In the days immediately following Bernadette's conversations with Alexandra and Michael about taking Kevlan into the Ranges, Bernadette grows oddly silent and thoughtful. She is never any less supportive to her shaken love and his friends, but she nevertheless becomes oddly reserved every so often, and worried. Then, unexpectedly, Bernadette contacts Tamber and Jerrik and asks them pleadingly to keep watch on Kevlan while she hastens up to Shankill Station. Tamber is worried by this sudden need of Bernadette's to be away from Kevlan's side, but his subtle inquiries yield no results from the apparently worried young woman. At any rate, the Sorter once more takes up the task of keeping company with the traumatized Kevlan. A day or two pass, though, and Tamber himself is called away from his friend's side, as the Sorting Bay requests his aid on a sudden run of fresh crystal in from the Ranges. Tamber reluctantly yields the task of Kevlan-guarding to Jerrik Rawn Deegan, and goes on duty for the first time since his return from Hesperia. The day in the Bay is long and tiring, and after several hours of work that doesn't quite match Tamber's typical efficient pace, he at last is noticed as not being his usual theatrical, flamboyant self.... ---------- Tamber(#1213Pce) Something about this youthful-looking man catches the eye, and when you look closer, you realize what: the red-gold shade of his hair is a hue very rarely seen anywhere in the FSP. That hair is cut in an economically short style, brushed neatly back from a fine-boned, pale-skinned face. His eyes, under expressively mobile eyebrows, are vividly green; his gaze, alert and wry, with a knowing glint that suggests he's either much older or much more experienced than he looks. Of an extremely slender build, he moves with feline casualness, and speaks and sings in a clear ringing tenor. He is clad in an impeccably cut worksuit of a rich forest green shade that, unsurprisingly, perfectly matches his eyes; up and down the suit's lengths are a number of buttoned pockets. On his feet he wears knee-high light grey suede boots. Tamber seems in a grave sort of mood, uncharacteristically terse and sharp. He seems as if he hasn't slept too well lately. 1st Table Area The line here is long, giving plenty of opportunity for scrutiny of your surroundings. The table here as well as the computer is nondescript. Around you Singers and handlers wait their turns for the sorter's attention. After what seems an eternity the sorter turns toward you and reaches for the cartons. Contents: Sorting Table Obvious exits: Out Your approach causes the sorter to look a little panicked. Rhianna joins the queue at the table. Rhianna has arrived. Rhianna strides up to the table with a grim look on her face, mumbling something about "Just rose." Tamber looks up tiredly, sending off the previous Singer with less than his usual flare, and turns to see who's next. Tamber nods quietly, and promptly turns to the carton, his red-lensed eyes seeming worn about the edges. Rhianna sets the carton down with care. Rhianna blinks rapidly and looks carefully at the usually friendly sorter, "Uhh...Tamber, you okay?" Tamber opens Carton 8 - Rhianna and looks inside. Tamber carefully lifts each of the 5 crystals out. He arranges them reverently on the sorting table. Carton 8 - Rhianna has left. Rhianna holds up a finger, "Hold on, let me get the rest of this stuff from my sled, then we can talk." Rhianna walks away from the table to the middle of the sorting area Rhianna has left. [As Rhianna brings in the eight cartons, Tamber unpacks them... ] Rhianna sighs as she sets the final carton down, "Never a recruit around when you need one." Tamber smiles halfheartedly as he unpacks all the cartons. Tamber opens Carton 2 - Rhianna and looks inside. Tamber carefully lifts each of the 5 crystals out. He arranges them reverently on the sorting table. Carton 2 - Rhianna has left. You say "You must forgive my weariness, my dear; it has been a long day, and I would not be on duty at all, save that we have had much work on the bay today." Tamber opens Carton 1 - Rhianna and looks inside. Tamber carefully lifts each of the 5 crystals out. He arranges them reverently on the sorting table. Carton 1 - Rhianna has left. Rhianna leans wearily against a stack of empty cartons, absently brushes her wild red hair from her face and waits patiently. Rhianna chews thoughtfully on her lower lip, "Listen Tam, just stick all of them in a carton and I'll stow them. You look like you need someone to talk to more than I need the few paltry creds these pents are going to bring me." Tamber blinks, and shakes his head a little, still smiling a bit. "I _am_ grateful for the distraction, my dear... " He trails off, and shoves a hand through his red hair. The hairs on your arm stand on end and a chill goes up your spine. You notice a strange expression on Rhianna's face. Rhianna smiles a bit, "Just give me a few minutes to shower and change and meet me in the Den?" Tamber inclines his head. "Certainly, my dear; I shall be there momentarily." Tamber carefully repacks 40 crystal(s) into a storage carton to be sorted at another time. Rhianna smiles, "I'll see you there in a few." She turns as if to go and then turns back, "I don't suppose you've seen Michael recently?" Tamber considers, and finally nods quietly. "A few days ago." Rhianna sighs and gently picks up the carton, "He'll probably be asleep this time of night....if he's in our suite at all." Storage Carton - Rhianna has left. Rhianna picks up the carton, holding it securely to her chest. Rhianna walks away from the table to the middle of the sorting area Rhianna has left. [Shortly thereafter, Tamber arrives at his appointed rendevouz.] Guild Family Den The main lounge is a very comfortable place. You can almost always find Guild members relaxing in here. Scattered groupings of chairs and sofas create conversational areas. There is a catering unit off to one side and a holovid screen for entertainment. Overhead a crystal chandelier twists and sings almost hypnotically. The walls are painted a shimmering light blue, and a darker blue carpet muffles the sounds of footsteps. There are a few plants scattered about that are cared for by Guild members with a green thumb. Contents: Tamber, just standing there Catering Unit DataPad Vendor Obvious Commands ("." for list): .wander .look .wait .pace .couch .pillows .table .catering unit Obvious Exits: Lift Tamber sits down on one of the soft couches. Rhianna wanders in from the lift area. Rhianna has arrived. Tamber has folded his lean frame into one of the couches, and he looks up with a tired smile as you arrive. Rhianna smiles as she spots Tamber and walks over to where he is sitting, "Can I get you something before I collapse there beside you?" You say "A Yarran would be marvelous, my dear; you're very kind." Rhianna nods and walks a bit stiffly to the catering unit. Rhianna paces over to the catering unit. Rhianna spins the menufax around to display the beer selections. Rhianna peruses the selection of beer, and orders a Yarran Beer. Rhianna peruses the selection of beer, and orders a Yarran Beer. Rhianna sits down on one of the soft couches. Tamber smiles wearily, his green eyes lighting somewhat at the sight of the drink. You say "You were asking about Michael, my dear..." Rhianna hands you one of the Yarrans and settles onto the sofa with a sigh, "Okay, Tam, spill it. I've felt nothing but worry, anger and fear from you since I first saw you. It _must_ have something to do with Kevlan, or you'd not be in such an uproar. Tamber wrinkles his nose, and gratefully accepts the beer as he asks somewhat baffledly, "You have not seen Michael in the last three weeks, then?" Rhianna frowns and shakes her head, "It...I really didn't know what to do when he took off after Berni without saying anything to me about it. Then while we were on vacation over Passover...he just wasn't the same." She sighs deeply, "I wanted him to go out to the Ranges with me, but he wouldn't...for various reasons." Tamber murmurs, "I... see." He sighs, takes a long draught from the beer, and his expression - as well as the residual feel of his emotions - shifts into that of a man thinking about an unpleasant but by now familiar problem. Rhianna folds her long legs up under her and settles more comfortably on the couch, waiting patiently. Tamber says at last, "You know that Kevlan and I went to Hesperia?" Rhianna thinks for a moment, "I remember hearing something about it when I came in to resupply, but I was so angry with..." She stops herself and brings her thoughts back to the here and now. "I do remember install some black crystal wasn't it?" You feel a rather strong needling on your skin when you pass close to Rhianna. Tamber nods gravely. "Such was the plan." He drinks more of the beer before swallowing, sighing, and adding, "Such was not, however, the occurrence. We were kept from installing the crystal. The parties that wished us to fail captured Kevlan, my dear, and they were not reluctant to abuse their prize in order to prove the seriousness of their demand." Rhianna blinks several times as all color drains from her face, "" She swallows and finds her voice, "Is is he?" Tamber says heavily, simply, "He was traumatized by the incident, my dear." Rhianna carefully sets her untouched drink on a nearby table as she quietly says, "Dear Bright ones..." She turns and looks at you, pulling herself together, "How badly?" Tamber closes his eyes as he sips at his beer yet again. He then answers, his voice slightly roughened, "Badly enough, my dear, that he is barely capable of speech." The hairs on your arm stand on end and a chill goes up your spine. You notice a strange expression on Rhianna's face. Rhianna nods slowly, "And the prognosis?" Tamber asks tiredly, "Do you wish his physical one, or the mental one?" Rhianna quirks an eyebrow, "For Singers, physical isn't such a big deal. I want to know if his poor back-world mind is mush or if there's still hope for him." Tamber's green eyes darken, and he is silent for a long moment; his normally composed features radiate worry. He finally answers you, "I am very worried for him, my dear. He told Bernadette and me, as best he could, that he cannot sing." Rhianna shifts over and places o hand on your arm, "Tamber, I'm afraid tact hasn't been my strong point lately...I'm sorry if I upset you further." Tamber smiles honestly at you, and shakes his head gently. "Worry not, my dear; I think that my capacity for being upset was burned out of me during the Passover. Or so I feel." Rhianna tilts her head a bit to the side and looks at you with worry in her eyes, "It's not your fault, Tamber. You can't help him if you can't help yourself." Tamber nods quietly. "Believe me, my dear, I know this; Jerrik and I have both been exchanging rest shifts as we can. I spent half the Passover on stimulants, and I would not care to repeat the experience." Rhianna shakes her head, a bit frustrated with herself for not being able to make her thoughts coherent, "I don't mean the physical with you either...the emotional part is what worries me." Tamber arches one red eyebrow, and smiles wanly. "I am... not unaccustomed to grief. But what would you recommend, my dear?" Rhianna sits back, "It's not just grief...I think there's a bit of guilt hidden under there as well." She sighs, "I may be more of a help once the crystal song stops interfering with what I'm feeling. You know, I usually don't pick up on _anything_ straight in from the Ranges, but your emotions hit me like a brick wall." Tamber blinks at you, and you are rewarded with the rare expression of amazement on Tamber's customarily breezy face. Tamber then admits, awkwardly, "I... confess that... the experience shamed me." Rhianna chuckles a bit wryly, "Empathy is not a talent I wave around. Its not very strong except with those I feel close too." Tamber smiles crookedly. "I will take the liberty of being flattered by that, dear girl." Rhianna nods and catches your eyes, "What happened to Kev would have, whether you were there or not. With people like that, there is no stopping them." Tamber nods heavily. "Intellectually, I know this... " His gaze goes distant. "I remember a particularly odd taste to our dinner, and feeling very sleepy. They drugged us both." Rhianna nods, "Tamber, your feelings of shame and guilt are going to tear you up if you don't disown them. You were a victim as well, not just Kevlan. The fault all lies with those who did this. You must be able to completely believe in yourself before you can teach Kev to do the same." Tamber gives a tired, small chuckle. "Again you strike home. I was trying to teach him exactly that.... " Tamber finishes his beer, and sets the beaker aside. He lies back along the couch as he tells you softly, "You would have been proud of him, Rhianna... to see him walk at his full height, speaking without hesitance... and now... " Rhianna smiles warmly, "You must get your own stumbling blocks out of the way though. Then there will be nothing holding you back from helping him." Tamber smiles faintly. "I would appreciate suggestions." You feel a rather strong needling on your skin when you pass close to Rhianna. Rhianna sighs and chews thoughtfully on her lower lip, "Truthfully, I'm not sure where to start except that you will need to keep telling yourself that there is nothing _anyone_ could have done to prevent it...and keep saying it until you believe it." You say "So I have tried... though... it is easier, when I am not looking upon Kevlan himself." Tamber pinches the bridge of his nose, suggesting he has a headache. Rhianna hmms, "I don't know how much I can help with shutting out those nattering thoughts, but I can help with your headache, if you'd like." Tamber flashes you a hopeful glance. "I cannot refuse such a kind offer, my dear... " Rhianna smiles as she stands and walks around behind the couch. "Now, relax and put all thoughts from your mind." Her strong, gentle fingers begin to knead the tenseness from the muscles of your neck and shoulders. At the same time you feel a wordless comforting feeling envelope you, a bit akin to being wrapped in a warm soft blanket on a cool morning. Tamber blinks in soft startlement, exhaling, "Powers...!" He starts to unconsciously lean forward. Rhianna hesitates, "I'm...I'm sorry, Tamber. I should have warned you first about the other half of my so-called talent." Her voice is soft and a bit sorrowful, "I'm afraid when I see a friend that needs comforted its difficult for me not to do everything I can. If you'd rather, I won't allow that to happen again." Tamber blinkblinks, seeming slightly dazed, but he gives you an earnest smile. "It is alright, my dear... I... have not felt this way in some time... " Rhianna smiles a bit crookedly and continues again, "I'm more aware of how I affect others than I was when the symbiont awakened this gift in me. I don't say much about it though...I guess I'm a bit afraid of being labeled a freak." Tamber's eyes drift closed as he mumbles, "You would be surprised at the talents and abilities ascribed to those in your profession... " Rhianna chuckles lightly, "I've heard a lot about Singers, but helping people was never one that was frequently mentioned." Tamber gives a tired chuckle. His taut neck muscles slowly seem to loosen under the ministrations, and as if your attentions loosen Tamber's typical mannerly reserve as well, he tells you wistfully, "The tales Kevlan could start, if he only let himself _be_ a Singer... " Rhianna smiles to herself, "Ah, Tamber. When I first came here, Kevlan was talked about so much that he must truly be the epitome of a Crystal Singer." She chuckles wryly at the memory, "When I got to know him, I realized that he was what every Singer should become. I wish I could look at the world through his eyes at times." You feel a rather strong needling on your skin when you pass close to Rhianna. Tamber giggles a little. "That is our songbird Galahad... " He trails off, hissing a little as you find a particularly stubborn knot just under his left shoulder. "I-I fear that he will curl up into himself, for that world he has so innocently greeted has betrayed him... " Rhianna works carefully at the knotted muscles as she continues quietly, "He taught me how to trust people again after all my...accidents." She pauses a moment, "We will need to teach him the same." You say "Mrmmff... there is _much_ we will have to re-teach him..." Tamber glances over his shoulder up at you, his unguarded, worried gaze almost as expressive as Kevlan's can be. "He can barely speak, Rhianna... " Rhianna sighs sadly, "For all that we can do to let him know he is safe and cared for, there are still many roads he must travel alone." "When he can bear to _be_ alone, perhaps... " Tamber sighs, and you feel him tense slightly again beneath your fingertips, though he struggles to prevent it. Rhianna feels the tenseness creeping in and works with words and feelings to be soothing, "Right now he may not by physically alone...but he is alone inside." She pauses a long moment, "I'd like to help him too. I'm not sure how much help I can be," Her voice takes on a slightly haunted tone, "But I won't let another friend be taken from me because of another's violence." Tamber begins to relax once more, and leans over to prop himself against the arm of the couch before he drops off the front of it. Shaking slightly - indicative of, perhaps, exactly how much tension is present in the Sorter - he murmurs, "If you wish to visit him, my dear, I will help you... " Rhianna feels the spring tight tension loosen from your frame and continues to talk quietly, "I don't know how much I can help, but I can't stand by and not try." Tamber murmurs, his voice slurring slightly - when _did_ he last get some real rest? - "I am no psychologist... I cannot predict what would happen... but any gesture of friendship may help... " Rhianna chuckles lightly as she sees that sleep is about to close in on you, "You really should go ahead back to your suite to sleep, Tam. If you fall asleep on this couch it'll undo all the work we've done to relax you. And I can't guarentee that some loud-mouthed recruits won't barge in and wake you." Tamber blinkblinks - yes, he _is_ looking groggy, now. "You... are a wellspring of wisdom, my dear," he manages without yawning. "If... you want to visit Kevlan, buzz... Jerrik's wrist unit... that will alert him... the suite computer isn't... taking calls... " The hairs on your arm stand on end and a chill goes up your spine. You notice a strange expression on Rhianna's face. Tamber for a moment looks like he's being pulled between alertness and sleep, as if he'd really like to just fall asleep right here, but is aware that here is not the best of places. Rhianna smiles gently and walks around to the front of the couch to help the sleepy sorter to his feet, "Get a full night's sleep now, things always look better in the morning." Tamber rises with a bit of difficulty, trying to avoid swaying as his customary habit of presenting himself as impeccably as possible asserts itself. Tamber smiles crookedly, then, and murmurs something grateful-sounding as you escort him out to the lifts. [End log.]