Log Date: April 1994 Log Cast: Clearsight, Blackmorn, Silentrunner Log Intro: The young Plainsrunner Clearsight, with the aid of her exiled tribesmate Kimos, has brought her wounded and ailing companion Blackmorn to the safety and shelter of Sorrow's End. There, Clearsight has settled down to keep a watch over Blackmorn as he begins to recover.... ---------- Clearsight sits quietly, still on some level obstinately refusing to sleep, as night falls outside the cottage and she remains at her companion's side. She holds his hand tenderly, a ghost of song emerging from her as she does her best to sing whisper-soft and soothingly.... Walk with me, brave wolf, keep watch at my side.... And as she sings, her voice even in its softness rings clearly through the tiny cottage. Blackmorn draws a deep breath, and lets it go in a quiet sigh, turning his head just slightly toward her, toward the music of her voice. She is relieved, at that... it is enough, to simply see him move, to see him breathing unhindered... to see something like normal color in his face. Wonderingly, marvelling at this odd tightness in her throat, she watches him softly.... Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight touches her companion's forehead lightly, singing on in a voice barely above a whisper; she cradles his hand against her cheek. Not daring to try to do more, to wake him, she simply sings. You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight's thoughts brush yours shyly; they are tinged with exhaustion, yet she refuses to leave you. Blackmorn draws another breath, and opens his eyes slightly, the faintest of frowns crossing his features. He clears his throat, testing the dryness. Mumbling and sending at once, he says ** Fledgling...rest..** Clearsight gives a tiny gasp, and breathes, "Blackmorn... " Clearsight looks around quickly... where was that clay jar of water, that the villager with the purple eyes had brought? "Blackmorn... oh, Blackmorn, there is water, here... " Blackmorn says "Water..yes..." With a hesitant touch, she brings the jar up for you, for you to sip from... supporting your head with her other arm. Clearsight's eyes are full, as she entreats you softly, "Drink, now... " Blackmorn manages to drink without spilling overmuch of the water down his chin, then lays back again, a light smil on his lips. ** Thank you..** Silentrunner walks in from the Visitors' Courtyard to the South. Silentrunner has arrived. Clearsight sets the jar aside, and then looks down at Blackmorn again, softly... "How do you feel....?" Silentrunner walks in, looking worried, "Clearsight, Blackmorn, are you both alright?" Clearsight starts, at the sound of the voice, and looks up with a small gasp. Blackmorn's eyes shift to the new arrival, and narrow slightly as he focuses on the elf, his hand wrapped around Clearsight's. Clearsight sits beside Blackmorn, one hand having just put down a clay jar of water, the other lightly clasping his hand. She herself is ragged of dress, exhaustion glimmering faintly in her gaze, though she seems otherwise alert. You say "Silentrunner....! What are you doing here....?" Blackmorn locksends ** ** Silentrunner says "I was in the village for the festival... I heard you had arrived and one of you were injured badly... What is wrong?"" Clearsight's eyes flicker back to Blackmorn, and the bandages visible on his shoulder and arm, and then back up again. "Blackmorn was attacked," she says solemnly. "But healers have helped him, now... " Silentrunner looks down at the claw wounds on Blackmorn, a chill running through his body. Silentrunner mumbles, "....a long-tooth..." Clearsight adds gravely, her eyes wide - but now, at least, untroubled - "Kimos helped me to bring him here... Sorrow's End," she finishes, looking down to her companion. Blackmorn frowns lightly. "Sorrow's End.. we were walking.." He looks to his shoulder, and then back to Clearsight. "How long?" You say "It has been some days, Blackmorn... do you... remember our camp, south of the mountains?" Silentrunner stares at the wound, mumbling to himself, "...a longtooth..." Clearsight looks up to Silentrunner, and says solemnly, "It was a large cat... mad. It had foam in its mouth. It attacked us in the mountains, but we killed it after it hurt Blackmorn." Silentrunner He looks gaunt, even for an elf, but still looks fairly healthy. Silentrunner stands slightly over four feetand looks to weigh about seventy or seventy-five pounds. He is dressed in somewhat new, leather clothes. The leathers are stiff, but strong. On his right hip he wears a light, swift blade in a black sheath. On his left is a thick, strong dagger. The light has returned to his eyes since he met Lilia and found his new bond-wolf, QuietFang. He no longer seems weighted with grief. Carrying: tanned rabbit hide(#3757C) QuietFang tattered leather backpack Silentrunner's Wolf Controller shenti steel dagger dreamberries Blackmorn shakes his head, and pushes himself up a little against the pillows with his feet. He grunts a little with the exertion. Silentrunner shakes his head and smiles faintly, "I am glad you are both still... alive. The healers can help him." Silentrunner seems to be hiding his emotions behind the small fake smile. Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight immediately moves some of the pillows, watching Blackmorn again with that glimmer of relief behind her eyes. To Silentrunner, she nods earnestly, though her starlight gaze flickers across him searchingly for a moment. Clearsight says earnestly, "Skybow, and the other healer, tried very hard to help.. when they are ready again, they will help more." Silentrunner sighs and mumbles, "...I wish I could help... but I have no healing skills... " You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight's thoughts ripple back in response, readily. Blackmorn's eyes flicker with a hint of shadow a moment, as he looks to Clearsight again. ** So tired.. you need rest, beloved. ** Clearsight tilts her head a little, considering. "He will need food, and water -" And, abruptly, she shoots her gaze back to Blackmorn, eyes going wide. Silentrunner seems to brighten up and jumps to his feet, but as he leaves he glances curiously at Clearsight's odd reaction. Silentrunner re-enters the visitors' court from the cottage area. Silentrunner has left. Clearsight's eyes go huge, and she is oblivious to Silentrunner's departure, as she stares down at you. Blackmorn meets your gaze steadily, the hint of a smile touching his mouth. ** I startle..? ** Clearsight breathes, "You... you love... " Blackmorn reaches up his good hand to brush his fingers across your cheek. ** Aye.. ** Clearsight's eyes well over with tears; overwhelmed, she simply stares at you. Blackmorn sends openly ** And.. you must rest. ** Clearsight blurts a single syllable, "I... " Clearsight sends openly ** ** Blackmorn's smile fades a bit. ** Fledgling? ** Clearsight abruptly begins to sob, and she whispers raggedly, "I-I thought... you were going t-t-to die...!" Blackmorn sits up even more and reaches for you, drawing you closer to him. ** I am here now...no need for fears.. And the Walking was not finished..is not. I could not leave you alone. ** Awkwardly, she presses her face against your unwounded shoulder, weeping brokenly. Her voice is muffled as she tells you, "B-begged you... not to l-l-leave me... " Blackmorn curls his good arm around your back, holding you gently close. ** Shh..I am here, fledgling..I have no wish to leave you. ** Clearsight cries, days of sleepless vigil immediately followed by desert travel at last overtaking her. Her thoughts, in the link with you she still has not released, flicker with unconnected recollections of the last several days. Clearsight mumbles repeatedly, "You stayed for me... you heard m-me... " Blackmorn raises his other arm slowly to brushes his fingers through your hair. "Aye.. I stayed... heard your music, songbird.." Clearsight sniffs, mumbling into your shoulder, "Sang f'r you... " You say "N-needed you to stay... *sniff* sang f'r you...." Blackmorn sends, acknowledging your words, and comforting with his sends, **** "Aye.. you sang..." Silentrunner returns with food and water for the patient. Clearsight for some reason is sobbing brokenly, her face pressed against Blackmorn's shoulder; he has sat up, and is trying to comfort her quietly. Silentrunner looks at you worriedly and then to Blackmorn. Blackmorn has both arms curled around her, one on her back, the other awkwardly on her hair. He lifts his gaze to Silentrunner, and nods slightly. Silentrunner says "what is wrong, cousin?" Silentrunner moves to Blackmorn and Clearsight's side. Clearsight, at Silentrunner's words, tries to lift her head, still crying. Silentrunner puts his hand supportively on her shoulder. Blackmorn sends openly ** She is tired..all is well now. ** Blackmorn lifts an eyebrow slightly. Clearsight mumbles, "I... I... " You sense in a locksend, Silentrunner sendwhispers gently, **...friend... what troubles you?... please let me know...** You locksend ** ** to Silentrunner. QuietFang has arrived. Clearsight's head droops as she mumbles something ragged-sounding. Silentrunner locksends ** Rest, friend... Blackmorn will be fine... you need rest... I will be here... with both of you ** Blackmorn's arm tightesn reflexively. ** The food is appreciated..** Clearsight looks groggily up at Blackmorn. "Al... right...?" she whispers. Silentrunner moves to a far corner and seems to take a vigil, watching over you, but not interupting. QuietFang follows. Blackmorn nods, his gaze dropping to Clearsight. ** Aye..** You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Clearsight's eyes shudder closed. Blackmorn looks curiously over at Silentrunner, leaning back slightly into the pillows, Clearsight cradled against his shoulder. Silentrunner smiles supportively. Blackmorn arches an eyebrow. Clearsight goes limp, her features relaxing as she drops into a heavy slumber. Silentrunner smiles. Blackmorn's eyes narrow slightly. ** What do you gain, by keeping watch? ** Silentrunner shakes his head, **no... i will stay...** Blackmorn's eyes darken. ** I would ask you to go. Sleep comes more easily without eyes that watch. ** Silentrunner sighs and nods, ** I will check on both of you tomorrow...** Silentrunner re-enters the visitors' court from the cottage area. Silentrunner has left. QuietFang has left. You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn breaths a soft sigh and sinks back even further, allowing his eyes to close, sending ** ** Clearsight shifts in her slumber, her cheek pressed against your shoulder, her hair falling into her eyes. Blackmorn locksends ** ** You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Clearsight's arm curls about you with childlike tightness. Blackmorn's fingers curl in your hair softly. **** You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn frowns lightly in his sleep. **** Clearsight presses against you, closed eyes flickering a little, giving her a plaintive look. As if distressed by the half-perceived question, she tries to block the remembered image that coalesces in her thoughts: ** ** Blackmorn sends openly ** ** Clearsight makes a tiny protesting noise and nuzzles against you. Something's wrong, the back of her mind tells her... Blackmorn does not loose his arm from around you, of the hand in your hair. In fact, if anything, he draws you closer to him. His send touches your mind again, but hesitantly, almost fearful..? You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight sleepily responds, the fear in your thoughts troubling her even in her sleep. Innocently, trustingly, she lingers unshielded in your mind. Clearsight's brow furrows a little. "Mmmm...?" Blackmorn sends openly ** ** Blackmorn's eyes come open, and he looks down to you, and shakes his head a little. "Easy, fledgling.." You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight frowns, troubled again, at the sudden lessened presence.... You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Clearsight blinkblinks, and makes a tiny moaning sound, groggily pressing hard against your chest as your physical presence allays the fear in her exhausted thoughts. Blackmorn locksends ** ** You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Blackmorn brushes the top of your hair with his lips, fingers lightly brushing over the strands. **** Clearsight seems to subside at the gentle contact, the largest part of her mind responding to the overt mental comfort. The tiny starlight flicker that focuses worriedly on the hint of guilt lacks strength, reeling with weariness.... Blackmorn sends openly ** ** Clearsight frowns vaguely... isn't there a reason, something, she should be doing? Can't rest... but the idea is so enticing.... Blackmorn continues to stroke your hair slowly, the fingers of the other hand idly curled against your back. He sends, inviting you into warm slumber, in the safety of his arms. Clearsight sends openly ** ** Clearsight makes a small distressed sound, but barely audibly. Blackmorn sends openly ** ** Clearsight gives a tiny sigh... ** She yields, exhaustedly... the wolf's fur is soft, warm... his form a pillow... ** Blackmorn breathes out another quiet sigh, and whispers "Rest easy, songbird.." Blackmorn closes his eyes again and lays back, slipping into sleeping, the image of the wolf lying to rest beneath the branch that cradles the bird, head tucked under her wing, his last. [To be continued....]