From: on behalf of Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2000 7:44 PM To: Subject: [lostholt-l] Flashfire, Silverthorn, and Current Synopsis: Flashfire interacts with Silverthorn and Current, at the Raft party. Players: Flashfire (logger), Silverthorn, Current. Logged: 3/23/00. ----------------- Forest Clearing - Surface - Raft Holt A circle of fruit bearing trees meets your gaze, the tight canopy above opened up to shed light on the big clearing formed within these green depths. There are boulders and rocks set out for seating, as this gathering area seem to be often enough occupied. If not by elves, by the animals which inhabit these lush forests. The sound of birds and other creatures are but a echo through the greenery, vines, leaves and branches moves slightly by help of the inhabitants and nature itself. Roots, flowers and more exotic fruits are plentiful here, so not just a gathering area for a tribe, but also for supplies of food. Some of the trees lean over, providing shades and even small 'hidden' places to sit. One can easily find a spot and just watch the clearing without being seen. Be it nature or elfin hands, two paths lead out of the clearing, marked by a parting of the trees. One towards the beach, the other up towards the falls. Midnight passes and the second moon rises to chase after the first. The silence is nearly complete and all you hear is the soft sound of water in the distance. The starry outlines of the Human Hunter glitter brightly the cool autumn skies. The moon and stars dancing overhead dancing attendance. Contents: Silverthorn Obvious exits: Waterfall Path Shaded Path Fenris has arrived. Silverthorn wanders down the path to the waterfall. She seems lost in her thoughts and perhaps looking for a less crowded place then the beach. The wolfcub beside her bounds with restless energy as he sniffs at the ground before him. There is a small red flower tucked in behind her ear, a nice contrast to the long white hair. Fortunately, Flashfire's found a shady spot to curl up in, sleeping against the roots of a tree. It's been a good nap, quiet and peaceful in comparison to the beach area. The wolfelf knows where to go for an undisturbed rest. But the nap's coming to an end, a loose fist raising to rub at his eyes. The wolfcub sniffs at the ground and follows the scent right to Flashfire's nose. He licks the fuzzy elf curiously and pants into the sleeping males face. Flashfire's not sleeping much longer, not with a wolf pup in his face. He shakes his head at the lick, batting at whatever's doing it. Is that wolf he smells? Silverthorn chuckles and shakes her head at the cub. **Fenris! Leave him to sleep. He had a long journey here and could stand the rest** She mentally tugs her wolfcub out of your face. Flashfire sputters at another lick, rubbing his mouth as he pushes mildly at the cub's muzzle with his other hand. "Mmmmph.." he makes a sound, sitting more upright before starting to stretch. Agh. What a way to wake up. Silverthorn laughs softly and shakes her head "Shade.. Flashfire was it? Sorry he tends to be rude with strangers." She sends and the wolf moves away to plop down at her feet. "Surely we could find you a better place to sleep then the base of a tree?" Yep, gotta be a good hostess now. Flashfire allows himself a yawn, blinking at Fenris after the wolf plops down. Oh, he's not mad at him or anything. Not at all. "S'okay..was waking up anyway," he murmurs, the words not clearly formed just yet, sleep still hanging over him. "And it was nice outside, here. Not too hot." Current appears through the foilage, from the waterfall path. Silverthorn smiles and nods. She leans down to scritch the cub at her feet. "I know what you mean. I like to sleep outside under the stars from time to time." Her eyes take in Flashfire's odd appearance but she doesn't seem to care. Elf is Elf to her. "Have you found everything you needed? Is there anything I could get for you?" Flashfire's seated against the root of a tree, having been resting right there for a while. He goes into another stretch, leaning forward this time, arms and hands outstretched. "I don't think I need anything, no.." Nothing he can think of. "But thanks." He's even gotten most of the sand out! Something crackles and trundles along the path from the waterfall's direction. Current is no wolfrider, so has no sense of being quiet at all. With his spear, he even harvests fruits on his way that he cant reach from where he's standing. Then eats them, right off of the tip of the spear. He appears at the edge of the clearing, with juice all over his face and a wide grin. ** Tides! ** Silverthorn turns at the crunching a half second before the send. She turns to look at her lifemate and busts out laughing at his face. **Shade love!! Now I know where Tumble got it** She shakes her head and those pale blue eyes dance with amusement. **Come meet one of our guests for the party. This is Flashfire. He arrived with Ember and Skywise the other night** [OOC] Current says, "baby.. he's got fur!" [OOC] Flashfire waggles his eyebrows, Groucho Marx style. "Nothin' gets by ya, does it?" [OOC] Silverthorn grins "And the problem is?? [OOC] Current says, "nothing, might have to play a prank on him now.." And Windkin, too. Isn't Shenshen around somewhere, as well? Flashfire blinkblinks and hops to his feet quickly at the crunching sound, still very much not in the know as to what else inhabits this place in addition to elves with webs and fins. "Shade.." He nearly adds his name in again, but Silverthorn did say it already. Current does look kind of funny with the fruit juice. With his mouth open, Current just stares at the guest-elf. Never been much shy, like his brother, or 'polite' in that sense. ** He looks like Fenris! ** he blurts out, trotting towards the two elves and the cub, idly wiping his face with the back of his hand. Silverthorn groans and rolls her eyes. Yep, that's her lifemate for you. **Of course he does love. He is a Wolfrider** She doesn't seem to see the problem. She drops back out of sends for Flashfire's comfort. "Flashfire, this elf with his mouth hanging open is my lifemate Current. He really does have manners from time to time" Her soft voice is full of amusement and love. Flashfire doesn't think he looks like for maybe the fur and claws. But he doesn't have a tail, his ears aren't like a wolf's, and he doesn't go around on all fours. Usually, at least. "Heya.." he says, somewhat shyly. A few elves he's gotten to know a little since getting here; others remain strangers until he has the chance to socialize more. Fenris takes this opportunity to go over and lick the furry-elf's face playfully. His big bushy tail waves high in the air as he bumps his head into Flashfire's hand. Current's jaw snaps and he closes his mouth after a send, likely a reminder that bugs are not in his diet. ** Fish pellets, that is odd. ** He sends brightly, not at all meaning it as an insult. He shifts his spear over to his other and moves closer to Flashfire, reaching out a webbed hand to mayhap touch the furred elf. His eyes gleam in fascination... but he's all friendly. ** You have to be hot! ** he exclaims again. Silverthorn chuckles softly and watches for now. "Just push Fenris off if he is bothering you Flashfire. As I said, he is ill-mannered." She shoots a look to Current and smiles innocently at him. [OOC] Current says, "she's never innocent" Flashfire sputters again at the tongue as it scrapes along his cheek, the wolfelf leaning back suddenly before plopping down on his rump with a thump, oofing before his hands reach out to fend Fenris off, trying to hold him at bay by the shoulders. It's not that he minds, for the playfulness is nice..but maybe now isn't the best time? He glances back Current's way in time to see the webbed hand extending towards him, and he doesn't try to stop it. "Hot..? You had to remind me..." he murmurs, adding a wordless nod Silverthorn's way. Current wiggles his fingers at the fur, then straightens to go over and slip an arm about Silverthorn. ** The water in the pool is cooler, you know. ** See, he is even nice enough to inform of that much! After giving his mate a hug, he lets her go to just toy with her braid. Silverthorn kisses Current's cheek and smiles. ** A swim would be nice. What do you say Flashfire? Are you up for it?** She laughs at the cub and sends firmly to the troublemaker. After a second the wolfcub sulks off into the woods for now. Flashfire awwws momentarily as Fenris looks put off while he departs. "I know..I think I could handle a swim.." Chances are he won't be half as good as the sea-elves, but..who is? Swim? Oh yeah, that would be cool. Current gives a wide smile and points with his spear, which still have some fruit at the end, towards the waterfall. ** Come on, I'll race ya! ** And he's no runner, this will be a thing he'll never win. Silverthorn laughs and smiles "We could all just walk dear. It isn't that far" She knows how well her mate runs. She links her arm thru Current's and smiles "Shall we?" Flashfire shakes his head at the challenge that isn't quite one. "I'll walk.." He's not ready to overexert himself that much, just yet. No need to run to something that will be there no matter what pace is set. He waits for the pair to lead the way, content to take up the rear. Current grins and trundles off, swinging his spear as he scans the foliage for more fruits. [The trio moves on...] Waterfall - Surface - Raft Holt The waterfall towers before you, the surroundings so magnificent, everything coming together in perfect harmony here. When the daystar is up, the mist created by the water flowing down into the big pool at the base, create a faint image of a rainbow. A cliff juts out just by the waterfall - vines dangles down from a tree on the very edge, the grass thick and green up there. The sounds of the water rushing into the pool dominate the area, a crescendo that carries out into the jungles. The pool is naturally formed, a big oval shaped edging, a big stream running into the trees, heading for the ocean. A ledge, wide enough for an elf or wolf to pass has been pulled from the cliff face. It runs along it heading behind the crashing waterfall. The grass is thick and lush surrounding the pool, a few rocks and boulders closer to the very base of the waterfall provides perfect seating. Wildlife tend to drift this way, across the pool one can catch a glimpse of some creature wanting a fresh drink. The whole place is open, lined only by the trees which leads deeper into the forests, a path can be seen there. Daybreak and the sun chases the moons beyond the horizon. The early fog disappears quickly as the daystar climbs the sky. The starry outlines of the Human Hunter fade into the glare of morning as light fills the cool autumn skies. The rising sun dancing attendance. Contents: Silverthorn Current Skywise's Tent Dreamy's tent Obvious exits: Tunnel Into the pool Cliff Waterfall Path Silverthorn smiles and leans against Current's shoulder as the trio makes it's way to the pool. She turns to look at Flashfire a little. "So how was the crossing from the main land?" "Kind of..wavy," Flashfire answers, using a hand to make a motion similar to the waves going up and down a bit. "I think Stormbrindle's glad he stayed on the other side." He keeps otherwise to himself as the two lovers stick together. Current nuzzles the top of Silverthorn's head, then tosses the spear aside and dives in to the pool with a send-laugh. This elf just belongs with the wet elements you know. Silverthorn laughs as her mate dives into the water. She knew it would only be seconds before he would be splashing around in it. After finding a rock nearby to sit on she contents herself with just getting her feet wet for now. Flashfire toes the water, the coolness of it an inviting feeling. He doesn't dive in, but rather wades in, sinking down to cover his upper body. "Aahhh.." So much better than the tropical weather. Current surfaces with a bright smile, running his hands through his hair. ** Nice, huh? ** His eyes starts to sparkle with.. mischeviousness? The small wolfrider's eyes never leave her mate now. Silverthorn knows all too well just what those amused eyes are capable of. **How's the water?** she asks politely while..waiting. Flashfire's eyes shut too soon to catch that look in Current's eyes. He doesn't know what the elves here are like, either. But the water's nice and relaxing. "Nice, aye.." ** Nice and cooling, beloved. ** Current sends, just before a spout of water springs out of the pool and right at Silverthorn. ** <> ** The water changes direction and flops down right over Flashfire's head, as Current releases it with his magic. Bobbing around innocently, a current starts under the surface. Time to play! Flashfire can feel the water suddenly shift, eyes opening just in time to get smothered by the wave. "Gack..!!" He splutters, immediately thrashing in the water as he spins himself around, feeling for the shore. "Ack!" Silverthorn busts out giggling. Ok, that's not a nice way to treat the guesties. But it was funny! " nice!! He can't swim like you can!" She starts to scold her mate like she does her cubs. Then turns her head at a send. She gets up quickly. **I will be right back dear.** She sends privately for a moment and then waves to Flashfire "If he gets too bad, just tie him in a tree until I get back!" Then she turns to head back to the woods. Current grins widely and spins around Flashfire, totally comfortable and seemingly one with the water. ** Just float, I wont let you drown. ** At his mate's send, he just grins and waves. Sorry, Silverthorn, but Flashfire's too caught up in keeping his head above water at the moment to answer, amusing as her suggestion may be. "What's..going on??" he blurts, only to be rewarded with a mouthful of water, spit up immediately afterwards. What? Float? Oh, he'll try... Current comes closer, a webbed hand finding the guest's chin to hold it up. ** Its not that hard, just relax. ** Of course, easy for him to say isn't it. He lets the current continue, since its so much fun to just spin and spin and spin and spin. How is the current doing this, suddenly? He sputters again as his chin is held up, arms and legs working to help keep him in place, gradually starting to have the desired effect. ** How..are you doing this? <> ** he sends, raw. Current picks up the discomfort and quickly settles the water, bringing the moppy elf to the edge of the pool. ** I don't know. ** he answers, truthfully. ** But its magic, since many of us get the tingle when I do it. ** He grins, in hope that the young elf wont feel too bad now? So that's where the barely noticeable tickle was coming from - Current. Flashfire pants a bit as the water dies down, the sopping-wet elf catching his breath in due time. "I..didn't know elves could make the water act like this.." It's almost overwhelming. Current rests his elbows up on the edge, kicking his feet up behind him. His dark eyes gleam with always there humor. ** And I never knew an elf could fly. I hear there's another one with you all, that can? ** He's seen a glider once, briefly. That had him run back in to the water and stay under. "Aye, Windkin," Flashfire answers, the soaked and matted wolfelf moving to take a seat on the edge, legs staying in the water, partially. "He's not bad like most of the gliders.." They are bad? Current didn't know that, really. Looking up at the at least cooler elf, he grins and shrugs his shoulders. ** I haven't really met anyone bad. ** He frowns suddenly, ** I mean. Only Tethysia.. <> ** Most of the ones Flashfire's met have been..or maybe it's the really nastybad ones that stick in his head best. He's got reason to be wary of them, at least. "Who..?" he asks, eyes lowering to tend to his arms. Current rests his cheek to his underarm, for once his eyes not dancing merrily as they normally do. ** Tethysia. She.. seemed to have rotted to the core, by anger and sorrow. Made her mad, I think.. and she had magics, and magics and a mad elf is not good. ** That's his explanation to it. He quickly pushes it aside though, and grins at you. ** Cooler now? ** This..Tethysia reminds Flashfire very much of a certain Winnowill, and he shivers suddenly, just once. A few drops of water are sent from him in the process, before he rubs uneasily at the back of his neck. " you know where she is now?" ** Dead. ** Current doesn't seem to mind the water droplets, since he's still nearly fully submerged in the pool. He kicks his feet some more, relaxing fully. Flashfire is visibly relieved to know this. Some mindsick, magic-wielding elf here wouldn't do well for his comfort, and there'd have always been the chance she might have gotten to Suntop, though he'd have surely felt something if anything really bad happened. He hopes he'd know, at least. If not him, Ember definitely would. "Oh.." He draws his legs from the pool, to smooth out the fur on them, water running down to his feet. Current hoists himself out of the pool, the water easily just draining off him. ** Its safe here. At least from her now. ** He reassures, smiling. ** I better go see what I can do with the swimming contest, wouldn't be surprised if the Chief tells me I cant compete. ** He grins, ** Though I s'pose if I promise not to use my gift, I might. ** Flashfire nods once, not exactly growing contemplative about anything as that's not really his way, but he looks like he might be thinking of something. "Maybe I'll come watch..after I take care of this," he answers, meaning an impromptu grooming of his fur. All matted, he doesn't look like much until it's dried out a bit again. ** Alright. ** Current gives a wide smile and picks up his spear again. ** See you at the beach! ** With that, he trots off down the path.