The World of Pern(tm) is copyright to Anne McCaffrey (c) l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This is a log of roleplay on PernMUSH, available online by permission of Anne McCaffrey, author of the Pern novels, and recorded by A.S. Korra'ti (, player of Mehlani of Telgar Weyr on PernMUSH. This log may be distributed freely as long as this header remains intact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log Date: 4/5/98 Log Cast: (People) Aladis, Kathall, Mehlani, Kassima, Kindre, Ofira, Phenix, Sionelle, K'tyn, Asrai (Dragons) Herath, Asabeth, Prometh (Fire lizards) Brodi, Vachon, Holl, Enri, Kyril, Emmy Log Intro: Leilanth, senior queen of Telgar Weyr, has risen -- and her flight has proven to be an interesting experience in more ways than one for a significant portion of the Weyr. K'tyn, bronze Prometh's rider, has once more incurred Jehrina's wrath by claiming the position so long held by her weyrmate P'tran, with Leilanth's being caught by K'tyn's bronze. Younger bronze rider A'lex has found himself confronted with an unexpected visit from his mother, who has in turn been horrorstruck to discover certain details about the life her son has been leading -- which has in turn caused A'lex to enter into a shouting match and then a drinking match with Kassima, the source of the mother-horrifying rumors. The youngsters of the Weyr have gleefully speculated as to whether this means that A'lex and Kassima are an item. And the members of Duskfire Wing, having discovered that Leilanth's flight has ever so conveniently coincided with the sixteenth Turnday of a lass by the name of Mehlani, used the flight as their opportunity to deliver her a Turnday present: K'star, drunk, drowsing in her cot, with a sign proclaiming "Happy Turnday, Mehlani!" affixed to his ever-present battered brown hat. Mehlani, with the help of her friend Ro, managed after finding the intoxicated brown rider to get him safely to his weyr, and themselves safely back to their cots. But what Mehlani doesn't know is that rumors about what exactly she and Ro did while in Indyth's rider's weyr have begun to fly with the coming of the dawn.... ---------- Your location's current time: 15:55 on day 1, month 6, Turn 22, of the Tenth Pass. It is a summer afternoon. You walk through the large entrance to the Living Cavern. Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern(#750RJM$) Contents: Aladis Kindre Kassima Kathall Pierron Obvious exits: Lower Caverns Kitchen Bowl Aladis looks at you for a moment. Kathall shifts again. "That /is/ something," she agrees to Kindre. "I'll have to see it for myself, I suppose." Mehlani pads silently into the cavern, accompanied at the moment by only her little blue Brodi, who clings anxiously to her shoulder as she traverses the room. The girl is apparently heading for the kitchens, and her features are creased in deep, absentminded thought. Kathall looks at you for a moment. Aladis chuckles quietly, expression vague for a moment. The greenrider calls out, "Asabeth sends her greetings, Mehlani." Kassima winces at being saluted, though she returns the gesture sharply enough. "G'deve, Aladis. D'you *have* t'be doing that? Afternoon t'you, too, Mehlani." Smiling at the message relayed by Kin, she nods. "I recall her passing... and *'tis* sweet. Just the sort of thing that lovey-dovey pairs are given to, Faranth help 'em." She pauses for a moment, brow creased. "Funny. I thought I almost remembered something... but nay." Aladis grins at Kassima, "I only do it because it makes you wince." Aladis says "Well. That and years of training." Kindre waves to Mehlani as the young woman enters the cavern. "I hope you were lucky enough to escape Kes last eve. I saw him at Boll with his friends and he looked...well...on a mission, so-to-speak," she says to her and smiles. Nodding to Kathall in agreement, she remarks, "It truly is. We should take you sometime soon to see it all. Again, even if you don't drink it is still a wonderful place to visit." Chuckling at Aladis' words, she grins. "How is Asabeth? Doing well, I hope?" Mehlani blinks, then looks up and smiles timidly, pausing briefly in her passage. "Thank you," she tells Aladis earnestly, "and my duties to you and Asabeth." She bobs her head at Kassima too, and then slips off into the kitchens... or starts to. She stops, and peers at Kindre out from under the brim of her hat. "Wh... what?" Kathall says simply, "I'd like that. And I need to return to the Hold, before Master Mirala gets after me again." She bobs her head mutely to Aladis then Mehlani. Kassima rolls her still-bloodshot eyes up towards the ceiling. "Sadistic greenrider!" she accuses, but she sounds amused. "Just don't call me ma'am, and I suppose I can live with it... only under duress, though. So soon, Kathall? Well, thankee then for the tuber loaf. I'll see that it goes t'someone who can appreciate it." Kindre's head tilts slightly as Mehlani stops and addresses her. It is not the amount of words, really...she's heard the young woman say five or six once or twice...but her expression. "I took Herath to Boll last eve when it seemed eminant that Leilanth was to rise. Kes and a few of his friends were in the Lounge, the latter getting the former quite drunk by the time he left." Kathall's exit turns her head, however, and she smiles. "Clear skies, Kathall, and please give our best to Lord Rodin and Headwoman Lara if you would?" Kathall tells the green rider, "I don't like tubers, either, and I think I'll tell A'wyn about this if you don't first." She settles her jacket around her -- with a few squeaks from her dress's pockets -- and nods back at the weyrwoman, smiling a bit. "If I see them, I surely will. Good afternoon, to you all." Mehlani flicks a look at Kathall, remembering her, and bobs her head at the woman in distracted greeting; it's clear most of her attention is on Kindre, though. "... oh," she mumbles, round-eyed. Kathall walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kathall has left. Kindre's gaze goes back to Mehlani once Kathall leaves and she adds, "I just figured he'd be quite something to contend with in that state and hoped you were able to escape that." Aladis bats her eyelashes at Kassima, "I could salute you in a different way!" She grins, teasing. "I... um..." Mehlani can be seen to blush, and her gaze drops first to her boots, then to the kitchen, as if she's considering fleeing. "It.. um... I..." Kassima snaps her fingers, "Ah-hah! So *'twas* Kes that I dimly remember someone dragging past through the Boll! Methinks 'twas a bit busy with... something... else, or I'd surely recall it more clearly." She sighs, propping her chin up on one fist. "Though mayhaps I'm best off nay t'remember yet, I'll swear t'you that 'tis *frustrating.*" The eyelash-batting seems to take her rather aback. "The mind boggles," she replies drolly, but grinning. "Remind me nay t'ask just what you mean by that, would you?" Kassima leans over a bit, lowering her voice to speak to her friend. She mutters to Kindre, "... me,... t'tell you... V'dan had... that... t'be... few... gossip floating... flight..." Aladis laughs, "I wouldn't dream of it, Kassi." Kindre chuckles and nods her head. "I will do that," she says to Kassima before regarding Mehlani curiously. "Did you run into him," she can't help but wonder while gauging the young woman's expression. Mehlani begins to _seriously_ considering fleeing. Glancing over her shoulder at the kitchen, she bobs her head nervously to Kindre, not daring to speak. From the kitchen, Ofira pushes her way past scurrying kitchen girls and into the storeroom passageway. Kindre's lips form a tiny 'O' as she daudles with the remaining part of her redfruit in her hand. "I didn't realize..." is all she can manage for words. Returning her wide-eyed gaze to the gold rider, Mehlani blurts, "Oh, it was... alright, he didn't do anything, he was just very... confused!" Aladis offers, mildly, "Asabeth could snap him in two, if you wished, Mehlani." The greenrider couldn't possibly be teasing the young girl. Nope. Not at all." Kindre blinks a few times. "Good Faranth..." she mumbles quietly before noting, "I wouldn't let Kiat know, he's likely to get very protective..." "I'll bet," Kassima observes. "Indyth told Lysseth that he woke up with the world's *worst* headache--and that it served him right for denying him a chance at Leilanth, too. I hope he didn't embarrass you terribly." She responds to Kin's words of wisdom with a sighed, "Too late, I suspect--or 'twill be soon. Y'know how rumors travel around here, and methinks a few less-than-discreet individuals already know something of the story." "But... but... Kes didn't do anything, honest!" the behatted young lass wails softly, wringing her hands. She turns pale as Kassima chimes in, and squeaks out, "R-rumors?" Aladis takes pity on Mehlani and smiles, "I'm just teasing, dear." Mehlani considers Aladis, then nods nervously to the woman, before adding, "Wh-what... rumors?" Kassima nods, for once looking fairly near serious. "Aye, rumors. Quite a few sets already. I've heard things ranging from what may be near the truth, that Kes passed out deader'n a headless 'snake once you were all up to the Weyr, to the one about how a score of unclad young women *carried* him up to his weyr. The lad's certes caused a stir, I can tell you." Aghast, Mehlani blushes a flaming crimson, her hands flying to her mouth. Behind them, she mumbles, "I-I-I had on clothes! So did Ro!" That always-drunken, leering brownrider in the corner sighs in disappointment. Ignoring him, Kassi just shrugs and offers a ruefully sympathetic smile to the girl. "Aye, I'm certes you did. V'dan said as much. Rumors aren't always known for their accuracy, though--and I'd watch out for some of the Weyr's lechers if'n 'twere you." She shoots a *look* at the brownrider, who just grins in what he probably mistakenly thinks is a suave fashion in return. Kindre blinks out of whatever trance she was in. Whether speaking with Herath or just plain in shock over the revelations of Mehlani and Ro and clothing and a drunken Kes will likely go unspoken by her. "Golden apple shards and shells," she mutters and shakes her head. "You're alright though, 'Lani? I swear, though, if Kiat finds out I think we'll be short one brownrider for certain." Phenix has arrived. Phenix enters from the Bowl. Remembering what Ro had said about her being a Weyrleader's daughter keeping a lot of the more lecherous riders out of her way, Mehlani begins, "But they wouldn't--" She cuts herself off, though, beginning to tremble, eyes getting a little teary. "But nothing _happened_, nothing like... like that! Ro a-and I, we just, we just didn't want him to fall off his dragon...!" She doesn't dare peek in the direction of that brownrider-occupied corner. With a bit more seriousness, Aladis states, "If anyone makes you uncomfortably about it, Mehlani, you just let me know, okay?" A stern look is sent in the direction of the brownrider-occupied corner. Kassima suggests with some real concern, probably over the welfare of her cousin, "You might want t'be telling Kiat that, 'Lani, when you get the chance. I doubt he'll be pleased if'n he hears certain variants of these rumors first." "Me too," Kindre quickly agrees, "I'll be sure Kiat behaves himself, too." Nodding to Kassima's words, she bobs her head again. "That's likely the best idea." Phenix has left. Mehlani flicks a distraught gaze from face to face, finally settling on Kindre, of whom she inquires, "I-is he... is he awake?" A pair of tears has started a trek down each of the girl's cheeks; evidently, the notion of lurid rumors involving her and K'star and Ro circulating the Weyr upsets her greatly. Kindre's eyes take on that familiar glaze of a rider bespeaking their dragon. After a moment she shakes her head. "Prometh says he's not...all for Prom being awake," she relays and frowns. "Shard, 'Lani, don't cry," she then pleads. "It wil be alright, honest it will. I'll let you know the moment that he is awake," is promised before she frowns a little, "not that -I've- seen him yet today." "'Lani... shells, if'n I'd known it'd upset you this much, I'd never have brought it up," Kassi says, real concern in her voice. "I just thought 'twould be better if'n you knew... really, all will be well. Kiat wouldn't be the only one willing t'crack a few heads if'n anyone starts getting too out of line." Kindre flexes her muscles in an attempt at humor for the teary Mehlani. "I'm one," she says and displays said arms for inspection. "And Herath would help, I'm certain, considering how fond she is of you." "I'm... I'm... fine," Mehlani sniffles, struggling to maintain her composure. She starts to turn towards the kitchens, then back again, looking shaken. On 'Lani's shoulder, little blue Brodi has begun to croon unsurely, his eyes whirling a gentle baffled yellow. Devlin's brown Vachon has shown up evidently out of nowhere, too, hovering about worriedly, coming in for a landing on the lass's other shoulder. "He didn't... he didn't _do_ anything," Mehlani repeats dolefully. But she sounds a little less firm than before, and she's blushing vividly still. Kassima suggests in a steady, firm, and not unkindly voice, "Just tell that to the people who matter, 'Lani. Don't worry about the others... Kes can look after himself, and there'll be plenty of people willing t'help you look after *you*, too." "We believe you," Kindre assures the firelizard-bespeckled Mehlani, "honest we do." Looking between Kassima and Aladis a few moments she returns her gaze to the young woman's. Bobbing her head at Kassima's statement, she obviously agrees. "Exactly. Pierron has us all swinging from ledges and trading weyrmates if you listen to him." "A-alright," Mehlani mumbles, though it's mostly the sound of an upset young girl trying to acknowledge advice that may or may not actually be sinking in. As both Brodi and Vachon nudge at her gently with their snouts, she lifts a hand to the brown head and the blue one, awkwardly attempting to soothe them. There come a couple of *pops*, heralding the arrival of bronze Holl and blue Enri on the scene, closing in on the crying lass. Aladis watches the firelizard bedecked young woman. "Mehlani, anyone who matters won't believe a word of the rumors. Honestly." "Why, I only shudder t'think what he might be saying about me these days," Kassi agrees. If only she knew. "All of us have been there, honestly... and anyone who's a true friend t'you will understand. Aye, what Aladis just said." Dragon> Herath bespoke Mehlani with << My rider says not to cry...and to tell you how asleep *image of Weyrleader* is. He will understand. >> Holl and Enri's arrival make 'Lani look tearily up, and she awkwardly stretches out an arm to let the bronze and the little dark blue alight on her. She nods timidly to Asabeth's rider, now getting distracted away from crying as much by the four fire lizards as by the advice of the older women. She then blinkblinks a time or two, glancing out into the Bowl. Kindre suddenly stops mid-bite of her fruit. "Sharding meddling..." she grumbles before smiling apologetically at Mehlani. Shaking her head and looking a bit long-suffered a moment, she finally regains her more normal semblance of a smile. "Just as they both said, 'Lani. Your friends and anyone who knows you won't believe a word of those rumors." Aladis pages: You get a brief mind-touch, btw, from Asabeth. Comforting. Sionelle walks in from the bowl. Sionelle has arrived. Still glancing outside, Mehlani can be seen to blink again, and it's with a slight start that she jerks her gaze back to Kindre, belatedly registering to gold rider's words. "I-I'll be alright," she whispers, partly to the riders around her, and partly to the fire lizards perched upon her person, all regarding her with anxious whirling eyes. With one hand remaining free, she moves it around to pat Holl, Enri, Brodi, and Vachon in turn. Sionelle walks in from the bowl, damp curls stuck to her forehead. She's wearing a thin, sleeveless, linen top, but her usual wherhide trousers are tucked into heavy boots. Ignoring anyone and everyone in the cavern, she strides to the closest water pitcher, and pours herself a glass. Kindre is in the midst of washing down that last bite of fruit with wine when the swing of the caverns door calls her attention. The familiar steady, purposeful stride of boots to stone prempt her need to look at the face of the entering rider to recognize who she is. Dabbing her lips with a napkin, she waves and offers, "Eve to you, Sionelle," while lifting her eyes to meet the bluerider's. Mehlani's quiet speaking tugs her glance and she nods to her. "I know you will be. You're a strong lass, 'Lani. But if you do need anything, please come to one of us, alright?" Aladis turns a smile upon Mehlani, with a slight wink. Kassima nods a greeting to the entering bluerider, then nods again--this time in agreement with what Kin said. "Right, Mehlani. Kes would never forgive me if'n I didn't help you, after all." She has to grin at that. "Anyway, there're certes more pleasant things we could be talking about. Kin? Have any ideas?" Sionelle frowns in Kindre's direction, the most cordial greeting that anyone gets from the bluerider. Further proof of her abiding affection for the junior weyrwoman can be seen in her choice to take a seat next to the goldrider. Or perhaps it's not affection. Sionelle is, after all, a vituperative conversationalist, and at the moment she's rather fragrant as well. Not affection. More like punishment. 'Lani smiles wanly to Kassi and Kindre and Aladis, then bobs her head mutely to Sionelle as the blue rider approaches. The young lass then creeps off to a chair, settling down and continuing to try to settle down the four anxious flits perched on her arm and shoulders. Aladis's expression looks a bit strained as the fragrant bluerider joins the area near to Kindre. "Hello, Sionelle," Aladis manages to say, without choking. Sionelle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wearing a new-looking jacket of fawn-colored hide, with a short stand up collar and tightly buckled cuffs, this young woman also wears the habitual short hair of a rider. Her brown curls always manage to look a little tousled, despite her best efforts to hold them in place with a braided band of black and red cord, and the scarf wrapped loosely around her neck always seems to be pulled a bit askew, despite having its ends tucked into the fleece-lined jacket opening and secured in place by her belt. A large diamond shaped badge is stamped on the back of the jacket, and painted in the same colors as the collar-- the red background and double 'I' marking her as a rider at Benden Weyr. The knot on her shoulder is woven with an extra strand of blue, for her dragon, and a Dawnslight Wing badge is attached to her sleeve. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hrm," Kindre contemplates and taps an index finger against her chin a few moments. "What else did I miss after last eves flight? Or we could start guessing on how many eggs Leilanth will lay," she offers up as potential topics of conversation. The arrival of the rather scenty Sionelle beside her causes her to wrinkle her nose. "Jays, have you been rolling in the bovine fields while Brynarth fed or what," she blurts out in wonder. Kassima's nose wrinkles only a touch. She's used to having V'dan around, after all, and that man has a way of falling into the muckpile at least twice a sevenday. Doing her best to ignore her olfactory senses, she remarks simply, "'Twasn't the world's longest flight. I'm going t'guess between twenty-eight and thirty-two m'self; haven't quite zeroed in on a number yet, though." Sionelle turns to face Kindre, an expression somewhere between irritated offense and irritated contempt on her face. The irritation, at any rate, is unmuddled. She sniffs, once, in preparation for a caustic reply. That sniff gives her a whiff of her own aura, though, and after a slight cough, she tones down the response. "Hardly. I've been working, that's all. A little perspiration is good for anyone, and ought to be expected of any rider with any color dragon. And it's certainly not my fault if Telgar summers are closer to Igen than Benden." Kindre drinks the rest of her glass of wine, now warm from its time sitting in the cavern. She sniffles a bit but dares not to blow her nose in order to breath any better. "I'll guess thirty-four, I think," is remarked after some thought. Sionelle's reply causes her head to bob in what appears to be agreement. "Of course, I'll not disagree with you there. I'm sure I wasn't much more pleasant smelling after oiling Herath earlier," she remarks simply and shrugs. "That is a nice attribute, though, the summers here," she adds. "They're all right," Sionelle allows. "But thirty-four is madness. Thirty. Not a single egg more." Mehlani rises, silently, once she's gotten the 'lizards perched on her settled down. It's with some dismay that Enri and Brodi take wing off her, going *between* andleaving her with loyal Holl and Vachon. Unobtrusively retreating from the riders, the girl slips off into the kitchens, rolling up her sleeves, apparently intending to distract herself with work. You walk off towards the kitchen. Kitchen Contents: The Baker's Guide to Pernese Cuisine Obvious exits: Storeroom Passageway Living Cavern From the living cavern, Kassima eyes Kin as though the woman has surely gone faintly mad, but chooses not to ask whether or not this is true. "Better'n constant humidity," she does agree. "Thirty and four? I'll take you up on that one, Kin. Just name the stakes. 'Twill be surprising if'n it gets up t'thirty and two, t'my thinking--nay offense meant t'Prometh or Leilanth, a'course." From the living cavern, "Call me an optimist," Kindre offers, her shoulders lifting in a tiny shrug as she grins. Pushing the empty wine glass a bit away from her due to its uselessness now, she says, "I can bet a mark...hrm...mayhaps make it two. I always lose when I bet just one. Sionelle? Want to make a wager as well?" Once in the kitchens, Mehlani gets to work, joining the staff currently on duty in helping wash up the seemingly endless pile of dishes there is to get washed in a Weyr. Holl and Vachon linger near her protectively, and the girl keeps her gaze focused on her work, apparently unaware of several kitchen girls whispering speculatively behind her back. From the living cavern, Sionelle shrugs, as she finishes the remainder of her water and sets the glass on the table with a thump. "Why not. Two marks is it? I suppose I can spare them. And if I turn out to be correct, I can finally buy myself a new riding jacket. Not that I've even broken in the old one, but Benden colors are Benden colors, and it's high time I switched to white." From the living cavern, Aladis fixes one of said kitchen girls with a stern look when she steps out of the kitchen to gather dirty dishes. From the living cavern, The hapless lass pinned by Aladis's gaze blinkblinks several times, dewily. Who, her? What did she _do_? Her cute freckled nose crinkles. From the living cavern, Rylan walks here from the Inner Cavern. From the living cavern, Rylan bouncies straight over to Kassima, "Heylo" From the living cavern, Ro walks here from the Inner Cavern. From the living cavern, Ro walks into the room, silently as ever, to rather blearily get herself some klah. From the living cavern, Kindre bobs her head a few times. "Two it is, then. Some savings I have, but Dah can wait on those bottles of wine should I lose," she remarks and smiles. Rylan and Ro get a wave of greeting as she says, "Eve you two." From the living cavern, Rylan waves back to Kindre From the living cavern, Kassima immediately produces the wager-marking hide and charcoal stick that always reside in her belt pouch. "Thirty and two, I suppose 'twill take. That's as far as m'optimism can extend." Her mouth quirks a bit at the mention of switching to white, but rather than commenting, she looks up to nod to the two new arrivals. "Afternoon, Ro, Rylan." From the living cavern, Rylan grins at Kassi, "See you /do/ carry that bout all over with ya" From the living cavern, Ro blinks at Kindre a few moments, getting her bearings, before bestowing a smile upon her and murmuring quietly "Afternoon, ma'am." Mehlani, elbow-deep in warm dishwater, pauses only long enough to push her hat back slightly on her head; she's not looking out into the cavern, so she misses Rylan and Ro's arrival, as well as Aladis's stern look to the kitchen lass. From the living cavern, Aladis is completely unmoved by cute freckled noses or dewy blinkblinks. From the living cavern, The freckled, dewy-eyed kitchen girl quirks her head, and pipes guilelessly, "Get some klah for ye, rider?" Maybe that's it! Maybe that's why the green rider gave her the Look? From the living cavern, Sionelle notices the quirk of Kassima's lips, and the bluerider's eyes narrow just slightly, probably in thought but possibly in irritation. With Sionelle, one is much the same as the other. From the living cavern, Ro offers a smile to just about all, then takes her mug of klah with her into the Kitchen. From the living cavern, Ro walks off towards the kitchen. Ro enters the kitchen from the living cavern. Ro has arrived. From the living cavern, Aladis says, cooly, "Yes, perhaps your should. Keeping busy tends to make for less time to gossip, eh?" It takes a few moments to Ro to even register Mehlani's presence, but when she does, she just smiles a little and blushes. Mehlani can be found hunkered over a vat of dishes, bronze Holl and brown Vachon perched right nearby, on the vat's rim. 'Lani's got her lower lip tucked under her teeth, and she's scrubbing determinedly at a pot, but her gaze is distracted, elsewhere. It's Holl who croons first to Ro, and that snaps Mehlani's attention up; she smiles awkwardly back to the other girl. From the living cavern, Kindre peers over her shoulder to the jacket she's hung on the back of her seat. "I have that new one," she decides to share, "only because it was a gift. I still keep my old one for nostaglic value, same with my Half Circle, candidat, and weyrling knots." Grinning at Aladis' words to the young freckled woman, she calls, "And a glass of wine, if you'd not mind?" From the living cavern, The kitchen lass apparently just doesn't Quite Get It. She peers at Aladis, bristling a little at the cool tone, and opens her mouth to reply before Kindre jumps in with her own request. "Aye, ma'am," she mutters towards Kindre, and she scurries off to fetch both klah and wine. Ro surveys the kitchen and murmurs "D'you think I should make s'more of that herb bread that the weyrwoman liked?" From the living cavern, "I know," Kassima says absently, rolling up the hide and sticking it back in her pouch. "Eh, Ro..." she starts to call, then pauses. "Fardles, 'twill never catch her at this rate. But it can wait." One eyebrow lifts at Aladis's needling of the LCG, and she manages to miss the narrowing of Elle's eyes entirely. Mehlani considers, then smiles a little and nods slowly. "I... suppose," she murmurs back, "it'd be nice... if she found it waiting... when she gets up, I guess... Ro, I..." 'Lani straightens from the dish vat, then casts an anxious glance around to make sure no one is in obvious listening range before she approaches the other girl. Mehlani leans in to confide plaintively, She mutters to Ro, "... they... and... talking about... wh-what we... last..." Ro senses "Mehlani leans in to confide plaintively, "Ro... they... Kassi and Kindre and Aladis... said they're... talking about... wh-what we did, last night!"" From the living cavern, Kindre, while awaiting her wine to arrive, laces her fingers together and places them on the table before her. "Think there will be a gold egg," is tossed out as another clutch-related topic to mayhaps wager on. Tilting her head a bit as she regards Kassima, she wonders, "What do you need to catch Ro for? More bets to collect?" A small grin curls her lips a moment before she adds, "I really should watch you more're terribly good with these things." From the living cavern, The kitchen lass brings Kindre her wine first, and then, sullenly, brings Aladis her klah. "Will that be all, riders?" she pipes. From the living cavern, Sionelle sighs. "As if we need another one," she says, standing up from her place at the table. "I'll save my marks on that bet, and head off to the bathing pool. Good day to you all." From the living cavern, "That too. Yestereve was her Turnday, though, y'see," Kassi explains. "In the... well, I suppose chaos would be the best word for it, I neglected t'give her the gift she's due. And nay, I doubt there'll be a gold. Five golds is enough for one Weyr." From the living cavern, Sionelle deposits her glass on the side table as she steps out into the sunlight. From the living cavern, Sionelle walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. From the living cavern, "We're such trouble, I know," Kindre returns to Sionelle, "especially with 'tween training. Good eve to you, though." The latter is followed by a small smile before her attentions returns to Kassi and she nods. Ro's eyes widen and she blushes before replying She mutters to Mehlani, "How... they... What... it..." You sense Ro's eyes widen and she blushes before replying "How did they find out? What is it they are saying?" From the living cavern, Kassima then nods to Sionelle, managing to keep from looking relieved... and eyeing, for a moment, the nearest set of flowers nearby. They seem to have wilted; imagine that. "Clear skies, blueri--oh, bugger. Some things never change." From the living cavern, Aladis smilles brightly to the LCG. "For now." Mehlani wrings her hands, fidgeting, as she whispers to Ro, She mutters to Ro, "... only... me..... are... that... _twenty_ girls... Kes... they're... about..." Ro senses "Mehlani wrings her hands, fidgeting, as she whispers to Ro, "Kassima only told me.. that some are saying that... _twenty_ girls took Kes... K'star to his weyr... and they're talking about... girls with no clothes..."" From the living cavern, The kitchen lass drops a passable enough curtsy and flounces off in a bounce of her curls, but can't disguise the avid curiosity in her voice as she returns to the kitchen. As she passes Mehlani and Ro, she might be heard to mutter, "Hmmph. Why can't _I_ take a brownrider to his weyr?" Ro nearly chokes at that. She manages to sputter out "What?!", her normally second soprano voice jumping an octave. Mehlani somehow manages to miss the girl flouncing past as she bobs her head anxiously to Ro. From the living cavern, "I should be off as well," Kindre says suddenly and sighs. "See if Kiat is back and awake yet," is added as she shrugs. Pushing herself up from the table and pulling her jacket from the seats back, she smiles. "I'll likely be back down in a bit. I think, too, that my eve at Boll wore me out more than I realized." Waving, she heads for the bowl. From the living cavern, Kindre walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Ro protests, cheeks flaming "But, but, nothin' of the sort happened!" she squeaks out. From the living cavern, Aladis shakes her head a bit and sighs, "Asabeth's demanding an oiling. If you'll excuse me?" Mehlani bobs her head quickly, anxiously. "B-but they're saying it," she whispers lowly, blushing just as bright as her friend. From the living cavern, Kassima nods sympathetically to Kin, though she does manage not to yell anything after the already-departed rider. "A'course, Aladis," she says instead. "I've some work t'be attending to now that I've caught a bit of a rest anyway. Clear skies t'you and your green." From the living cavern, Aladis smiles at Kassima, casts a look towards the kitchen, then heads out to the bowl. From the living cavern, Aladis walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. From the living cavern, Kassima walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Ro puts the back of her hand to her mouth, saying near frantically "What're we gonna do? My Da will -kill- me if'n he hears that." Not entirely certain she -- and at least to her, more importantly, K'star -- will escape murder either, Mehlani breathes out mournfully, "Kassima a-and Kindre a-and Aladis thought I... I should tell what happened, truly, t-to those who... matter... w-would your Da... maybe you should tell him, quickly?" Ro says in more hushed tones "Lani, I may -look- as old as you, but I'm only just turned 14. Da'll be -livid-!" "I-I'll help," Mehlani immediately, if awkwardly offers. "You, you and I, we know what happened, I'll help you tell him...?" Ro nods slowly "But we better tell some others first, so they kin restrain him while we're tellin' him." "K-Kindre... thinks I should talk to K'tyn... as soon as he wakes up," Mehlani agrees anxiously. Across the kitchen, no less than three of the kitchen girls are doing their best to pretend they aren't listening in, while eavesdropping avidly; it takes a whack from the matron overseeing them, a spoon to each of their shoulders, to get them going about their business. Ro nods "That doesn't sound -too- bad. At least we'll be able t' tell our side first, b'fore he hears anythin' else. Mmm, y'better make some of that hangover stuff for 'im. He's gonna need it. Better take 'im somethin' t' eat, too. Get him in a good mood first, too." "Yes... yes..." Mehlani flails about for a moment, looking for a towel to dry her hands. She finds one, and hastens over to the matron watching over the kitchen at the moment; a murmured anxious query gets her permission to leave her dishwashing duty for the moment, and 'Lani hastily begins to assemble a quantity of her hangover remedy for the Weyrleader. Ro doesn't bother is not even her day to be working in the kitchen. She just follows close in the wake of the other girl. Mehlani manages to find the ingredients she needs in fairly short order -- after all, she'd just gone looking for them last night, and they haven't gotten far. "Wh-where do you think he'll be?" she whispers to Ro as she gathers. Ro shakes her head "I don't know. But if it's anythin' like I heard of last flight, I'd better get some arnica for his eye. That might make 'im a little easier to talk to." Ro dashes off, saying over her shoulder "I'll be right back." Ro walks into the Living Cavern. Ro has left. From the living cavern, Ro walks in from the kitchen. From the living cavern, Ro walks towards the inner cavern. From the living cavern, Ro walks here from the Inner Cavern. From the living cavern, Ro walks off towards the kitchen. Ro enters the kitchen from the living cavern. Ro has arrived. Mehlani has assembled a small tray by the time Ro returns, with a steaming mug of water in which her remedy is steeping, along with a quantity of meat and cheese and bread. "Let's go find him," she whispers to her friend as she returns. Ro runs in, out of breath "I got it. I think he might be in the baths, or at least that's what I gathered from the murmurs of some of those gossipin' girls afore they saw me comin'." Mehlani blinkblinks, then nods, and lifts up the tray. "Let's go look..." Holl and Vachon watch all of this, and the bronze chirrups irritably as one of the other kitchen girls gets too near to 'Lani for his liking. The bronze and the brown watchfully lift off as 'Lani treks out of the kitchen. You walk into the Living Cavern. Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern(#750RJM$) Contents: Pierron Obvious exits: Lower Caverns Kitchen Bowl From the kitchen, Ro on a thought, Ro fills a bowl with berries, pours a little cold cream over, and adds that to the tray. It couldn't hurt. From the kitchen, Ro walks into the Living Cavern. Ro walks in from the kitchen. Ro has arrived. Mehlani smiles anxiously to Ro's addition to their offerings, and pads as hastily as she can with a laden tray into the inner caverns. You walk towards the inner cavern. Inner Cavern(#1272RJL$) Obvious exits: Steam Baths INFirmary Candidate Barracks Corridor Weyrfolk Quarters Living Cavern Ro walks in from the living caverns. Ro has arrived. Ro walks off towards the Telgar Hot Springs. Ro has left. You enter the tunnel leading out to the steamy springs. Telgar Hot Springs Contents: Ro K'tyn(#7313PAJOc$) Prometh(#3353JOaeps$) Obvious exits: Inner Cavern Bowl Ro peeks her head in and looks around, concern furrowing her brow. Kyril flies into the room. Kyril has arrived. With a laden tray in her slender hands, Mehlani is a beat behind Ro, peeking anxiously around the other girl. She immediately spies the bronze bulk of Prometh, and, swallowing, she calls out softly, "K-K'tyn? Are you here?" Faint humming is heard from behind the huge wall of bronze dragon that sits in the dragon pool. Prometh arches his neck, lifting his head to peer at those who've entered his domain. He rumbles, gently, at Mehlani and Ro, then a little more sternly at the Firelizard. "Huh? What? Oh, They are, hm?" K'tyn pats Prometh's nose, and peers around the dragon to take a look as well. "Heya, Ro, 'Lani," he says quietly. Kyril chirps a greeting, arrogantly assuming that everyone has nothing better to do than notice his arrival. That's the way he is. With utmost poise, he enthrones himself on a rock near the edge of the dragon pool. Ro manages a weak smile "Hello, sir." Mehlani steels herself and approaches K'tyn, murmuring a timid greeting to Prometh as she draws near. "We... we brought you some things," she begins shyly, holding out the tray. There's meat and cheese and bread upon it, as well as a bowl of berries topped with cold cream, and a mug of something hot and steaming and herbal. Ro nods, following close behind Mehlani "And I brought you somethin' in case Jehrina blackened you're eye again." K'tyn Tall, dark, and surprisingly urbane-looking, this Telgar rider's broad muscular frame lends him presence and solidity; a strength echoed in the raptor's gleam of his amber-gold eyes below thick raven-wing black brows. Something tenuously controlled lurks beneath his calm, cultureed manner; hints of it percolate through the strands of curly black hair that's clubbed ruthlessly back from his forehead in a black-ribboned queue. Sun and wind and weather have roughened and tanned his skin to an even bronze tone. Punctuating his features, two gristled scars twist about his face like his dragon's tail, flaring whitely around his mouth when he dares a grin. On his hand glimmers a bright band of gold. K'tyn is 27 Turns, 1 months, and 22 days old. (+detail) K'tyn, smiling a little sheepishly, looks at you steadily--his face marred by the swelling and blue demarcation of a blackened eye. K'tyn is clad in an undyed linen shirt, leather vest with matching trousers and black wher-hide boots. His riding jacket hangs open loosely, and upon his shoulder is a black and white Telgar Weyr WeyrLeader's knot, intertwined with a bright bronze strand. A patch, SkyFire's emblem, blazes on his jacket. K'tyn catches and holds your gaze for a moment, his golden eyes crinkling a little as he smiles and then looks away. K'tyn nods, "How's things?" he asks, turning to go back to scrubbing Prometh. "And d'you want to help a bit, here? I'm rather... HM?" He looks at the bronze, and then the tray of food. "You two just read my mind. I am -starving!-" So saying, he sloshes over to the side of the pool and reaches for it, despite Prometh's annoyed rumble at being abandoned. "Don't worry, you great lump. I'm not finished with you! And aye, Ro, she did blacken it. And well, too." He turns to show the pair of young women. Mehlani smiles weakly, pleased as their tray seems well-received. "The, uh... tea, it's for headaches," she murmurs. Evidently, the lass is quite nervous for some reason, though she goes on readily, "I-if Prometh wants a wash, we'll be happy to help, w-won't we, Ro?" Mehlani winces at the bruise across the bronze rider's eye. Ro peers over Mehlani's shoulder, affirming that yes, he does have a black eye again. "That looks painful sir." She turns at Mehlani's voice, and quickly agrees "Sure we will!" Mehlani sets the tray down within K'tyn's easy reach, kneeling there on the stone by the pool. Prometh rumbles warmly at the girls, sidling up, slowly, to the shallows. More scrubbers! Kiat grins, "I can't blame her too much, but--She wishes for P'tran." He eats heartily. "This tastes," he slurps the tea, "SO good! I was in great pain, but moving about seems to have helped. And this tea, is too--" Suddenly, he stops blathering on and just peers at the pair. "Is there something wrong?" Ro says "We can wash 'im while you eat." she suggests, her words just a touch more clipped than usual. She sets a tiny vial and a wad of cotton on the tray, adding "This is what the healers use on bruises t'make 'em go away faster." Mehlani, like her father before her, has an easily readable face, and 'Lani's face is full of fretful dismay. "W-we need to talk to you," she blurts to the Weyrleader, at his query. Ro looks at Mehlani, then back to the weyrleader, nodding. K'tyn nods, his mouth full as he starts to wave Ro on to Prometh. "Wh--" He swallows rapidly, brows pulling together in concern. "What is it? You've--you're not hurt, either of you?" Ro shakes her head perhaps a little too vehemently "Oh no, it's nothin' like that." "No, no," Mehlani blurts quickly. She pulls off her boots, ready to wade in to help wash the bronze, though she's still mostly concerned with speaking to his rider. "We're _both_ alright, we just... we just wanted to make sure you heard about this from _us_ first..." 'Lani's fidgeting restlessly now, dainty hands wringing. If anything, K'tyn looks more grim, his mouth firming into a thin line as he directs his gaze onto Ro and the Mehlani. "Then what is it that I'm needin' to hear?" 'Lani pulls in a breath, and begins hesitantly, "It's about... K'star." Ro follows the other girl's example and slips out of her boots and clothing, heading for the bronze. It is a good way to have something to do so she doesn't figet so much. Reversing their motion, Kiat's brows rise into his hairline it seems. "Oh? Do tell?" He continues to eat, but keeps his watchful gaze on the young women. "What has K'star done, now?" Ro blinks "Um, nothin' sir. Nothin' that's any o' his fault, anyhow!" 'Lani's a little more body-shy than Ro, and thus, she remains at the pool's edge, daring only for now to dip her bare toes into the heated water. Plaintively, she considers K'tyn, and blurts, "He... well... Kindre said... his wingmates were getting him... a-a little drunk, during the flight... they were at Boll, you see... and... well, I didn't know a thing about it until we found him in my... in my..." She turns quite, quite pink, and manages to finish, "I-in my cot..." Ro nods in affirmation, that is where she first saw him. She slips over toward Prometh, and watches him to see if he will allow her to start scrubbing. K'tyn absorbs this for a full twenty seconds. "K'star," he says slowly, parsing the sentence and repeating it back for clarity, "K'star was in your cot. Drunk, and in your cot....Ah. I see." He pulls himself out of the pool and methodically gets into his clothing. "I have one question--" Kiat turns back to the pool. "Where is K'star, now?" "Wait...! Wait, please!" Mehlani begs, surging to her now bare feet. "He didn't _do_ anything, I promise! H-he was just a little confused, is all!" Ro nods "Nothin' at all!" Prometh rumbles, half charging out of the water himself as his rider and the two girls move away. "Nothing at all? Ah. I see. Well, Mehlani, Ro--I must speak with him regardless." Kiat smiles, just a little, his swollen eye puckering even further. Ro adds in "I was there, I saw it." even as she is washed to the side with a yelp from Prometh's sudden movement. 'Lani's eloquent features now relay the very picture of fervent, honest anxiety. "I-I don't think he knew where he was, he thought it was his weyr, and, and you see, well, I _told_ him he couldn't sleep there, and, and Ro helped me get him out to his dragon," she veritably babbles. "And, and we didn't have shoes on, but we did have robes, but, but that was only because we'd just come out of the baths, you see?" And, her eyes threatening tears, she concludes, "Please don't punish him -- please? It's not his fault!" Ro climbs up onto the edge of the pool, out of the water, rubbing her shoulder. K'tyn glances at Prometh, a contest of wills occuring before the bronze settles back into the water, a faintly whistled apology coming from his nose to Ro and Mehlani. "Lani, I'll not kill him, and I'll not punish him too severely. But I will talk to him," He says with quiet authority. "I want to know who those 'friends' of his are--and all of them will have dawn sweeps for the next 10 falls, I think." Ro exchanges glances with Mehlani before even considering saying anything else. K'tyn sniffs quietly, musing a bit out loud. "Tis not too onerous a punishment, but Kes should never have allowed himself to get that drunk--and his friends should not have allowed him either, since we've fall in less that four hours. Tis no way to keep a wing or a weyr in fighting shape." Mehlani visibly wilts. Several of her fire lizards -- Holl, Enri, Brodi, along with Devlin's Vachon -- have glided into the place and are lingering nearby, warbling in soft concern. "B-but he didn't _do_ anything," she whispers, her eyes tearing over after she looks back from Ro. "H-he was... sweet, even if he _was_ drunk..." K'tyn grins at Mehlani, and winks at Ro. "I think that if he hadn't been, I would have killed him--or made him wish he'd been killed. Dinna worry 'Lani. I won't kill him, regardless." Ro nods hesitantly, pulling her clothes back on, even if the dampness of her skin does cause them to cling. She glances at Mehlani again, "Um, sir, there's more.... there's rumors..." "Rumors? Of what?" Kiat chuckles dismissively, looking at Prometh first and then the young women. "I'll be back, later, though, so you need not finish Prometh. He can wait. Now--I need to speak with Kes and his friends." 'Lani risks looking up at the bronze rider, but she's clearly crying now. "He didn't _do_ anything, h-he went right to sleep when we w-w-we got him safe to his weyr," she maintains. And then, perhaps surprisingly, she clenches her slender hands and stomps a bare foot. "And anybody who says otherwise is... is... slinging wherry dung!" Emmy flies into the room. Emmy has arrived. K'tyn blinks. Wherry dung? Hm. "'Lani, I'll take that into account--and you know I dinna listen to rumors too much. If I need to, I know where to get the real story, hm?" He nods at the pair of them, and turns for the exit again. Ro blinks at the other girl in amazement. In response to 'Lani's agitation, Holl and the two blues and Vachon creel, and Holl immediately takes wing to alight on the girl's shoulder. Defeatedly, she lowers her eyes and whispers to K'tyn's departing form, "Ria and Elsi and Wili, they're... guarding him, in his weyr..." Once K'tyn is gone, 'Lani stands there gazing dolefully down at the stone beneath her feet, her eyes quite wet. Ro nods "I'll send Thunder, too. It'll be okay, 'lani." "He didn't _do_ anything," 'Lani whispers sadly. "N-nothing bad..." Ro nods and dares to put a comforting arm around the girl's shoulders "I know he didn't." Holl flutters, maintaining his perch and stretching out his wings for a moment as Ro slips her arm around his human; 'Lani, tearily, looks up at Ro and whispers, "You, you saw, d-do you think I told him wrong?" Ro shakes her head. "Not at all. I just hope it goes as well tellin' my Da." Asrai walks in from outside the room. Asrai has arrived. Asrai makes her way out from the inner cavern, smiling brightly as she finds the subject of her search. "Ah, so /this/ is where everyone is hiding." Surrounded by four anxious fire lizards and under the watchful eye of the silent Prometh, Mehlani is sitting with her arms around her knees at the edge of one of the pools. Ro had been with her, but the other girl had gotten unwillingly hauled off on an errand, and now, alone, Mehlani is waiting for her friend to come back. At Asrai's call, though, 'Lani snaps her head up, startled, and it can be seen that the girl's been crying. The smile falls imediately from Asrai's face, replaced with a deep look of concern. She moves quickly to the edge of the pool next to Lani, placing an hand on the girl's shoulder. "Lani, what's wrong?" Holl and Vachon both creel; the bronze is perched on 'Lani's other shoulder, and he eyes Asrai warily before seeming to allow her to touch his human. Devlin's brown and 'Lani's two blues are all more or less huddled up against her side. And Mehlani sniffles a little, blinking a few times, managing to say only, "I... I... it's..." Asrai's head falls to the side, not giving the firelizards any mind at all. "Ah Lany sweety. Its alright, relax." She settles down next to the girl, smoothing back the hair from her face wih her other hand. "Take a deep breath, that's it. Now tell me what happened." Once again, the mothering instinct comes out in Asrai, as well as the fierce determination to set things right in her friend's life. Disgruntled, Holl flutters out of the way, but not far, only far enough to join Vachon and the blues on the stone floor beside Mehlani. The girl, her blue eyes welling over damply, plaintively declares, "K-K'tyn... is going to _punish_ him... and it's not his fault, it's _NOT_!" This brings on a fresh rush of tears. Asrai makes comforting noises, trying to settle Lani. Her voice takes on a firm note as she starts to rub Lani's back in soothing circles. "Easy now. Who is K'tyn going to punish and why?" "K-Kes," Mehlani wails, huddling against the blue rider, while the fire lizards warble their own attempts at comfort. "He d-didn't _do_ anything, he was just a little drunk, a-and confused...!" Asrai nods in understanding as Lani starts to tell the story, letting the girl rest against her as she continues to sooth and comfort. "OK, so K'star went and got himself in the skins..not unusual for the flight and all. Why would that have K'tyn punishing him? He'd have to punish the entire weyr in that case." She giggles softly, rocking Lani gently. "H-h-he was in my cot," Mehlani mumbles, her soft voice ragged, her tears getting Asrai damp. Asrai ahhs, "Well now. Did he get there on his own?" she obviously has lived at the weyr for some years now. She doesn't seem to mind at all that Lani is using her shirt as a tear soaker. "I-I-I don't _know_," is Mehlani's mournful reply, "a-and Kes, he was... he was confused, he thought it was his weyr, and... and..." She trails off, shaking in Asrai's gentle grasp. Asrai nods, "Well now. I don't see that anything is wrong there...Lani, did anything happen. something you haven't told me yet?" She must still be trying to find out what got K'tyn's panties in a knot. Mehlani looks up, and although she's crying, her face is insistent. "He didn't do anything bad!" she cries huskily. Ro walks quietly back into the room, noting Asrai's presence with surprise, but not distress. Asrai nods, rocking Lani a bit more. "There now, easy." She gives Ro a welcoming smile. "I'll talk with K'tyn, Lani. But he looks upon you as a daughter..and a friend. Of course he'd be concerned. But if you say K'star didn't do anything, I believe you." Mehlani sniffles and whispers, "You do?" Ro asks earnestly, gambling that they are talking about what she thinks they are talking about "Would y' help me talk to my Da, too? Who knows if'n he's heard any of the nasty things those drudges have been sayin'" Asrai grins down at Lani. Lifting ehr chin gently with one finger she replies, "Oh course I do, sweety. And I'm certain if you asked him, K'tyn would say that it wasn't you he didn't trust, it was K'star. All men acting the father seem to take that line of reasoning." She smirks at Ro, "The drudes are always talking, sometimes it seems they've nothing better to do. But most times it just runs aground." "But now they're saying that... that... we didn't have any clothes on, and that there were _twenty_ girls, a-and that's not what happened at all!" 'Lani cries, meeting Asrai's gaze, though largely only because the bluerider has taken her chin and lifted it up. Asrai giggles softly. "Come now Lani, dear. No one in their right mind would believe that crackdust. Twenty girls, what fur bed is big enough for that, let alone dormatory cot. Besides, when they are that drunk, men can't...oh, nevermind." The Bluerider cuts off imediately, realising what she was about to say. That confuses Mehlani, who sniffles a little as she peers tearily at Asrai. "Wh-what?" Ro looks at Asrai, a little less upset than Mehlani "Can't what?" Asrai clears her throat a little. "Well, hmm..its about time you girls knew some things. You see, when a man is with a those fools are implying happened..he needs to be more in control of his body parts. In other words, if he's too drunk to know that a dormatory is not his weyr, K'star's , umm, parts, prolly weren't working well enough to do anything." Faranth she hopes that made sense.. Ro listens closely, eyes wide, head tilted just so as she contemplates what is said. Mehlani blinkblinks, wiping a hand across her eyes, and peering bemusedly from Asrai to Ro and back again. "Well... Kes... he wouldn't have... anyway," she blurts. Asrai nods, "I'm sure he wouldn't Lani. Especially if you weren't ready. He's a good lad." "He's... _always_ very sweet to me.." Mehlani whispers. The notion seems to give her pause somehow, and her brow crinkles ponderingly as she trails off. Asrai smiles. "Yes, I've noticed. Now, do you feel better? Ignore the talk..laugh at it if someone brings it up. I'll talk with K'tyn and calm him down..hopefully before he takes K'star's head off." She adds with a giggle. "He went to go _find_ him," Mehlani tells Asrai anxiously, her voice still soft and ragged. Asrai nods, "Well, K'star's a big boy...he'll be alright. Plus, knowing K'tyn..we'll be able to hear if he finds K'star. Things will be alright, Lani." Ro looks nervous "I don't think I'm going to be able to laugh when Da finds out. He's not likely to be in too much a mood to listen." Asrai looks to Ro inquireingly. Mehlani swallows hard, glancing to Ro as she speaks. Ro says nervously "Da's kinda, well, extremely protective and all. He'll have kittens the moment he catches wind of this for sure." Asrai smiles, "Ah, seems that more then one rider in this weyr looks on you as a surrogate daughter, Lani. Well, it will settle down, I promise. Perhaps having it all out in the open would be the best thing." She ponders this, "Men get awfully touchy on this subject though." Mehlani protests, "W-well, Ro is R'gan's daughter, and..." She trails off unsurely. "Kindre a-and Kassima and Aladis, they said I should tell K'tyn, but... but..." Her face falls. "It didn't go right...!" Asrai frowns a bit, "They wanted you to tell K'tyn, because of the rumors going around? They thought he would stop them..but it backfired and now he's believing them. Men! Although I'm suprised Kin and the others didn't expect that in the first place." "I don't... I don't _know_," Mehlani wails, leaning her face down into her hands. "He s-said he'd keep w-what we said in mind... but... but... he's gonna give Kes dawn sweeps for ten Falls, he said...!" Ro says significantly to Mehlani "You'd best tell her how Kes got back to his weyr....' Asrai giggles, give Lani a half hug. "Ah, Lani, sweety. K'tyn will calm down. And like I said, no one would believe those rumors. One, you are not the type to go running around unclad. Two, there is no way twenty women could make it up to K'star's weyr. Three, I doubt K'star has a weyr big enough weyr for that many people to fit in to begin with. More then likely, his buddies thought it'd be a great joke to dump him in your cot." She looks to Ro, "What's this?" Ro blushes "Um, well, I helped 'lani take Kes to his weyr." Mehlani blows out a ragged breath, sniffles again, and babbles, "Ro and I, w-we got Kes back to his w-weyr, and we didn't have shoes on, but we did have robes, but that's because w-we'd just come out of the baths... y-you see?" Her gaze fixes on Asrai, pleading with the older woman to Understand. Asrai nods, "Well, that was very kind of you both." As Lani further explains she nods, no judgement in her eyes. "Of course, I understand. I don't see anything wrong with that." Asrai smirks, "Would they have had you strip in front of him to put something more substantial on? Some people." Ro says "Well, some of the riders and drudges saw us goin' through the livin' cavern, and, well, it didn't _look_ like such a good thing to be doin'." Mehlani's voice is almost a whimper as she mumbles, "I put on some pants!" Ro looks at Mehlani "I wasnae about to take m'robe of an' get dressed with a -boy- in the dorm." Asrai smirks again, "And if they hadn't been nose deep in the wineskins themselves they would have known beter then to think anything bad of you two." she starts rocking Lani once more. "Its alright, hon, its alright. You were more then proper, and very kind to boot. Rumors would have been worse had you left him in your cot. Plus, I'm sure no one else was steady enough to have helped you, anyway." Mehlani hugs Asrai awkwardly, agreeing in a soft, plaintive tone, "I-I just _knew_, I knew Kes would be so embarrassed, i-if I didn't move him....!" Asrai nods, looking to Ro for support. "Exactly, you acted like a good friend, Lani. But tell me. How long did you stay up in his weyr after getting him to bed? did both of you come right back down?" Ro replies "Just until we could convince Indyth to call someone to give us a ride down, that's all.." "R-right back!" Mehlani breathes earnestly. "W-we put him to bed, a-and then I asked Indyth if he'd call a dragon for us, a-and V'dan a-and Chymeth came and got us...!" Asrai nods, "Alright, and did the same people that saw you leave with K'star, see you come back soon after without him?" Emmy soars through the air and suddenly pops *between*. Emmy has left. Mehlani's brow crinkles. "I-I don't know," she whispers, and she glances to Ro for support. Ro shakes her head "I don't know either. I was too tired to think about it." Asrai nods. "Well girls, I'm going to tell you something...something that took me some time to figure out. as long as /you/ know the truth, and those you care about know the one else really matters. It will be the hot topic for a day, maybe two...then it will be forgotten." Ro nods, still looking worried, but not as much so now. Mehlani relaxes, a little. She's stopped crying, although the tracks of her tears still mark her face. Asrai nods decisively. "Besides, if I know this weyr..what happened between you and K'star was not the only thing worth rumors." Asrai looks to Ro and Lani both. "Now, do you both feel a bit better?" Ro nods and says "I still have t' tell Da, though." Asrai nods in understanding. "Do you want me there, Ro?" Ro nods "It might help." "I'll come," Mehlani promises anxiously. Asrai smiles, "Then we'll all go together." Ro turns and points over her shoulder "Well, I'd better go get the bread made....gotta keep 'Rina happy." Mehlani nodnods, and glances at the abandoned tray they'd brought K'tyn, earlier. "Let me... take this back," she whispers. Mehlani hugs Asrai for a moment, then pulls away from the blue rider and scurries over to get the tray. Ro waits for Mehlani to catch up with her. Asrai nods, "Certainly Ro. Lani, why don't we go get some juice or something? But first.." She takes a small cloth out of her pocket, dipping it in the water and washing the tear stains from Lani's face with a gentle touch. " Mehlani blinkblinks, then murmurs, "Thank you..." Asrai smiles warmly at the girl. "What are friends for?" [End log.]