Log Date: 12/14/95 Log Intro: Rillwhisper and Strongbow have set out from the Willowholt, bound for Lostholt and hoping to find Moonshade. The Willowholt chieftess has offered to come with the archer for companionship -- and her own certainty that as troubled as he's been in the last several months, he should not be alone. Strongbow gratefully accepts her presence, and, in fact, seems to latch onto it as the pair of them travel. The archer uncharacteristically chatter-sends to her, sharing memories of anything and everything that comes to mind, of old hunts, of times past, whether in his Holt or in Sorrow's End; but not once, she notices, does he mention Moonshade. She notices, too, that although he takes up his bow again and hunts with her, he leaves the handling of the kill to _her_, as if loath to touch a wounded, not-yet-dead creature. Aware that her soul-brother is still needing healing of a kind, Rillwhisper does her best to provide the companionship he needs, as the two of them draw nearer his home Holt.... ---------- The summer's day is quiet, and the only thing stirring in the immediate vicinity is Fallberry. The Preserver is on guard -- it has highthings to take care of! Briskly, it perches in a bush's branches, not far from where Rillwhisper and Sunruff have curled up out of sight and scent. Rillwhisper lies curled into Sunruff's flank, sheltered under leaf-heavy branches, her bow and dagger in immediate easy reach. Curled up similarly, the archer sleeps, bow not far from reach. His sleep is light, almost fitful, though he rarely moves more than the brief twitch of the nose, or the lift of a hand to brush hair away from his face. Fallberry flitflitflits happily. Nicesafe highthings! Partly guarding, and partly looking for flowers, it darts in and around the bushes. And tries VERY hard not to sing. But it can't help a few random BREE-dee-DEEETS as it goes. Strongbow twitches rather more visibly as a moment of song reaches too close to his ear. Eyes opening dimly brown onto the world, his lip curls slightly, knowing without looking what's at fault for disturbing his sleep. A breath later, he closes his eyes again, hoping for peace. Fallberry eeks as sharpquiet highthing moves, and peers worriedly at sunnygreen highthing, too. Will sunnygreen highthing wake up? Seeing one green eye slit open, it immediately flits over, offering a yellow flower it found. /Beesweet for sunnygreen highthing?/ Rillwhisper blinkblinks, and grins, drowsily, at the Preserver. Strongbow mentally groans, ducking his head into his shoulders in the hopes of camoflauging himself against Preserverly intents. Rillwhisper shhhhs softly at the little bug. "Peace, Fallberry... don't wake him, alright?" Fallberry pipes, /Fallberry bring beesweet for sunnygreen highthing!/ Happily, it presents the flower. Rillwhisper smirks a bit, but not unkindly, and lets the bug braid the bloom into her hair if it'll keep it quiet. Strongbow lies there for a while, thinking, I'm going to sleep again. I am. Any minute now. After a while, he uncurls partway and slits one eye open. Quietly, he sends greeting. Rillwhisper looks over, and chuckles very softly. There's a flower braided into her hair just over her right ear, and she smiles. "Hello there." Fallberry eeps, flits, and ducks to the chieftess's shoulder, while the wolf slits open an eye, yffs, and closes it again. Strongbow picks himself up into a sit, shaking his hair back. He looks at the Preserver for a moment, silently begrudging it his lost sleep, then shifts his brown gaze to the chieftess. Nodding once, he asks, ** Have you been waiting...? ** On Rillwhisper's shoulder, Fallberry peeks timidly out from under the chieftess's hair and pipes, /Fallberry sorry, sharpquiet highthing!/ Rillwhisper half-grins, and promises, "Not long. The bug brought me an apology." Wryly, she gestures at her hair. Strongbow shakes his head, some of the green-eyed smile reflected in his own brown gaze. ** Looks well there, ** he remarks, noting the flower. He crosses his arms and looks at the wolf, then up into the trees, considering the light. Rillwhisper just smiles, serenely, at the Preserver's comment that it likes flowers in 'sunnygreen highthing's hair'. She reaches over to skritch Sunruff, who yawns grumpily even as her tail thumps. "We don't need to move on yet... still light..." Strongbow nods once. ** Too light. ** He scents the air, reflexively. Rillwhisper comments easily, "Good scents... summer." She thinks privately that Dawn must be hunting up her supply of dreamberries, but avoids mentioning that, and chooses instead to add, "If you need to sleep more, I can take watch." Strongbow shakes his head, pushing hair back out of his eyes. One lock falls stubbornly back over his forehead as he returns, ** No...I'm all right. ** Rillwhisper keeps the thought to herself that she isn't quite sure of that; outwardly, she just nods unruffledly. "Want to hunt? Or wait for the Daystar to go down?" She peers out from their chosen shelter, judging the quality of the light. Strongbow shakes his head. ** No need. ** He looks over at his companion and her companions in turn, eyes distant. ** If you like, ** he amends, tone softer. Rillwhisper smiles, reaching over to Strongbow's shoulder. "No need for which? Hunting, or waiting for sunset?" Strongbow's glance flicks back to the chieftess. ** Hunt. ** A smile shimmers in his eyes, tugging at the corners of his mouth, for a moment. Rillwhisper easily nods. "We're getting into your Holt's territory... do you want to go on?" Her gaze gently questions, along with her words. Strongbow shakes his head slightly. ** Soon. Not quite in range. ** Rillwhisper frowns, just slightly, to herself. The archer's been ducking her subtle encouragements this entire trip, and that he hasn't mentioned his lifemate a single time has begun to trouble her. Should she risk mentioning the tanner? "We could make good time," she offers, "and probably meet whoever Cutter's got on watch by tomorrow morning..." She studies the other elf. "What do you want to do?" Strongbow folds his arms, looking away. Finally, he nods. ** May as well be moving. More time for you to visit, ** he comments, looking back at the chieftess, ** while the season holds. ** Rillwhisper smiles. "I'll stay while I can," she promises, as she reaches for her dagger and bow. Strongbow gets to his feet, lifting his bow as he does so. He stretches, tensing his shoulders and rolling them, then letting them drop. Rillwhisper, as the Preserver chitters brightly about seeing the other highthings at their destination, leans over to rouse Sunruff. The she-wolf yawns hugely, then disgruntedly rises, and lets her elf-friend lead her out of the shelter. ** Let's go then, ** Rillwhisper sends cheerfully, and after a cautious glance out of the hiding place, and a sniff of the air, she steps out to the trail. Strongbow shoulders his bow and follows, footsteps quiet in the summer forest loam. He ducks a twig of the tree that might like to make a tangle of his hair and emerges onto the trail. East Bank of the Silver Run River Contents: Strongbow Sunruff(#39Jaes) Obvious exits: South Along the River Into the River Along the River Hill Rillwhisper brightens, to be up and moving, and with a spring to her step, heads off. You climb up the hill to the east. Hill Contents: Feather decorated Tent Starshine Tent(#2391LOVe) Obvious exits: Clearing River Bank Along the River Bank Sunruff climbs up to the top of the hill from the river bank just to the west. Sunruff has arrived. Strongbow climbs up to the top of the hill from the river bank just to the west. Strongbow has arrived. Rillwhisper moves along through the forest, apparently choosing to walk on foot for a while rather than burden the wolf. Sunruff keeps up, however, and occasionally darts off into the underbrush herself, perhaps pursuing a meal, perhaps simply to investigate what scents reach her lupine nose. Fallberry rides on the chieftess's shoulder and keeps mostly quiet, letting Rillwhisper maintain a semblance of stealth. Strongbow follows the chieftess for the most part, strangely enough, though his stride knows the way as well without his attention as it might if he were tracking the trail. He sends, for a while, brief memories and stories of memories, sometimes brought about by familiar hunting ground or a place where cubs used to play. As the little group comes closer and closer to the archer's home, however, he quiets, eyes darkening, unreadable. Rillwhisper smiles at her travelling companion over her shoulder -- hearing what, for Strongbow, amounts to a veritable flood of chatter is mildly heartening even as she wonders at his unusual loquaciousness. But most of these recollections and sharings are unfamiliar to her, so she doesn't mind them; indeed, she offers laughter and a listening ear when needed, and it is only when he trails off that she steps to a halt, looking at him. You locksend ** You alright, archer? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow halts, blinking once. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow seems a bit startled, and returns an affirmative, almost adding, 'of course.' Rillwhisper nods, slowly, and encourages, ** Come on, then... they'll be happy to see you, I'm sure, after a year...! ** She smiles, and gestures you onward. You head towards the Lost Holt Clearing. Lost Holt Clearing Contents: Denning Tree Obvious exits: Path Hill Approach to the Father Tree Strongbow arrives from the Hill. Strongbow has arrived. Strongbow frowns inwardly, sending. After a moment, he stops walking, frown more visible. Rillwhisper waits, holding back a little, now, that the two have reached the archer's home. And she blinks at him, tilting her head. ** ? ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow's tone is quiet, almost without expression. ** She's not here. ** Rillwhisper blinks. "Wha--?" Fallberry, on her shoulder, looks quirkily at her, before she shushes the bug. Frowning, she steps closer to the archer. You locksend ** She doesn't answer your sending? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow shakes his head once, sending clustering like clouds in his eyes. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow corrects, repeating. ** She's not here. ** Rillwhisper looks up at the taller elf, gaze darkening. You locksend ** The others -- anyone else answering you? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow blinks, as if he hadn't thought of that. Rillwhisper nods, gently, laying a hand on Strongbow's shoulder. ** Send to them... ** Strongbow's expression lifts for an instant, then darkens. Rillwhisper prompts softly, ** Does the tribe answer? ** Ynderra walks over from the Father Tree. Ynderra has arrived. Strongbow nods once. ** Cutter...Ynderra. ** His lip twitches slightly, and he nods, unsurprised to see the latter. Ynderra comes running nimbly through the trees, black hair flying behind her. "Strongbow!" She waves cheerfully. Strongbow holds his ground and his wide-footed stance, one hand on his bow. He nods greeting to Ynderra, but fails utterly to return her enthusiasm. Rillwhisper smiles to the new arrival, and as Ynderra comes charging up, she greets her with, "I hope there's somewhere we can sit down -- it's been a long walk." Strongbow shakes his head, firmly, at that, showing no intent of doing anything of the kind. Ynderra frowns a little bit, not understanding why Moonshade isn't here. "Um, well, of course, do you all want to talk to Cutter or something?" Rillwhisper glances at Strongbow, and then to the young healer. "That might be wise," she suggests softly. "Strongbow?" Strongbow's lip twitches, and he shifts his gaze, from Ynderra to the chieftess. ** He doesn't know. ** Strongbow shakes his head. ** Where...she is, ** he amends. Ynderra ums. "She, um, hasn't been back since you both left for Willowholt," she offers, hesitantly. Ynderra says "But, um, come on, you should talk to the others. Maybe we can figure out what to do, 'kay?"" Ynderra gestures at you both hopefully, and darts into the trees, northward. Ynderra walks toward the Father Tree. Ynderra has left. Rillwhisper turns to Strongbow, and offers her hand. "C'mon? We should speak with them..." Strongbow breathes a bit, then takes the chieftess' hand with a wordless nod. You walk towards the Father Tree. Base of the Lost Holt Father Tree(#765RJ) Contents: Ynderra DiveDown's Tent Bearpaw Mirrormoons Calmwind(#7032Jopq) Obvious exits: Into the Tree Around the Tree Clearing Strongbow walks up to the Father Tree from the clearing. Strongbow has arrived. Rillwhisper smiles to Ynderra, and leads Strongbow in after her, clasping his hand in hers. "Talking with Cutter _would_ be a good idea... if I have to doubleback to the Willowholt to look for Moonshade, we should know what we're doing..." Ynderra nods, earnestly, playing with a curl of her hair as she ponders. She giggles as Fallberry greets her enthusiastically, and then admits, "Don't know why she wouldn't have come back, I mean, you two didn't have a fight or something, did you Strongbow?" Strongbow takes a step back, eyes going a bit wider. He sends, without words or meaning, for a split-breath and stops. Rillwhisper glances at Strongbow, frowning softly, then back at the Lostholt maiden. "It's... a long story." You locksend ** Do you... want to talk to Cutter? Or Leetah? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow looks at Rillwhisper, shaking his head once. Strongbow locksends ** Moonshade isn't here. ** Ynderra blinks several times, studying the expression on the archer's face, and her own going rather startled. "Oh... um, well. I could find Cutter for you, or something...?" You locksend ** But perhaps the others can help us decide where to look for her? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow looks back at Ynderra and sighs slightly. ** He should know she's gone, ** he sends, resignedly. Strongbow nods once to Rillwhisper. Rillwhisper looks at Ynderra and says forthrightly, "I think we're a little more concerned with finding Moonshade, at the moment." Ynderra nods slowly, looking between the two older elves. "Well, er..." She fidgets, not certain what to offer. "I've sent... Cutter and Spidersilk verify she isn't here... we've not seen her...." Strongbow closes his eyes, as if to shut out the rest of the world in concentration. Ynderra bites her lip. And looks at Rillwhisper, an obvious question -- and equally obvious concern, as she glances sidelong at Strongbow's haggard features -- in her gaze. Ynderra locksends to Rillwhisper ** What's _wrong_ with him? He looks like he hasn't slept right or eaten much in moons! And why isn't Moonshade with you? ** Rillwhisper looks back at the healer, breast shifting slightly in a noiseless sigh. She stares quietly at her for a moment, sending... Rillwhisper locksends to Ynderra ** Peace... don't crowd him, yet. He's not ready for it. I'll tell you everything, but please, I must speak with Cutter and Leetah, first. About why Moonshade left her mate at my Holt -- and his killing of Tash. ** ...And Ynderra blinks. And catches herself before she stares at Strongbow again, before he gets a chance to see her shocked and worried expression. Ynderra locksends to Rillwhisper ** Oh... alright. I'll find them. ** Strongbow opens his eyes, having missed all of this. ** I don't know where she is. May have gone... ** He pauses, not sending 'to memory,' though the hint of that thought is there. Rillwhisper looks up at the archer consideringly. "Might she have gone to the Grove Holt?" Ynderra puts in helpfully, "Or to Sorrow's End, maybe?" Strongbow nods once at Rill, then looks at Ynderra, considering that. The idea seems to pain him slightly, but finally he nods to that as well. Beside Rillwhisper, Fallberry flitflitflits, and pipes, /Wethings go look for makeclothes highthing?/ Rillwhisper murmurs, "I could ride back to Willowholt -- don't think she's still in our territory, or we'd have seen her..." You sense in a locksend, Strongbow affirms, ** She's not. ** Perhaps he sent to her some time after she left; perhaps he just knows. He seems quite certain, however. Rillwhisper nods quietly, looking up at Strongbow still. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper does not dispute the knowing, nor the fact that you must look for her. She suggests tentatively, ** We... could cover more ground, if we split up... I could go to Grove, swing home on the way and tell them I'm searching...? ** Strongbow nods once, and turns back to Ynderra. All the archer, watchguard, and hunter now, he states, ** Cutter should be told. He may want to send a search. ** Ynderra chews at her lip a bit, gaze speculative, but whatever thoughts she's pondering she keeps to herself. "I'll tell him," she promises. "We'll all help look!" A flicker of a ruesome smile glints in the archer's eyes, and he turns to Rillwhisper. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow offers doubtful agreement. ** Tell your tribe...you need not go. ** This last seems to come to him as an afterthought. ** My tribesfolk... ** Rillwhisper smiles solemnly, reaching up to brush a light touch along the archer's cheek. Ynderra blinks. And stares. Then catches herself again. You locksend ** Do you want me to help? ** to Strongbow. Ynderra says "Um... I'll go find Cutter, okay?" You sense in a locksend, Strongbow considers that. Strongbow nods aside to Ynderra. ** With thanks. ** Rillwhisper glances at Ynderra, and smiles to her, not unkindly. "We'll wait. Thank you, healer." You sense in a locksend, Strongbow sighs. ** Yes. ** Ynderra nods and scurries off, boggling to herself all the way. Ynderra walks up into the rough opening that leads into the tree. Ynderra has left. Rillwhisper gives a single, simple nod; evidently, that settles the matter for her. You locksend ** Alright... how best can I help? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow shakes his head, a bit surprised, perhaps. Rillwhisper clasps Strongbow's shoulders in both her hands and looks up at him levelly, quietly. Fallberry flitters about uncertainly, then cheerfully flits off after Ynderra, as Rillwhisper's wolf exchanges greetings with a curious Lostholt one. You locksend ** What do you want me to do? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** I...don't know if she'll want me to find her. ** Strongbow closes his eyes for a breath's span, trying not to think: or if she wants to be found. Rillwhisper draws in an inhalation, her gaze resting on her tall, lean companion gravely. You locksend ** Can't know unless we go ask her, right? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow silently assents with a nod, forelock dropping between his brows. He shifts his bow on his shoulder. Strongbow locksends ** You should tell your tribe...I can wait for Cutter's word. ** Rillwhisper smiles, approvingly, at the agreement. But as the archer sends on, she quirks an eyebrow, looking up at him searchingly. Cursed hard to read him, sometimes, and right now it's not helping that he seems to have withdrawn behind that mental itchgrass circle Rill had herself mentioned to Dawn... should she leave? Does he want her to? You locksend ** I could also send Fallberry back to talk to Woodhawk. ** to Strongbow. Strongbow looks doubtful, but nods. Rillwhisper leans closer, her gaze going more pointed. You locksend ** Do you want me to stay? ** to Strongbow. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow sighs softly, admitting, ** Yes. ** Rillwhisper thinks, good, don't run to cover on me now, soul-brother... and smiles. You locksend ** Alright. Do we wait for Cutter's word to search, then? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow nods once. ** We do. ** Rillwhisper nods, then, letting her hands drop from the other elf's shoulders, and smiling a bit, satisfied. "What to do till then?" Strongbow shakes his head. Weakly, he sends, ** You visit. ** Rillwhisper gives a low, soft chuckle. A momentary shift of her gaze sideways suggests -- for an instant -- that something else is requesting her attention, but she says nothing about it, and simply points out, "The Holt is quiet... perhaps we should both rest, till the others come to us?" Strongbow nods softly, and wordlessly offers to lead you up to his den, or to a den with no permanent occupant, as you wish. Rillwhisper keeps her gentle smile, and says lightly, "Ynderra said there were many visitors -- perhaps I should not crowd the visitor dens?" Strongbow nods, agreeing easily with his own preference, and leads up into the tree. Strongbow walks up into the rough opening that leads into the tree. Strongbow has left. You walk up into the rough opening that leads into the tree. Inside the Father Tree(#770RA) Contents: Strongbow Ynderra Obvious exits: Into the Roots Up Outside ...only to bump into Ynderra. :) Ynderra eeps, climbing down from above, and skids to a halt. "Oh, there you are... um, well, Cutter's out hunting, and I'm about to find Leetah... maybe you should both wait?" Strongbow nods to Ynderra, sending. ** We can be sent for. ** Rillwhisper answers casually, "We were going to rest." Strongbow continues up into the tree. Strongbow climbs up a set of steps. Strongbow has left. [Strongbow and Rillwhisper continue into...] Strongbow and Moonshade's Den(#4665RJh) Contents: Strongbow Obvious exits: Out Rillwhisper glances very briefly over her shoulder as she comes in after you. Strongbow sighs very softly at the den, eyes for a moment sad at the scent and the familiarity. Rillwhisper pauses behind you, at the entry hole. She remembers this place herself, but for once it is she who is the guest; thus, she watches the archer for a cue as to what he'll do. Strongbow slips in to sit in the furs, heartlessly shaking his head. He shivers off the feeling and gestures you in. ** Welcome. Rest. ** His words are quiet, and a bit awkward. Rillwhisper draws up beside you, and softly nods. "I will," she promises. Rillwhisper, true to her word, lies back across the furs. It _does_ feel good to lie down, and she murrs appreciatively -- Moonshade's a far better tanner than she and the feel of the furs here is startlingly blissful. But she doesn't close her eyes yet, waiting to see if Moonshade's mate allows himself to rest as well. She won't push him, to be sure, but she _will_ keep an eye on him... Strongbow leans back into the tree, easing himself into a comfortable position. He keeps awake, however, watching out through the branches, silent, brooding. Rillwhisper inwardly sighs, glancing up at her friend and considering. Pleasant to just lie her and drift a bit, but still... She speaks up, voice going drowsy. "I want you to wake me if you need me, alright?" Strongbow nods once. ** I will. ** He looks at his companion for a long moment, eyes thoughtful, hinting at a smile. ** Rest, ** he urges, gently. Rillwhisper, content with the promise, allows her eyes to close. After a time, she dozes off, chest rising and falling slightly with her slow, steady breathing. [In the meantime, Ynderra tracks down Leetah in her den, and pauses outside it, sending to her...] You locksend to Leetah, Ynderra sends, shyly, looking for you and Cutter, ** Um... Cutter... Leetah... Rillwhisper asked me to find you... ** Leetah locksends ** Is something wrong? ** You locksend ** It's Strongbow! Um, and Moonshade, except that Moonshade's not with him! I don't understand, really, I mean, I thought she went with _him_ to Willowholt but they seemed to think she'd be here, you know? But he looks bad, Leetah, and, , Rillwhisper said something happened... ** to Leetah. You sense in a locksend, Leetah sorts through that, then becomes -very- concerned. ** What happened? ** You locksend to Leetah, Ynderra adds hesitantly, ** Um, I asked if they had a fight or something, and Strongbow got this look, like I'd hit him or something... ** She pauses and then adds, lowly, ** Rillwhisper said something happened at the Willowholt that made him remember killing Tash. I-I don't know what's wrong with this, but he sure did look bad...! ** Leetah has arrived. Ynderra ohs! And looks up hopefully as you emerge. "Is Cutter in there? He sent..." Leetah shakes her head, and sighs. "No.." Ynderra ohs, and frowns softly. "Um, well, Rillwhisper and Strongbow, they went to his den... I'm worried, Leetah, he looks like he's barely eaten in moons." Leetah frowns as well. "His den, then?" She considers. "Did Rillwhisper say anything about what might be wrong?" Ynderra nods to the first question. "She sent. He dozed off, I think, but she's awake..." To the second, she adds, nose wrinkling as she remains perched against the tree, "She thought... he'd _forgotten_ the killing. That he's acting like he'd completely forgotten it and only just now remembered. She didn't say what made it happen." Leetah nods thoughtfully, frowning. "Does Cutter know?" Ynderra offers meekly, "She asked me to say that she wanted to talk to you both." Leetah nods again. Ynderra finishes, "Shall I send back to her?" You say "Or go look for Cutter....?" Leetah considers. "You try and find Cutter. I'll see what I can do here." Ynderra nods earnestly and scrambles farther down the tree. "Right!" [Back in Strongbow and Moonshade's den, Rillwhisper stirs from her nap...] After a time, Rillwhisper opens her eyes partway, her light sleep shifted slightly as some inner awareness nudges her. Finding Strongbow curled up at last, she peers at him cautiously. Is he finally resting? Strongbow sleeps the sleep of one who needs it, curled in furs, back against the strong wood of the father tree. He shifts from time to time, and once growls, but after every fit he falls back into silence and stillness, comforted perhaps by familiarity. Rillwhisper props herself up on one elbow, and frowns softly to herself as she studies the archer's sleeping features. About time, she thinks. But seeing his eyes rapidly darting under closed lids, and the faint tremble of a muscle in one cheek, her frown deepens. She'd hoped he'd sleep better here in his own den, but she's not sure it's helping... Strongbow sleeps on, body unwilling to take any more of the mind's forcing wakefulness, no matter how active the mind chooses to be even in sleep. His bow lies safely in front of him, just out of convenient reach, as if he set it intentionally there. Rillwhisper carefully, slowly, sits up, trying to avoid disturbing him with her movement. Strongbow twitches once at the soft sounds of movement, or perhaps at some internal sound, but soon stills, breath coming, if anything, more gently and evenly. His eyelids are still for a time, and he sleeps, for a few precious moments, peacefully. Rillwhisper glances out of the den, sending, equally cautiously, before returning her attention to her exhausted soul-brother. Seeing him settle, she smiles a little and reaches over with a gentle hand to smooth hair back from his face. Strongbow's lashes twitch slightly as a lock of hair drags across them, but he remains at quiet. Rillwhisper murmurs gently, "Sleep, dear one... sleep. I won't go anywhere, I promise." She'd not dare to tell him that to his face, when he's awake, for fear of embarrassing him. But with him in slumber, she indulges herself, smiling a bit wistfully. Leetah locksends ** Rillwhisper? .. Ynderra said you wanted to talk to me..? ** You locksend ** Healer... yes. She's told you I've brought the archer back? ** to Leetah. Rillwhisper then breathes in a gasp, hand poised over Strongbow's forelock. Her green gaze flicks out of the den, again. Leetah locksends ** Yes.. she also said something was wrong. ** Strongbow shifts softly at the gasp, dream and waking world merging for a moment. His brows furrow, and he uncurls slightly. You locksend to Leetah, Rillwhisper answers levelly, ** That's an understatement. ** She sighs, mentally, briefly distracted -- you can catch a glimmer of worry from her at something she must be doing.... Rillwhisper looks down at the archer again, and frowns lightly. He should continue to rest. She brushes her hand along his hair again, hoping to soothe him back into better slumber. You sense in a locksend, Leetah is concerned now. Very much so. ** What has happened, then? She only told me a little. ** You locksend to Leetah, Rillwhisper then sends again, a few moments later. Her tone is clear and level, but tinged with a hint of embarrassment, as she tells you in concise images -- not unlike Strongbow's usual, as a matter of fact -- that the archer had come to Willowholt because of her own invitation to try to bond with one of the Willowholt pack. And Moonshade had come after, bringing a cub, with which the archer had actually begun to bond... You locksend to Leetah, Rillwhisper goes on, after that, describing how one of her own tribe had pulled an unthinking stunt -- trying to burn some of the Willowholt's more esoteric mushrooms in a campfire, and coaxing an unknowing archer to share the fire with her. ** Dawn got more than she asked for. The archer dreamed -- but he thought the Holt was on fire. And he thought Tash did it. ** Her tone darkens, with concern. The soothing seems to do its work, as the archer's throat makes a small sound directly preceding another calm. You locksend to Leetah, Rillwhisper finishes, mental tone gone blunt with a bit of shame and worry, ** He thought Dawn's cub Pwyll was Tash, too, till Moonshade calmed him down. We got him healed... but, well, Brightfire said she thinks he'd forgotten killing Tash and that the mushroom dream made him remember. ** You locksend to Leetah, Rillwhisper's mind swings away again, briefly. Rillwhisper nods to herself. Sleep, archer. At least till I'm done talking with Leetah. Sleep... Her hand continues to soothe. Her scent isn't Moonshade's, but at least he trusts it... You locksend to Leetah, Rillwhisper comes back, softly. ** He's not been himself since then, Healer. Particularly since Moonshade left our Holt. We... thought she'd be back here. ** You sense in a locksend, Leetah is quiet for some time, then sends the equivalent of a sigh. ** She didn't. ** She pauses for a moment before continuing. ** Is there any reason you can think of why she wouldn't have? ** You locksend ** None. All she said to me was, 'Take care of him'... ** to Leetah. Leetah locksends ** And Strongbow. How is he right now? ** You locksend ** He stayed holed up in our Starwillow the whole spring. Barely ate a thing. We got him eating again... and he asked to come back here. He's hunted with me, but never touched his kills. And he's slept, but restless. He's sleeping now, here in the den. ** to Leetah. Rillwhisper looks down at you quietly, gaze intent, taking in perhaps every line of strain around closed eyes. You locksend to Leetah, Rillwhisper considers, and then asks, ** Do you want to see him? ** Strongbow uncurls a bit more, yawning in his thinning sleep. Leetah locksends ** I do, but not now. He should sleep. ** You locksend to Leetah, Rillwhisper doesn't answer you immediately, but when she does, her tone is dry. ** Might not be very long. He's moving. If he wakes up I'll ask him...? ** Leetah locksends ** Alright. ** Rillwhisper glances outside again, then draws her fingertips along your forehead, and looks down at you quietly. Rillwhisper says softly, "Strongbow?" Your name, rather than 'archer', for once. Strongbow seemingly melts awake, eyes opening in a fluid motion, apparently close to waking already. He sends a soft, wordless query: is all well? Rillwhisper nods once. "Leetah sends. May she see you?" Strongbow's eyes darken, and he is silent for a moment. At last, however, he nods once, solemn. Rillwhisper nods, equally solemn. You locksend ** He's awake. ** to Leetah. You locksend ** He agrees to you seeing him, if you wish... ** to Leetah. Strongbow's glance flickers for a moment. Rillwhisper sits back a bit, giving you room to sit up as you will, but not moving out of touch's distance. Strongbow sighs to himself and rises to a sit, absently pushing his mane back. He watches the entranceway expectantly. [In the meantime, Ynderra meets Cutter coming in, as the chief of Lostholt curtails his hunt in response to the sendings about Strongbow's return to the Holt....] Ynderra comes running down from the Father Tree, sending, ** Cutter! Cutter! My chief! ** Ynderra pants, breathless, but her sending is clear as she spots her chieftain coming in from the outer reaches of the Holt. ** Rillwhisper and Strongbow -- you heard them send, Rillwhisper wanted me to find you....! ** Cutter's eyebrows lift. "What? What? Is something wrong? Strongbow?" Ynderra skids to a halt and looks up at Cutter earnestly, nodding her head quickly. "I was talking to Leetah, but Rillwhisper asked me to find you, too. Something's wrong with him, my chief, and it's more than just Moonshade not being here." Cutter scowls lightly. "Is he fever sick? Where is he, Ynderra?" You say "He's up in his den -- with Rillwhisper. He doesn't have a fever, not sick like that, but Rillwhisper says she thinks he's remembered killing Tash!" The young healer's face is worried, and baffled at the same time. "I don't know why it's a problem, but Rillwhisper's worried anyway, and Strongbow looks like a good breeze would topple him." Cutter smiles a bit, and nods, reaching a hand out to rest it on your shoulder. "Then we'll goand helphold him up, hmm?" Ynderra nods anxiously. "Leetah went to see him, but if you think we should too..." Cutter nods. "I think we should." Ynderra nods quietly, and points. "He's in his den... come on..." [The chief and the healer pause in the Father Tree outside Strongbow and Moonshade's den....] Ynderra pauses, and points silently at the archer and the tanner's den, holding back to allow her chieftain to precede her. Cutter nods once. Cutter looks sidelong at Ynderra, gives her a crooked smile, and heads into the den. Cutter has left. [And inside that den....] Rillwhisper blinks, suddenly, and murmurs, "Not Leetah..." You sense in a locksend, Cutter is quiet, almost cautious. ** Think the archer's up for company? ** Strongbow raises a brow, looking back at the chieftess. You locksend ** Cutter! Leetah'd just sent, she wanted to see him... are you coming in with her? ** to Cutter. Cutter locksends ** I haven't seen her yet. I was on the edge of the holt. Ynderra's here. ** You locksend ** Oh... alright... She was sending to me as well. ** to Cutter. Rillwhisper looks up at you. "It's Cutter. Strongbow nods once, half-expecting as much. Cutter has arrived. Strongbow nods once, unsurprised to see Cutter enter, and leans into the wood of the tree, sitting. Rillwhisper looks up from where she's sitting by Strongbow, and she smiles in honest pleasure to see Cutter. The Willowholt chieftess looks a bit sleep-rumpled, but clear-eyed. Rillwhisper says forthrightly, "I'm glad Ynderra found you, Cutter... we... need to talk." Rillwhisper glances sidelong at Strongbow, not commenting further, yet, but letting the Lostholt chieftain get a look at the archer for himself. Cutter smiles in return at Rillwhisper. ** Welcome back to the holt, chieftess.. ** He trails off, and nods, glancing at Strongbow, before he sinks into an easy crouch. The archer's eyes darken slightly, and he reaches aside to pull his bow nearer, then folds his arms, waiting. Strongbow looks, along with stubborn, a bit wearied and underslept, slightly leaner than he should be, and a tad distant. You locksend ** Shall I tell him, my friend? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow's gaze flicks sharply to Rillwhisper. Cutter smiles carefully still. ** What news, archer? ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow begins and halts a send in the same thought, as if for a second he wasn't sure what you intended to "tell" about. Strongbow looks back at Cutter. ** Moonshade has gone. ** Rillwhisper lays her arm along one knee, watching Strongbow quietly, letting him speak as he will. Cutter's smile disappears. ** Aye. I know. We'll find her and bring her home thoug. You know that. ** Rillwhisper puts in, "I'd like to help search for her, if I may." As Ynderra peeks in from outside, she smiles at the healer, and adds, "Ynderra and I wondered if she might have gone to the Grove, or perhaps to Sorrow's End." Strongbow nods once. He looks to the den entrance at Ynderra, then back at Cutter, one eye narrowing. Cutter's gaze shifts back to Rillwhisper, and nods. "You're welcome, of course. Any idea why she left? I heard not a word from her, at all.." Rillwhisper glances at Strongbow -- will he want to elaborate? Strongbow looks steadily at his chieftain, sending darkening his brown gaze further. You locksend ** All she told me when she left Willowholt was... 'take care of him'. ** to Cutter. Strongbow's lip twitches slightly, wanting to curl, but the archer remains composed. Cutter's eyebrows draw together, sent to by both, and his gaze shifts back and forth between the two, studying them both. After awhile, he nods again, and sends, with no question in his tone, ** We will find her. ** You sense in a locksend, Cutter's send is.. awkward. ** She chose a good protector for him, then. ** Rillwhisper inclines her head, asking only, "What would you have us do?" You locksend ** Thank you. I... should explain what happened, Cutter. ** to Cutter. Strongbow senses in a locksend, Cutter's send is forcedly steady. ** She will come home, Strongbow. ** Strongbow makes no move, watching Cutter, as if waiting on an order or decision. Cutter holds a hand up, and nods to Rillwhisper. "I would like to hear." Strongbow's eyes narrow, and he looks at Rillwhisper, wordless. Just outside the den, Ynderra frowns lightly, not wishing to intrude on the space already holding three elves, but watching anxiously nonetheless. Rillwhisper looks back quietly at Strongbow and says softly, "He needs to know, archer. Do you want to tell him, or shall I?" Strongbow looks at Rillwhisper for a long moment, then over at Cutter. Without a word, he gets to his feet, head bowed slightly in the small space of the den. He lifts his bow as he rises, and shoulders it. ** Tell him, then. ** Without one thought more, he steps to the den entrance, glaring Ynderra out of the way. Rillwhisper's golden eyebrows draw together, and she rises just as quickly. "This is your den, archer -- we'll leave, if you wish it." Ynderra blinks, wordlessly meeps, and vanishes out of the archer's line of sight. Strongbow turns round. ** I will hunt. ** The words are sharp, quick, and not without bitterness, quite at Rillwhisper. You locksend ** Dear one... forgive me... but he needs to know. ** to Strongbow. Rillwhisper bows her head, and murmurs, "As you wish." Cutter rises as well, crowding the space even farther. ** Strongbow.. ** That's his chieftain's tone, by the way, and demands attention, foul mood or not. ** We'll leave your den. No hunting. Not yet, anyway. Give your head some time to clear. ** Rillwhisper, at Cutter's declaration, gives a single nod. Strongbow's eyes narrow again at something unheard. His gaze flickers to his chief, and he nods once. ** Then go. ** Strongbow sidesteps neatly out of the path to the branch outside. Rillwhisper, expression going quiet and neutral, slips out without another word. [After Rillwhisper and Cutter leave....] Strongbow growls to himself. Nervy chieftess. If she's going to speak for him, to his chieftain, about things he'd rather leave unsaid, she could have the sense to let him hear her betrayal. Or, better, to do it well out of his range. He sits down, sulkily, and pulls out an arrow. After a moment of staring at the point, he gets up to find a sharpening stone, then sits again to hone the arrowtip's edges, face dark. [In the meantime, Rillwhisper follows Cutter out through the tree....] Cutter has arrived. Cutter nods upward. ** Here.. ** Cutter climbs further up through the branches. Cutter has left. Rillwhisper sighs softly, and follows. You climb further up through the branches. Farther up the Tree(#778RL) Contents: Cutter Obvious exits: Type "DENS" to see who lives here. Down Cutter has left. Cutter and Leetah's Den(#2716RJL) Contents: Cutter Obvious exits: Out Rillwhisper comes in after you, green gaze strangely aglitter, though it's difficult to tell whether it is because of worry or shame. Rillwhisper glances around; the den is not unfamiliar to her, as she's rested her before on a previous visit. But, gingerly, she does not settle anywhere quite yet. Her expression pained, she looks at the younger chieftain and asks bluntly, "You see what I mean about him not being himself?" Cutter gestures at the chest-pile, while he clambers up into his window perch, foot braced against one curve of the window, the other danging down the inside wall. He nods. "I see.. but why? What happened to him? I mean.. Timmorn's blood, Rillwhisper, he didn't even argue at being kept from hunting." Rillwhisper sits where directed, and releases a long sigh. "It's like this..." She steadies herself, then tells the story, crisply, tersely, of how Dawn's unmalicious but also unthinking attempt to get Strongbow dreaming on shroomsmoke released more dreams than the little redheaded elf had bargained for. How Strongbow had dreamed that the Holt was on fire... that Tash had set it... and that Dawn's cub Pwyll was Tash. And she finishes, voice taking a husky edge, "We healed him of the shroomsmoke... but Brightfire thinks that he... forgot killing Tash. And that he's only just now remembered. It's as if it just happened." With her green eyes meeting Cutter's gem-blue ones, the Willowholt chieftess watches the other elf as she speaks. And when she finishes, she waits a bit, to see if he has anything to say before she continues. Cutter scowls faintly. "And this ... is why his mind's furry?" Cutter says "He's remembered killing Tash.. and that sent Moonshade away?" Cutter puzzles. "If.. he managed to get past it before. Why not now? If anyone can choose to remember and not remember he can." Rillwhisper sighs softly. "I'm not sure why Moonshade left. She stayed with us during part of the Whitecold... holed up with Strongbow in our Starwillow. He barely poked his head out the whole time -- _she_ did the hunting for him. But then she up and sends to me, one day, 'take care of him', and off she goes." Rillwhisper, as you go on, says, "Brightfire seems to think that the healers who helped him... before... only made it so that he... " She wrinkles her nose, looking for words. "Buried what happened. They healed what Tash did to his head, but didn't let _him_ deal with it. Brightfire thinks he completely forgot. I wanted to ask Leetah if that was possible." Rillwhisper concludes, gravely, "I think they fought. Moonshade and Strongbow, that is. He didn't mention her once during our walk here." Cutter shakes his head a little. "I don't understand. I just don't. I.. but.. well, the important part is that we find her. And the sooner the better. Talking with just him will only get one side of things." Cutter adds, more quietly, "Leetah will want to spend time with him, to see what can be done.. if it needs doing, I'm sure." Rillwhisper nods, heavily. "She said she wished to see him." A frown tugs at her mouth. "Cutter... he killed Tash, ultimately, because _I_ asked him to. And it's my Holt that got him into this, now. What can I do to help?" Cutter shakes his head. "What's done is done.. but your help's appreciated." Cutter says "Or will be." Cutter says "We'll think of something." Rillwhisper repeats, "What can I do? I'll stay with him, if he'll have me." You say "Or I could ride to Grove, or Sorrow's End, if that would help." Cutter shakes his head. "No, stay here, with him, if you can, and he doesn't chase you out. If he does, we'll find a place for you.. but I think you're better off here. Rillwhisper glances out, as if considering whether the archer -- who looked angry when she left -- would indeed chase her away. She half-smiles. "I'll find out what he wants. But if you've got a den I can sleep in just in case, I'd be grateful." Rillwhisper rises, then, squaring her shoulders, smile fading. "I'd better go have a word with him," she murmurs, then adds to you, "Thank you, Cutter," as she slips out. [And the chieftess climbs down again, to linger near Strongbow's den entrance, and to send...] You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper after a time sends, quietly, ** Archer? ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow returns silent acknoweledgement. You locksend ** May I come speak with you? ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** ** Strongbow and Moonshade's Den(#4665RJh) Contents: Strongbow Frostfire Obvious exits: Out Rillwhisper slips into the den, looking about for you. So far so good. He's willing to listen to her talk. But. Strongbow sits, back to the wall, facing the entrance. He holds a sharpening stone in one hand, but appears to have forgotten what he was doing with it, his other hand empty. Strongbow nods once, raising a brow. Rillwhisper comes over and settles down opposite you. She sends simply, ** I'm sorry. I didn't mean to anger you. If it helps, I did not tell Cutter about... what you shared with me privately. Only what I knew from what Dawn did, and what Brightfire told me. ** Rillwhisper, having made her statement, awaits a reply. Her regard is steady. Strongbow looks evenly at you for a moment, then away, torn as to whether that's better or worse. He breathes silently, jaw tense, for a few moments, weighting the words. Finally he nods, once. With a send, it's over, and if not completely forgiven, perhaps a little time will heal the rest. ** What has he to say? ** Relief, in the chieftess's green eyes. But tempered, lest she shame you with too-open emotions. ** That we should find Moonshade. And that Leetah will probably want to talk to you. ** Rillwhisper goes on, ** He's accepted my offer of help, and promises a den for me to sleep in, if needed. ** Rillwhisper, perhaps learning the knack of unspoken questions from you, lifts an eyebrow in one now. The strangest hint of a wry, almost cruel smile twitches at the corners of the archer's mouth, his gaze still lost in the flesh of the tree. ** Let Leetah talk. ** He looks back at you, not needing the brow to know the question, nor the answer. ** If you want to den here, then welcome. ** Rillwhisper frowns very slightly, troubled. ** What do _you_ want? ** Strongbow shakes his head, as if that's a pointless question. ** To hear Moonshade out. ** A flicker of sadness clouds his eyes, and he gestures at the furs. ** Warm here... ** Rillwhisper studies you quietly. Warm, aye, she thinks, but not for one alone. How much comfort can she be, though, if she stays and must watch her every word, and her every touch? Thinking of her younger lifemate, and how Trollkiller would have gleefully rolled you around in the furs for whatever temporary relief that could give, she nonetheless knows such a thing would be like using a boulder to kill an insect. But she can't watch you like this. She leans slightly to you, head turned a little, throat slightly bared, and offers a hand, palm up, as if to a wary wolf. Strongbow looks from thoughtful green eyes to head-tilt posture to upturned hand, and sighs, softly. Lifting a hand of his own to gently clasp yours, he nods once, eyes lifting to meet yours once more. She means the best, he thinks, just like Cutter would, however convoluted a path they each might choose instead of the arrow's flight. Watch and wait. Thoughts flickering in his eyes, he leans toward you, letting his arm fall into that easy-to-lean-into space. Rillwhisper smiles a little more openly now, pleased, and aye, relieved. He understands. And that he understands without her explaining heartens her; their mutual bond is still there. Not an arrow's flight for her, no, but a stream's gentle, sometimes winding course. And she answers the invitation of shoulder and arm by embracing you lightly, resting her head on that offered shoulder. No words, now, only a flicker of distant, secluded greenness in her sending if it is wanted -- and if not that, then simply touch, nearness, scent. The archer's form responds little, his arm bending to circle you gently, his own head bowing slightly in rest. His sending, however, is clear. For the first time since the fire-visions in Willowholt, he reaches out to the offer of the secluded forest, the safe place of shared cub-memories. His sending flickers, balancing the line between emotion and image, and for an instant he is smooth-jawed, long-limbed, and trusting. As Strongbow, here and now, in his den in the reclaimed lost Holt, slows into sleep, the trust lingers, faintly glad, in the greenness. [End log.]