Log Date: 8/6/97, 8/7/97 Log Cast: Kuxli, Shenneret Veery, Paul Nighman Log Intro: On Kichnar Station, Shenner has unexpectedly run into the Horansi Kuxli once more -- and to her astonishment, Kuxli has asked whether she and Paul would be willing to take him on as a paying passenger on their vessel. Nervous and fretful over the state of her relationship with the Corellian, Shenner has nevertheless punted the decision to Paul, who has agreed to let Kuxli fly with them to Tatooine, their next destination. But Shenner has been startled and dismayed as Kuxli, meaning well, has inquired of her whether Paul is her 'boyfriend' -- and, upon hearing uncertainty from her on the matter, and that they _are_ sleeping together, whether she loves him and he her. Fretting over these very questions has succeeded in keeping Shenner in a tense frame of mind... ... which has been aided, this next day, by Paul receiving some mysterious news that has kept him in a positively foul mood. Anxious about whatever has brought on such a black temperament from him, Shenner has kept out of his way, but lingered near the ship, trying to figure out how she can help, if at all. And finally, that night.... ---------- Kuxli is just walking into the ship, armoured head turning slowly as he sets his duffle bag down on the deck beside him. "Hey Shen," he growls out in his gutteral basic, ears perking up. Kuxli drops Duffel bag. Main Ring -- Quasar Bolt(#6524RVat) This is the main area of the ship and obviously serves multiple purposes. The entrance is open and airy, with several couches and a table. It is designed to be an area for passengers and the occasional crew to lounge in. There is a computer terminal available in one corner. To the right, sectioned off slightly, is a kitchen area, well stocked with the latest in cooking equipment as well as a fine assortment of food. Off to the back of the entrance space is a walled off crew quarters section. To save space, the bunks are folded up into the wall space and can be pulled down at will. There is a storage unit available for personal belongings next to each bunk compartment. There is a door visible, leading off to the right next to the kitchen, but it is locked. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Duffle Bag => Kuxli(#3872PLACF) => Captain's Quarters -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- leads to Level 4 -Landing Pad-. ft leads to Cargo Hold -- Quasar Bolt. ore leads to Cockpit -- Quasar Bolt. Shen has spent a restless day in and about the _Hawk's Wing_, possessed by a fretfulness that hasn't gone away no matter what she's done to try to alleviate it -- study, music, or even exploration of the hangar bay. Now, with her datapad and holodiscs and both flutes scattered about her where she sits on one of the couches, her face lined and tired, the girl looks up at the big feline's entrances. "Hiya," she calls over softly. Kuxli's whiskers fall against his muzzle, and from the way the horansi walks it looks as if he's had an ale or two. He sits down on the arm of a couch, the other end rising a little. "Hmm, you look bored.." Shenner stiffly stretches, pushing a hand through her hair. It's gotten longer since the last time Kuxli saw her; it's softer and fuller now, with her forelock draping frequently over her eye, and the strands in the back beginning to develop wavelets where they brush the back of her neck. A more delicate look, this, for Shenner -- and it only serves to emphasize the weariness in her features. "Twitchy," she amends sheepishly. Kuxli flicks an ear at that, and as the other side of his couch goes up further he stands from it, flashing an annoyed look. He slides over to sit safely in it's middle, "Twitchy.." he asks, as if confused, "Nerve problems?" Paul_Nighman enters the room from the blast door leading to the cockpit. Paul_Nighman has arrived. Shenner sets the datapad aside, and props her chin in her hands, plunking both elbows down on her crossed legs. A smirk, rather more familiar than her longer hair and more feminine form, crosses her features. "Nah... other problems," she says quietly to the Horansi. Kuxli hrmph's, stretching out across his recently claimed couch. The oldest of the lot, looking like a few scratches from horansi claws wouldn't make much of a different. "Other-" he cuts himself off as the door to the cockpit opens, looking up at Paul. If his mood of the day was a thunderstorm brewing, it's transformed to a tornado. Giving Shen and Kuxli a weak nod of acknowledgement as best, he makes his way directly back to the bar and pours himself a large glass of Corellian's finest, and hardest, ale. At the last minute he remembers his manners and in a rough and growly voice he asks Kuxli, "Want any?" Kuxli flashes Shenner a questioning look, then replies with a slow shake of his head, blinking a few times. "No, no... already had too much." his tone suddenly quieter as he sits back up. Another jerk of his chin is Paul's response. He makes his way back toward the two, settling himself down backwards on a chair. He takes a deep draught from his glass, setting it down on the table beside him. He also carelessly drops there a datapad with strange looking text on it. Shifting the chair so that it is facing Shenner, he leans against the back of it and says sharply, "Shen, I need you to do me a favor ... I need you to stay here with Marcus while I take Kuxli to Tatooine." Shenner straightens where she sits, one foot sliding off the couch as she studies the Corellian. The girl's green eyes flicker a bit as he stalks right past her, but other than a brief swallow, she gives no sign of minding this -- until Paul turns back around to join them. _Then_ she stiffens, eyes widening. "What? Why?" Kuxli blinks once more, sitting up straighter in his seat as a frown forms along his muzzle. The springs underneath him groan in protest from his weight, "Wh- what? Er, you dont have to take me there if it's trouble.." "Something's come up," he mutters sarcastically, giving the pad a half glance. Shifting to look over at Kuxli, his eyes narrow slightly, and he adds, "It's up to you ... it's no trouble for me to take you but Tatooine is definitely trouble right now, so make your choice carefully. As for why I need to go there, well," he continues, drawing back and reaching for his glass. "I have some business there that just became more pressing." Another deep draught brings the glass to half empty in Paul's eyes. Kuxli's eyes lower towards the deck, shaking his armoured head slowly as he mutters. "Always business someplace more pressing, with everyone these days..." who knows what brought that from the horansi, as he slowly looks at Paul again. "Why does Shenner have to get left behind though?" "Because," he almost barks, and then the Corellian pulls back hard on the defensive reaction, softening his tone. "Because, like I said, Tatooine is especially dangerous right now, and I don't want her there." Shenner's features tauten, and worry springs into her gaze. Kuxli speaks before she can, though, and she flicks a look to him as he does -- then returns her gaze to Paul. Something in her stance suggests she's somehow braced herself, as if for a blow, and her voice has taken on a husky edge as she demands, "Paul, what's goin' on?" His gaze slowly drifts back over the Shen, taking on a slightly pained edge as he meets her features. "You sure you want to know?" he asks her with a tone of caution in his voice, "You aren't going to like it." Kuxli silences himself as the 'warning' if given, leaning back into the couch. He nods a little, as to signify that he's ready to hear whatever news there is, his shifting between the two. The girl frowns. Her eyes and expression broadcast 'I already don't like this' -- but what she says is, "If you want me to stay here, then I wanna know why." Reaching for the datapad, Paul slips in a different disc, configures it, and tosses the pad over to Shenner. "Read this," he informs her, "it's just the beginning." Shenner's frown deepens, but she takes up the pad again and starts scanning the new output on the little screen. Paul_Nighman pages: It's a note from Luke, dated nearly a month ago - it reads "Paul, be wary of Grathix. He was responsible for Han's disappearance from Palahni. I'm coming to Tatooine within the week, meet me at coords 5392912 if you can make it. Dune City. Take care. Luke Kuxli's eyes flicker towards the pad as it is passed, sitting up taller as he tries to read it from over here. Shenner's face suddenly hardens further, and she abruptly slams the pad down on the couch beside her, then slumps back towards the wall. "Gods _damn_ it!" she swears, smacking her forehead. "He told me he didn't mean nothin' against Solo!" Kuxli's eyes widen as he listens, then stands up and quickly pads over to pick up the pad in one paw. Head tilted down as he reads it. Paul just nods, knowing that that is only the tip of the iceberg. "I only just got that a few days ago ... I couldn't hail anyone at that site, so I called Jessalyn on Yavin to see if she knew anything." There is a long dark pause before Paul continues. "Seems she went with Luke, for training. Now, maybe everything is fine, I don't know. What I do know is that I can't raise either of them, no one has heard anything for awhile, and the Empire is systematically taking over Tatooine. You do the numbers." Kuxli squints as he reads the message, then sets it back down, still looking confused. "Whats this gotta do with a guy named Marcus and Shenner here?" he asks, motioning to her with a paw. Shenner sits up again, her eyes turning hot and hard, focusing sharply on the Corellian pilot. "And you want me to stay here while you go to Tatooine?" Strangely, the girl hasn't raised her voice, though her tone has grown noticeably more rough. Regarding Kuxli with a saint's patience, and the disapproval of a nun at his snatching of the datapad, Paul replies, "Marcus is a friend of mine here ... Shen can wait here with him while I do some scouting and ... other things." His gaze shifts to Shenner's, growing softer, regretful, but it doesn't change his answer. "Yes. Kuxli shakes his head once more as he plops himself back down onto the couch, "So your doing this to... to protect her?" There is a startled jerk to Paul's head, but a moment of reflection and an assent of his head, he echos his previous reply. "Yes." Shenner's gaze flicks to Kuxli as he speaks, then back to Paul as he replies. The redhead doesn't utter a word as she slowly gets to her feet, but as she turns slightly away from Paul to begin gathering the loose holodiscs scattered around her, her expression cracks, her eyes beginning to brim with anguish. Kuxli flicks one of his ears, shifting in his seat as if uncomfortable. "Uh... I think this is where I shutup and let you two sort it out.." he mumbles. Hazel eyes regard Kuxli for a minute, and then with a heavy sigh, Paul rises, walking over to Shen and placing his hands on her shoulders. "I'll be back just as soon as I can," he assures her gently, not evening bringing up the -other- little matter on Tatooine. "I know Marcus is something of a dull pill at times, but he's a decent sort, really." Avoiding Paul's eyes, Shenner says in a throaty rasp, "Ain't nothin' to sort out, 'cept I ain't stayin' with Marcus." Holodiscs in her hands, she looks down at the floor, angling her gaze down and away from the Corellian. The hands tighten, fingers pressing into the muscles beneath the flesh a little too hard. "What are you saying Shen?" he asks softly, tension interweaving with his words. "Paul, he looks at me like I'm a Wookiee who's just shaved off her fur, painted herself pink, and proposed to him," Shenner answers, her tone hoarse, dully resigned. "He wouldn't know what to do with me, I sure as hell wouldn't know what to do with him, and I ain't gonna be a burden anymore." Turning her easily in his grasp, Paul reaches with one hand to pull on her chin, forcing her gaze to meet his own. "Hey, you are -not- a burden," he intones firmly. She does not resist Paul's hands, but as Shen looks up, her eyes have grown wetter. "Then why're you askin' me to stay here?" she replies, oddly calmly. Kuxli looks away politly, though if looked closely it could be noticed his ears are turned towards the two. That one's a little tougher, and not something Paul feels exactly comfortable discussing, with or without company. "Because," he flails, "because part of this doesn't involve you, and because it could be dangerous and I don't want you to get .. hurt, and because, well because if I knew you were here safe, it would make it easier for me ... it would give me a modicum of assurance, not having all the eggs in one basket, so to speak." Not bothering to point out that it was dangerous for her on Belsavis, it was dangerous for her in Mos Eisley, and on Etti IV, and Palanhi, Shenner says, her voice still hoarse but with her characteristic bluntness, "Mandalore don't involve me, either." "That's different," Paul counters, "We had an agreement. I made a promise." _A promise you're breaking, now..._ Her bizarrely rational veneer beginning to crumple, Shenner swallows hard, dropping her gaze even if her face is held in the direction of Paul's. With an effort, she forces out, "I... ain't seein' how goin' to Mandalore's any different than goin' to Tatooine, where either place is liable to get me killed if I do anything stupid." _I can't -force- her to stay here_ he realizes, _I mean I -could-, but that would be the end of that. So, which is more important ... protecting her life or protecting her from you?_ Letting out a harsh sigh, Paul releases her chin, walking back to the table. He pulls the one chip out and slides the other one back in. "Like I said, I was asking you a favor Shen," he volleys back, ignoring her statement altogether, "If you insist on coming, then you're coming." _I just don't have to -like- it_ Kuxli _I wonder what we'll have for dinner tonight_ he thinks to himself, _Steak would be nice, but expensive..._ He turns his head slowly back to the two, ears perking further up. "Sometimes I think it's more safe there then on this station..." _One for me!_ Shenner's head lowers, her gaze falling to the holodiscs in her hands. "You oughtta know by now I'd do anything in the galaxy for you, Paul Nighman," she whispers. Determining that one of the disc cases is lying next to the couch she'd been sitting on, she leans over and scarfs it up. Without another word, she slips towards the captain's quarters. Kuxli's furred head pans to slowly track Shenner, he frowns lightly. "G'night Shen.." With a muttered oath, Paul turns, following Shen and catching her by the arm. "If you'll excuse us a moment Kuxli?" he calls out in a deceptively light voice, and palming the doorway, he ushers Shen inside. "Be right back," he calls as the door whooshes shut behind them. Paul_Nighman has left. Paul_Nighman enters into the Captain's quarters Startled, Shen jerks a little as Paul intercepts her, and her head involuntarily snaps up towards him as the Corellian escorts her into the room. Paul Nighman tries for calm. He tries for controlled. He tries for sweet understanding. What he gets is nerves - lots of 'em. "Look," he rasps uncertainly, spinning Shen about and holding her firmly by the upper arms. "I'm not doing this to hurt you ... and I'm not trying to -make- you do anything you don't want to ... well, obviously I am, but if it means that much to you, then hell, yes, just stay, alright? Just don't, I mean, relax, I'm not abandoning you or anything, okay? I'm just concerned ... worried .... you know, I care about you ... naturally I want to protect you ...." The ramble goes on unchecked for a moment, and then Paul just stops, leaning forward and pressing his forehead to Shenner's own. "This is getting harder," he admits reluctantly. Shenner takes all this in, standing there gripped in Paul's big hands, not knowing quite how to respond, not knowing whether she _should_. She trembles, but strives to control it, and finally she breathes out simply, "I know..." Which of his statements she responds to is unclear -- perhaps all of them. Lifting his head, he regards her steadily, then turns to sit down on the edge of the bed, pulling out the datapad once again. "And then, if things weren't complicated enough, there's this," he mutters, waving the device in his left palm. The girl's already troubled face twitches a little at those words. Leery of what _more_ might be thrown at her this evening, she edges nearer to Paul, reaching for the pad. Paul allows her to pull it from his grasp, but upon looking at it, she finds it to be unreadable - in some other language apparently, because the flashing indicator at the time suggests that it's already been decoded from it's encrypted format. The letters and characters, however, look strangely familiar. "I can't read this," Shenner observes softly. "I know," Paul replies tiredly, reaching out a hand for the device again. "You recognize the language though, don't you?" "Mandalorian," answers the girl, handing the pad back. "It is," he confirms, looking at the words that are now almost as familiar to him as Corellian. "It's from Kairne ... you might remember him as Dane's very quiet companion ... don't think I said more than two words to the man myself." There is a deep sigh, and then he continues. "Essentially, what this says is that the Empire, in taking over Tatooine, have decided to wipe out the V'ez-Tcha ... they've taken Grathix and someone named J'Dan along with others so far. He's asking me, practically begging me to come and help him evacuate his people ... and therein lies the rub ... if the V'ez T'cha cannot be trusted, why should I help. Then again, if the Empire is just going to blatantly wipe these people out, how can I not ... especially when perhaps a deal can be struck." Again, Shen listens -- and when Paul reaches the words 'taken Grathix', she flinches. She is silent as Paul continues, and until he finishes. Only when he is done does she murmur, "And I can best help you if you know I'm outta the way and safe." It's not quite a question, though her voice is very small and unsure. Shaking his head, Paul sighs, "That's not the point ... that's not why I told you. If you were just going to stay here, I probably wouldn't have brought it up, but if you're coming then you need to know what's going down." Shen doesn't answer immediately. Still holding her stack of discs in one hand, she stands there, her eyes pressing closed for a moment, her face crumpling just slightly, an all too apparent reflection of an inner struggle to maintain composure. "Look," Paul clarifies, "I had no right pressuring you that way, using my influence to -make- you feel like you have to stay behind. Okay? Bad Paul no bisquit. You're an adult now, you make your own choices and your own decisions, right?" His words are almost flippant, but his gaze is somber and probing. A thousand thoughts whirling through her head, each clamoring for her attention and the opportunity to be sorted through and expressed, the young musician grimaces at herself. At last she murmurs huskily, "I ain't sure what to say here, Paul." _That makes two of us_ Paul agrees. "Then say nothing ... wait for the ground to stop spinning," he advices gently, staring down at the pad in his hand, pondering when he will feel able to make a decision, to pen a response. Shen draws in several long, slow breaths. Then, mostly in the direction of the deck, she says, still with that hoarse edge to her voice, "If I have a choice in the matter I choose to be with you, but not if I'm gonna get you harmed or locked up or killed, 'cause I couldn't stand it if--" And she abruptly cuts herself off, as her final few words come out of her suspiciously wavery. Reaching out a hand, Paul snags one of Shenner's, dragging her close. "Exactly ... and it's the same for me ... if bringing you along gets you harmed or locked up or killed, then it's -my- fault, and I couldn't stand that either." Pulling her down to sit next to him on the bed, Paul rubs her opposite arm. "It's kind of a Catch-22," he confesses, "We're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't." Clutching at the discs as though they'd become some form of talisman, Shen lets her other hand be taken, lets herself be pulled over, lets herself sit. She does not, however, let herself speak. But this resolve does not appear to have made it to her eyes, for her gaze, full and liquid, rests on the Corellian before her. "You want to sleep on it ... let me know what you want to do in the morning?" he murmurs, his gaze sliding over to hers finally and stopping there, uncertain. He tries for a grin, but gets something closer to a sheepish smile. "I know what I wanna do," the redhead croaks without thinking, then frowns at herself, a blush starting to darken her cheeks. "Okay," he murmurs encouragingly, "that's a good place to start." Still half wary, Paul watches the blush rise and asksa variation on an age old question. "What do you want to do Shen?" _That_ provokes another flurry of potential responses in her head, and desperately, Shenner slams her eyes closed again, trying to sort out which of them she should voice. She wants to stay, if it means that Paul can go and do this thing with a clear head and a sharper eye and increase his chances of survival. But she wants to go, because, the cold clench in her gut informs her, she could not stand it if something happened to Paul -- and she had to wait a whole month to find out, if she ever did. But could she bear it any more if something _did_ happen, and it was her fault? Eyes still clenched shut, she whispers, "I wanna be with you. N... no matter what." _Make her stay,_ the rational part of his mind barks. _It will be hard on her, but in the end, it will be for the best ... itll make for some distance between you - much needed distance if I dont miss my guess_ But another part of Paul remembers ironically his conversation with Ariana earlier .... _You have a -relationship- with this girl, woman, person. Maybe it's not love to you, but that in and of itself is important and not to be trifled with!_ Finally, it is a small hidden particle of his mind that asks the simple question, _What if your positions were reversed? How would you feel then?_ Pulling Shenner into his lap, a soft sigh feathers across her brow. "Alright then, we take our chances and stick together, for better or worse, eh?" As Shen's arms encircle Paul, the discs drop unnoticed out of her grasp, clattering softly to the bed. She releases a shuddering sigh of her own, and rests her head on his shoulder. Trying to sound as casual as possible, she breathes out, "Thanks... it's just that... well, if anything happened to you, nobody'd _tell_ me... and I wouldn't _know_... you know?" A hand raises to stoke her hair in a light caress. "Yeah, that would stink," he murmurs, a thread of humor weaseling it's way through his deadpan tone.The other hand holds her to him in a easy grasp, rubbing soothingly along the length of her arm. "Okay, so we're decided ... again." Shen squeezes Paul briefly, and murmurs, trying for a lighter tone, "Sounds like." She is shaking, just a bit, but she starts to sit up. The circle of his arms is light, non-restraining. As she begins to shift, he loosens his hold even further, his hands resting on her, hovering to see where she is going. Paul turns his head to watch her features emerging from the shelter of his shoulder. She doesn't go far, simply sits up, her gaze lifting to Paul's. There's a brief struggle in her expression, and then she begins awkwardly, earnestly, "I know yah want what's best for me..." A small tinge of rouge touches Paul's cheekbones, and his eyes drop from Shen's and then return. _I don't even know what's best for me_ he chides himself, _so how the hell can I decide what's best for you?_ "Well, it's just that I have a tendency to run into trouble, and I don't see the point in getting you all embroiled in it ... besides, I -know- how much you hate Tatooine. I figured you'd be happy to miss a trip back there." Shenner lifts a hand to Paul's cheek, and says gruffly, trying to smile, "Guess I've gotten used to havin' you around, I mean, hey, you make my life interesting, yah know?" "Careful," Paul cautions lightly, a smile touching the corners of his mouth, "I'm like a disease, easy to catch, hard to get rid of." "Don't wanna," Shen murmurs, then immediately looks ever so slightly startled at herself and tries to cover it with another lopsided smile. The words give Paul no reassurance, but despite his misgivings, the rakish Corellian in him cannot let the moment slip by without a word in edgewise. Pulling her close to him, he rasps lowly, "A terminal case, huh?" as he brushes her lips. "Maybe I should just put you out of your misery now, eh?" For some reason this elicits a short little bark of a giggle out of the girl -- an odd noise, not quite true laughter. But she willingly leans near, murmuring huskily, "Yeah... guess you better..." Capturing her lips again, Paul kisses Shen, leaning backward and pulling her along with him. The discs bite into his back, but one casual swipe of his arm sends them spinning and flying to the floor. Shenner wraps her arms around Paul's neck, kissing him back soundly... and almost desperately, with the force she puts into it. His mouth seduces her lips, his hands stroke and soothe her frantic body, his murmurs and soft encouragements reassure her nerves. Paul takes it slow and steady, uncertain that this is any better answer than his previous ones, but it seems to feed something needy inside of the redhead in his arms. She is, indeed, consoled, and after that first desperate kiss, she seems content to press herself tightly to him, her head once more nestling into his shoulder, her arm draping along his chest. Holding her steadfast against him, breathing a soft internal sigh of relief, the befuddled Corellian continues to stroke her back gently, allowing his eyes to close and his breathing to slow and ease. Shen shifts her head a little and whispers, "Paul?" His eyes remain shut, but his head turns toward Shen nonetheless. "Mmmmmm?" "Can... I ask you somethin'?" "Sure Shen," is his mellow reply. "What's on your mind now?" Shenner whispers, "What... are we now? I mean... you and me?" There is a slight jerk that runs through his frame, and Paul's eyes practically pop open. Rolling over onto his side, he props himself up and looks down into Shenner's face, her arm still pressing against his chest. "What?" "I guess I just..." Shenner abruptly blushes, and mumbles, "Sorry. It ain't important..." Staring at her long and hard, Paul shakes his head. "No, I just wasn't sure what you were asking," he hedges uncertainly. "You just what?" The girl blushes more vividly, and meets Paul's gaze with trepidation. When she finally answers, it is with a shaky, "Kux... asked me... what we are. To each other, I mean." "And what did you tell him?" Paul queries, looking for cues from what is bound to be her telling response. Shen answers tinily, "That I'm workin' for yah... and you're my friend... and I..." Her mouth crumples a little, suggesting that she's nibbling the inside of her lower lip. Then she lets out a breathy sigh and finishes, "H-he thought I hated you, see, I mean, I told him you were, uh, he knows about how we met and all." "Uh huh," Paul breathes calmly. "And now you're asking me ....?" "What you think about..." the redhead answers. She pauses, then clarifies awkwardly, "What we are. To... each other." Shenner considers her own words, then lowers her gaze, sheepish, and mutters, "You don't gotta answer that, if you don't wanna." Lying back again and staring at the ceiling, Paul chews his lip thoughtfully. _Alright, here it is, this is the part where you break her heart ya dope!_ Taking a deep breath, he murmurs, "It's all a question of labels ... some would consider us friends, some would consider us lovers. I guess I would say that I consider us a bit of both .... you're my friend first and foremost ... and we've had sex, which technically makes us lovers ... and you're important to me obviously ...." but there is where it dangles off, Paul letting his words pause and slow, wondering if that will be enough or whether she is hoping for something more .... _Of -course- she wants something more you idiot!_ If she does, though, Shen doesn't say; she simply smiles a little, crumpledly, lopsidedly, as Paul finishes. And she says, "That's... about what I thought, yeah..." Her gaze flickers off momentarily as she says this, though. Paul's gaze, affixed to the ceiling, misses her expression, sensing in her voice the desire for more ... the disappointment with what she's received, and yet as he lies there he feels that he -can't- give her more than that. The urge to release a frustrated sigh is transfered into a surge upward, as Paul sits up. Reaching over, he takes off his boots and prepares to go to bed. "I mean... who needs labels anyway, huh? Bein' there for one another, that's what counts..." Shen smiles a little more, her voice steadying. Turning as he starts to unbutton the shirt, Paul's eyes burn into Shen's for a moment. Reaching over, he palms the light, dimming it dramatically. "Right" he murmurs huskily, his fingers working over the buttons of his shirt. "You and me, we have a special relationship." Shen's gaze is full, but she flashes forth another lopsided, brave sort of smile. "Yeah," she answers back, just as husky of voice. "Just had to sort it out in my head. You know." Not trusting his voice to answer appropriately, Paul merely nods, stripping the shirt from his shoulders. Slipping off the bed, he removes his belt and works on his breeches. Shenner sits up herself, and just as quietly begins to undress, her motions shy, her gaze averted. There is a brief hesitation toward the end, but realizing that any change in pattern might suggest something is wrong, Paul shucks the rest of his clothing and crawls into bed, taking the side nearest the wall. He watches Shen through shuttered lids. Shenner offers no more words, but simply undresses, down to her undergarments, and crawls back into the bed. "G'night Shen," Paul mumbles in a voice more drowsy than he is, his eyes still intent upon her slim form as she settles in. "'Night, Paul," she whispers back. Her eyes are firmly closed now, and she nestles in close to the Corellian, hiding her face against his chest. His arms slide easily about her small frame, and Paul rumbles contently, holding her close. His eyes drift shut and he tries, very hard, not to think about anything at all. [End log.]