"My dear Bernadette, I cannot express my disappointment that Kevlan and I did not receive your message before the Passover. Circumstances beyond our control prevented us from receiving your message until only a few days ago. Be assured that we are on our way back to Ballybran this instant - thank the gods I am on a vessel that has stopped at a port with a reasonable communication facility! My dear, I must warn you that Kevlan is not himself. I have not spoken to him of receiving this message; in his current condition, I doubt that he is capable of handling such information. Meet us on Shankill if you will, dear girl, but please, if you love him, go softly with your reunion. I shall explain all at the proper time. Tamber" "Guildmaster Maxwell: It is with great disappointment and a heavy heart that I return to Shankill Station, with Kevlan Sharr and the crystal. The Singer will need all the medical skill our staff can muster, sir. I pray you will have it waiting for our arrival. Respectfully, Tamber al-Acorrin" - High-priority transmissions sent to Ballybran from the starcruiser _Annachie's Triumph_ ---------- Heptite Guild Common Lounge - Shankill This is a wonderful, airy room, bright with gentle but brilliant shades of green and blue. Screens hang on the wall to provide the illusion of landscapes, and hanging and potted plants thrive around the room, softening the boxy corners. A number of table stand near the catering unit, and more inviting pillowed loungers and chairs have been arranged in several conversation pits. The loud chatter of the afternoon has mellowed slightly, mostly people are just sitting in groups talking and laughing quietly, or eating a nice dinner. Contents: Tamber, standing between the conversation pit and the tables. Catering Unit Obvious Commands ("." for list): .wait .pit .tables .catering unit Obvious Exits: Guild Members Quarters Training Rooms Guest Rooms Tamber walks over to the catering unit. Linanna steps in from the corridor where the Guild Members reside. Linanna has arrived. Tamber, looking tired and worn, dials himself up a drink. Linanna nods to the stranger and walks up to the catering unit. You transfer 6 credit(s) from your account to Catering Unit. The liquid in the decanter is almost clear, with only a slight yellowish tinge. You reach into the delivery slot to retrieve the wine and the two glasses provided. Linanna spins the menufax around to display the beer selections. Tamber smiles tiredly, inclines his head in graceful politeness, and lowers himself stiffly into a nearby chair. "Good evening, young lady." Linanna peruses the selection of beer, and orders a Kalgoorlie Four'x. Linanna takes her own drink and walks slowly to a chair, settling into it. "Evenin'. Have I seen you around?" Linanna looks at you for a moment. You say "Mayhaps; I am Tamber al-Acorrin, Sorter, at your service." Tamber gives a little bow of his head, over his wineglass. Linanna blinks tiredly and nods. "Linanna Chaln...Singer." Tamber nods serenely, despite the worn lines in his face. "I noted your presence on recent Guild rosters. Well met." Linanna leans back in her chair and blows some of the foam off her beer. "I think .. maybe .. we have already met. You sorted some crystal for me or something? I dunno....you seem a little familiar...." Linanna sips her beer, frowning and leaning deeply back into her chair. Tamber smiles wearily, one elegant eyebrow arched. "Met in passing, here on the station, as I recall." Linanna says "Oh. Don't tell me my memories are already fading?" Tamber shakes his head casually, and gives an assuring smile. "More things besides crystal song can chip away at one's recollection, my dear; do not worry yourself." Linanna smiles softly. "I thank you... " Linanna leans back and sips reflectively at her beer. Tamber inclines his head, and murmurs a kind-sounding acknowledgement as he drinks down some of his own beverage. He casts a glance off in the direction of the infirmary briefly, then pinches the bridge of his nose between two fingers, as if wrestling with a headache. Linanna follows your glance to the infirmary, and sighs. "You too?" Tamber smiles halfheartedly. "Not I, good Singer, but a friend. I left him soaking in the radiant tanks." Linanna looks down at her beer, sadly. "Remy....for me. Someone you care about?" Linanna nods. Linanna says "I probably ought to soak....but not while Remy needs me." Tamber blinks a little, recognizing the name mentioned, but answers earnestly, "I care deeply about this young friend of mine, yes." He considers, and then adds, "Do not exhaust yourself, good lady; you will not be able to attend him well if you yourself are depleted of strength." Linanna shifts her injured arm. "maybe not...but I cannot bear to just lie there..." Tamber answers gravely, "Rest near him, then, if it is rest you need; the nearness provides some consolation. Both for yourself, and for the one whom you hope to console." His green eyes are a little sad, but knowing, as he speaks. Linanna sips reflectively at her beer. Linanna looks down at her feet. "Maybe so....but his need right now is for _her_, not for me. _She_ is his true love...I am simply his duo partner." She puts her beer down on a table, and looks at herself. "I don't really blame him, either. He doesn't need to be reminded of the Ranges all the time." Linanna brushes idly at her ranges-shredded clothing, which seems to have been worn for days. The hairs on your arm stand on end and a chill goes up your spine. You notice a strange expression on Linanna's face. Tamber lifts his perfectly matched eyebrows, as if surprised at this outpouring of feeling, but his expression reflects only honest concern. He says simply, "If he cannot accept you as lover, dear lady, will you let this keep him from accepting you as friend?" Linanna sighs and leans back, folding her arms in front of her. "/he/ accepts me. My fear is that /she/ will not....and will cause us to go through all this again." She closes her eyes, and her expression tightens. Tamber says succintly, "Your ability to be a friend to someone should not depend upon a third party, by my thought." Linanna does not look up. "My ability to be a friend....maybe not. But when he thought she'd left....and she did because I had been there......" Tamber sighs softly, and drains his glass, then sets it aside. He leans over slightly from his seat, his gaze direct and solemnly earnest. "Dear lady, I cannot help but feel for your plight. I know that it will be difficult for you to make such a choice, but if the best way for you to see your beloved happy is to step aside for him to choose another, then so must it be. Were it me, I would offer friendship to both of them, and willingness to avoid interference. I have done such, before." He smiles a little. "The ache of love denied cannot be entirely soothed by simple friendship, but nevertheless, it is never a thing I would scorn." Linanna looks up, finally, and smiles weakly at you. "You really think so? I hope so...." Linanna lifts a hand and wipes at her cheek. "I just feel so helpless....to make things right between them." Tamber essays a slightly more vivid smile, and says, "There is a certain pair of divine shoulders whose owner I would like nothing better to call lover... but as it happens, I am honored to call him friend. I have done my part to make him happy in his love of another; I have more work to do in that respect, even yet." Linanna looks into your eyes, and nods. "I see.....thank you..." Tamber nods peacefully to you. "I pray that I will have been of service." Linanna says "He's the one who's resting in the baths?" Linanna picks up her beer again, seeming a little more at peace. Tamber nods quietly, casting another slightly darkened glance towards the infirmary. "One of the station medics is keeping an eye on the lad. The radiant tank room is, sadly, less than amenable to those of us who have no need to soak." Linanna smiles softly. "I think we're a little embarassed by our need, actually. Is he happy..your friend?" Tamber lets out a reflective sigh, and says rather sharply, "He has been in happier states." Tamber's green eyes abruptly harden, giving him a surprisingly fierce and protective look, for all the fine lines of his features. Linanna leans forward and reaches for your hand. "I am sorry..." Tamber gives another dark-eyed glance in the Infirmary's direction, then looks back at his companion with gratitude for the sentiment. "It is truly no fault for which you should apologize, but nevertheless... I thank you." Linanna leaves her hand reaching for you, and shrugs. Bernadette steps in from the corridor where the Guild Members reside. Bernadette has arrived. Tamber glances at the hand, smiles regretfully - realizing his manners have indeed dulled with weariness - and clasps it firmly. Bernadette strides into view, just slightly slower than a jog and glances around the room quickly, spots the Sorter and blurts "Tamber!" Linanna looks up as Bernadette enters, sitting near Tamber. Tamber starts, and looks up at the new arrival with a sudden look of combined exhaustion and relief. He immediately rises, and strides to Bernadette. You say "My dear Bernadette, I am unutterably pleased to find you here..." Bernadette smiles slightly at Linanna and starts forward again, hands out in front of her to meet Tamber. Tamber without halting strides straight to the small woman, and embraces her in a fierce hug rather unlike his usual refined manner. Linanna smiles softly and releases Tamber's hand. Bernadette clings to Tamber. "Of course I came...I've been going out of my mind looking for you two!" You feel a rather strong needling on your skin when you pass close to Bernadette. The hairs on your arm stand on end and a chill goes up your spine. You notice a strange expression on Linanna's face. Linanna leans back and watches, sipping at her empty beer mug. Tamber, rather surprisingly, actually trembles a little, and pulls Bernadette over to the nearest seats. "Had I been able, I-I would have sent a message long before this... " Bernadette plops rather gracelessly into the chair and shakes her head, fumbling for words "Wha...wh...are you okay? Where's Kevlan? You said he wasn't himself?" The words, once they get past her lips, come tumbling out in a rush, as she clasps Tamber's hands tightly. Tamber sighs, shoves a hand through his disheveled red hair, and says slightly roughly, "He is soaking at the moment, my dear, under a medic's watchful eye. But he is here on the station, with me, until the next shuttle down to the planet." He smiles thinly. "As for me, there is little wrong with me that proper rest will not cure." Linanna looks at Bernadette, then to Tamber, then looks away. Seeming to have totally forgotten Linanna's presence, Bernadette leans forward again and hugs Tamber again impulsively, before leaning back in her seat, stealing a glance towards the infirmary, then back at the Sorter. "What happened? Where were you? Telandra said she saw Kevlan on Hesperia and no one would tell me where you two went...." Again, the words steamroll out of her mouth. Linanna grips at her beer mug. Tamber grips Bernadette's hands firmly, as if gathering solace in her presence. His eyes, though, and the set of his mouth, are oddly hard. He considers... and says at last, "I expect that the Guildmaster will have no objections to my speaking of this. We were indeed on Hesperia." Tamber's well-modulated tones take on an audible edge at the naming of the world. Bernadette blinkblinks, not taking her eyes off of Tamber's own. "I was booked on the next flight to Hesperia when I got your transmission," she says a little breathlessly. "What happened? Why were you gone so long?" Tamber, for a moment, looks as if someone had shoved a blade into his gut, and twisted it round violently. But he continues, "We were to do an installation, my dear, of black crystal. It... went badly." Bernadette frowns and pales, tensing and crouching on the edge of her seat as if she's about to bolt towards the infirmary at any second. "The crystal didn't shatter, did it? Is he hurt?" Her voice has taken on an edge of panic. Linanna presses her lips together and looks at Tamber. Tamber sighs, and lowers his gaze. "The crystal is sound. Kevlan... is less so." His features tighten into a scowl, though his eyes are now sorrowful, as he thinks about exactly how much he should say, here. Bernadette draws her brows together and shakes her head again, taking a deep breath to try and calm herself down, before speaking. Her eyes dart toward the infirmary again before coming back to rest on Tamber's face. "Can you talk about it?" she says in a quiet tone. Linanna puts her mug down again, and looks at Tamber sympathetically. Tamber looks rather abruptly more weary, and finally says bitterly, "I expect that it will harm nothing, now, to speak of it here." He fixes Bernadette with a steely look, as he goes on, "Kevlan was... taken, my dear. By parties who did not wish us to install the crystal." Bernadette's head snaps back a bit and once again she shakes her head a bit. "Taken?" Linanna stands up suddenly and walks towards Tamber. Tamber, with the look of a man relaying an event for which he finds himself at fault, says roughly, "Taken. Abducted... whatever word you wish to use for it. All that I know is that they did not wish him to install the dodecahedrons in their alloted places, and that they did not care about the wrath of the Galaxy's most _powerful_ Guild for damage done to a _valuable_ Singer." He enunciates the words with surprising sarcasm. Bernadette blinks and looks a little startled as Linanna moves, but then looks at Tamber as he speaks. Linanna stands beside Tamber, frowning and reaching toward him .. comforting. Tamber shoves both hands through his hair, now. "We did not recover him, I fear, until after the Passover." Bernadette pales further at the mention of damage done to a Singer and swallows reflexively. She reachs out to find Tamber's hands again and gives them a squeeze gently, the light cast around her right hindering her movement just a little. "But...but you're both okay, right?" Linanna puts a hand on Tamber's shoulder, gently. Tamber smiles wanly. "I am as well as a Sorter can be who spent three-fourths of the Passover on stimulants." He shares the smile briefly with Linanna, and then it fades as he faces Bernadette. "But Kevlan... he is... " Tamber, for once, seems failed by his accustomed glibness of tongue. A rather strong needling pricks your skin when you pass close by Bernadette. If you happen to be near Linanna, the hair on your arm stands on end. Bernadette frowns again, that panicked look returning to her eyes, "K..Kevlan's what?" she whispers. Tamber abruptly rises, clasping Bernadette's arm. "Perhaps it is for the best that you see for yourself, my dear... but I pray you, go softly. Come." [Bernadette follows Tamber to... ] Radiant Tub Room This large room is dominated by the collection of radiant tubs along the walls, each a different color. A soothing pastel green colors the walls, and the floor is carpeted in a deep forest green. Holos are strategically placed to occupy the idle minds of any singers who are spending long hours here, either voluntarily or under medical orders. A collection of potted plants fill the corners, all of imported varieties. Contents: Kevlan(#1982POace) Chocolate Bath Maple Bath Butterscotch Bath Beige Bath Obvious exits: Dressing Room Infirmary Bernadette walks through the archway into the radiant tub alcove. Bernadette has arrived. Bernadette, keeping Tamber's warning in mind, nearly tiptoes into the room. Kevlan, rather shakily, is helped out of the beige bath by a worried-eyed medic. He looks dazedly in all directions, as he mumbles plaintively, "Ah-Ah-Ah wan' Tam... " The medic murmurs assurances, as he helps the clearly unsteady Singer into a robe. The tech sees Tamber and Bernadette before Kevlan does, and looks up abruptly. Kevlan(#1982POace) From the tanned and lean look of him, and the way his actions seem to speak of preternaturally acute senses, this tall and rangy young man can't be anything but a Crystal Singer... and with his lazy, liquid drawl and half-shy, half-forthright manner, he can't be any Singer but Kevlan 'Galahad' Sharr. Kevlan's light brown hair is cut pragmatically short in the back but long in the front, with random strands often getting in his smoky blue, dark-lashed eyes. He frequently fidgets restlessly, drumming his fingers on any available surface, or tapping his feet. Clearly, he must have just stepped out of a radiant bath, for there's a subtle sheen to his skin that gives it more color than usual. His hair is slightly disheveled, and his feet are bare; he is clad only in a soft, thick terrycloth robe belted about his waist. The robe is dyed in various rippling shades of blue that give off a look of flowing water whenever Kevlan moves. Kevlan is very pale, his skin being nearly transparent and his blue veins showing vividly under the pasty white pallor. His eyes are sunken and seems to not want to focus right... His left eye even seems to turn inward a bit further, making his gaze rather unsettling right now. Kevlan's clothing litterally 'hangs' from his gaunt frame, each bone can be seen in his hands and face. There is a touch of color to his pallor but nothing terribly noticable. ( It is as if his body has been refused 'life' for a significant amount of time.) Tamber strides forward quickly, saying softly, "Kevlan, dear boy, I'm right here, I promise you." Bernadette gasps softly as she claps both hands to her mouth while she takes in Kevlan's appearance. A choked little sound catches in her throat and her eyes well up with tears as she instinctively takes one little step towards her beloved. Tamber strides forward quickly, saying softly, "Kevlan, dear boy, I'm right here, I promise you." The medic and the Sorter exchange glances; the meditech says quietly, "I'll be just outside," and slips out. Tamber slips a supporting arm about Kevlan... and the young man clutches at it in apparent panic. Bernadette looks at Tamber, then at Kevlan, then at Tamber again, halted in midstride statue-like, as if waiting for permission to speak to act. Kevlan, seeming terrified, sways in Tamber's support, mumbling, "Don' leave me 'lone... please... " Bernadette winces at Kevlan's words, the tears spilling over her lower lids, silent. Tamber looks over Kevlan's bowed shoulder at Bernadette, and gestures to her quickly, as he murmurs to Kevlan, "It is alright. Look, Kevlan, look... we won't leave you alone, neither Berni nor I will leave you... " Linanna walks through the archway into the radiant tub alcove. Linanna has arrived. Kevlan blinks. "B... Berni?" He turns a disoriented gaze in Bernadette's direction. Bernadette bolts as quickly and quietly as she can towards Kevlan and Tamber, trying not to startle him. "I'm here, Kevlan...I'm here..." she says softly, controlling her voice though her body and her hands, which she's hesitantly placed gently on Kevlan's arm, tremble almost violently. Linanna blinks as she enters and sees Kevlan, and stands next to the doorway, glancing to Tamber. Tamber helps Kevlan nearer to Bernadette, carefully. Linanna looks at Tamber, sympathy in her eyes. Kevlan's haggard face floods over with a tangle of raw emotions, and he stares at Bernadette. His lower lip trembles... and in the same instant, his eyes are brimming over with tears. Bernadette breathes "Oh, Kevlan, I'm so sorry..." as she gently wraps her arms around his bone-thin frame. Kevlan lurches... and nearly falls as he clutches at Bernadette in a gesture that might have been a fierce hug, if it had any strength to it. Tamber lets the younger man step away from him reluctantly, keeping his hands only centimeters away should Bernadette fail to support Kevlan by herself. Bernadette easily supports his weight, the tables being turned this time with her being healthy for once, as she holds him as tightly as she dares, and whispers soothingly "Yes, I'm real, love...I'm here...I'll never _ever_ leave you again..." Her voice cracks with every other word, but she keeps herself together. Linanna turns her head, granting them privacy. Tamber murmurs awkwardly, "We must needs get him to the planet, Bernadette. The sooner he is in his own surroundings, the better." Linanna turns away and walks out. Linanna walks out through the archway into the infirmary. Linanna has left. Bernadette nods at Tamber, not relinquishing her hold on Kevlan at all. "Yes...we need to get him home..." Kevlan sobs into Bernadette's shoulder, tiny choked sounds. Tamber nods, recovering some of his usual briskness with the task at hand. "I have sent our possessions plantside already... come." [Tamber with his usual efficiency escorts the disoriented Kevlan, along with Bernadette, down to the planet's surface. As discreetly as possible, they get Kevlan into the quarters he shares with Bernadette, though neither of them have been in that suite for some time... ] Kevlan's Suite(#3986RJ) Contents: Catering Unit Obvious exits: Bathing Room Out Kevlan has arrived. Bernadette has arrived. Time passes... as the dazed Singer is escorted as discreetly as possible to his own quarters. Kevlan clings to Bernadette all the way, making hoarse little whimpering noises. Bernadette continues to be as soothing as she can, her composure long since recovered since her initial shock at seeing Kevlan in such a state. "It'll be okay, honey, the symbiont'll heal you right up..." Unconsciously, she speaks the words in the same manner as Kevlan has to her many, many times before. Tamber turns to secure the privacy lock on the door, then murmurs to Bernadette, "I shall not be far away, my dear... " Kevlan blurts out frantically, "Don' go, Tam...!" A brief look of hurt crosses Berni's face, but she says quietly as she continues to hold Kevlan "Maybe you should stay, Tamber..." Tamber returns to Kevlan's side, brushing lank hair out of his face, and says gently, "I will not be far away, Galahad. I promise you. Berni will take care of you." Kevlan blinks, looking as lost and bereft as an orphaned child, and looks up Bernadette again as if still not quite believing she's actually here. "Berni?" Bernadette elevates herself on her tiptoes and kisses Kevlan softly on his gaunt cheek. She nods, "Yes, Kev...it's really me, love..." She hugs him again as tightly as she dares, trying to reassure him of her pressence. Tamber helps the younger man down into his bed, gathering some of the quilts to bundle round him. "Stay with Bernadette, dear boy. I will come right back. I promise you." Tamber, with that, clasps Bernadette's shoulder, and quietly slips out. [Bernadette begins to soothe Kevlan into sleep.]