Log Date: 2/3/97 Log Cast: Shikh, Shenner (With brief appearances by Kuxli, Chantinelle, Silversand, Dixon, Xerxes, Sabbath, Simone Drake, and Monk) Log Intro: The young thief and musician Shenner has been disturbed by an encounter with her employer, Grathix; pretending to be interested in 'managing' Shenner as a singer in order to maintain his cover in front of the Horansi Kuxli, with whom Shenner'd been drinking at the time, Grathix has informed Shenner that he has business taking him off Etti IV for a few days. Alarmed by the prospect of being left alone on the planet, tense as the atmosphere is with the battle fleets in orbit and the Espos all over the place, Shenner has sought some assurance that Grathix _will_ actually be back -- and has received it not only by getting a week's worth of stay at the transients' hostel paid for, but also by finding a new guitar waiting for her in her room. Shenner hasn't known what to make of Grathix's largesse, though. She cannot shake the feeling that he seems to be going out of his way to make sure she won't go anywhere, even above and beyond the original credits promised her for the job for which he'd brought her to the planet in the first place -- the details of which he's had yet to specify, too. But, unwilling to back out of her pledge to do the job, Shenner's promised to sit tight for another week, and in the meantime, has started killing time by renting lesson holos to figure out how to actually _play_ the guitar her employer has brought her... and continuing to walk the city, to see what gossip an enterprising street rat and bard can come across. ---------- Shikh strolls out of the residential district, eyes slowly burning a swath across his path with their warm intelligence. As would be usual for any day on the streets of the capital city, beings of all shapes and sizes scurry about their business. Not too remarkable at all amidst the countless types of sentients that throng the planet, Shenner lopes along, a carisak draped off one shoulder and a slim tube of leaf-green leather, with a braided cord, draped off the other. Shikh spots the blaze of Shenner's hair from across the avenue and looks over his shoulder to check for any approaching speeders before jogging across. Catching up, he says, "Where you headed now?" Shenner turns at the hail. Intercepted, the human kid grins crookedly. "The nearest source of food," comes the tenorish reply. Shikh grins, "My treat?" and gestures toward a small but cozy-looking restaurant. He scowls slightly, "Unless you have someplace else in mind?" The young singer doesn't bat an eyelash. "Far be it from me to refuse free food, and I'll try anything once. Lead on, pal..." Shikh smiles and nods, ushering Shenner toward the entrance with a gentle arm around her back. Shenner's dark brows quirk at the touch, and the kid's gait speeds up _just_ a bit, as though to try to elude contact, but Shenner's voice remains amiable and the green eyes inquisitive as the restaurant is entered. "What gets served in here?" Shikh shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets, seeing Shenner's slight discomfort at the touch. "Don't know... been wondering that since I got here." he smiles, "I just hope it's not Hutt establishment..." he jokes. The redheaded kid glances back at her -- his? -- companion, and snickers. "What, do they eat their food live or something?" Striding broadly, Shenner cuts a path into the place, looking for a place to sit, or whatever sentient might be on duty to point out tables. Shikh chuckles, looking after Shenner for a moment before striding strongly in after her. There is indeed a being on duty to direct patrons to available tables and booths, and the insectoid chitters an initial greeting to the two humans as Shenner and Shikh come into view. "Yeah, yeah, just tell us where to sit," Shenner says amiably enough, and before the bug can finish pointing a wriggling short limb off in an appropriate direction, is already moving past it to the table in question, to claim a chair. Shikh Before you stands an ordinary man about six feet tall, with no outstanding traits to identify him. His auburn-brown hair is trimmed neatly to a four or five inch length, and is mostly swept back, kept there by constant maintenance, not weighed down with styling additives. Occasionally, it liberates itself somewhat and rebelliously falls forward, only to be raked back over the man's ears with large strong-appearing hands. His eyes belie sensitivity, and shine a warm caramel brown with underlying intelligence. He studies his surroundings with an expression that could only be likened to amusement, or a naive freshness, much as you would note in a child viewing something new for the first time. Looking away from his face and noting his attire, you would see a well-fitted pair of blue jeans, with a white, collared, polo-style shirt tucked in at the waist, three buttons serving as fasteners at the throat, though only the bottom two are currently closed. A double holstered belt circles his waist; a pair of sighted blasters with evident modifications snugly kept at hand in easy reach, one at each hip. A quilted black leather vest completes the conservatively comfortable outfit, accentuating the young man's medium-wide shoulders and triangular torso, the product of faithful attention to his personal fitness. Like most men his age, or more correctly of his /era/, he wears a pair of black leather boots that rise to a negotiable location somewhere between mid-calf and the knees. Shenner(#9664Penc) To most if not all passing glances, this individual could be summed up as 'young male human', and certainly the walk, stance, and mannerisms seem like those a brash young man would have. The short, spiky cap of dark red hair, with a brief little comma of a forelock over the left side of the brow, is masculine in look, as is the lean, angular build and tallish height. But if this is indeed a human male, it is one with uncommonly delicate features, dominated by large, luminous, and sharply intelligent green eyes... and a closer regard may well reveal to the observer that this human's voice is a shade _too_ high to truly be a young man's tenor -- in fact, it sounds more like a young woman's contralto. This human is clad in blandly unobtrusive garb, the kind you might expect any common laborer or traveller to have on: a simple white tunic with a turned-up collar; a heavy, padded vest of dark grey, with multiple pockets; breeches of a slate-blue hue, tucked into scuffed but serviceable calf-high boots of a neutral tan suede. Over all of this is worn an overlarge brown flight jacket, big enough that it tends to obscure the utility belt at her waist -- and anything she might have stashed in it. She sees cordial enough, but wary and alert. Shikh raises a brow at Shenners back, then scowls slightly, a contemplative look on his face. He shrugs, then follows him/her to the indicated table, sitting across from the mysterious youth. "So," says the kid cheerily, "found a job yet?" Shikh shakes his head, "Nothing promising, no... you?" he asks interestedly, sipping his water. Shenner lets out a low, sardonic chuckle, idly tapping slim pale fingertips against the tabletop, beating out a little rhythm. "Welllll... guy found me saying some kind of bilge about hearing me sing in the Dome and wanting to 'manage' me... I'll believe it when it happens." Shikh smiles and nods politely, puzzlement in his eyes. "Um... where'd you learn to sing like that?" he blurts out, in an effort to keep Shenner talking. The redhead takes up his -- her? -- water glass, gulps down a mouthful of it as if desperately appreciative of fresh water, then chuckles. "Learn, schmearn, I just sing. What, you think somebody trained me or something?" Shikh splutters, "I... er, I mean... I guess I did..." he shrugs in apology, "Sorry, just figured that was how it went..." he leans down peering up into Shenner's eyes, "Forgive me?" he grins goofily. Shenner laughs again, low and rich, and waves a dismissing hand at you. "Don't worry about it, pal. I'm still not used to people actually _listening_ to me." Shikh smiles appreciatively, "Same here... not used to having someone answer questions either, and since I don't have much to say for myself, that's about all I /can/ do to carry a conversation." "Well," drawls the kid, "any self-respecting wannabe bard ought to be able to chatter. I'd be happy to enlighten you on the various flavors of sand on Tatooine..." Shikh grins, but shakes his head, "Sounds fascinating, but no... I'd rather hear about you." Shikh shrugs, "I mean I told you all about my love life, er... well, you didn't ask, "He notes. Shenner bursts into laughter again, and parries, "Well, fella, I ain't exactly got a love life to compare notes with you on." Shikh nods, "Not necessarily love... I just meant that I told you something personal, for what it's worth..." he mutters in explanation. Shenner's green gaze glitters cannily. "Okay, whaddya wanna know?" Shikh shrugs, "I... don't know... you're the bard," he grins, "tell me a story about Shenner." At that, the redhead's eyebrows go up, and there comes another throaty chuckle. "You're gettin' it wrong. Bards aren't supposed to tell their _own_ stories, pal...." Is the kid evading the question, or simply amused? Shikh cocks his head, "I really don't know what to make of you, Shenner..." with that he looks over to the approaching waiter, "Did you figure out what you want yet, Shen?" Shenner casts a casual green glance at the menu, and grins lopsidedly. "You're buyin', you order. Food's food to me." Shikh frowns a bit, then quickly pulls up a menu, glancing over it quickly. "I was hoping you'd give me a suggestion..." he murmurs asthe waiter steps up to the table, ready to take the order. Shenner says blandly, "I'm a street rat, Shikh, not a gourmand; I do good to get mystery meat, much less real." The kid smiles, though. "Surprise me. Maybe I'll learn something." Shikh nods silenty, scanning the menu. "Well, here's an oldie but goodie... from my homeworld." He smiles charismatically and looks to the waiter, "Two nerf steaks, medium well done, please." The waiter nods and moves off at an embarassedshrug from Shikh for ordering the cheapest thing on the menu. "I hope youlike spicy food, it's aCorellian dish..." he murmurs, swirling his water glass. The kid suddenly blinks. "You're a Corellian?" Shikh nods, "Yeah, why else would I stop off at that trader's hole on my way back in from the Rim? I was born there, lived my first ten years or so there..." he explains. Something almost imperceptibly hardens in the singer's eyes. Shenner's voice stays amiably bland, but that hardness lingers there behind the green gaze as the kid rolls slim shoulders in a shrug. "Never been to Corellia." Shikh raises an eyebrow, "No? It's worth the trip, just wasn't my kind of place..." he shrugs. Shikh peers into Shenner's eyes again, "You alright? What did I say?" Shenner resumes smiling, but a bit more narrowly than before, and shakes that dark red head. "Nothin' wrong, pal. So what's a nerf?" Shikh cocks his head strangely, then raises his eyebrows as if dismissing a thought. "Nerf? It's an animal native to Corellia, used for as much for its fur as its meat," he explains, then sips his water. "They're all over the place there, fields of 'em... it's quite a sight." The singer slouches back in 'his' (her?) chair, occasionally sipping at the water, lean pale features arranged into guilelessness. "Never seen fields either, really. Unless you count fields of sand. Or ice." Shikh cocks his head, "I think I know what you're getting at..." he grins. Shenner sallies back, "Just that I'm a wet-behind-the-ears street rat." The kid slugs down water. "But I'm workin' on gettin' dryer." Shikh raises a brow, "Tat certainly isn't the place to dry out... if anything you'd get wetter sweating yerself to death..." he sips his drink, "Didn't you mention Tat last night?" he questions, his countenance dark with contemplation. Shenner shrugs airily. "Probably. That was the last place I was at." Kuxli comes out of the Free-Flight Dance Dome. Kuxli has arrived. Kuxli pads out from the dance dome, his perked up as he begins to head in the direction of the residential avenue, his tail swaying behind him. Kuxli moves east onto a wide avenue. Kuxli has left. Shikh nods, "What'd you do htere?" The kid smiles thinly. "Survived." Shikh grins and shakes his head slightly, "Fine, have it your way..." He smiles, "Like I said, tell me a story then... seems I can't hit on the right questions." Shenner, perhaps casually and perhaps evasively, sweeps a look about the restaurant, saying, "Well, I suppose I could make a song about it someday, and call it, "Survival of the Fittest, or, Hells, That Jawa Was a Crook Anyway"." The singer's pale mouth makes a smirk, then, as the kid looks back across the table and says bluntly, "I starved on Tatooine, mostly. I don't miss it." Shikh nods, "I'll bet. So..." he trails off, raising a brow to Shenner, "Anything you'd like to ask me?" he shrugs. Chantinelle comes along the road to the southeast. Chantinelle has arrived. Chantinelle leaves the imp, beiing somehow stressed. Chantinelle moves through the District into the Spaceport to the west. Chantinelle has left. Chantinelle comes through the District from the direction of the spaceport. Chantinelle has arrived. Chantinelle makes her way into the Free-Flight Dance Dome. Chantinelle has left. Shenner, still slouched in his (her?) chair, chuckles dryly. "Dunno. Anything you're itchin' to tell?" Shikh shakes his head, eyes mysterious, water held easily in his large grip, "Not especially... anything you'd like to admit to?" he asks, a conspiratorial grin on his face. "I only _fake_ knowing how to play the guitar," Shenner replies promptly. Shikh cocks his head and chuckles playfully, "That all?" he grins, eyes dulling as doubt sets in. Shenner doesn't bat an eyelash. "I suppose I could tell you I snore, but I ain't never heard myself sleep, pal." The kid's green gaze studies you, expectantly. "They grow 'em all curious like you on Corellia, or you just got an individual interest in singing street rats?" Shikh frowns, then stammers, "I... er." He blushes, "I feel really wierd admitting this..." he murmurs, looking around the restaurant to see if anyone is nearby. Shikh sighs, thn looks down at teh tabletop, murmuring quietly, "When I first saw you, I thought you were a woman..." He chuckles abashedly, "Funny, huh?" Silversand comes into the District from the east. Silversand has arrived. Silversand makes his way into the Free-Flight Dance Dome. Silversand has left. "I get that a lot," the singer says blithely. "Skinny kid like me. Y'know." Shikh purses his lips to one side and nods, almost disappointedly, "I guess... still feel funny about it though..." he admits quietly. Shenner rolls a shoulder in a casual shrug. "I'd make a lousy woman anyway," the kid says cheerily, tossing a wave down at 'his' own thin form. "Ain't exactly built to make a man swoon, after all." Shikh shrugs, and taps his temple, "It's what's here and here that counts..." he munmbles, moving his hand down over his heart. Shikh snuffs, "But what do I know?" he chuckles bitterly. Shenner's eyebrows crinkle a bit, as the kid studies the man across the table. The food finally arrives, then, providing a distraction, and Shenner looks up with what can only be the look of someone used to deprivation and still surprised and pleased by hot, fresh food to eat. Shikh nods, "eat... enjoy it..." He rests his elbow on the table and settles his chin on his fist glumly, watching Shenner eat. Shenner doesn't need to be told twice. As the kid starts a thorough exploration of nerf steak, though, the green eyes flick back to the Corellian, and Shenner observes between swallows, "I'd be lousy in a romance anyway, pal. Never been much for all that sweetness and light stuff." Shikh narrows his eyes and cocks his head, "Huh? What are you talkin' about?" He shakes his head, his earlier illusions being shattered again by Shenner's words. "Now I'm really confused..." he mutters, stabbing his steak hungerlessly with his fork and pushing it around the plate. Shenner looks up, blinks, then says mildly, "Just trying to help, pal." The kid half-smiles. "You said you were lonely; better not to get confused about skinny street rats like me." Shikh shakes his head, "No, course not..." he grins, "I'm not the type who likes kids that way..." he jokes, then winces a bit, "That's really gross... sorry." Shenner vigorously slices nerf meat into smaller bits, spears them and inhales them, one after another. "Clearly I need more protein." This remark is followed by a healthy swig of more water, to counteract the spicings, before Shenner smirkles, lopsidedly. "Don't worry, I don't squick all that easy." Shikh nods, "That's good... I have a tendency to stick my foot in my mouth like that sometimes..." he explains, starting to cut his way into a bite of nerf steak, now beginning to get cold. Dixon heads through crowds and into the Government District to the southeast. Dixon has left. Shenner, for a skinny kid, apparently has a prodigious appetite. Shen's eating habits are somewhat graceless and unrefined, though the redhead isn't completely uncouth either -- either way, it's clear Shenner is unfamiliar with the higher niceties of table manners. "Thought Corellians had the silverest tongues in the galaxy," the singer says glibly. Shikh shrugs, taking a bite. He chews slowly, savoring the flavor of the meat and talks between bites, "Not all..." Shikh swallows, then, "We can't all be Solo's..." he explains, flashing a grin. "I think I have my fair share of charm though, in my own way..." he chuckles, then goes back to his meal. Shenner gives that last comment an obliging chuckle, and the kid promises, "Any sweet young things I run into, I'll toss 'em your way." Then, Shenner quirks one dark eyebrow. "'Be Solos'?" Shikh nods, chewing then swallowing his bite, "Yeah, Solo's known for his silvertongue, ain't he?" Shenner spreads slender hands, palms up, green eyes innocently wide. "You tell me; I don't know who you're talking about...?" Shikh knits his brow together, "Never heard of Han Solo?" then he snaps his fingers, "Sorry, that was Kuxli last night... my mistake." He cuts off another bite of steak. Shenner says blandly, "Should I've heard of him?" Shikh shrugs, "If you were on Tat anytime in the past cuple years, I would say yes... he's one of the ones who took down Jabba." "That a fact?" replies Shenner, apparently intrigued, though perhaps a trifle confused. "And Jabba would be...?" Shikh shakes his head, "Don't worry about it... no one important, anymore..." he chuckles a bit at this and goes back to eating. Shenner smirks, but bright-eyed. "Tatooine's the least of my worries, that's for damned sure. Ain't ever going back. Had enough of desert worlds to last me a lifetime." Shikh chuckles, "Tat could do that to you, so I've heard..." he continues eating, seeing as how Shenner is kind of on a roll with the talking now. Shenner waves 'his' water glass expansively; for all the redhead's remarks on Corellian glibness, this singer seems to make an art of it as well. "Dried up my last flute past playability, and desert air ain't all that fun to sing in, either." Shikh nods, "Bet it's hell on the vocal cords..." he sympathizes, sipping his water. Shenner takes down another healthy dose of the water, and bobs that dark red hair. "Sore throat, pal, like you wouldn't believe. Not like I got to sing much, or at least not like anybody would hear, but I tried to keep in practice." Shenner smirks. "Got me a few credits busking, but that was about it...." Shikh nods, "Good thing you never played the Hutt's engagements... he killed the ones he wasn't amused with." Shikh adds with a smile, "Would've been my loss." The redheaded kid grins broadly. "You only heard me sing what, a coupla verses? You gonna tell me you know a stellar voice when you hear one, or you just enjoy my scintillating presence?" Shikh nods, chewing a large mouthful... he swallows it down with a drink of water, then answers, "Yes... both." He smiles warmly, "ou're like the kid brother I never had..." Shenner gives 'his' table companion a quizzical smile. "Well, shucks," the redhead drawls, sounding amused. "That make me an honorary Corellian?" Shikh chuckles, painfully swallowing a sip of water. Pounding his chest wincingly, he nods, "Sure, if that's what you want..." he offers, then takes another drink to soothe his throat. Shenner snorts, then sallies, "What say we make you an honorary Belsavan instead. Can't let the galaxy think Corellia has the monopoly on wit, wisdom, and charm." Shikh raisesa brow, "Belsavan? That where you're from?" "Belsavis," the kid corrects blandly, finishing off the last of 'his' nerf steak. Shikh nods, polishing off his steak as well, "eah, that's what I meant... what's it like htere?" The young musician shrugs again, broadcasting indifference. "Domed cities. Ice fields. Nasty atmosphere." Shikh cringes, "Yuck... how long did you stay there?" Calmly, Shenner replies, "As long as it took me to grow up and get the hark offworld." Shikh nods, recalling, "The age of censent, again, huh?" He mops up the last of the steak juice with a small roll. Something, though, akin to that earlier hardness in the kid's eyes at the first mention of Corellia in this conversation, flickers across Shenner's face. "Something like that," the redhead replies. Shikh frowns, "I mess up again?" he asks, holding the half-bitten roll over the plate, dripping meat juice. Shenner gives another narrow smile. "Let's just say I don't miss Belsavis, either." Shikh nods slowly, "Alright..." azing carefully at Shenner over his last bite of roll. He looks around for the waiter, "Dessert, Shen?" he offers. Without so much as a pause for breath, Shenner says blithely, "What do they call dessert on Corellia, then?" Shikh shrugs, "Dunno, never really ate dessert when I was a kid... saved that for when I grew up, I guess." Shenner's green eyes glint. "Okay, 'brother', you did alright with the nerf steak, let's see whatcha do with dessert." Shikh smiles, accepting the challenge, "OK..." he gestures the waiter over. "May I see the menu again, sir?" Shikh thinks as the waiter goes off to retrieve a menu, "You like fruit, Shen? Berries?" Shenner replies cheerily, "I'll try anything once." Shikh nods and gestures for the waiter to keep the menu as he returns, "Sorry, we decided while you were gone. Alderaanian berry parfaits, please... two of 'em." Shikh turns back to Shenner and smiles, "You should like this, I think..." Shenner's eyebrows go up. "How do you get berries off a planet that's not there anymore?" Shikh tsks, "So you aren't as uneducated as you try to pass yourself off to be." He smiles, "They're grown hydroponically, and prepared according to the traditional recipe... that's all." With a snort, the kid says, "Educated, schmeduated, even street rats catch news holos ever so often. Singing street rats sometimes catch songs." Shikh nods, eyes growing distant, "Bet you could sing quite a tune about that disaster..." he frowns." Shenner glances idly off in the direction the waiter went, then shrugs laconically, drawling, "Haven't seen too many folks who want songs about Alderaan here." Shikh looks around, out toward the street, "Guess not..." he lowers his head, "Am I 'right' in coming here for work, Shen?" Shenner blinks, apparently surprised. "You're askin' me?"" Shikh shrugs, "I... I guess not. Just your Alderaan comment set me thinking..." he trails off, swirling what's left of his water. Xerxes comes out of the Free-Flight Dance Dome. Xerxes has arrived. Shikh and Shen are in a restaurant off the main avenue. Xerxes steps out of the Dance Dome, lifting the collar of his coat before taking a bench out in the square. He takes a deep breath, apparently enjoying the fresh air. Within that same restaurant, Shenner says amiably, "Well, pal, I'll tell yah, I don't pretend to know squat about right and wrong; I ain't no clergybeing. Far's I'm concerned, peons like me do best to keep their heads down and let politicians and mucketymucks and suchlike worry about that kind of thing." Sabbath comes along the road to the southeast. Sabbath has arrived. Sabbath moves through the District into the Spaceport to the west. Sabbath has left. Shikh nods, staring into his glass, at a small crumb floating on the surface, "I'm just not sure I'm on steady ground all the time, that's all. Afraid I might be swallowed up by the waves," he observes, swishing the water and seeing how the crumb is tossed about, then, laden with moisture, sinks. Keeping an eye out for the waiter and the desserts, Shenner shrugs. "Well, if you want my opinion, this probably ain't the best of worlds to do soul-searching on, but it'll probably at least get you some credits to get to a better one." Shikh muses, "Creds could be nice..." He looks up as the waiter arrives, desserts in hand. He accepts them with a smile, and sends the waiter off with the money to pay the check. Shikh turns back to the table and slides one of the berry desserts across to Shen, "Here ya go... tell me what you think." He looks on with a smile Shenner leans forward to poke at the confection experimentally. After a bite or two the musician puts forth a lopsided smile of 'his' own, inclines that dark red head with a graciousness at odds with most of 'his' unrefined manner, and proclaims, "Yum." Shikh grins at Shenner's improved manners, "I'm glad... that makes the price worth it then..." He takes up his own portion and beginsto nibble at small bites absently. Sabbath comes through the District from the direction of the spaceport. Sabbath has arrived. Sabbath heads through crowds and into the Government District to the southeast. Sabbath has left. "And you tell me Corellians aren't all glib?" the kid replies, but settles down into the dessert with as much if not more vigor than 'he' had displayed with the nerf steak. Shikh grins, mouth full of berries. He chews and swallows, then answers, "How would I know? I'm an honorary Belsavan, remember?" he prods. At that, the redheaded kid laughs loudly, a sound that carries well, suggesting that this slip of a youngster knows, indeed, how to project the voice. Shikh's eyes open wide, "Wah! You've got a mouth on you, kid... keep it down..." he urges, a gleam of a smile in his eyes. "What bard was ever quiet?" Shenner rejoins. Dessert downed, the kid grins, and goes on, "Look, Shikh... thanks for the food. I gotta get back to my hostel, though, I got studying to do. Music holos. See you later?" Shikh smiles, crossing his arms over his chest, "Sure thing, Shen. Think I'll stick around here for a while... catch you later." Simone_Drake comes into the District from the east. Simone_Drake has arrived. Duke comes into the District from the east. Duke has arrived. Shenner rises, tosses off a half-salute, half-wave, and gets up from the table in the restaurant, leaving Shikh to the rest of his dessert. Simone_Drake steps into the area briskly, four Espo guards flanking her move. A rather large canine walks beside her as she heads southeast. Shenner exits the eatery, green eyes glancing idly about... widening a bit at the clearly authoritative-looking woman and guards visible out on the street. But the redheaded kid moves on, quickly vanishing into the crowd. ---------- Log Interlude: _Karkin' great,_ Shenner thought as she tried to keep herself from charging out of the restaurant as fast as her long legs could take her. _He's a Corellian. That's all I need! Gonna get me in trouble for sure, I can smell it coming...._ She didn't like the way her hands were shaking, as she hit the streets outside. Shikh _seemed_ nice enough, and Shenner grudgingly admitted to herself that he certainly wasn't bad to look at -- but that only reminded her more of the other Corellian, the one she'd prefer to wipe straight out of her head if she could. _He_ had been nice enough at first, and handsome -- and had had no compunctions about leaving her helpless in what was arguably one of the nastiest if not _the_ nastiest city in the galaxy. _And this Solo guy's a Corellian, too, huh? No wonder the place stinks of trouble...._ Hells, for all she knew, her own father had probably been a Corellian. _It'd probably explain why Mom never talked about him._ As she stalked off from the eatery, Shenner's black musings received a momentary distraction at the sight of a cadre of guards flanking a woman and a dog out on the street before her. Jerked out of her snide, black reverie, Shenner realized blankly that the woman was her target. Simone Drake. And she didn't have a couple of 'heavies', she had four. Four Espos who looked like they meant business, and who, Shenner thought warily, were probably orders of magnitude harder to sneak past than Jawas.... Instincts she'd developed on the streets of Plawal and honed on the streets of Mos Eisley told her to vanish immediately, and Shenner did. But those same instincts warned her that there was more to Drake than Grathix had told her, and as soon as she comfortably could, Shen hotfooted it for the same local library she'd been using to rent the music lesson holos. Once there, it didn't take long to get into the computer systems, to punch up the name "Simone Drake," and to get by way of reward the information available to the general public that went along with that name: information that, in several quick jabs, made Shenner reel as though she'd been socked repeatedly in the gut. A news holo reported a thwarted kidnapping attempt on Drake, on some space station somewhere, called GDI. Another holo reported a thwarted assasination attempt on Drake's life -- an attempted foiled when the young aide of another CSA official, Sean Dillon, ripped the throat out of the Sithkassi attacker. _Bright suns, Kuxli... that was Kux, he ripped the throat out of a Sithkassi, that crazy guy with the cigarra said, and Kux said too... bloody karkin' hells...._ Unsurprisingly, the profile on Drake reported that due to these earlier incidents, the woman was near-obsessed with personal security... but that fact barely registered in Shenner's notice, almost completely overshadowed by the mention of Simone Drake's rank. The woman was Prex of the Corporate Sector Authority. _Bright suns!_ That curse was the only one of Shenner's lexicon of curses she actually breathed, even in her thoughts; the rest of her mind was occupied with another leaden weight of dread, to go along with the ones that'd already built up in her gut at the discovery of the Espos on this world and the battle fleets that orbitted it. As calmly as she could manage, Shenner logged out of the library's computer system, and avoided the desk clerk from whom she'd been checking out the music lesson holos; here and now, Shenner was seized with the desire to run, to hide, and to not let anybody see her if she could help it. Flute-sheath and carisak in hand, the young thief slipped back out into the streets of the city, and aimed for the one place she'd come across that let her have some semblance of peace and quiet to think in: the Memorial Park. Among the park's tree-lined avenues, Shenner quickly lost herself, thoughts whirling as she automatically slipped into her most unobtrusive gait to avoid catching Espo eyes. _What the kark has Grathix gotten me into?! The woman's leader of this whole planet -- no way, no karkin' way he wants me to just take her wallet!_ When she reached a bench somewhere in the back of the park, hidden from most casual view, Shenner collapsed upon it, hugged herself, and struggled to regain her composure. But even as she sat, her memory, sharpened by years of learning to take note of anything and anyone that might prove dangerous and to be able to recollect it -- or them -- later, provided her with a sharp remembrance of the Horansi Kuxli's voice: "Yup.. used to be friends with her to.. but well, she just wasn't the same after what happened on GDI, her gettin kidnapped by some ex-imperial freak.." And the voice of the man Giles saying: "You're that creature what ripped the Sithkassi's throat out.. My hats off old man. Not that it's much of a compliment, Sneer was about as bright as a drunken Yvolshi lizard." And the voice of the Corellian -- her mind gibbered across Shikh's image without providing her his name: "I really don't know, Kuxli... I planned a small get together for my new neighbors, sent out invitations to everyone on the street, but no one came....except for one person...so beautiful, but she seemed very cold. She must care, or she wouldn't have come, but why is she so frigid?" What was Kuxli doing defending galactic leaders from getting their throats ripped out? What was the Corellian doing inviting galactic leaders to a housewarming -- and being infatuated with them, _while_ claiming not to have a job? And, most disturbingly of all, did they know what _she_, Shenner, was doing here? (And what _was_ she doing here? What kind of mysterious job involved a nobody pickpocket from Belsavis 'frobbing a shot' at a woman in charge of not only a planet, but an entire sector of the galaxy?) It was all Shenner could do to keep herself calm, to keep from charging back into the streets of the city, hunting down Grathix, and demanding of him, loudly and publically, to get her off the planet right there and right then. _Damn it... calm down, can't do a karkin' thing in this state._ With a monumental effort, she forced herself to pull out her flute, to take a dubious kind of refuge in the persona she'd been crafting over the last week or so of street musician making a simple living trading a few songs for a few credits.... and to play until her pulse settled down to something resembling normal.... ---------- Monk comes into the park from the west. Monk has arrived. Monk looks at you for a moment. Monk bares his teeth menacingly at the whimpy human Monk growls Monk says, "RRRROOOOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!" One of the few humans in the area is a lean-redheaded kid, parked crosslegged on a bench, and playing a wooden flute. The sound of the roar does make the kid look up, eyebrows quirking, the flutesong trailing off. Monk spits at the little human Shikh comes into the park from the west. Shikh has arrived. Monk growls Monk spits at shikh Shikh strolls easily into the park, thumbs hooked in his pockets. Monk Monk is an unusally large wookiee. He stands at 7 feet 8 inches and weighs close 400lbs. He is a super hunk, buffed and beautiful. His hair is a greyish blue and is in dredlocks. His apparent excessive use of drugs has turned his one remaining eye green. He wears a red patch over his left eye. He wields a bowcaster and heavy assault armor. He seems to have a very bad temper and looks extremely savage and won't hesitate to rip your arms and legs off. But all around, he is a very nice and lovable hermaphrodite. Monk waves his arms angrily about Shikh gives Monk asidelong glance after easily dodging the sputum. He frowns and continues to walk at his unhurried pace. Monk follows shikh, repeatedly spitting and growling at him The redheaded human kid studies the big spitting creature, looks evidently unperturbed -- perhaps getting spat at is not particularly surprising, for this human. The kid doesn't lower the flute, though, and merely keeps playing, the song airy, sweet. Next to the kid, on the bench, is a silken cloth spread out, on which glint a few credits. Monk attempts to grab the little kids flute Shikh's gaze follows the aggressive creature. He frowns again and shakes his head, eyes full of concern for the blaze-topped child. The lunge of the big furry being catches the redheaded human's attention; green eyes snap up, and the slim hands fasten harder on the wooden flute. The human speaks, eyes narrowing, "You got a problem, pal?" Monk growls fiercly at the little boy Shikh silently positions himself in line of view where the kid can see him, but stays behind Monk's area of attention. Monk snarls at shikh Shikh raises an sculpted brow, then leans against a tree, crossing his arms as he looks over the fountain Shenner doesn't bat an eyelash. If the human understands the meaning of the growl, it's not clear; the kid's only response is to shrug, and say flatly, "I got a permit to busk, big guy. You got a problem with that, take it up with the Espos." Monk slaps the branches of a near by tree Monk has disconnected. Shenner's green gaze flicks once, perhaps taking in the lingering presence of the other human, perhaps not. Slim shoulders shrug, and the kid, evidently unperturbed by the presence of a snarling Wookie, settles down to run through finger exercises on the wooden flute. Shenner keeps playing those finger exercises, slowly, breathily, and barely audible, until the angry creature apparently decides to give up whatever goal of human-baiting it might have had and moves off out of sight and earshot. Only then does Shenner slide a tense glance off after it. Shikh walks over to the bench where Shenner sits and flips a credit onto the silken fabric. "Sorry bout that... I got him riled up earlier... seems I was standing around being TOO quiet..." he chuckles. Shenner looks up, smiles thinly across the flute's mouthhole, and huhs, a sound that echoes down through 'his' instrument. "Clearly not a music lover." Green eyes flick to the flipped credit, and the youngster bobs that dark red head by way of acknowledgement and thanks. "Got your choice of a song, pal." Xerxes comes into the park from the west. Xerxes has arrived. Xerxes leaves the park to the west. Xerxes has left. Shikh shakes his head, "Your choice... I'm no conessueir of music, much as you're no master of ettiquette and food, or so you say..." He smiles, "That was for luck..." he points to the credit Shenner flicks a one-sided smile across the flute's mouth-hole, then nods, and begins to play. This time, what the flute produces is a song that begins simply enough, a few spatterings of notes that twitter into the air, before sliding after eight measures into a sprightly melody. Monk has connected. Monk smiles at shenner Monk leaves the park to the west. Monk has left. Shikh sighs as the music begins, then closes his eyes and lifts his head up toward the stars overhead. He clasps his hands together behind his back and nods in time with the tune. Shenner plays, the flute's perky melody chasing itself around a bit, almost like avians in the park's trees; although the rise and fall of notes isn't exactly perfect, it's close enough to strongly suggest Shenner's been spending some time sitting here in this place, trying to translate the sounds of life forms into music. Shikh opens his eyes and slides onto the bench beside Shenner. He slumps down and leans back, closing his eyes gain. He folds his hands on his lap, letting the music enhance the natural beauty of the setting. The redheaded kid keeps playing a bit, improvising on the bird-flutter tune, changing keys every so often, modulating up and down. Shenner finally trails off to a close, breath falling into silence as lean fingers on the flute's holes stretch slowly, one at a time, in sequence. Shikh's head rolls onto his shoulder, he whispers, "That's so nice... glad I let you choose..." His warm brown eyes are closed, but the rest of his expression is open, listening, taking in Shen's music. Shenner gives a throaty laugh. "Glad to have an audience that doesn't snarl." Shikh flutters his eyes open, the moment passed. He chuckles, "Yeah... I'll bet." Shenner stretches, putting out 'his' right arm with the palm facing out, and slowly rotates it; then, the kid does the same with the other, transferring the flute from hand to hand. "Been playing a while," the redhead explains. "Quiet night, except for Sunny wandering through here and expressing his eloquent opinion." Shikh nods, "I... I don't know how to describe that music... it was... it WAS the park..." he shrugs, "That's the best I can do." Shikh muses to himself, "Amazing..." Shenner smiles crookedly. "It's a good flute. Darned well better be, I paid ninety-five credits for it." Shikh shakes his head, "The instrument doesn't make the music, the player does." Shenner gives a soft, faint chuckle, letting it trill a bit as 'he' runs fingertips along the flute. "Good. Nicest place I've found here in this city, even if they won't let me sit on the grass. Needed a song." Shikh nods, "You found one, Shen... congratulations." Shenner flicks a smile at 'his' listener. "It's somethin'," the kid murmurs, apparently content; then, Shenner blows casually through a few scales, stepping in thirds up and down the flute's range. Shikh smiles contently, retrieving another credit from his pocket. He tosses it onto the silk again, "Let's try that lastone again..." he suggests. Smiling at Shenner warmly. Shenner quirks a brow, inclines 'his' head, and settles into imitiating avians again. The melody is not quite the same... when is live birdsong ever the same, twice in a row?... but the spirit is similar, as the lively notes go twittering into the evening air. Shikh is taken with the song again, eyes falling closed. He slides down and rests his head on the back of the bench. Shenner plays for a time longer, more twitterings of pseudo-birdsong that solicit an occasional startled chirp from deep in stands of trees within the park. Shikh sighs, his breath falling into a regular rhythm. He eases deeper into the bech , body relaxing of its own accord. Unperturbed, Shenner keeps playing for a while, sliding from bird imitations into longer and liquider melody. Water, perhaps, the sounds of flowing water, rather than the chirps of tiny avians, come out of the flute now. Shikh's head gradually falls onto Shen's shoulder, after a few episodes of falling and jolting back to semi-wakefulness. His easy breaths wash warm on Shen's neck. As her listener seems to drift off into slumber, Shenner doesn't seem bothered -- but when Shikh slumps along the bench, head nudging her shoulder, the kid blinks, freezing, green gaze sliding down and to the left where the young man's now sitting. The flute remains held up, out and to the right. Shikh shifts slightly in his sleep, lips nestled against Shen's neck, parted slightly. Shenner's mouth tautens behind the flute, and her green eyes flicker with something that looks suspiciously like fear. With an effort, the kid sucks in a breath, then moves the flute slightly away, and hisses down at the sleeper, "Shikh. Yo, Shikh." Shikh stirs, and his eyes flutter open, tickling Shen's neck. "Hmm? Oh Stang! I'm sorry..." he rubs the sleep from his eyes. Shenner remains tensely poised there, hands clenching the flute a bit, but as the young Corellian sits up, the kid smiles crookedly. "Maybe you better go crash, pal, you look beat." Shikh blinks at Shen, "Yeah... good idea." He stands and brushes his hand through his hair, "Er... sorry, again..." he mumbles. Shenner's stance subtly relaxes, and the kid shrugs, languidly, crooked grin returning. "Don't worry about it," the tenorish voice says easily enough. Shikh nods wearily, "Yeah, ok..." He shambles off toward the residential zone, disappearing down the darkene path, his tall form loosing all detail and looking much like one of the trees. Only when the Corellian is out of sight does Shenner slump back against the bench, shuddering. _Bright suns, that was close..._ [End log.]