Log Date: 3/12/98 Log Intro: This log was submitted to the archive by Ember's typist, and covers Ember and Suntop communicating about the crisis that has sprung up in Sorrow's End involving the capture of large numbers of elves -- including three Lostholters and Savah -- by the Underworld. ---------- Logged the evening of 3.12.98 by Ember. -- You sense in a locksend, Suntop is momentarily distracted by another send, but bring his attention back quickly. You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: Ember's send is sudden, though distanced, and the taste of her mind is clearly mixed with Suntop's, augmented by it. ** Tribe? ** You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: Ember's send hesitates only long enough for her to be certain there are probably people listening, and then continues. ** I'm at Sorrow's End -- Suntop is helping me do this. ** You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: ** <> The Festival was disrupted by an attack by the Underworlders. ** You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: Ember's send falters a moment, then grows stronger. ** A number of elves were taken. I do not know all their names, but among them were three of our own -- Spidersilk, Treestump, and Tyleet. ** You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: ** <> And Savah, our Mother of Memory, was taken, too. ** You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: ** There are those at the Sun Village who wish to help rescue those who were taken. I intend to go with <> them. ** You sense in a locksend, Suntop's send ripples with relief as he helps send those words. Ember nods, very faintly, against your forehead, in response to your send. You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: ** I think they will expect that. But there is -- or was -- an entrance to the Underworld near our Holt, if I remember right. <> ** You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: ** They might not expect confrontation from two fronts. If there is anyone at the holt who can go, who can help -- our chances would be better. ** You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: Ember's sending grows fierce, suddenly tainted more strongly with the flavor of Ember, Suntop's gentleness fading a moment. ** But you must be /careful/. I think the Underworld leader is sick, as sick as Winnowill ever was. Retreat if you must, but *please* try not to be captured too. ** You locksend to Suntop, Ember's send focuses on you, a moment. ** Can you do this in reverse? Strengthen them, from so far, so they can answer? ** You sense in a locksend, Suntop draws his send back in so that he is only speaking to you and not to the rest of the tribe. ** I don't know...Perhaps one, but not all of them. ** You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: Ember's send quests out, testing those who listen, searching a moment. You locksend to Suntop, Ember, after questing, nods. ** Springer, then. I think he's the strongest of those listening. ** You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: Ember's send singles out Springer, though the others are still included. ** Try to answer me, Springer. Tell me what's being. Suntop will help. ** You sense in a locksend, Suntop nods and sends his 'spirit' to Springer. Springer locksends ** * ** Springer locksends ** *.....* ** You locksend, to Suntop, Springer: Ember's send, linked lightly through Suntop, is thin encouragement. Springer locksends ** EmBeR? ** Ember relaxes slightly, nodding again. Springer locksends ** CaN yOu...? ** You locksend, to Suntop, Springer: ** Almost...focus through Suntop, Springer. ** Suntop remains tensed, yet...relaxed. Springer locksends, to Ember, Suntop: ** I'm TrYiNG BUt...iT's...Ah! There! ** Springer locksends, to Ember, Suntop: ** I've forGotteN how Far away Sorrow's End is. ** Springer locksends, to Ember, Suntop: ** Was anyone seriously hurt in the raid? ** You locksend, to Suntop, Springer: ** <> Aye, and it's easier for Suntop and me -- we're used to sharing sends. <> I don't /think/ so. No one has died, at least. ** Springer locksends, to Ember, Suntop: ** The three of us are preparing to do what we can from our end...was anyone seriously hurt?? ** Springer locksends, to Ember, Suntop: ** Well, that's a start. ** You locksend, to Suntop, Springer: ** Who's going? ** Springer locksends, to Ember, Suntop: ** It looks to me me...Dewshine and Scouter. ** You locksend, to Suntop, Springer: ** Be /careful/, Springer. No crazy antics. Promise me. You're the oldest going. Watch them. ** Springer locksends, to Ember, Suntop: ** I'm not sure I /want/ them coming on something like this.... ** Springer locksends, to Ember, Suntop: ** They...could get hurt. ** You locksend, to Suntop, Springer: Ember nods slowly. ** They're blooded warriors, though, Springer. Get Strongbow, Pike...Nightfall, if you can. ** You locksend, to Suntop, Springer: ** Find the entrance, if you can. Stay a distance from it. Don't go in until you hear from me again, all right? ** You locksend, to Suntop, Springer: ** I'll tell you when, when we're ready on this side. ** Springer locksends, to Ember, Suntop: ** Mmm. ** You locksend, to Suntop, Springer: Ember's send turns sharp. ** Springer. Promise me. ** Springer locksends, to Ember, Suntop: ** Aye. Have it your way Lass. ** You locksend, to Suntop, Springer: ** << wry >> I will, at that. Thank you, Springer. ** You locksend ** Can we...for a moment...talk to the others again? ** to Suntop. You sense in a locksend, Suntop nods, albeit wearily. You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: Ember's send is brief, this time, both herself and Suntop clearly fading. ** If you go, go with Springer. Do as he says. I've told him what to do. I'll try to contact you again ... later ... ** You locksend, to Yun, Suntop, Dewshine, Scouter, Springer: Ember's send, blended with her brother's, fades away. Ember's head drops, and she shudders before lifting her head to look at you. "Are you all right?" The words are nearly torn away in the winds surrounding the bridge. Suntop pulls his spirit back into his own body which lurches forward with wearmomentary weariness as his eyes begin to flutter open. Ember catches you, less bone-weary, her wirey arms strong. "Come," she whispers, and helps yo uback towards the solid end of the bridge. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So you think: 'Might as well dance a tango to hell! At least I'll have tangoed at all!' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.alaska.net/~mizkit mizkit@alaska.net