The World of Pern(tm) is copyright to Anne McCaffrey (c) l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This is a log of roleplay on PernMUSH, available online by permission of Anne McCaffrey, author of the Pern novels, and recorded by A.S. Korra'ti (, player of Mehlani of Telgar Weyr on PernMUSH. This log may be distributed freely as long as this header remains intact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log Date: 7/18/98 Log Cast: (People) N'var, Ro, Mehlani, Jessalyn, E'rian (NPC emitted by Mehlani), L'mis, A'lex, Rennick, D'gle (NPC emitted by L'mis), Aurian, Maylia, assorted Weyrlings including K'shen (NPCs emitted by Maylia) (Firelizards) Brodi, Elsi, Wili, Munki Log Intro: Mehlani's life has returned to much the same state it was in before she was Searched -- and although she still retains a measure of sorrow over her failure to Impress, still, part of her is somewhat relieved. One thing, though, has changed somewhat since the Hatching and her trip to Greystones Hold: the attentions of E'rian, green Milleniuth's rider, have ceased with Eyr's uncharacteristically generous yielding of the field to his brother K'star. This doesn't mean, however, that E'rian's charm has been reduced by any stretch of the imagination. And the fact that he is no longer actively trying to charm Mehlani's boots off doesn't mean that he's any less alarming when Milleniuth is proddy... ---------- Your location's current time: 21:08 on day 31, month 8, Turn 23, of the Tenth Pass. It is a summer evening. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern(#750RJM$) Contents: Jessalyn N'var Pierron Obvious exits: Lower Caverns Kitchen Bowl N'var chuckles softly. "And I you," he says, looking around for Richenda. Ro walks here from the Inner Cavern. Ro has arrived. Ro walks in quietly, her expression brightening considerably as she spots Jes and Lani. Surrounded by a flurry of blue and green wings, Mehlani slips in from the Bowl, her hat off and dangling in her hand as she fans her flushed face with it. Her fire lizard companions are apparently just as involved in a game of tag as they are in following her, and she gets ahead of them as she steps further into the cavern. She crooks a lopsided little smile at Ro, waving her other hand silently at her. Jessalyn, who is standing near N'var, misses the the arrival of Ro and Mehlani. "Here, sit down with me?" she asks the Igen bronzerider. Before she sits, she adds, "Can I get you anything while I'm still up?" Ro stops short as she notices the bronzerider, saying "Telgar's duties to your weyr, sir." N'var holds up the redfruit, as if to say he was fine with just that. He does notice the arrival of Mehlani and her fair, watching them for a moment in fascination. He then follows Jessie to her usual table, pulling up a chair. Mehlani pauses, her blue gaze lighting on Jessalyn and N'var and flickering in recognition of the latter. But she doesn't pause long, and heads off towards the kitchens, looking for something cold to drink. As she passes, blue Brodi wobbles his way down out of the air and comes in for a landing on the lass's shoulder, and he chirruples out a benign, if baffled-sounding, greeting to the humans. N'var turns a bright smile on ro, answering, "Igen's duty to Telgar and her Queens." Jessalyn pauses once she catches sight of Ro and Mehlani, and smiles. "Evening, you two." Giving a faint, amused smile, she says to N'var, "Telgar's duty, of course. I guess I forgot about that part." Ro blushes uncharacteristically, for no apparent reason, but covers with a quick smile and a dash over to the serving table for a glass of juice. N'var gives Jess an amused smile and a knowing look as he settles into the chair. He takes another bite from the redfruit, elbows on the table. "Guess what?" he says, when he's done. Stepping round a couple of scurrying youngsters hurrying off with some platters of food for a trio of tired-looking wingriders off in one corner of the cavern, Mehlani finds herself a mug, and then waits for another couple of riders getting themselves a meal before she pours herself up some water from the keg someone's left on a table. She glances over quietly at N'var and Jessalyn and Ro, though, and her other fire lizards are beginning to register the presence of food and people who just may well be handing THEM food in the cavern. Jessalyn tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and grins. "I'm almost afraid to ask." Ro gets a slice of bread, which she munches on contemplatively. Almost as an afterthought she asks Mehlani "Want anything to drink?" N'var takes something from his pocket, holding it up for Jess to see. IT's a Sandstorm wing patch, not that she or many others here might recognize it as that right away. His smile brightens to a grin. OoooooOOOoOoOo, FOOD! This is enough provocation for greens Elsi and Wili to break off their game of aerial tag with their brown clutchbrother, and they wing down for a landing on the table where Jessalyn and N'var are sitting. Their hopeful creels are easily translated -- feed us? Feed us? Feed us? Feed us? Ooh, prettything, is that food? CREEL! -- while Mehlani, stepping softly to Ro, gives another little lopsided smile and holds up her water mug, shaking her behatted head to her friend's question. Jessalyn looks at the patch curiously, "That's... well, isn't that what would go on your riding leathers?" The arrival of Mehlani's greens causes her to blink a bit, and she smiles somewhat ruefully. "I think you're looking in the wrong place if you want food, all I have are hides." Elsi and Wili take turns fixing hopefully whirling eyes on the two humans before them, and Wili creels again, looking disappointed that Jessalyn does not appear to be producing anything edible. Elsi, in the meantime, hopflutters closer to N'var. Maybe HE'LL feed her. Ro glances at Mehlani and blushes, realizing her friend already has something to drink. What is with her today? Instead she grabs a few meatrolls and tosses bits to the creeling firelizards. N'var pulls the wing patch away from the lizards, protectively, but he lets them pick at the remainder of the redfruit if they wish. He replies to Jessie, pointing to the older, worn Sirocco patch on the sleeve of his current jacket, "It goes right here. I need to sew it on yet, though. I've been transferred." Mehlani smiles sheepishly to Ro, and murmurs a grateful thank-you to her; more loudly, to N'var and Jessalyn, "Please excuse me... I'll get them out of your way..." Setting her mug down not far away, while Brodi cheeples in apparent puzzlement from her shoulder, she gently shooes the greens away from Jessalyn and her visitor. Jessalyn grins, "Does that mean congratulations are in order, then?" She smiles at Mehlani and her pair of greens, then looks back up. Blue eyes settle first on the old patch, then the one still in N'var's hand. Without really stopping to think, she says, "I could sew that on for you, if you like?" N'var leans back to allow Mehlani to collect her fair. He nods to her, somewhat gratefully, and then answers Jessie. "Shayne gave me the news earlier, before fall," he says, eyes shining. Jessie's suggestion brings his explanation to a stop, however. "Would you? I was going to do it, but I don't have the hand for it." Settling down in a chair not too far away, Mehlani manages to commandeer the scraps Ro had tossed to her little winged ones to get them coaxed back to her. In short order she's got not only the four fire lizards who'd accompanied her in here swarming over her person, she's attracting the notice of several other winged ones in the cavern. Jessalyn nods quickly and grins. "I'd be happy to, my sewing hand isn't all that bad. Besides that," she continues, scooting her chair just a bit closer, "it's yours." N'var blushes faintly again, looking at Jessie a little gratefully and a little proudly. He sets the patch down and moves to take off his jacket. "Can you put the Sirocco patch here, and put the Sandstorm patch where it used to be?" Jessalyn nods, half rising from her seat. "It shouldn't be any problem. I can do it now, it won't take all that long? I just need to get a strong needle and some thread." The exchange between Jessalyn and N'var seems to provoke a softer, wider smile out of Mehlani for some reason, as she chances to glance up from feeding her fair and spy the bronze rider and the young woman discussing the sewing of the patch. In the midst of hungry creels from half her own fair and a gathering of several other 'lizards who've found her, she hands out all of Ro's tidbits, and starts rummaging through her own pockets to find anything else she might be carrying. N'var gets half-way out of his seat, looking like he me may follow Jess, "Do you want me to come with you?" Jessalyn collects her hides as she stands and smiles at N'var. "It won't take but a minute or two to gather what I need, but you're more than welcome to go with me, if you like." Ro notes Mehlani's look, and a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. N'var picks up his jacket, nodding and faintly smiling. "Alright." Jessalyn gives a little wave to Mehlani and Ro, smiles up at N'var, and scoots off toward the inner caverns. Jessalyn walks towards the inner cavern. Jessalyn has left. N'var walks towards the inner cavern. N'var has left. Finally, the hungry winged ones are sated, and Mehlani waves them off, or at least tries to, detaching several little claws from her shirt and finally even batting two or three off with her hat. But what ultimately works to distract the lot of them is when she pulls one of her inevitable red balls out of her pocket, and sends it rolling off across the floor. A cloud of fire lizards follows, though three of them flap off sleepily, intent on slumbering somewhere warm while they're full of food. The caverns are still fairly busy, and accordingly, one green rider bursting in from the Bowl can safely go unnoticed, even if his stride _is_ an overswift one, his hazel eyes a trifle wild, darting this way and that about the cavern. Apparently not yet noticing E'rian's entrance, Mehlani rises and moves closer to Ro, greeting her friend with, "Ro, I have been thinking..." Ro tilts he head in interest "Oh?" She too, apparently doesn't notice E'rian's entrance. "I've got a little niece at Igen, you know, and I've barely gotten to meet her... so I was thinking of going to Igen for a visit..." Mehlani settles down in a chair near Ro, and she goes on earnestly, "I thought, well... would you like to come, perhaps?" "Hark!" rings out a young baritone voice from not too far away, as E'rian suddenly comes to a halt, right hand flung out to his side, left hand pressed to his chest, tanned fingers and for that matter tanned muscles beneath his shirt set off by the white cloth and the black vest he's got on over it. His gaze riveting on the two young women, Milleniuth's rider declaims as he practically teleports to their vicinity, "What light 'cross living cavern breaks? It is the sky, and these, the rising moons...!" Oh dear. Mehlani lifts her behatted head, blinking blue and startled eyes, and then pinkens prettily as she murmurs, "Hello, E'rian..." Ro smiles "Sure......I'd love to see more of your family....and besides, A'wyn is down there." she spins suddenly upon hearing E'rian and turns to stare. L'mis walks in from the bowl. L'mis has arrived. L'mis walks in, favoring his right leg slightly but generally walking with a steady movement. His jacket unbuttoned, he takes a moment to wipe sweat from his brow before continuing on his way into the cavern. Adroitly, without even looking, E'rian hooks a booted foot round the leg of another nearby chair, and in one smooth motion, draws the chair round and swings his rangy frame down into it. Leaning forward to drink in the sight of the two girls, E'rian pins Mehlani with a stern regard and points a finger at her, scolding, "Dearest maiden, did I hear you aright? Abandoning Telgar? How could you break my brother's heart by your absence? And you--!" He whirls on Ro, his gaze turning suspiciously limpid. "Dark dusky beauty, surely you could not think to diminish our caverns with the lack of your gracious form?" L'mis's eyes turn in the direction of E'rian, Ro and Mehlani and he slows his pace to listen, surreptitiously. He does make some progress toward the klah pot, however slowly. Ro's eyes widen as she regards the greenrider with a surprise and a blush. "It'll only be for a few days," Mehlani protests tinily, her cheeks pinkening further, though there's also a shy grin tugging at each corner of her mouth. Her gaze beneath her hat brim flicks off to fall momentarily on the figure of L'mis, and she smiles fleetingly at him. "A few days?!" cries Milleniuth's rider, aghast, to the behatted young lass. "Dearest 'Lani, say it could not be so! K'star will be positively... thoroughly... _despondent_" -- and E'rian pronounces this with such an earnest, hangdog expression, his voice roughening the syllables with just a tinge of stoic strength, that you'd think the young man expects nothing but misery by the mere possibility of Mehlani and Ro's leaving Telgar Weyr. He turns on Ro once more, his left hand still placed theatrically over his heart, and conveniently rumpling his shirt to give a slightly better view of the well-formed chest beneath it. "I avow to you, lovely one, that I could not survive the time!" L'mis flashes the briefest of smiles back to Mehlani and finally turns his head forward, with a relieved and satisfied look upon his rough features. Ro glances around, as though uncertain of what to do. She wrings her hands, looking mildly distressed before coming up with the idea "Well, um, you could come with us, maybe. Would that help?" she says in earnest. Meanwhile, L'mis has found the klah pot and is filling himself a mugful (on such a hot summer night?) while exchanging words with a fellow wingmate about his age. "Would that I could, sweet one," declaims E'rian, leaning closer to Ro, his voice lowering in register, towards a husky rumble. Speaking with what comes forth as profound resignation, he locks his hazel regard solidly on the young lady's face and goes on plaintively, "I am weyrbound. A prisoner, when I would show you all of Pern. Captive, when I would give you the freedom of dragon wings." He seizes up Ro's nearest hand, not missing a beat. And he concludes, his eyes taking on a positively liquid shimmer, "Hopelessly consigned to dwell in solitude reflecting upon your loveliness from afar, when I would fain remain at your side...!" L'mis just rolls his eyes as he listens to the melodrama unfolding in the middle of the cavern, and after setting down his mug he slumps down into his well-worn chair. A'lex walks in from the bowl. A'lex has arrived. Pierron grunts in greeting to the Wingleader of Skyfire. A'lex strides in with a wave and a salute for the assembled. "Evening." Mehlani might have been spending a lot more time in the company of E'rian's older and rather... er... quieter brother, but she's still not entirely immune to the green rider's charms, and she's still blushing furiously as Eyr showers his attentions on her friend. But her eyes widen a little on the word 'weyrbound', and she sneaks a searching glance at E'rian even as she waves silently at A'lex. A'lex grins at Mehlani, "Evening. How's doin?" L'mis looks up briefly toward the bronzerider and then nods silently as the older Firestorm brownrider asks to join him. The two talk between themselves in hushed tones. Ro's face drains of color, looking more than a little shocked. This is quickly replaced by a blush to rival Mehlani's. She says in a voice made husky by the driness of her throat "I, um, why are you weyrbound?" My, couldn't get much more articulate than that, could we....not! A'lex grabs some stew and citron and plops down in his seat at the Skyfire table. Reluctant to abandon her friend, Mehlani remains near Ro and manages to nod surreptitiously, by way of answer to A'lex's greeting, towards the green rider sitting beside both girls. Blissfully oblivious to anyone else in the cavern, E'rian draws Ro's hand up to where his own had a short time ago been resting -- over his heart -- and he confides mournfully to the lass, "A trifling matter, fairest of fair maidens. A quibble regarding hue of hide. I _told_ them Milleniuth is merely melancholy, but they insist on keeping us in the Weyr...!" A'lex eyes the Greenrider cautiously, remembering Milleniuth's first flight, and just how much Nraith enjoyed it... "Oh," is all he says before hiding his face in his stew. Ro's expression suddenly shifts "Melancholy? Would you like me to take a look at her? Richenda has been teaching me a lot about dragons lately.....maybe I could help." Yes, she seems genuinely concerned. "Scary thing is ... just like that," L'mis mutters to the brownrider, D'gle, pointing his thumb slightly in the direction of E'rian as he speaks. "You'd _do_ that, sweet one?" E'rian breathes to Ro in rough-edged, rapturous tones, an enormous white grin blossoming forth across his lean young face. His hands already having claimed Ro's, he clings to the dark fingers grasped in his own, and in another smooth, graceful motion, he's suddenly on his knees before Ro's chair and gazing up at her in unconcealed adoration. "You would bestow such a favor upon this humble rider...?" Mehlani daintily clears her throat, and puts in shyly, "Is... Milleniuth _ill_, Eyr?" She rather suspects she already knows the answer to this, but the youth _is_ her friend, and she's willing to humor him. Aye, that grin of his still has quite the pull on the daughter of the Benden Weyrleader. A'lex glances over at E'rian with one of those, "He never did that for ME" looks, followed by a "What am I **THINKING**?" look. He returns quietly to his stew. Looking more than a little disconcerted, Ro nods and murmurs "Of course I's my duty. I, um, didn't know it meant so much to you." She glances at Mehlani with a look nearing alarm....or being is hard to tell which. A'lex continues to study his stew, not trying to look at the young Greenrider. "Her hide is off-color, and her temper short," tosses E'rian carelessly to Mehlani, his glimmering eyes never leaving Ro's. "Oh, she might possibly be rather brighter than usual, but it's hard to tell, with all the bright dragons around here as of late -- wouldn't you say, my lovely, whose merest crumb of attention is worth a sevendays' winnings from Bitra?" A'lex snorts. Mehlani oh-dears to herself at Ro's rather stricken expression, and she rises from her seat, hoping perhaps to distract E'rian long enough to give her friend room to breathe. A'lex glances quickly to the Bowl with one of those "Repremanding your lifemate" looks. Ro's eyes widen, her voice gone to a near squeak "Did you say....brighter?" Her glance at Mehlani takes on a near frantic edge. "Don't you think," Mehlani ventures hesitantly, moving up closer to E'rian's kneeling figure, "that you might... er... want to check on her...? She might need you..." A'lex mutters to his stew, "What . . . needs . . . NOT get . . . her lifemate." E'rian sighs mightily, stoically, the sigh of a man shouldering immense burdens entirely out of proportion with his comparatively tender age. "Truly, I should, we've a drill tonight, and I only came in long enough for a mug of klah... but you" -- and this, clearly, to Ro -- "have braced me far more strongly, dearest heart!" And abruptly, before Mehlani can intercept him, E'rian's risen to his full lanky six-foot height, tugging Ro up with him. And he's pressed his lips down to hers, bestowing a bone-melting kiss on the girl before he tears himself away, with palpable reluctance. "Farewell, my sweet!" he proclaims, and then he whirls and strides off out of the cavern. A'lex watches E'rian go with a look that could be misconstrued as Jealousy... maybe. Ro manages a ghost of a smile, murmuring hesitantly "I am glad that I could help..." she trails off. By her expression there is no doubt that she is without a clue of how she did it. Rennick walks here from the Inner Cavern. Rennick has arrived. Pierron straightens up and adjusts his apron as the steward arrives. Mehlani swallows, and immediately whirls to her friend, whispering anxiously, "Ro?" Ro nods to the steward "Evening sir." before leaning toward her friend, still a little shellshocked "Mmm?" Rennick steps into the living cavern, squinting in the light of the room. He walks over towards the nearest perceivable table and manages to stumble over a chair at a closer table he completely missed. Shaking his head, he carefully makes his way towards the hearth, muttering under his breath. A'lex stands and excuses himself, looking a bit out of sorts... A'lex walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. A'lex has left. Mehlani studies Ro, uncertain whether to smile at her, or reach to hug her, or what. "Are you alright?" she whispers, after bobbing a hasty polite nod of greeting to Rennick. Ro blinks "Yes. Well, I suppose I am, anyhow." She shakes her head "That was........odd." Rennick ladles himself a bowl of stew, being very careful of the neatly rolled hides held under one arm. He sets the bowl down on the table and sets his hides down. Unrolling the first he peers at it, squinting. He shakes his head and holds it out at arms length, as if he's having trouble reading it. He sets it down and nods absently at Mehlani and Ro. Mehlani giggles hesitantly, still blushing a little. "I... um..." She glances out to the Bowl, and adds to Ro, "I think Milleniuth's probably going to rise soon..." L'mis glances a moment at the two girls, and then nods to D'gle next to him. "Mmm-hmm," he mutters with a small nod. Ro looks at her friend, speechless for a minute. Then she replies in a hushed voice "Doesn't he usually read -you- poetry or some such?" Mehlani goes a trifle pinker once more, and solemnly shakes her head. "Not for a while," she murmurs. Ro blushes slightly, as she contemplates the situation. She stares off in the direction that E'rian departed, taking on a bemused smile. She murmurs "I don't know whether to consider this a good thing or a bad thing." "He asked me... last Turn... to take care of... Kes, you see," Mehlani murmurs tinily, before pausing to touch her friend's shoulder and add, "I'll be right back..." She rises, stepping across the cavern to approach L'mis and D'gle, lifting a hand to gravely request their attention. Rennick eats quietly, now looking up to follow Mehlani's movement across the cavern with his eyes. L'mis and D'gle halt their coversation, and the bluerider glances toward Mehlani questioningly. "Evening, Mehlani," he says, and then asks, "Something wrong?" "Good evening," says the behatted young woman earnestly. "I'm going to get some juice... I wondered if you needed anything, sirs?" L'mis's already relaxed expression softens some more as he smiles for a moment. He holds out his nearly-empty mug. "More klah, please," he says, and turns to D'gle. "D'gle?" The brownrider says quietly, almost a whisper, "Juice would be fine." Mehlani accepts L'mis's mug, and bobs her head to both men soberly. She then steps over near Rennick, and asks the Steward the same question she'd offered the riders: "Do you need anything, sir?" Rennick blinks, having had returned his attention to his hides, which are held out away from him at arm's length. He looks up. "What? Oh, something? No, not really," he says, sounding a bit out of sorts. Mehlani blinks, her brow furrowing, as her gaze takes in the way Rennick is holding his hides; she doesn't comment on what she sees, though, and only bobs her head again, stepping off with a softly murmured, "Alright, sir..." She's back off towards Ro, then, glancing at her inquiringly and murmuring to her, "Would you like anything?" as she moves to get the riders' drinks. Ro shakes her head, still staring off after E'rian. Rennick looks after Mehlani for a moment as she moves off to get the refreshments requested by the riders, then, shaking his head, peers at his hides again. "Shells," he mutters ill-naturedly. "I'm going to drag that girl up out of bed, aren't I? I can't read this scrawling she calls writing." Pouring up klah for L'mis and juice for his brownrider companion, Mehlani moves back after a few moments to offer the two men their drinks. D'gle accepts his drink with a barely audible "Thank you," while L'mis offers a, "I could have gotten that myself, Mehlani. But thanks." 'Lani inclines her behatted head in due acknowledgement of the blue rider's assertion, murmuring only, "You're welcome," to both him and D'gle. Then she steps away to let them resume their conversation in peace. She peeks at Rennick again as she goes, her brow furrowing once under her hat brim, before she fetches herself some juice and rejoins Ro. Rennick tucks his hides underneath his arm, and rises to his feet, nearly pushing over the bench in impatience. He turns and stalks out of the living cavern, leaving a mostly untouched bowl of stew sitting on the table. Rennick walks towards the inner cavern. Rennick has left. Aurian walks in from the bowl. Aurian has arrived. Mehlani can be spotted sitting quietly near Ro; Mehlani, her hat shoved lightly back on her head, is considering her friend across the rim of juice she's sipping, and 'Lani looks rather bemused. Aurian enters, seldom has the girl looked like such a whirlwind of emotion. Oddly enough none of them happy. Ro looks mildly stunned, the glass of juice in her hand nearly untouched. Glancing up as she catches sight of Aurian out of the corner of her eye, Mehlani starts to offer the weyrling a smile, though her brow then crinkles as she gets a better look at her incoming friend's expression. Oh dear. "Hello," she finally calls over softly. Ro's eyes come into focus abruptly. She nods her greeting to the weyrling. Aurian curves her lips into an almost smile, "Evening." Her eyes then drift back into that brooding look, dropping into a seat nearby. Aurian Aurian stands before you quietly, a look of quick merriment and mayhem gleaming in her grey-green eyes. She is a bit pale but that seems typical for her. Her usual pallor is altered by the ruddy tones of what could only be called a sunburn. Her hair is quite rogue-ish, its short. Very short, and slightly curly. The color is still a burnished red-gold, even more red now if possible. It falls just at her cheekbones, curling and waving merrily. She isn't very tall but not childlike at all. Her pouty mouth seems to be set in a perpetual grin. She appears to be about 19 Turns, 5 months, and 7 days old. Her garb is currently a bit battered. Old wherhide pants and jacket hug her form. Even in the abused clothing she manages to look clean and neat. On her shoulder is the new knot of a Telgar weyrling, black and white, with the thinnest line of brown revealing the color of her lifemate. Carrying: Tola 'Lani tilts her behatted head, and asks Aurian earnestly, "Is everything well...?" Aurian growls out, "yes no, maybe.. oh I don't know." She leans back into the seat, and places the tips of her boots against the edge of the table. Ro's introspection melts away, giving way to concern for her friend "What's the matter?" Oh dear. Mehlani blinks a few times, then sets her juice aside. Glancing to Ro briefly, 'Lani then considers Aurian, and ventures, "Would... you like to talk about it...?" Aurian rakes her hands through her hair, "Ohhhh I don't know .... maybe its because my legs are too thick and I'm shaped like a brick..." She seems to be quoting someone. Mehlani's eyes darken, like clouds passing across the sun, and she straightens up where she sits. "You do _not_," she protests in gentle indignance. Ro snorts "I'm the ones who's built like a brick!" "And neither are _you_," Mehlani adds steadily to Ro. Aurian gazes at Ro, "You are not." Ro Rosarrah stands about 5'6" tall, her lean frame graced with a solid athletic musculature and not so modest curves. Her skin is the color one would get by mixing equal parts of klah and milk, in sharp contrast to wavy locks of deep klah brown shot through with highlights of dark reddish gold. Her hair is currently pulled back into a runnertail that falls to the middle of her back.. A few tendrils have worked their way free to frame her face, somehow emphasizing the changeable luster of her large, thick-lashed gray eyes -- almond shaped eyes set in a heart-shaped face complete with pointed chin and widow's peak. Touches of antique rose accent her youthfully rounded cheeks and the full curve of her lips. She appears to be in her mid teens. She is wearing an unbleached cotton halter top, some old tan trousers than look outgrown, by the fit, and a pair of scuffed boots -- not her best attire, one would hope. A sheen of sweat on her skin has darkened the loose tendrils of hair that now stick to her face, as well as causing her top to be stickily uncomfortable. The play of light on her shoulders as she moves reveals musculature that would put a number of boys her age to shame. Mehlani looks back to Aurian, and repeats, "You are _not_ shaped like a brick." Her brows draw together between the curve of her hat brim and her darkened eyes, a more obvious sign of her disapproval of whoever said such an unkind thing about her friend than her still-soft voice. Aurian rakes her hands through her hair, she gazes at her boot tips, "I don't know it would explain a lot." "Oh, my friend..." Her eyes turning liquid, Mehlani leans closer to Aurian, her features full of concern. "What needs explaining?" Ro blinks "Explain what?" Aurian licks her bottom lip, "Why I don't seem to keep anyone with any interest in me." Mehlani's features crinkle further, the corners of her big eyes tightening up in expression of her dismay. It takes her a few moments to search for the proper words, before she finally proclaims in utmost seriousness, "Aurian... if there are young men... who think you resemble a brick, then they are clearly _blind_, and if someone said that to you, then they are... horribly, horribly _rude_!" She proclaims this last word with uncharacteristic force, her cheeks flushing slightly. Ro eyes Aurian "You're a weyrling....nobody is supposed to have 'interest' in you right now for fear of Kerlyn skinning them alive." Aurian gazes at Ro, "Before that and before candidacy." She lets her gaze drift to Mehlani, "Really?" She looks like she is slipping into believing this. "Really," affirms Mehlani with soft but unyielding conviction, her gaze steady upon the face of the young brown rider. "If someone doesn't like you, they don't have to be rude about it...!" Aurian murmurs, "But that's the confusing part." Mehlani tilts her head slightly, listening with rapt attention, giving a bit of a nod to encourage Aurian to talk. Aurian tucks her hands under her chin and sighs, "He seems to get jealous, if I spend too much time with any other male. He claims my mentor gives me lasicivious looks." Ro giggles "That sure sounds like jealousy to me. Maybe he just doesn't know how to express how he feels about you." Mehlani frowns, pondering this gravely, a look of comprehension beginning to creep across her delicate features. "Well," she begins awkwardly, but picking up assurance as she goes, "if he likes you... he _certainly_ shouldn't be rude! Boys who like you should say nice things...!" Maylia walks in from the bowl. Maylia has arrived. Pierron nods knowingly as the assistant weyrlingmaster enters. Aurian wiggles her boots against the table, "It feels wretched." Maylia strides into the living cavern, looking awfully tired. A few weyrlings scatter in after her, one of them just covered in red paint, as though a heap of ropes painted red had landed on his head. The Assistant Weyrlingmaster finds herself a mugful of cider, before wandering to find conversation, and more importantly, a seat. Mehlani, Ro, and Aurian are all sitting together, apparently in the middle of earnest conversation, as Maylia enters. And Mehlani, watching Aurian, finds it rather bizarre that she should be speaking from a position of experience on this, but nevertheless she insists, "A boy who likes you should be sweet and kind!" Aurian repeats again, "it feels wretched," She glances up at Maylia, "Evening Ma'am." Mehlani blinkblinks, then looks up and smiles shyly to Maylia. Maylia wanders over to join the girls, leaving the weyrling lads to their razzing of the paint-covered blueriding weyrling. "Evening," She greets with a weary grin. "What feels wretched?" Mehlani glances to Aurian for a cue from her, waiting to see how she'll answer before speaking up herself. Aurian ohohohs, "Um nothing." Of course anyone who knows Aurian would know that this is a straight fib. Maylia snorts, taking a seat whether invited to or not. This late in the evening, and around an old friend like Aurian, she has problems maintaining the AWLM attitude. "Right. Nothing." Can we say sarcasm? Mehlani then decides to speak up, and she offers in softly diplomatic tones, "Ro and I were telling Aurian that she does _not_ look like a brick." Aurian grumbles, "It was in total, 'that my legs were too thick and I'm shaped like a brick." "It was a very rude thing to say," Mehlani maintains, her voice still ringing with conviction despite its gentle timbre. "A brick." Maylia repeats, looking at Aurian with a stunned expression. "Who told you that? You've got strong legs, not thick legs." Aurian rests her head against her hands. Maylia reaches out to ruffle Aurian's hair, shaking her head. "You've got red hair. And that's where the brick resemblance ends." She states with a grin. Aurian cocks an eyebrow at the younger girl who has been her friend for so long, "Charming. Gee maybe I should be called brick head." The troupe of weyrlings takes their seats at a nearby table, some overheaing the phrase 'brick.' Various comments ensue, for the most part "Yeah, a brick with a good body," And "Only if bricks were built like you, and they aren't," override the negative comments. K'shen, the paint-strewn one, murmurs something about A'ser having a thing for bricks, then... Aurian's cheeks flush about three shades of pink. Maylia mutters to herself in a friendly, joking way. "Brick head. Hmm. Brick head. Not overly catchy, but it might just do." A quick grin is flashed to Aurian before her brows come together. "Alright, weyrlings, that's enough." "Your hair is _lovely_," Mehlani scolds Aurian's self-denigration. Becoming aware of the lads not too far away, 'Lani's confidence wavers a little, before she returns her gaze to the brown rider before her. Aurian sticks her tounge out at Maylia playfully. "Oh Faranth. What a day this has been." "It's been... very interesting," Mehlani murmurs, blushing. Ro glances at Mehlani and nods, echoing her "Interesting." Maylia chuckles, and returns the gesture to Aurian, much to the shock of the weyrlings at the nearby table. "How so?" She asks, ignoring the looks on their faces. "Well... um.... I was telling Ro that I was thinking of going to Igen to visit my brother and Siara and the little one," Mehlani murmurs, "and... well, E'rian seemed awfully concerned that we were going away...." Aurian raises her eyebrows, she hasn't heard this yet. Mehlani turns rather noticeably pinker, and then adds, pitching her voice to carry no further than the four young women, "I think Milleniuth is going to rise." Ro nods, looking as though she'd like to just disappear for a while. Understanding obviously rushes over Maylia, and the girl nods. "Ah. Y'know, now might just be a good time for you to visit them, I think..." She suggests, trying not to laugh. "I'd really rather you didn't grace the floor or the living cavern with your unconcious body again." This, like 'Lani's comment, is pitched very softly. Mehlani turns rather pinker. "Eyr didn't kiss me," she murmurs very tinily. Maylia blinks at the quiet girl, her head cocked to one side. "Hmmm?" She asks. Aurian wants to hear who got kissed. Mehlani repeats to Maylia, "Well, um, he didn't kiss me, he was just rather... well..." 'Lani's ability to talk falters rather more, and her blush is approaching a vivid rose. She concludes, "Rather... E'rian." Maylia looks rather confused, and suspicious. "Lani? Who said anything about kissing?" Ro nods and quips "He was recitin' poetry stuff like the harper teaches. Aurian watches the pair of girls before her, as she tries not to pay attention to the rather flattering weyrlings near her. "Well, I mean, you were talking about me... um... falling over, and, well, um, when... " 'Lani trails off. "Yes, but kissing?" Maylia prompts. "Poetry's lovely, but where'd kissing come from?" As 'Lani explains, she nods. "Ahhh, I see." She doesn't look convinced. "The first time E'rian kissed me," Mehlani pipes, barely audibly. She's turning quite, quite crimson now. K'shen tries in vain to get some of the paint off his cheek, but that'll take some time scrubbing in the springs. His lifemate's probably going to need hours to get the paint off. His brown eyes flicker over to Aurian, and dart back again. Shy lad. As Ro slips off for bed, Mehlani murmurs a soft good-night to her friend, and pulls in a breath, looking a trifle rattled. Aurian rakes her hands through her hair, "Did he just recite poetry?" "Well, um... not... exactly," murmurs 'Lani. Maylia's eyebrows raise. She's totally forgotten 'bout the weyrlings behind her, at least for now. "Not exactly? What else?" Aurian leans towards Lani, "Well?" "He really didn't pay too much attention to me, other than... saying Kes would be awfully upset if I went away," mumbles Mehlani, blushing brightly, unconsciously tugging at her hat. "Well I'm sure its true," Aurian blinks, "Then who was he paying attention to?" Natural discretion keeps Mehlani reluctant to answer Aurian's query. "Um," is her only reply, behind a hand lifted up across her mouth. Aurian glances to Pierron, the back to Lani, "I could ask him and you do know how he exagerates." "Well..... um....." Mehlani glances fearfully at Pierron, and then murmurs to Aurian, biting her lip, "I'm... not sure I should say...." She lowers her voice, then, desperate to keep the other weyrlings in the cavern from overhearing. Barely audible even to Aurian and Maylia, she concludes, "I think she should talk about it if she wants to...!" Aurian tilts her head at Lani, "Ohhhhh?" 'Lani nods earnestly, and murmurs softly to Aurian, rising slowly to her feet, "He... startled her, I think...! He's very... overwhelming, and I don't think I should say more unless she's alright with it..." She glances off into the inner caverns, and adds, "Please excuse me... I think I had better get to bed..." Aurian waves 'Lani off, "Oh fine I'll interrogate Ro later. Or may be E'rian.. Mehlani pauses, and breathes, "How did--" Aghast, blushing, 'Lani just stares anxiously, then pleads, "At least wait a bit, I don't know if she's alright...!" Not even bothering to mention that interrogating E'rian is liable to reveal nothing of substance until his dragon has risen, the girl gazes a few moments more at Aurian to hopefully get her point across, before she abruptly concludes, "And I... meant what I said, about A'ser!" Then she offers a shy, tremulous smile, murmurs a good-night, and takes her leave. [End log.]