The World of Pern(tm) is copyright to Anne McCaffrey (c) l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This is a log of roleplay on PernMUSH, available online by permission of Anne McCaffrey, author of the Pern novels, and recorded by A.S. Korra'ti (, player of Mehlani of Telgar Weyr on PernMUSH. This log may be distributed freely as long as this header remains intact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log Date: 6/4/98 Log Cast: (People) Mehlani, Erdrick, Ptodek, Ro, Saskia, Chilhowee, Kassima, D'thon (Dragons) Lysseth, Wroxath (Firelizards) Mehlani's fair, Fahloran's gold, F'hlan's fair, Melora's fair, Harper, Buttons, D'thon's fair, Kyril Log Intro: The Hatching has finally happened -- and Mehlani was not been among those Candidates that Impressed. Her friends Jayna and Aurian were, but her friends Ro and Saskia and Ptodek were not. In the aftermath of it all, the young people who have been left without dragons have been trying to find appropriate ways to deal with their individual failures to become dragonriders. Tonight, several of the former Candidates have gathered in the Weyr hot springs... ---------- Your location's current time: 20:55 on day 21, month 2, Turn 23, of the Tenth Pass. It is a winter evening. About nine different fire lizards come winging into the cavern, shortly followed thereafter by ten more, all of them chittering in piping voices, several of them apparently herding Mehlani into the cavern. The girl's looking rather bleary-eyed, and she is clad in her bathing shift; she has a large, fluffy towel draped over one arm, and with her other hand, she's scrubbing her eyes, trying to focus on where she's going. Erdrick blinks noting the firelizards and calls out "Hi Lani." Before she quite comes into his view. Who else would have such an escort? Harper flies into the room. Harper has arrived. If the bandings on these creatures are any indication -- the colors of three different Weyrs, the Harper Hall, and the Minecraft -- four different fairs' worth of 'lizards are urging Mehlani towards the nearest pool. Foremost among them are no less than two golds and two bronzes, including 'Lani's own Holl. The lass bats feebly at the air, trying to scatter enough of the flock to give herself a clear view of the baths, and she calls out hoarsely, "Hello," towards Erdrick. Harper trumpets triumphantly at having found Ptodek. He dives straight for the spring where the boy sits, landing in the water with a huge splash. Ptodek can't help laughing as he rubs water out of his eyes. Ptodek grabs at the little blue and scritches his eyeridges affectionately. "Hey, Harper." Ro gets a mischievious gleam in her eye and splashes Erdrick. Erdrick blinks and splashes Ro back, getting Lani as well, without meaning to. Mehlani pauses at the edge of the pool, in the middle of that cloud of multihued fire lizards. Her brow crinkles up, and her eyes close a moment, and she abruptly pipes out at the top of her lungs, "RED STAR!" The effect is instantaneous. Twenty fire lizards squeal in dismay and vanish. And Mehlani, who apparently doesn't mind that her legs got splashed, sets her towel down and sinks stiffly into the water. Relief begins to ease the lines of her face. Erdrick nearly drowns himself in his own reaction to her yell and blinks at her, then realizes why she did that and relaxes. Ro giggles, blocking a fraction of the splash with an outheld hand "That worked pretty good." Mehlani mumbles plaintively, "They weren't helping..." Erdrick nods, "That's for sure, I ought to have thought of that earlier!" Ro says more seriously "You doin' okay, 'lani?" Erdrick looks a bit concerned at Ro's question, looking at Lani closely, as if to see if she's too tired out. Harper reappears suddenly, and circles to land on Ptodek's shoulder, scolding Mehlani the whole time. Harper has left. Ptodek winces as Harper swoops down at he and lands on his shoulder, digging in sharply with his claws. Ptodek winces. "Yow!" It hurts enough when he has clothes on. Slumping backward along the edge of the pool behind her, her eyebrows twitching a little -- as if the muscles of her face can't decide to relax or remain taut and tense, and Harper's annoyed chitterings are probably weighing the scale in favor of 'tense' -- Mehlani murmurs only, "I'll be alright." She opens one blue eye, peers in Ptodek's direction, and appends sheepishly, "I'm sorry..." Ro nearly winces in sympathy for Ptod "Ooo, that looks like it hurts." Ptodek dislodges Harper, who falls into the spring again. He rubs his scratched shoulder. "'Sokay," he grunts, mostly to Mehlani. Erdrick winces himself at Ptodek and the firelizard. Ptodek grumbles. "He always does that. Has to hang on like he's afraid to fall off." Harper has arrived. Ptodek jumps slightly as Harper launches himself from his shoulder with a raucous shriek! Erdrick blinks, "Guess I'm lucky Buttons isn't like that." Harper paddles toward Erdrick and sniffs at him curiously. Ptodek shrugs, and then grins faintly. "Oh well, he's the most fun of the lot when he isn't pinching and scratching. Rest only want to eat and sleep and lay in the sun." Ro nods "That doesn't seem too pleasant. Erdrick looks at Harper warily, remembering how he treated Ptodek, "Hello there." One side of Mehlani's mouth curls upward for a moment, then lowers again. She makes a tiny noise of wordless acknowledgement to Ptodek, and then sinks back again, closing her eyes. Ro says "Not rise and chase?" Ptodek laughs, grinning in earnest now. "Not yet, except for Harper they're all pretty young." Erdrick blinks at Ro in confusion at her statement, "Chase?" Mehlani puts in gravely, "Mating flights." Ro rolls her eyes "How d'you think the firelizards that rise get caught, if the others don't chase them?" Harper bobs in the water, and finally seems to reach an affirmative conclusion in his inspection of Erdrick. He chirps and fans his wings, splashing water all over the man. Erdrick blinks, having forgotten about that, "Oh yeah." He looks at his fair warily, "Come to think about it, Buttons, Darin and Karin are over a turn now." He looks a bit daunted by the prospect of his flits flying in a mating flight. Ro giggles and says to Ptod "I like him." Ptodek frowns. "Darn it, Harper!" He grabs for the 'lizard, but it eludes him by diving underwater, and surfaces near Ro, wrapping his tail around her arm as if for protection from his master. Ro smiles and moves to gently stroke the creature's neck. Mehlani opens her eyes briefly, but says nothing more on the topic of 'lizard flights. Harper's antics get a bit of a smile out of her, though. Erdrick chuckles a bit at the firelizard's antics, "Don't worry 'bout it Ptodek, nothing worse then what Buttons' and company have done." Ptodek smiles thankfully at Erdrick. "Okay, I'm glad you don't mind. Sometimes he annoys people.. he got me in trouble earlier, poking his silly nose in the weyrling barracks." Saskia walks in from outside the room. Saskia has arrived. Saskia steps in, stops at the entranceway and blinks, "Firelizard eggs in here?" Ro lifts an eyebrow "Hmm?" Mehlani opens her eyes at the sound of Saskia's voice. She smiles wearily to the other girl, then blinks a few times, too. Saskia smiles, "Hi Mehlani. You should relax now that the waiting is over." "I'll try," is Mehlani's solemnly murmured promise. Saskia smiles, "Hey Ro." then wades over to Mehlani, "I Impressed another firelizard yesterday. A better tempered one, but still demanding." Erdrick looks over at Saskia, "Hello." Ro tilts her head, betraying her curiosity "How many does that make now?" Mehlani gives Saskia another grave, shy little smile, by way of congratulations. She stays where she is, lying there against the pool's edge, her eyes half open, her features quietly weary. Saskia waves to Erdrick, then grins a bit sheepishly at Ro, "Two. Things in my life do seem to happen in pairs. I was apprenticed one day as a baker and the next day Searched. I tihnk I can just about handle two hatchlings, but I'm glad it's after candidacy. Are you two holding up okay?" Erdrick splashes water at Lani, "You'd probably be more comfortable relaxing in the water." He looks over at Saskia, "I don't think we've met, I'm Erdrick, a stablehand here." Ro shrugs "I spent the day sorting herbs for Riche." Ptodek shakes his head in amazement. "Two hatchlings at once? Phew." Saskia nods to Erdrick, "Well met Erdrick. I'm Saskia. I'm here. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, but it feels right to stay here." Erdrick chuckles and nods, "I understand." Saskia grins, "Mehlani's dealt with a few more than that. I don't know how she did. I'm exhausted. They both are incredibly loud and demanding." Ro says "Well, at least Rain is three months old, with me havin' the new little one." Mehlani just smiles a little at Saskia's query to her, the only answer she offers. Ptodek nods. "Yeah, I'm glad Lightning had a chance to grow up some before I Impressed the egg K'tyn gave me. Saskia smiles, "Well, I really appreciate K'tyn's gift. What hatchlings did you get?" Ro says "I got a real pretty, delicate little bronze." Erdrick leans back in the water, enjoying the warmth. Ptodek grins. "I got a green, and I named her Crystal. What did you get?" Saskia smiles, "I got a graceful gold and I named her Leila at K'tyn's suggestion, because she looks a lot like Leilanth." Erdrick nods at Saskia, "Bet Jehrina'd be proud." Maybe? Ptodek grins. "So it was you got the gold! I wondered." Chilhowee walks in from outside the room. Chilhowee has arrived. Ro says "I'm sure she'll be happier than when Sandy thought he was Leilanth." Mehlani, reclining where she's resting, just listens wordlessly to the others. Her tired expression eases a little, as she takes in Saskia describing the new little gold. Saskia giggles, "I dunno. I don't think she knows about it. My other firelizard is named after Sionelle. I hope they both aren't offended, or I guess I'll be hiding a lot." Chilhowee walks in..glancing around before sitting down in the water...glancing every so often at those gathered around.. Ptodek snickers. Saskia smiles, "I just picked an egg at random like everyone else, Ptodek." Erdrick chuckles, "I'd not worry about that." He waves over at the newcommer. Chilhowee Short hair, brown as the softwoods of Lemos, sets off the leafy green of his eyes, and suits the tan that lends warmth to his skin. Though tall and thin, there is a certain wiry strength about him, and a smoothness to his movements. The green shirt he wears goes farther to compliment his green eyes. It makes him look like a moving tree almost. His pants are made of cotton and are dyed to a dark brown. Around his waist is a belt clasped by a small bronze buckle. His boots are made of wherhide and are tanned almost to a black but not quite. In his shirt is a built in pad for the firelizards to perch on. He appears to be about 14 Turns, 7 months, and 20 days old. Mehlani, resting in one of the pools, sitting in water up to her chin, turns a grave blue gaze to Chilhowee without moving her head. Then she bobs her head a little, by way of greeting. Saskia waves to Chilhowee then looks down to see if her two young firelizards are still sleeping peacefully. Chilhowee slides into a hot spring. Ptodek smiles in greeting to the boy his age. "Hi, I'm Ptodek, who're you?" Ro nods to the stranger with a trace of a smile on her lips "Hi. You new here?" the tilt of her head betrays her curiosity. Chilhowee grins at Ptodek.. "Chilhowee.." he turns his attention to Ro.. "Yeah.." Ro's lips curl into a full smiles "I'm Rosarrah. Everyone calls me Ro, though." Saskia eeps as one of her firelizards awakens and begins to squawk loudly. Saskia grimaces, "it's feeding time again. See you folks later." and wades out of the water. Mehlani gives another silent little head bob to Saskia. Chilhowee smiles at Ro.. "its nice to meet you.." Erdrick waves, "Bye Saskia." Saskia waves to everyone then hurries out quickly. Ro nods "The pleasure is mine. You just visiting, or here to stay?" Saskia walks off towards the Inner Cavern. Saskia has left. Chilhowee says "Here to stay..I want to become a dragonhealer someday" Ptodek says "hey, that's neat!" Ro blinks "Really? I'm a trainee myself." Ptodek climbs out of the pool and grabs for a towel. "I think I better go feed my fair, too." He waves. Ptodek winces as Harper swoops down at he and lands on his shoulder, digging in sharply with his claws. Ptodek walks off towards the Inner Cavern. Ptodek has left. Mehlani smiles a little, just a little, to Chilhowee's declaration of his career of choice; to Ptodek, she bobs her head again as he goes. The girl seems content with simply soaking there in the pool, her short auburn hair curling in slight tendrils along her face. Chilhowee grins.. "Cool.." Erdrick leans back in the water, staring up at the sky, "So relaxing." Ro grabs the nearest jar of sweetsand and pours some into her hand, then sets it down and pulls out the thong that binds her hair. Lysseth flies over the edges of rock and lands on the far end of the springs. Lysseth has arrived. Ro works the sweetsand into a lather, then works the lather through her hair, her eyes closing. Erdrick stares up at the sky, "I do like it when the Weyr is peaceful like this." With a rush of wind that stirs the surface of the nearby dragon pool, Lysseth alights on an area of clear ground, sans straps but still carrying her rider. She lowers one wing to allow Kassi to slide down, her gaze already turned towards the pool in an almost longing fashion. "Aye, beast, I know, I know... you have got t'be *the* most impatient creature on the face of Pern at times, I'll readily swear it." Kassima slides down from Lysseth's neckridges to land beside her with ease. Lysseth cocks her head at her rider, rumbling quietly as Kassi gives her eyeridges a grateful scratching. Kassima has arrived. Mehlani doesn't comment on Erdrick's observation, but she does glance over tiredly at him, and there's still a bit of a smile curling her mouth. Then, as Lysseth lands, bringing in her rider with her, Mehlani starts in the pool, distracted out of her near doze. She blinks glassily up at the rider and dragon. Once Ro's hair is thoroughly lathered, she sends a big wave of water his way. *sploosh!* Erdrick chuckles, "Evening Kassi, Lysseth." Erdrick splashes water back at Ro. Ro grins....the fun way to get ones hair rinsed. She merrily starts up a splashing war with the stablehand. Kassima lands in a twinkling behind her lifemate, using the green's slender, grey-touched bulk as a shield behind which to change clothing. "Crowded Springs tonight," she can be heard to comment, her voice somewhat muffled. "I hope we're nay bothering any of you, but Lyss is *most* insistant about getting the last of the ash from drills off of her hide *immediately.*" Mehlani, glassy eyes or no, sits up in the pool and asks gravely, "Does she need us to help wash her?" Erdrick grins impishly and continues splashing back, getting a bit of water at Lani as well. He gives a whistle and his flits join in thier favorite game, 'Splash the pet' though it's Ro they're splashing not Erdrick. He blinks at Lani, "If she wants help I'd scrub her, but you ought to relax Lani." Ro laughs. After a bit, the lather rinsed from her hair, she declares a truce. Erdrick grins over towards, Kassi, "You're not bothering us Kassi." He whistles and his flits go back to thier own games. He does give Ro one last splash though. Mehlani glances over at Erdrick, her bleary gaze more or less unreadable. "Thank you," she replies soberly, softly, "but I'm fine." Kassima steps out from behind her dragon, garbed in her usual towel and with bare feet padding lightly over the stone. "Thankee, but nay... Lyss doesn't much care for being handled by others. *I* think she does that just t'make m'life more difficult. Aigh! Watch it with that splashing, would you?" The chide is lighthearted, and accompanied by a grin as both green dragon and Wingleader slide into the steaming pool. Kassima slides into the dragon pool. Lysseth slides into the dragon pool. Mehlani then glances back to Kassima, listening to the woman's reply, and when she's finished speaking, 'Lani merely bobs her head and sinks back down into the water. Ro yawns, surprising herself. "Mmm, I'd better get to bed b'fore I fall asleep in here. Good night, everyone." she says as she climbs out of the pool and puts her robe on. Erdrick says "Good night Ro. Don't let the tunnelsnakes bite." Erdrick impish grin. Mehlani murmurs huskily, "Good night, Ro." Ro says "That's what Thunder's for. He loves huntin' those critters." over her shoulder as she retreats from the room. Ro walks off towards the Inner Cavern. Ro has left. "Bright *stars*, but this is a pleasant change," Kassi sighs. She leans back against a convenient rock, sinking up to her chin in the steaming stew-water. Lyss is content to follow suit, submerging herself almost the instant her green hide comes in contact with the Spring. "Clear skies, Ro," Kassi calls, opening her green eyes to peer towards the young woman. "G'night, too... dream well." "Blast," the greenrider then mutters. She just sounds resigned, not truly upset. "Missed *again.*" Telgar Hot Springs Nestled between several rock outcroppings lie several pools of water and smoothed, flat rocks angled towards the sky. Immediately, the warmth of geothermally heated water reaches you, and you see steam rising from the springs pools. Two smaller pools with another, much larger pool past them, rest here. A cliff rises over one end of the large pool, with steps to climb up to the top. (Use 'places' to see the various springs.) A large tunnel works its way back into the innards of the Weyr, eventually leading those without wings to the inner caverns. Those who do can fly up and over the rim to Telgar's southern bowl. Contents: Kassima Lysseth Pile O' Sand Erdrick(#13651PVce) Obvious exits: Inner Cavern Bowl Mehlani sinks down into the water until little more than her nose, her eyes, and the top of her hair is visible. "Does Lysseth fare well?" she inquires gravely. "And your daughters?" Erdrick chuckles at ro's parting words and leans back against the edge of the pool, resting his head there, content with soaking for now. Kassima nods towards the lounging green. "Lysseth," she replies wryly, "is perfectly content now that I've acceded t'her demands. The spawnlings... gah. Kaylira threw the worst tantrum right after the Hatching; she wanted t'know why she couldn't have a brown dragon *now*. Which, naturally, upset Khari. Why did I ever decide t'go ahead and have children?" The rhetorical question is amused-sounding. The black-haired greenrider shakes her head slightly, causing ripples to form in the water about her. "Ah, well. What of you, 'Lani? Erdrick?" "Fine," murmurs Mehlani simply, very softly. Erdrick grins, still staring at the stars, "On a night like this, I am content." He sneaks a quick glance at Lani when she's not looking in his direction. Kassima cracks open one eye to regard Mehlani for a moment. "Good," she finally says. "I'd thought 'twould be one of those who'd be all right. I'll pass that on t'Kes; he'll be relieved, I'm certain." Craning her head, she follows Erdrick's gaze towards the stars. "'Tis a night just like any other," she observes. Erdrick chuckles at Kassi, "Ahh, but I'm not usually lazing about star watching." Mehlani's eyes might be noted to turn slightly liquid for a moment; she is silent for a long moment, before she finally murmurs to Kassima, "Thank you..." Wroxath flies over the edges of rock and lands on the far end of the springs. Wroxath has arrived. Erdrick grins absently as he closes his eyes and almost falls asleep. Wroxath deposits himself on the ground with a decided lack of gracefulness. D'thon slides off Wroxath's back to the ground, landing lightly. D'thon has arrived. Mehlani starts a little at Wroxath and D'thon's arrival, as she'd done at the coming of Kassi and Lyss. The girl's head jerks stiffly in the direction of the rider and the blue, before she subsides again, lifting a hand to rub at the back of her neck. Erdrick's eyes open slightly at the thump of the dragon and he waves, "Evening D'thon." Kassima returns simply, "You're welcome. I think he'd ask you himself, poor lad, but he's nay quite certain what t'say t'you that would be of help... don't tell him I said so, though. He'd probably kill me." She turns her head to see who's arrived, and hails, "G'deve, D'thon, Wroxath." Her dragon blows a few bubbles in the water under which she's submerged herself--her own form of greeting, perhaps. "I leave the starwatching to m'cousin Triene," she then confesses to Erdrick. Erdrick notes Lani's start and nods slightly, sympatheticly, having an idea what she's going through, he chuckles at Kassi's words, "I got interested at Bitra, they had a farviewer at the StarSmith's tent and I was looking at some of the star constellations." Mehlani peers over bemusedly at Kassi, then murmurs again, reflexively, stoically, "Tell him... I'm fine, please..." She then bobs her head a time or two to D'thon and Wroxath, before sinking back down deeply into the pool. Erdrick he sighs slightly, "Doubt I could raise the marks to buy one, and 'tis just a curiousity. 'Twas more thinking of the star's beauty tonight." Among other things left unsaid. :) Kassima nods again. There's sympathy in her shadowed gaze, one may be sure, but she's not the sort to go into greater depth on possibly painful topics without cause. "Will do. Aye, Erdrick... 'twould likely be expensive. Mayhaps you should seek an apprenticeship in the Starcraft if'n you've a true interest?" *Pop*. *Pop*. *Pop pop pop*. Bronze Holl, blue Enri, green Rianet, a gold banded in the colors of Igen Weyr, and a brown banded in the hues of the Minecraft pop out of *between*. They circle several times overhead, whirling eyes seeking out 'Lani's form in the pool, before descending to claim perchs not too far away... but this time, giving the girl some distance. Erdrick chuckles, "'Tis just curiousity, I'm not wanting to apprentice myself there." He glances over at the firelizards, "Uh oh, you all again?" Some he recognizes, some he doesn't. Mehlani blows out a soundless sigh, gaze shifting in the direction of those fire lizards, though she doesn't turn her head. Kassima's eyes, too, travel towards the fire-lizards as her own fair chitters greetings to the new arrivals. "That gold's new," she observes. "Is it another of Devlin's?" "My brother's," murmurs Mehlani lowly. Erdrick looks at Lani curiously, "Why're his flits doing this anyways?" *Pop pop pop pop!* As if an all-clear of some kind has been signalled, four greens banded in the hues of Benden Weyr appear overhead, cooing tinily, and coming in for a landing on the surface of one of the pools. "Fahloran," Kassi surmises at once. "Makes sense. How's he been doing lately, anyway? Word has it that he has a child now? Some of the Wingriders are trying t'claim the babe falls under the F'hlan-Spawn pool." Erdrick sighs, "You all again." Buttons however greets the arrival of the greens with a flitatious croon. Wroxath makes a grmph? noise at the arrival of the smallones. Mehlani just considers Erdrick for a moment, not answering his question; instead, she murmurs to Kassima, "Fahloran and Siara have a daughter named Sahra now. She was born before I was Se--" Beat. Beat. "--Many sevendays ago." D'thon blinks as he emerges to the surface of the pool from an extended dip, glancing to 'Lani's visitors. "...wha?...oh." In the meantime, four more *pops* above herald the coming of blue Brodi, brown Munki, green Elsi, and green Wili. Kassima nods, eyes half-closing for a moment. "Sahra," she repeats. "Pretty name. I doubt 'twill get up t'Igen any time soon, but 'twill extend him m'congratulations when I do. Have you any news from the rest of your family?" From various positions on and around Wroxath, a quartet of flits begins to trill at the newcomers. Erdrick blinks at all the firelizards and mutters, more to himself then anyone else, "Half tempted to say it myself." *Pop*, *pop*, *pop pop pop pop pop*. Four fire lizards banded in Harper Hall colors this time, two more Benden-banded greens, and, surprisingly, Arki. Even more surprisingly, all of the incoming fire lizards appear fairly remarkably subdued, all perching on the walls and rocks around the area, far away from Mehlani, but watching her with mutedly whirling eyes. Mehlani is apparently trying not to notice, as she murmurs a quiet "No... they did not stay too long," to Kassima. D'thon furrows his brow, apparently deciding to remain silent at the sight of the arriving hordes. Erdrick groans and counts to ten quietly, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10." Kassima watches with passive curiousity as a fair to rival her own arrives from *between.* "'Twould nay, if'n 'twere you," she comments leisurely to Erdrick. "Nay unless you want the other 'lizard pets in the Springs t'be irked with you." She eyes the fair again, though. "Mightily glum bunch, aren't they?" "I already Red-Starred them," mumbles Mehlani sheepishly. Three of the Benden-banded greens, the ones nearest Mehlani and therefore the ones who managed to pick up that mumble, squeal and vanish. Kassima smiles suddenly, her eyebrows lifting up several notches. "Ah... 'tis bright news. Bright news indeed!" Even Lysseth stirs her lackadaisical self to warble a short, joyful note, eyes whirling a brilliant cerulean. D'thon blinks. "Oh!" He glances to Kassi. "I heard." Mehlani blinks. Erdrick blinks at Kassi and D'thon, "What news?" Kassima grins over at the others. "Ursa," she explains. "She had her babe tonight--a lass, Lysseth tells me, by the name of Rulyn." Erdrick blinkblinks, "Congratulations Ursa!" he calls out, forgetting she can't hear him. A tremulous sort of smile wavers its way into being along Mehlani's mouth. "Please... relay my congratulations?" she whispers. D'thon blinks. "Surely you mean a lad, Kassi?..." He looks mildly confused. Kassima blinks, too, and groans. "Did I say lass? Shells, shards, and fardles, but I'm going senile at twenty and six. Lad. Lad. The lad's a lad. Will one of you kindly drown me now and put me out of m'misery?" Wroxath waddles over to Kassi and THWAPS his tail into the water obligingly. Erdrick grins at Kassi, "I think 'twould be better if we kept you around, for now." Mehlani smiles tinily. D'thon blinks and tries to stifle a sigh-chuckle. Kassima opens her mouth to reply to that, but is interrupted by the sudden wash of water over her person that's caused by Wroxath's tail. "Thanks, blueboy," she sputters, wiping water from her eyes. "I clearly needed that." Apparently so, since Lysseth just rumblesnickers amused approval rather than retaliating on her rider's behalf. Erdrick yawns and swims to the side of the pool and gets out. He grabs his clothes up and slips them on, nodding about, and yawning again, "Night all." Mehlani glances towards Erdrick, then murmurs, "Good night..." Erdrick grins over at Lani, yawning again, waves at the others and walks toward the exit, his flits filing about him. D'thon nods. "Night," he appends. Kassima gets up out of the spring, her braid and towel dripping liberally on the rocky floor. With a faint sigh, she seats herself on a rock and takes up a second towel to work on drying her hair. "How've Ceria and--Adaria? 'Tis Adaria, isn't it? Anyway, how've they been of late, D'thon?" Erdrick slips quietly out. Erdrick walks off towards the Inner Cavern. Erdrick has left. Mehlani flicks her gaze over to D'thon, fastening her attention there. There's a brief hint of a slightly strained avidness in her gaze, as she listens. D'thon nods. "Ceria's well, but still busy." A slight sigh. "Typical... having to feed Pern, and all that. Adaria's getting along well too." Kassima shrugs philosophically. "Show me someone who's nay busy most of the time, and I'll show you someone who's managed a miracle... ah, well, 'tis good t'be hearing. I've nay seen either of them about in a bit. What of you and your lifemate?" Wroxath mrphs, sitting down and triggering waves. D'thon chuckles. "Same as ever, for some reason." He thumps the blue's haunch affectionately. Several of the silent fire lizards start flittering hopefully towards Mehlani; among them, however, only Holl is brave enough to actually alight at her side on the pool's edge. The girl peeks sidelong at the little bronze and mutters at him plaintively, in a hoarse whisper, "Tell them to go home..." Kassima wrinkles her nose. "Same as ever... how boring. Y'know, something needs t'be done t'shake things up a bit. Mayhaps we should all go on another round of the Nine--or the Six, whichever--some night." Quirking an eyebrow up at Mehlani, she asks, "Are they bothering you, lass?" Her lower lip tucks under her teeth for a moment, as Mehlani peeks timidly over to Kassima. "I... I think they mean well, but..." Wroxath makes a snorting noise; his rider chuckles. "I don't think he likes being described as boring." "But they're being pains in the kertuckus," Kassi finishes. "If'n the R-S word's nay scaring 'em away, I can have Zabre or Lyss try and shoo 'em if'n you like. Just say the word." Draping the second towel over her shoulders, she flashes Wroxath an apologetic grin. "Eh, didn't mean you, Wroxath. But even the finest things in life can become better if'n you throw in a bit of variety. 'Tis like, oh... being back home at Benden. Even when I lived there, and found it the most perfect place on Pern, that didn't mean I didn't still visit other places." "If... if Lysseth can just tell them... I'm alright," Mehlani mumbles abashedly, shrinking down a little where she sits. She keeps watching Kassima, drinking in the woman's words with the same sort of hollow-eyed avidness she'd done D'thon's. D'thon chuckles. "He understands," he notes. Lysseth turns a steady, unwavering gaze on the 'lizards, fulfilling her rider's silent request with the simple, firm insistence with which she does so many things. Kassi remarks while her dragon does this, "She can, certes--though, if'n you'll pardon me saying so, you don't look all right. D'you nay want t'speak of what's troubling you?" Kassima notes as a rueful addendum to D'thon, "A'course... *some* variety, I could do without. Take having a proddy Wingsecond, for example. I begin t'have a whole new appreciation for Jal's patience when the situation was reversed." D'thon makes a surprised noise. "That's... candid..." A steady dragon gaze's first immediate result is several tiny creels of protest. However, the horde starts getting the message. In twos and threes, they start sneaking off *between*, even Mehlani's own fair. The girl, in the meantime, repeats hoarsely, "I'm fine." She sounds suspiciously like her father. And about as convincing. "J-J'lyn's pro... Lorieth's proddy?" Kassima blinks at D'thon in surprise. "Is it? I just meant that I now have t'do most of his hidework and such, and he had t'do most of mine when 'twas proddy m'self... that's candid? Color me enlightened." To Mehlani, she directs one dubious glance before dropping the first subject and simply nodding. "Aye. 'Twill nay be long ere she rises, though, thank Faranth." "I-if you need help copying anything," Mehlani blurts out, "I-I could do that..." D'thon blinks right back. "Oh." Kassima just has to ask. "What did you *think* I meant, if'n I might inquire?" Mehlani's offer earns her a thoughtful look from Kassi. "I know nay whether 'twill need much more copywork done ere Lorieth finally rises. I *do* have a few personal projects I could use aid with, copying wise, but... I know nay whether they'd be of interest t'you." D'thon shakes his head. "Uh... nothing really." "I, I'd be happy to help with anything," 'Lani avows, though not very loudly. Kassima arcs an eyebrow at D'thon. "Well, if'n you're sure... 'twas just curious, that's all. Think you that I should put marks on Wroxath when flight-time comes?" Hiding a grin, she refocuses on Mehlani. "They're really naught of Pern-shaking import. 'Twould just be of aid t'me if'n some of m'notes were transcribed in a legible manner. Prior Turnday gifts given, flight records, draconic bloodlines... things like that. I keep the stuff I do for Wing business clear and up t'date, but the things that are of more use in personal matters or m'wagering are a real mess. I wouldn't want t'burden you with it, unless you're positive you'd want t'help." D'thon blinks. "You might try," he comments, "but I'll make no guarantees." Kassima nods, turning slightly more businesslike. "I'll have t'see who's chasing, a'course, t'see who has the best record and suchlike, but flights are simply too lucrative for me t'pass up when I know the green and rider." Mehlani remains silent at Kassi and D'thon's exchange, then whispers gravely, "I would be happy t-to do the work." Kassima gives Mehlani a grateful smile. "In that case, you've m'eternal, undying gratitude, y'may be certain... and 'twill pay you for it, rest assured. There's nay so *very* much that needs doing, but there's also just nay so very much time t'be doing it in." She gives an amused snort. "Perhaps I should get pregnant again so that I'll have all the time in the world I need, and then some." She's *clearly* not serious. D'thon sighs. "And who," he suggests in jest, "would you find to help you with that?" 'Lani smiles wanly, and just bobs her head a little, not speaking. Kassima snorts again, more drolly this time. "A very good question. I suppose L'cher would... Faranth knows, the man would sleep with anyone else who let him. Somehow, though, I think I'd rather just go without the extra time." D'thon chuckles. "Wise decision, I s'pose," he replies. Kassima says facetiously, "Or mayhaps I'd just drink Water constantly until it really did achieve the impossible, and skip this father business entirely. Now, *that'd* be interesting t'try to explain." D'thon looks admiringly at Lysseth, who gazes at D'thon levelly for a moment before giving a slight snort. Kyril has arrived. Kassima suppresses a chuckle as Kyril spreads his wings dramatically before leaping into the air. After a time, when she nearly goes underwater without meaning to, Mehlani frowns softly to herself and moves to pull herself out of the pool. Her motions are slow ones, but she makes it up out of the water, and immediately reaches to wrap the towel around herself, her head hanging down a little. Kassima sighs and finally conceeds herself to the fact that she's going to have to drag Lyss out of the pool. It takes a few moments, but the green is tired too and does eventually accede to her rider, allowing herself to be used once again as a changing screen. Once Kassi has her riding gear back on, she starts to climb carefully up the slippery green neck. "Oh, Mehlani..." she calls down, seemingly offhandedly. "There've been many people--wonderful, worthwhile people--who don't Impress dragons. If'n you consider yourself less now than you did a'fore, then you're also mentally insulting your own brother, Ro, and myriad others. I can't believe you the sort to think less of 'em because the dragons passed them by... so don't think it of yourself, either, eh?" And with that parting phrase, she heads out. Kassima climbs up to Lysseth's lower neckridges with the aid of the riding straps and the green's thoughtfully offered foreleg. She gives her lifemate a fond pat on the neck once she is aboard. Kassima has left. Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. Lysseth rises up from the steamy waters heading north over the rim of the Weyr. Lysseth has left. [End log.]