see Bernadette now if you wish." Kevlan awkwardly tries to clamber to his feet. "When c'n Ah fly 'gain, ma'am...?" Kilanjth grins and shakes her head some. Morgan smiles, "Soon, but not for a few days I'd say, come back in a day or two and get a medic to check you out." Kilanjth grins, "And beware of green, pretty landing spots." She giggles softly. Morgan looks at her medical unit quickly, "I have to go, Scuse me." Morgan has left. Kilanjth nods to Morgan. Kevlan nods earnestly to Morgan, and mumbles under his breath, "Cain't understan' it... " Kilanjth smiles, "Well, I'm sure you can figure it out later." Kevlan blinks. "Wha...? Oh... " He grips at his shoulder a little, and with only a bit of a slur remaining in his voice, he adds, "Where's Berni at...?" Kilanjth smiles, "Room 4. I've looked in on her before." Kilanjth stands close by, in case you need some help. Kevlan seems mostly steady enough, as he wobbles off in the indicated direction. Kilanjth smiles, and sort of follows you out, not intending on going to the sick rooms though. [Kevlan and Kilanjth go to the New Arrivals cooridor.] Kevlan pauses at the door to room 4, looking in shyly. "She... she mus' be sleepin'... " Kilanjth nods, "Probably. Either asleep or so sedated she might as well be." Kevlan nods groggily. Morgan comes into the wing wanting to see a new guild member. Morgan smiles, "Another one down." Kevlan scrubs a hand across his eyes, and blinkblinks vaguely at Morgan. "What'd you say, ma'am?" Kilanjth just blinks and looks at Morgan uncomprehendingly. Morgan wheels in a collapsable gurney. As she approaches her patient, Morgan expands the gurney to its full configuration. To ensure it not collapsing with a patient on board, she flips a lever beneath the bed. This is a long medical gurney. It is made of strong, light metal alloy cover in a soft mattress. The wheels are attached with shocks to prevent the jarring of a patient riding on it. Dalyc is lying down on the gurney. Carrying: Dalyc From the gurney, Dalyc mumbles something quietly to herself.."Sim...didn't make it back yet. Dalyc A tiny brunette looks back at you with large green eyes. Although size and appearance suggest softness and frailty, there is a quiet strength about the girl that speaks of hard work and a fire behind her eyes that looks for a chance to express itself. Her deep emerald overall appears to be a size too large and gives the suggestion that she is hiding in it rather than wearing it. Her eyes appear to be wandering as if she no longer knows which way is up. Her face is creased with pain. Carrying: Master Claim Object(#3962Vh) DataPad for Dalyc Morgan moves the gurney into room 3, "I wouldn't worry Dalyc, those simulators are tough." Kilanjth's nearly ever present smile fades almost completely away, seeing Dalyc on the gurney. Morgan presses a lever on the bottom of the gurney, resulting in it collapsing into a manageable size. She is then able by dint of a rather amazing show of strength, pick it up. Morgan enters Room 3 for more tests and prescribed rest. Kevlan looks askance at Dalyc's figure on the gurney, and looks suddenly tireder. Kilanjth sighs softly, "Not many of us left..." You say "Maybe Ah better... better go lay down..." Kilanjth nods, "Never a bad thing, rest... May go get some myself." Kevlan smiles groggily, and wanders back out, mumbling vague thanks in your direction. [Kevlan retires to his quarters. End log.]