The World of Pern(tm) is copyright to Anne McCaffrey (c) l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This is a log of roleplay on PernMUSH, available online by permission of Anne McCaffrey, author of the Pern novels, and recorded by A.S. Korra'ti (, player of Mehlani of Telgar Weyr on PernMUSH. This log may be distributed freely as long as this header remains intact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log Date: 6/1/98 Log Cast: (People) Ro, Mehlani, Saskia, Kailia, Aurian, Jayna, Imuna (NPC), Asher, Kharty, Erdrick, Neliea (Firelizards) Holl, Enri, Rain, Brodi, Wili, Sionrciere, Munki, Klah, Aurian's blue and greens, Thunder Log Intro: The life of a Candidate is a busy one -- and as her time among the Telgar Weyr Candidates has progressed, Mehlani has found herself unsettled by the changes her having been Searched has brought about in her life, and in particular, the changes in her interactions with the young men who have grown important to her. She has seen K'star, brown Indyth's rider, only periodically over the last several sevendays, and seldom enough that the young baker Jorenan has been moved to ask her if Kes is still interested in her. Brooding over that very issue has proven something of a distraction from her Candidate duties, enough that Mehlani's friends and fellow Candidates can't really help but notice... and worry over, for it's not too much longer before Leilanth's clutch is expected to hatch... ---------- Candidate Barracks(#258RAHJ$) This cavern has a rather low ceiling, with many openings for air, since this becomes an abode for a large number of people before every hatching. Every inch of the floor is kept clean, although little of it can be seen due to the many rows of cots that fill most of the space. The central part of the cavern is rather dim, as most of the glows are on the walls. Little decoration is evidenced except for a few personal effects. You wouldn't call it uncomfortable unless the unusually low ceiling for a weyr makes you claustrophobic. On the wall, scrupulously maintained, is a list of Candidates and their assigned chores for the day. Tampering with it is rumored to be an offense punishable by death or latrine duty for the rest of one's life. A large portal on one wall, closed by an equally large door, leads to the tunnel descending to the hatching sands. Another door, covered by a curtain, leads out to the Inner Cavern. Contents: Tola Danae Flutterby Harper Obvious exits: Lower Caverns Ro nods to Mehlani as she makes her way to the board to see her chore for the day. Mehlani is on her cot, surrounded by fire lizards -- the daily oiling is in progress, it would seem. She bobs her head gravely to her friend. Ro sighs and murmurs "Breakin' firestone for the fourth day in a row. I think she's tryin' to kill me." Mehlani looks up, and smiles tiredly. Holl is perched on her shoulder as she carefully oils Enri, and the bronze croons to Ro. From Ro's shoulder, Rain peeks out to look at the bronze, replying with a tenative croon of her own. "My arms are still tired from the last time I broke stone," Mehlani begins hesitantly. Then she blinks and peers at Rain, startled. "Do I know that one...?" Ro shakes her head, stroking the creature's head tiny head with a finger tip "She kinda surprised me the other day, when I was goin' to get Asher so he wouldn't be late for curfew. Mehlani smiles a bit more, eyes softening. "How many, now?" Ro says seriously "Three, and if'n I see another hatchlin' or firelizard egg, I'm just gonna flat out run." 'Lani gives another smile, and an actual chuckle. "I will hide with you," she promises. "I have enough, now." Holl nudges her cheek with his snout, then croons to Rain. Several of the younger 'lizards waiting to be oiled peer with curious eyes at her. From Ro's shoulder, Rain crawls down into her pet's arms, her dappled golden hide looking almost as if it is covered with tiny droplets of water. Watching the gold in between rubbing oil into Enri's grey-touched head, Mehlani smiles quietly, eyes turning a trifle wistful before she returns her full attention to her little blue. Ro sits down on her cot and says "I think the eggs are gonna hatch real soon." Mehlani seems to snap out of some kind of reverie; she blinkblinks, sets Enri down, and reaches for Brodi next. Enri chirrs sternly as Wili attempts to snag his newly gleaming tail, and in the meantime, Mehlani murmurs anxiously, "I hope so... I'm.... awfully nervous." Ro regards her trio for a moment, then pulls a vial of oil from her press and begins oiling Rain. "Yeah, I guess I really do want to know, one way or the other." Mehlani bobs her head solemnly to Ro, saying softly, "I... miss how it was, before I was Searched... I just... want to know what will happen." Saskia blinks and sits up as a golden head pokes out of its sling and squawks imperiously. Ro giggles "Well, I don't acutally think all this firestone breakin' will actually kill me. I'd just love to have a little bit of free time to relax, for a change." Mehlani smiles, just a trifle lopsidedly. "I miss having the time to read... in the Records Room." Wili, having failed to entice Enri into play, waddles closer to Mehlani; she's the only green of the fair visible at the moment, and she seems very egg-heavy, slower than usual. Saskia sighs, "Relaxation'd be nice. But now this little pain won't let me sleep." The little gold squawks again in response. Mehlani blinks and glances in Saskia's direction. "You, too?" she asks, peering at Saskia's gold. Ro eyes Wili aprehensively, noticing the lumpiness of her form. Saskia sighs, "Yeah, I Impressed a mean 'lizard. I was just walking on the beach too, and then Sionelle came, and tried to talk to me, and then she hatched, and she was so beautiful, so I ran over to feed her, and Sionelle told me not to overfeed her, and it was only later than I realised she was mean. Is that how it was with Arki?" Ro says softly "Mmm, too bad. Rain seems to have a pretty sweet disposition." There is no sign of Mehlani's vicious green in the room at the moment, which is doubtless why Brodi, Enri, Wili, Munki and Holl all seem in good moods, five pairs of eyes whirling blue and green. Mehlani smiles weakly to Saskia, and says with a touch of a blush, "I was... not in any shape to notice temperaments, when I Impressed my latter six." Saskia blinks, "Why not? And I have no idea what to call her. Names come to mind, but they are not polite." "Rianet was proddy at the time," murmurs Mehlani sheepishly, "and... um...." She abruptly turns crimson. Saskia arcs an eyebrow, "I'm sorry I don't understand." "Well, you see," Mehlani murmurs, her voice turning small and odd, "E'rian was there, but he left, and then, well, K'star showed up..." She trails off, blushing vehemently. The other eyebrow rises as Saskia peers at Mehlani, "So you were thinking about them instead of the hatchlings? I thought you had to feed them or something." "Oh, I _did_, I did feed them," Mehlani blurts. Saskia peers at Mehlani, "Why? And how many did you Impress?" Mehlani blinks a few times, still blushing deeply, and her voice still sounds a trifle strange as she plaintively explains, "Well... you see... E'rian doesn't like fire lizards, and it was just we two, in the Records Room... I-I couldn't let them all go hungry, and it all happened so fast, and all of a sudden I had six more fire lizards..." Saskia gasps, "Six at once?! Shells, 'Lani. I can barely feed one." Kailia emerges from behind the curtain across the entrance. Kailia has arrived. Kailia pops her head in to check on the candidates, "How's everyone in here? Shouldn't you all be doing chores?" Saskia smiles at Kailia, "I've finished mine for now. Had firestone breaking early this morning." 'Lani blushes a bit more, even as she finishes off Brodi's oiling. The little fellow, blissfully unaware that his hatching is under discussion, burbles placidly, and Mehlani sets him carefully aside even as she lifts Holl off her shoulder. The bronze trumpets in satisfaction, and Mehlani peers down at him, grateful for the distraction. Then, however, Kailia's arrival distracts her even further. Still blushing, she snaps her head up, and blurts, "Um, I've no errands to run, at the moment... and I needed to oil my fair..." Her blue eyes take on a nervous tinge; perhaps the girl expects to be scolded. Kailia nods, "Well, tis good that you are taking care of them. Just to remind you all, how are your robes coming?" Saskia mmms, "They're okay." Holl swivels his bronze head around to peer at the young Headwoman's assistant, then he peers back at his human, to whom he chitters in a sweet, almost soothing tone. Mehlani still looks unsettled neverthless, as she murmurs a single word: "Done." Saskia says quietly to Mehlani, "Sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." In contrast Sionrciere raises her head and squawks loudly at Kailia. Kailia eyes the firelizard, "None of that, youngin. No skawking." Never mind the oiling; Holl leans his head over and affectionally nuzzles at Mehlani's blush-reddened cheek, clearly familiar with and understanding the girl's strong tendency to blush at the slightest provocation. 'Lani manages to smile wanly to Saskia, though. Mehlani murmurs, for once without hesitation, "It is alright; you didn't do anything." Then she promptly refastens her attention on Holl, taking refuge in stroking the bronze's brilliant hide. Ro looks up from oiling Rain "I have firestone breakin' too, Saskia......I've had it for four days straight!" Kailia eyes Ro, "How did you manage to get it for four days straight, may I ask?" Saskia sighs as Sionrciere continues to squawk until Saskia grabs her muzzle and firmly closes it. "Sorry about that. I'm sorry to hear that, Ro. I've not had it four times total yet." Ro shakes her head and says to Kailia "I have no idea...maybe the headwoman forgot to change it." Kailia grins, "Well, I'll mention it to Richenda. Consider it changed, after four days of it, what would you like to do tomorrow? I'll let you pick." Saskia oohs at Ro, "lucky." Ro shakes her head "Funny thing is, I think I'm gettin' used to it." 'Lani has fallen silent now, smoothing finger-dabs of faintly cinnamon-scented oil into Holl's hide, her eyes regaining the slightly wistful look they'd had before. She might be spotted to have a brief, fleeting little smile at Ro's change in fortunes, but she offers no commentary. Kailia shrugs, "Well, if you wish to stay there...." Ro smiles abashedly "I'll just take my chances, like everyone else." Kailia nods, "Well, then. Don't forget Richenda will be inspecting those robes soon. I'll leave you all to your firelizards. Good day!" Kailia waves as she walks out. Kailia heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Kailia has left. Saskia eeps, "When's Richenda inspecting them?" Slowly, Holl's hide takes on a brighter sheen as Mehlani diligently adds to his oiling, and at Saskia's query, 'Lani peers in her direction. The behatted lass lifts and drops her shoulders in a silent shrug, then drops her gaze again to her work. Saskia smiles, "Well, I think mine's almost ready." Mehlani bobs her head gravely. An impromptu fire-lizard-oiling session appears to be going on in the Candidate Barracks; Saskia, Ro, and Mehlani, and a number of fire lizards, are all in view. 'Lani's got her blue gaze gravely ducked down to bronze Holl on her arm, an ever so slightly plaintive expression on her face. Aurian peers up at the ceiling for a minute, "Ugh." Ro finishes oiling Rain's soft hide, and the gold crawls back up onto her shoulder. The pale brown Klah plops into her lap next, looking at her expectantly. Saskia smiles, "Hi Aurian." she says cheerily as she rubs oil into her tiny gold's hide. Aurian grins, "Hullo there." She rakes her fingers through her hair. Mehlani glances over in the direction of Aurian's cot and smiles a little. The pair of greens that normally are out cold at the foot of Aurian's cot seem to be bouncing up and down excitedly. Ro smiles softly "Hi Aurian." "Anyone have some extra oil?" Aurian tries to ignore the bouncing firelizards. "I do..." This, quietly, from Mehlani. She's finished off Holl, and seems to be done with her task for the time being, for all of her fair -- at least all of the ones that seem to be present in the room -- are now gleaming. The lass lifts up her little vial of cinnamon-scented oil, offering it to Aurian. Saskia nods to Aurian, "Sure. I just got some from the storeroom." and offers the almost full pot of oil to her. Aurian takes an almost yearning sniff of the cinnamon, "I'd use yours 'Lani, but you have so many to do." She sticks her fingers into the larger pot of oil and begins to oil her little blue up, "Have you all finished your robes yet?" Saskia mms, "Almost, Aurian." then peers over at Mehlani's pot of oil, "Do you make your own?" Mehlani seems unbothered by Aurian choosing to use Saskia's supply instead, and simply nods her head to the other girl's question. Brodi has curled up to drowse on her pillow by now, and Enri has nudged the egg-heavy Wili to a safe spot under their human's cot. Holl remains near 'Lani, occasionally nudging at her as if wanting to play, and she idly scritches him as she tells Saskia softly, "Father used to always put cinnamon in his oil for his fair and sometimes, he sends me some." Saskia mms, "Why cinnamon?" she asks curiously as she finishes up Sionrciere's oiling by oiling the gold's neck, "I think I've decided on a name for her." Mehlani smiles a little once more, a rather steadier smile than normal, perhaps because it's in regards to her father. "Cinnamon and citron, actually... Father also put it on his flute... it smells nice and his bronze liked it." "Well it smells wonderful," Aurian continues to rub oil over her blue, "Stop squirming." Ro says softly, as she oils Klah's hide "I'm..... I'm goin' to wear Ma's." To Aurian, Mehlani smiles earnestly. "It reminds me of Father, now," she states, something of her earlier wistful look leaving her eyes. Saskia awws, "That's sweet." Aurian places a well oiled blue on the corner of her bed. She picks up one of the bouncing greens. Her hands smoothing oil already. Ro says "What does your Da think about you bein' searched and all, 'Lani?" Saskia grins, "I'm naming her partly after Sionelle, because she was going to dress me down, but this grumpy gold interuppted. in fact the Weyrsecond was quite helpful really." Mehlani giggles a little, very softly, to Ro. "Father sent a good-luck letter... he didn't say too much, he never does..." Mehlani finishes, "But I think that he would be happy if I Impressed." Aurian says "I'm sure he'll be there cheering you on." Mehlani nods earnestly. "Father and I went to Igen when Fahloran Stood at their last clutch." Saskia smiles, "What was that like?" That coaxes a slightly larger smile out of Mehlani. "Father and Tzornth and I were on the ledges, with just about all of Father's wing. There were many bets about Fahloran, but he didn't Impress..." Saskia awws, "That's too bad. Maybe his dragon'll be there next hatching." Ro says "I'm sure he'll be watchin' when these eggs hatch, hopin' that you do." Mehlani shakes her head steadily. "I don't think he'll Stand again... he has a weyrmate and a child now, and he is happy being a dragonhealer." A slight blush pinkens her face again. "So it is my turn..." Saskia grins ,"I'll be rooting for you, 'Lani too. A weyrmate and a child. Yeah, I guess you can't Stand after you get shacked up." Ro teases "Your turn to have a weyrmate and a child?" Mehlani turns crimson! "Ro!" she squeals. Saskia giggles, "Which one will it be?" Ro watches to see how red 'Lani turns. Aurian laughs, "Mmmm I think there is a certain brownrider, that might like to help with that. Ro winks "I'm sure of it, Aurian." 'Lani, indeed, turns quite, _quite_ crimson. "I'm a _Candidate_," she squeaks in breathless protest. Saskia grins at Mehlani, "Not for long if the rumours are true. The eggs are getting very hard." Aurian chuckles, "Only for another sevenday Ro says more seriously "One way or another, you won't be for long. Holl, peering at the blush that's exploded across Mehlani's face, authoritatively nuzzles her, while Mehlani babbles out, trying and failing to sound prim, "E-either way, I am _not_ going to be... be... be doing _that_ anytime soon!" Aurian is already starting on her second green, "We'll either be Weyrlings or doing what we were before this." She looks a touch depressed. Saskia giggles, "You never know." Ro says "Oh. I'm sure Kes will be disappointed." Aurian laughs. Strangely, Mehlani's face falls a little as Ro finally voices the name of the brown rider in question, and the wistful look comes back into her eyes, making them turn slightly liquid. Her mouth clamps shut, and Holl's nuzzling is punctuated by a soft croon; the bronze's eyes take on a spark or two of yellow. Aurian glances at the other candidate, "Mehlani, what's wrong?" "Nothing," Mehlani replies promptly, but her voice is very small. Ro glances at Mehlani, seemingly understanding what is going on, and says to Aurian and Saskia "What about you two....have your eye on anyone if you don't impress....or anyone have their eye on you?" Saskia sighs, "I thought I did, but I think he's moved on." she shruygs, "we just talked a few times anyway." Aurian finishes her last firelizard, "Not I, if I don't impress I go back to healer. While we are apprentices there are no relationships. Jayna has arrived. Mehlani's eyes clamp shut, too, and her behatted head bows, till her face is more hidden by the shadow of the brim. Holl's eyes turn more yellow, and he squirms his way into her lap, crooning gently. He's soon joined by blue Enri. Ro says "I hope Sandy impresses. Else I think Neala with drag him back to Nabol with her, and I don't think he'd like that." Aurian says "I don't think Rennick will let that happen" Saskia leans over and places her hand lightly on Mehlani's back, "It'll work out." she says softly, "Whatever happens." Jayna whistling, Jayna brushes aside the curtain and walks in, carrying a rag. Ro says "I don't know which is scarier, Renny or Neala." Aurian says "Rennick wins in my book, all she is is clingy and snores" Jayna smiles at her fellow Candidates. "Heya, all," she says, moving over to her cot and starting to dust with a passion. "Snores?" She asks. "Is that -Neala- snoring like that?" she asks, amazed. Yup, just barge into a conversation. Ro says "And, if you hadn't heard, wants to drag Sandy back to Nabol to have a dozen or so kids." Mehlani's head lifts up just a fraction at the sound of Jayna's arrival, but not enough to reveal her expression. Holl and Enri both settle in for some serious affectionate nuzzling, and the girl's hands, which _are_ visible, can be seen to be busily scritching both the bronze and the blue. Jayna blinks. "Sandy? To Nabol?" She laughs. "And how does our Assistant Steward feel about that?" Ro says "You'll have to ask him. To be sure, the thought of either Renny or Neala spawnin' is enough to make anyone run for the hills." Saskia watches Mehlani fro a few moments then leans away from her. "Best of luck to her. She'll have Rennick to contend with. I don't think he wants that lad to get away. He's so mad he got Searched, and it's in his own Weyr even." Aurian giggles softly. She leans back on her cot, "Ahhhhh the joys of Search." Ro says "Well, I guess I don't have to worry about that kind of stuff. Only guy that notices I'm alive is my Da, and that simply doesn't count." Jayna eyes Mehlani and her firelizards. The girl seems quiet. Well, quieter than usual. "Everything alright, 'Lani?" she asks, casually, continuing to dust. Mehlani's only reply is a rather rapid bob of her behatted head, and she still does not look up. At the sound of her nickname, though, Holl's head swivels round to consider Jayna, and the bronzeling's eyes are whirling in mingled glints of blue and yellow. Ro stops lifts her hands a moment, allowing the freshly oiled Klah to climb off her lap, only to be replaced by Thunder, who demands his oiling now, with a bugle. Jayna watches Holl askance. She leans on the edge of the cot, reaching for a shirt that's been tossed rather than folded, and idly straightens it, ironing it with her hands before folding it up. "Hmmm. You're sure there's no problem? You should be able to talk to us, you know. We could all end up watching each other's backs during Fall," she notes to Mehlani. Ro smiles nervously at the mention of Fall, her fingers tracing oil over Thunder's gold-streaked hide. "That's something I hadn't thought of," Aurian stands and opens her sack for a moment. She takes out her robe and holds it to her body for a few moments. Saskia frowns, "It's a bit premature, I think." Jayna nods, seeing Ro's expression. "Scary thought, isn't it?" She half-smiles at Aurian. "Oh, your robe!" The redheaded Candidate grins, "I finished it last night, I was waiting for a small scrap of fabric." Saskia hrms, "Your robe need repairs?" Jayna chuckles. "I'd heard we were a bit short on cloth. Mine's finished, except for the hem. I figure if they hatch tonight, I'll be on the Sands unhemmed! Say, how long are they supposed to be, anyway?" she frowns, suddenly, flopping onto her cot. Something, perhaps Jayna's last comment to her, makes Mehlani lift her head slightly once more. "It's not important," she mumbles tinily, and then silences again, as the topic begins to shift. Aurian shakes her head, "Its new, I asked a friend for a piece of her robe from when she Impressed." Saskia hrsm "That's an interesting idea. Maybe I'll do that too." Ro says "I guess I'm lucky I didn't have to make a new one." Jayna grins. "Whose was yours, Ro?" Ro says softly "My Ma's." Saskia nods, "I have an old one that just needs hemming." She looks at Ro, "Is your ma a rider?" Jayna nods approval. "What a great idea!" she says. Ro's voice gets quieter "She was." Saskia nods to Ro and says quietly, "I'm sorry." Jayna eyes Ro sadly. "I'm sorry, too, Ro. I didn't know. Was she from Telgar?" she asks. "If I'm not prying?" Mehlani finally peeks out from under her hat, towards Ro. Ro murmurs "S'okay. It was a long time ago. And yes, she impressed here....but she'd been a weaver before she was searched." Jayna nods. She smiles gently. "A weaver? That's wonderful. Her robe must be perfect," she says, firmly. "She looks good in it," Aurian folds her robe up again slowly. Ro manages a bit of a smile "It fits okay, too." Ro turns to humor to lighten the mood "At least it's not Da's, or the hatchlings would never be able to find me." Saskia rises slowly to her feet, "I'd better go to the showroom to get some thread. See you all later." Jayna grins, lopsided. "Well, I'll bet it fits good for something that has no shape at all and hangs on people," she says. At the comment about the other robe, her grin widens. "What a picture!" Ro waves to Saskia as she leaves. Jayna smiles at Saskia. Mehlani bobs her head mutely and slowly to Saskia, then ducks that head again, swiftly. Holl and Enri are still both steadily watching her, and Enri issues a stern chirp at her. Ro giggles "Yeah, well, Ma was pretty good with's not totally shapeless. When Enri cheeps so firmly, Jayna glances again at Mehlani. Noting the attention of the other firelizard, she raises her eyebrows. "'Lani, what's wrong?" she asks kindly. "Holl and Enri are disturbed about something." Saskia waves cheerily and walks off. Mehlani peeks out from under her hat brim, for a fleeting moment; her expression is visibly unsettled. Then she looks down again and mutters, "It's not important." Enri, by way of argument, bonks his head against her belly. Jayna shakes her head. "It sounds important enough to upset Enri," she disputes. "You should talk to people, you know. It's not helping your fair any, if something upsetting's going on." Aurian glances over with some concern she slides her robe back into her sack. Holl WARBLES, a surprisingly forceful noise, and Mehlani uneasily peers up at Jayna again. She can be seen to swallow, and then she whispers, "I... well... it's selfish of me, I-I shouldn't even be thinking about it, it's just..." She turns progressively redder as she speaks, and at last she concludes in a bare whisper, "It's just... about boys, is all..." Imuna, for once in her life, says something polite, "Boys and men are completely unintelligible." Well polite for her. Jayna eyes Holl in surprise. "About boys?" She glances at Imuna, frowning, then turns back toward Mehlani. "What about boys?" she asks. Aurian glances at Asher, "You know I hate to agree with Imuna. Ro says "You can't live with them, and you can't kill them without gettin' into trouble." Eek? When the shard did Imuna come in? The sound of _that_ Candidate's voice makes Mehlani turn scarlet, and Holl flitters up to her shoulder while eying Imuna warily. "Well... Jorenan and... and Kes," she mumbles tinily, barely audible enough to get farther than Jayna, much less anyone else in the room. Asher tugs the last bit of grass from his hair as he stands in the doorway, and quietly watches the girls discuss something that sounds unhappily...girl-like. Ro asks curiously "What about Eyr? I thought he had a thing for you, too." Jayna looks up from her cot and smiles absently at Asher. "Jorenan and Kes?" she repeats Mehlani's words. Asher almost curls his lip, rubbing the back of his hand along the bottom of his slightly dirt-sprinkled jaw. Dark green eyes continue to look suspicious, and he wonders how safe it might be for him to dart forward and retreive something from his press. Aurian peers at Mehlani then grins, "You are so shy, that I would never expect you to have so many men." Mehlani's slender form stiffens as she pulls in a long, silent breath. Then she abruptly blurts out, softly, quickly, in a husky babble of words, "E'rian told me to take care of his brother, but then I got Searched, and Candidates are awfully busy and so are riders, so I haven't seen Kes very much, and not at all since my greens got proddy, and then Jorenan asked me if he wasn't interested in me anymore--" And right about there, her voice roughens up sharply, and she cuts off as if someone had sliced her words with a belt knife. Jayna swings her legs around and sits up. She blinks. "Jorenan asked you if he wasn't interested in you?" she asks, in a confused voice as she tries to sort out the rush of words. "No," mumbles Mehlani dolefully, "he meant Kes." Holl creels, apparently not liking the sound of his human's voice. Mehlani stoically fastens her gaze on her own lap, afraid to look up, especially if Imuna is in the room. She hasn't appeared to notice Asher. Jayna ahs. "Jorenan asked if Kes wasn't interested!" She nods. "That makes sense. So, what did you tell him?" she asks, unabashedly continuing to ask. Imuna appears to be testing various hair styles, she piles up her shoulder length hair in different positions. Ro rolls her eyes "That sounds like Jore. As if. The day that Kes isn't interested in you will be the day that Boll freezes over." Ah, so he's been spying. Bad thing, that, unless you were really, really good at it like his uncle had been. In which case, you had in your hands such a worthy weapon. Asher is without such a weapon, and he is also, in fact, without any hope of making it to his press with attracting notice. He leans back out into the hall a bit, hoping to catch sight of any old girl who'll run in and get something for him. "I told him..." Mehlani has to pull in another breath again before she can continue, and her voice is still coming out of her hoarsely. "Riders are busy, and so are Candidates, and it's not really that important. And it isn't, it's just..." One of Mehlani's hands twitches nervously, and Enri promptly butts at it with the top of his blue head. "It's not important," Mehlani concludes, apparently striving her best to convince herself of this, since she keeps repeating it. "Kes knows that he should stay away right now 'Lani," Aurian sits on her cot,"That's probably what it is." Ro says "And don't forget Richenda would take the hide off any riders caught prowlin' around us candidates, too." Jayna folds her arms. "Is that what the problem is? Kes?" She looks a little confused, but nods emphatically when Ro mentions Richenda. It would seem that Mehlani is craving just the sort of assurances Aurian and Ro are beginning to offer, for she peers liquidly out from under that hat at the two girls before peeking up at Jayna, to whom she mutely bobs her head. Aurian says "I mean you've seen the looks that the riders are given, if they seem to be talking to us for longer than they should," The former healer gazes at Mehlani with a comforting smile." Holl swings his head around to Ro and Aurian, yellow beginning to vanish out of his whirling eyes. He croons. Good humans! "I mean you've seen the looks that the riders are given, if they seem to be talking to us for longer than they should," The former healer gazes at Mehlani with a comforting smile. Jayna ahs, half-smiling. "Ro and Aurian are right!" she agrees. "K'star knows you have duties now. He wouldn't want to get you in trouble." She grins at Aurian. "Another good point." Ro contemplates "Maybe I should tell the headwoman that she should be keepin' an eye on Jore, too." Jayna smiles. "Should she?" she asks, archly. Mehlani seems to brighten a little at the other girls' soothing utterances -- but as Ro brings up Jorenan again, she once more blushes scarlet. Aurian nods to Ro, "I think its a very good idea. Maybe we all should." "But--" Mehlani squeaks, looking stricken. Not to mention desperately confused. Ro nods "I think so. He's got 'Lani worryin' about Kes and him and that kind of stuff, rather than worryin' about chores and gettin' ready for the hatchin'. That's not good." "But--" Mehlani squeaks again. "All to further his cause you realize, " Aurian shakes her head, "Rather petty of him really. Ro says "There'll be time enough to worry about boys -after- the hatchin'. Those eggs aren't goin' to wait on the sands forever, 'Lani." "But--" Gracious, Mehlani seems rather thunderstruck, if this is all she's able to utter now. Holl and Enri both let out a string of chirrups and Holl flutters both his wings. "Less than a sevenday, I'd wager," Aurian rakes her fingers through her hair. Asher decides to be brave. Ha. He creeps forward soundlessly, intent on getting to his press, and than getting out. Aurian grins, "Hullo Asher." Jayna says "But? But what?" curiously. "Jorenan has to respect that you've got other things to worry about right now, right?" Mehlani swallows, and uneasily nods, even as she murmurs plaintively, "But, but I don't think Jorenan meant to -- do what you said..." Ro crosses her arms. "Let's just see Jore get through me. I'll help you with your chores, 'Lani. And don't you worry about Kes. I know he'll be happy to wait til you're ready to worry about boy stuff." Asher stops with his hand on the top of his press, and than quickly flips the top of the thing open, delving inside with a wicked and wild abandon. Get it and get out, right? "Hello, Aurie," he says under his breath. Ro sniffs "Thoughtless. That sounds just like a man." Jayna blinks. "Heya, Asher," she smiles. Speaking with an almost sacharrine sweetness, Aurian continues, "How are you doing today Ash," Asher winces as yet another of the females says his name. "Hello, Jayna," he returns with a gentle drag on the 'a'. Where /is/ that stupid box?? *shuffleshuffle* Finally registering Asher's presence, Mehlani peers liquid-eyed at the lad, then immediately ducks her gaze and keeps it down. Asher again, pauses, buried up to nearly his shoulders in that press. "Why, lovely." Box box box..... Ro turns to regard Aurian and Asher with a delicately arched brow. Jayna can't help but watch Asher as he tries to climb into his press arms first. "Asher, what are you doing?" she asks, curiously. "Asher, did you fall asleep alright?" Aurian's sweet speech is almost grating on the nerves Finding what he wants with a expression of glowing delight on his bruised face, Asher gives a tremendous yank to free the ornately-carved wooden box from his press. "Why, just getting something, Jayna." He winces at Aurian, standing up. "Like a babe, slept I. Thank you for asking." Now, to make his escape. Jayna glances at the box. "Oh, that's lovely, Asher," she exclaims. Asher hugs the box to his chest protectively. "Yes, I know. Uhm." He looks left and right. Never one to leave the obvious unstated, Jayna says, "It's a box!" Aurian murmurs under her breath, "Its a pretty box." Asher blinks at Jayna a touch owlishly. "Yes, it--it is a box, isn't it? I f-found it in my press the night before last." Jayna raises her eyebrows. "Found it? A gift from someone?" she wonders. Asher nods once curtly. "Yes. That is, I think. I hope. I mean. It could be a prank." Jayna sighs. "I don't think so, Asher. Hasn't that stuff about stopped by now?" Aurian shakes her head, "I doubt anyone would prank with a box like that." Asher fidgets, and than sort of offers it to the group in general. "Well. It's not just a box, you know." Jayna blinks. "It's not?" "Then what is it," Aurian peers at Asher. Asher continues to hold the box out. "I-I mean. There's uhm. Something inside." Aurian raises an eyebrow, "What's in it?" Jayna grins. " it!" she suggests. Asher looks mildly embarrassed about it, pulls open the lid somewhat reluctantly, as he still doesn't know what to make of this himself. "I'm not sure what it means yet." Folded neatly inside of the wooden box is an old, old white robe. A little blood was once spattered on it, the stains now faded, and who knows what from. Jayna leans forward. "Oh, my," she says. "And there's nothing on the box to say who it might be from?" Aurian smiles, "Have you tried it on yet?" Asher looks embarrassed. "It looks like a dress." Asher casts his eyes to Mehlani for a moment, because she's been so quiet. "You should take your hat off," he suggests suddenly. Jayna frowns curiosly at the robe. "I don't know that I'd be so keen to put it on," she says. "At least until I knew who it was from and whose it was." She blinks at Asher. "It looks like a robe," she says, neutrally. Mehlani blinkblinks. She has, indeed, been quiet, occasionally peeking out at the others from under that ever-present hat brim, but Asher's abrupt shift of attention to her clearly startles her. "Wh-what?" she whispers. Aurian looks at you for a moment. Asher taps the side of his head with the corner of the box, no doubt giving himself yet another bruise. "Your hat. Take it off." And than he looks back down on the robe. "Yes well.....I think." He looks a little ashamed. "I mean, I do know who it's from. Just not why." "Well they must be wishing you luck," Aurian peers at Asher. Jayna grins. Unabashed, she just comes out and asks. "Well? Who's it from?" Given that she's hardly ever seen without that battered brown hat except when she's bathing, an inexplicable request to remove it from someone with whom she exchanges perhaps two words in a sevenday seems to baffle Mehlani. She just shakes her head a little, keeping quiet, as the conversation is still largely on Asher's box anyway. Asher turns a pretty shade of pink. How feminine. "M'kla. I really don't understand." Ro listens with interest, her fingers returning to their job of oiling Thunder's hide. Jayna blinks. "It's from -M'kla-?" She grins. "Was it hers?" Asher shrugs a little sheepishly, and pulls at a tag on the robe, swen there. "I guess so. I mean. It's got her name on it and all...." Aurian chuckles, "M'kla. I think likes you even though she's hard on you." Jayna grins. "If it's from M'kla, I'd wonder about what the bloodstains mean, myself." Asher gives an instant shake of his head and a petulant, 'uh-uh!', slamming shut the lid of the box. "Bloodstains, yes, right, that's what I wondered! And I'm taking it back! What if this is a prank, and someone took it from her weyr or something, and brought it here? And I was found with it? Why, she'd beat my head with her cane harder than R---Oh, I mean. Sh-she'd smack me about alot." A flush for the slip. Aurian sighs, "Asher the only way you can know for sure is to ask her. And if she didn't give it to you, just give it back. Jayna shakes her head, sadly. "You're right. You have to ask her about it," she says. "I don't know how lucky it is to wear a bloodstained robe on the Sands, even if it was M'kla's." Asher nods twice. "I'm going to give it back." Jayna gets an odd look, as Asher doesn't believe in luck on any level, and he hugs the box close to himself protectively. "So ehm. Just. Just go back to. Talking about that girl stuff, Okay? And Mehlani. Take off that hat." "Why?" comes 'Lani's soft voice, out from under the hat in question. Holl and Enri both peer at the boy, Holl with his bronze head quirked. Jayna grins at the thought of 'Lani without the hat. Asher replies easily enough. "Who wants to look at some grubby old hat when we could be lookin' at /you/?" Aurian covers her mouth as she laughs. "I like it," Mehlani murmurs, simply. Jayna blinks at Asher's comment. She glances at Aurian and winks. "Asher it was a gift for her, that's why she does were it," Aurian stretches on her cot grinning. Asher scritches at the side of his head with the box again. "I know you do. You like hiding behind it. Gosh, that's silly. I mean. You're pretty enough." Asher adds, walking out with that box cradled in his arms, "It's not as if I'll be seeing any of you much longer. It'd be see a bit more of you before I leave." His footsteps vanish out into the caverns. Now Mehlani is blushing, though you really need to be close to her cot to tell, since she turns her behatted head away, probably to try to hide her blush. She makes absolutely no reply to the compliment to her looks. Aurian sighs, "Asher is so odd these days." Ro comments "Odd is a good word for it." Jayna sighs, shaking her head. "I don't understand him, sometimes," she says, standing up and shrugging. "I think I'm done in here. Out to run errands," she smiles to her fellow Candidates, and heads for the living caverns. Jayna heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Jayna has left. Mehlani mumbles something that might be, "Kes thinks I look good in it." But that mumble is very, very small. Ro says "I don't even try to understand boys. Total waste of time." Aurian chuckles. Aurian sighs, "Anyone feel like getting some supper?" Mehlani peeks over at Aurian again, and murmurs, "I am a little hungry..." Food -- Holl creels, suddenly, hopefully. Tola has left. Aurian smiles as Tola flies over and lands on her shoulder. Danae has left. Aurian smiles as Danae flies over and lands on her shoulder. Aurian shakes out her hair, "Lets go." She stands and rubs her hands on her legs. Mehlani settles Holl onto her shoulder; the bronze rubs his head happily against her hat brim, and Enri is left with a murmured request to look after the drowsy, egg-heavy Wili. Then, cautiously, Mehlani gets to her feet. Aurian heads through the entrance to the inner cavern. Aurian has left. You head through the entrance to the inner cavern. Inner Cavern(#1272RJL$) Contents: Aurian Obvious exits: Steam Baths INFirmary Candidate Barracks Corridor Weyrfolk Quarters Living Cavern Aurian walks through the large entrance to the Living Cavern. Aurian has left. You walk through the large entrance to the Living Cavern. Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern(#750RJM$) This huge cavern is sufficently roomy to hold a large portion of the Weyr's population without feeling cramped. There's always a bustle of activity here. Fragrant dishes are constantly in prepartion for mealtimes: currently for the evening meal. Drudges are always present, either cleaning under Pierron's watchful eye, or helping fetch and carry. A myriad of glowbaskets and many ever-lit hearths make the cavern warm and inviting despite its size. The scents of cooking meats, baking breads and pastries, and the pungent aroma of spices hang mouthwateringly in the air. It is little wonder that those seeking to relax nearly always find their way here to do it. Branches of evergreens and glistening winter berries are ornaments of the season. A short tunnel jaunts northward out to the bowl and the merry sounds of cooking, chores, and laughter echo from the kitchen at the southeast end of the cavern near the easterly passage to the rest of the lower caverns. Within the lower caverns is an entrance to the infirmary weyr to care for injured dragons and riders. Contents: Aurian Pierron Obvious exits: Lower Caverns Kitchen Bowl Aurian wanders in with a stretch. She peers ar Pierron's offerings. Mehlani casts a nervous look around the living cavern, one hand lifted unconsciously to her bronze, as she follows the other Candidate into the place. Pierron puffs with pride as Aurian gives him the chance to demonstrate his skill. Pierron exquisitely prepares Aurian a plate of delicately grilled packtail, complete with a nice dill sauce. Aurian takes the plate and sniffs at it suspiciously. She then wanders to the candidate's table, "honestly." It doesn't take Mehlani long to get a modest portion of dinner for herself, and she trails after Aurian, her silent shadow. Holl curves his tail protectively around his human's neck, while 'Lani sinks into a chair. Mehlani murmurs concisely to Aurian, "Asher?" Aurian huhs? "Well I guess he's part of it," She grins. Mehlani bobs her head a little, silently, beginning to nibble at her dinner and share bits of it with the loyal Holl. Her gaze holds query, nevertheless. Kharty walks here from the Inner Cavern. Kharty has arrived. Aurian manages to get one bite of her fish, "Well things are just so odd right now, very stressy." Mehlani and Aurian might be spotted by Kharty to be eating at the Candidates' table, and to Aurian, Mehlani nods soberly. Holl lets out a soft, flowing croon, apparently trying to sooth Mehlani even yet. Ro walks here from the Inner Cavern. Ro has arrived. Ro gets herself a bowl of stew and a large, steaming hunk of buttered bread, along with a glass of bovine milk. She asks "Does anyone else want anythin' while I'm up?" Mehlani and Aurian appear to have already gotten food; they're sitting at the Candidates' table. Mehlani glances over, and, seeing Ro, smiles a little to see that the other girl has caught up with them. Kharty scoots quickly into the cavern, one tuber behind each ear. "Heyla, candidates!" she greets with an affectionate grin and wave of her hand. Dusting her boots off, one tug each gets them off, and another gets the jacket off and on the back of a chair. "What's up?" Ro takes a seat near Aurian and Mehlani, placing her food before her. To Kharty she says "The same old things. Chores chores, chores. Aurian chuckles, "Supper then chores again." Kharty grins, fairly bouncing with each step toward the food, tubers flapping. "Don't ya just love skinning tubers?" she giggles. "Don't think I want any to eat just now tho." Ro says to Kharty "Wouldn't know. I've been breakin' firestone for days, now." Aurian takes another bite of packtail,"I don't know, I've been dealing with cleaning the past couple nights. Latrines, stables, today its dishes." Ro smiles wryly "I'll take the breakin' over the cleanin' any day." Mehlani quietly eats, occasionally glancing from face to face, and frequently giving little morsels to Holl for the bronze to nibble. Aurian grumbles, "You were supposed to take my place the day I had to kill thoses tunnelsnakes." She wrinkles her nose. For someone who has stitched up flesh, she is noticeably persnikity. Kharty scoops a generous portion of the food onto her plate, then reaches for a glass of juice. "No time for fun, that's for sure! Well, from what R'val said, he thinks the eggs'll crack soon." "They're saying with in a sevenday," Aurian pushes some of the tubers about her plate. Ro sniffs "I was takin' care of Da and his dragon. I'm sure he'd have been happy to not have been threadscored." Aurian mmms, "Well still, its ok. It was icky but I didn't actually have to touch it in the end." Kharty finishes pouring her juice, then grins at the group of candidates. "Looks like there needs to be some 'livening' of the group, perhaps?" Erdrick walks here from the Inner Cavern. Erdrick has arrived. Erdrick walks in quietly, a bag held carefully in his hands. Holl croons in general, probably approving of Kharty's cheery tone; Mehlani gives the other girl a bit of a wan smile, as she nibbles her quiet way through her food. Erdrick grins about, "Evening all." Mehlani peeks round to Erdrick and bobs her behatted at him, timidly. Holl chirps brightly at the young man, then steals a bite of fish off 'Lani's eating knife. Kharty skirts several of the tables as she walks toward the Candidate's table, balancing food and juice carefully. No sense making a mess. It'd be a candidate who'd have to clean it up. "Heyla, Erdrick." she greets, eyeing his package. "Bringing up a gift?", she teases. Erdrick winks at Kharty and glances at Mehlani, "Yup I am." He fetches himself a mug of klah and walks toward Mehlani. Mehlani freezes. What? Wait... gift... Mehlani? The girl's blue gaze flicks back to the young stablehand, and she suddenly looks rather startled. Kharty pulls out a seat with one foot, sliding down into the chair, her eyes twinkling as she watches Erdrick with interest. Aurian leans back in her seat. She rubs her chin lightly. Erdrick holds out the bag to Mehlani, "Just something I won at the Benden Gather a while back. Never did thank you for helping Kassi get my mug." Not to mention that he missed her turnday, and his for that matter. Blue eyes gone wide under her hat brim, along with the flush that's darkened her cheeks, Mehlani stares bemusedly at Erdrick, rather as if she hasn't ever seen him before. Holl, too, is peering at the lad, though the bronze peers at his young human as well. "I... oh, Erdrick, you didn't have to--" Erdrick shrugs, "I didn't have much use for it, and I figured you'd like it." A drudge shoos the layabouts out of the Living Cavern, getting them out of her way. Chilhowee has left. Kharty scoops up a chunk of wherry, pausing it in mid air to grin at Mehlani. "I think someone likes you.." she teases the girl. 'Lani has managed, in the time she's been at Telgar Weyr, to get in a substantial amount of practice at gracefully accepting gifts. On the other hand, she apparently hasn't managed to get the art down yet, for she's still blushing vigorously, and Kharty's sly tease doesn't seem to help matters much. Still, 'Lani gives it a valiant attempt, nervously accepting the bag and murmuring demurely, "It's... very kind of you..." Aurian finishes her meal, "Well, " She picks up her dishes and any other that appears not to being used at the moment. "I have to start washing dishes.." She saunters into the kitchen balancing carefully. Aurian walks off towards the kitchen. Aurian has left. From the kitchen, Aurian enters the kitchen from the living cavern. Erdrick grins, "Thanks." He waits for her to look inside the bag. From the kitchen, There are several crashes however after Aurian enters the kitchen. Mehlani's attention is rather easily distracted by those noises from the kitchen, and she glances startledly in that direction before remembering that Erdrick _is_ awaiting her response to his offering. Holl peers down off 'Lani's shoulder as the lass peers into the bag now held in her hands. Inside the bag is a large, engraved, crystal drinking mug. Kharty winces as she hears the crashes from the kitchen. Stuffing the wherry into her mouth, she asks in a somewhat muffled voice, "You alright in there, Aurian?" Deciding she'd better check on her friend, she pushes back the chair and moves quickly toward the door. "Hang on.." she calls out. Kharty walks off towards the kitchen. Kharty has left. From the kitchen, Kharty enters the kitchen from the living cavern. Hmm! It's not a shinything, but Holl seems to approve anyway, crooning as 'Lani lifts the crystalline object out of its bag. The girl's eyes widen, perhaps out of general shock that Erdrick is giving her something, or perhaps out of specific shock at what the something has turned out to be. She touches stunned fingertips to the mug, and manages only to blurt, "I--" From the kitchen, Kharty smiles as she helps Aurian pick up some utensils that managed to fall onto the floor. "I should have straightened these before.." she admits as she places them in a safer position. "My fault.." From the kitchen, Kharty walks into the Living Cavern. Kharty walks in from the kitchen. Kharty has arrived. Pierron tosses some dough into the air to make it as thin as a sheet to make baklava. Kharty moves quickly back into the room, still full of energy, grin on her face. "I've forgotten something in my room. Be back in a little while." A quick wave and she's gone out the door, whistling an old cothold tune. Kharty walks towards the inner cavern. Kharty has left. Erdrick grins, "Like it? I've already got a mug and I hoped you'd like this one." Mehlani gazes down at the mug -- a fine, translucent sort of thing, and her fingertips linger on the sigil on each side, the symbol of Benden Weyr. "It's lovely," she breathes. "Thank you..." Erdrick nods, "You're welcome. I wonder if Ro liked her cookie." Mehlani's eyes turn a bit liquid, but she gives Erdrick a steady if fleeting smile nevertheless. Holl peers intently off her shoulder as she traces the engraving on the mug with her fingertips. Erdrick sits down in his usual chair and sips his klah, chuckling, "I gave Ro one of those cookies where they put your name on them in frosting, since she helped Kassi get my knife too." Mehlani bobs her head gravely. Then thinks to add, since she's discovered to her alarm that the others have gone off to deal with more of the inevitable chores, "She didn't mention it to me..." Erdrick chuckles, "She seemed kinda... surprised when I gave it to her." And she was on her way offline. Mehlani once more nods, in that earnest, sober way she has. Erdrick looks at Buttons and chuckles, "Looks like it's time to feed the flits, be right back." Erdrick walks off towards the kitchen. Erdrick has left. From the kitchen, Erdrick enters the kitchen from the living cavern. From the kitchen, Erdrick grabs a large bowl of meat scraps and heads back to the living cavern. From the kitchen, Erdrick walks into the Living Cavern. Erdrick walks in from the kitchen. Erdrick has arrived. 'Lani's only present fire lizard is still bronze Holl, and Holl seems quite content with swiping bits of the girl's dinner as she resumes eating. Erdrick snatches up some meatrolls for himself as he goes back over to his seat, placing the bowl on the table. Erdrick starts handing out meat to his four hungry firelizards, "So, how's the life of a candidate?" Mehlani slips the crystalline mug back into its bag, and places the gift beside her plate, on which her gaze is still more or less pointed as she slowly eats. "It is alright," she murmurs softly. Erdrick grins slightly, "Glad to hear that, hope you all're not too overworked." Remembering the sight of Lani unconsious in the Records Room. "We are busy," the girl in the hat affirms shyly. Erdrick nods, "Just don't over do it Lani, don't want you passing out from exaustion you know." Mehlani's gaze stays down on the plate. "I know," she murmurs, slipping Holl another nibble of packtail. Erdrick leans back thoughtfully in his chair, "I wonder when the next time we'll be hosting a Gather or festival will be." He seems either to not know that hatchings are something of a festival or to have forgotten about the eggs altogether. "I don't know," 'Lani murmurs. Neliea walks here from the Inner Cavern. Neliea has arrived. Erdrick grins, "Well one of these days I'm going to collect on that dance you owe me Lani." He nods over at Neliea as he finishes handing out meat to his flits. Mehlani blushes, pinkly, and murmurs, "You w-will have to wait until I know how to dance, Erdrick." She keeps her gaze down. Her fire lizard keeps a watch on the young stablehand, and chirrups once, searchingly. Neliea waves cheerfully as walks in and smiles to Erdrick and Mehlani. "Good evening all," she crosses over to the klah pot and reaches for a mug not even looking at her fellow candidate yet. Neliea's arrival gets a quiet, nervous bob of Mehlani's behatted head. Erdrick looks thoughtful, "It doesn't look that hard, you just do what the other dancers do and try not to step on your partner's toes." Obviously he doesn't know how to dance yet either. Mehlani, to that, just nods a little. Perhaps out of lack of knowledge of what to say in reply. She's about done with her dinner, or at least, she and Holl are. Pouring her mug and setting the klah pot back where she got it from, Neliea makes her way over to the candidates table, finding an empty chair close to the hearth. Erdrick finishes his meatrolls and klah and stands up, handing the bowl to a drudge to take care of, "I'd best check on the stables." Erdrick looks at you for a moment. Mehlani bobs her head again, and murmurs towards Erdrick, hand lingering briefly on the mug in its bag, "Thank you, again..." Erdrick grins, "You're welcome. I figured you'd like it when I got it." Neliea has the word indiscreet written all over her face, or close enough at least as she glances into the hearth fire. She's not one to listen in on a conversation. Mehlani manages a brief flicker of a smile. Holl chirps in satisfaction as he steals the last bite of Mehlani's packtail. Erdrick nods at Lani and Neliea as he walks out. Erdrick walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Erdrick has left. Neliea glances up at the retreating sound of boots towards the bowl. Slowly taking a glance to Mehlani, she asks, "I didn't come in at a bad time did I?" As she turns around in her chair, the mug is carefully balanced in her hands. Mehlani blows out a breath, mopping her hand across her brow though she doesn't appear to be sweating; she does, however, seem rattled. But to Neliea, she shakes her head, wordlessly. Neliea takes the wordless gesture as a yes of sorts, but looks back to the fire flickering across the floor. Not wanting to disturb Mehlani, she takes another sip of her klah, until she's ready to talk. Of course, waiting for Mehlani to say anything can take a while. On the other hand, Mehlani does eye the other girl, and she finally murmurs sheepishly, "Erdrick gave me a mug, you see..." Neliea looks over at her fellow candidate, draping one arm over the back of her chair. Peering at her expression, she nods. "That was nice of him," she says, even though there's nothing wrong with that so why the sheepish look? Keeping that though deeply hidden, she smiles. "I didn't miss your turnday did I?" Mehlani shakes her head earnestly, and then rises to her feet, taking up her plate and the mug she'd been using to drink from, as well as the gift in the bag. "Please excuse me," she says abruptly, still blushing a little. "I should go check on Wili...." Neliea nods to Lani, faintly smiling. "Okay. See you later?" Mehlani bobs her head, silently. Holl croons affably to Neliea, and then, 'Lani makes her way off to hand her dishes to the kitchen staff, before vanishing into the lower caverns. [End log.]