"Conflict at the Carnival" Log Date: 9/15, 9/17, 9/20, 9/22, 9/30/99 Log Cast: Mendonsa, Jairen, Kendell, Troy, Shenner, Kaley, Phelan, Morganna, JimClevall, Donald, Zemdar, Marashi, Tarrin, Christopherus, Webb, Donivan, Casey, ring toss game attendant (NPC emitted by Shenner), Ronnie, holocoaster protesters (NPCs emitted by Shenner), Jairen's assailants (NPCs emitted by Shenner), Wil (NPC emitted by Shenner), Tegger (NPC emitted by Shenner), Kinth (NPC emitted by Shenner) Log Intro: The Powers that Be on Caspar in general and Plaxton City in particular, now that the city is getting its feet back under it in the wake of Imperial invasion, have decided to throw a carnival. This is much to the delight of Shenner, who has gamely returned to her studies at the University of Caspar--but who has been very conscious of how even her school has taken a blow from this war, having lost many teachers and students with the razing of the campus during the invasion. Determined to have some fun, Shen is delighted to be joined by her two favorite people on Caspar--her sword-teacher Jairen and her boyfriend Jonathan Webb, who get to see her in a rare high mood for fun. But none of them realize that there have been other survivors of the war who have nursed a grudge against Jairen for many months now, and who are determined to use the cover of the carnival to try to get their revenge.... ---------- You walk into Fountain Square. Fountain Square - Plaxton City The huge buildings in the background threaten to take over this small patch of green that is the center of Plaxton City. A stone fountain -still in place from another time- sits in the center of the square. It depicts a young woman looking into the sky. Water flares around her and bursts into a star pattern ten feet above her head. The inscription at the base of the fountain is written in the aging language of a more romantic time. 'Farewell, for all journeyers that leave this place shall always return to call it home.' Newly planted, lush trees now dominate the square, shading the area from the dusk sky above is cloudy with patches of clear spots allowing you to see the sky behind them. Deep rich reds, oranges and browns fill the branches, seemingly setting the trees afire with color. Patches of well maintained grass surround the base of the trees, allowing space for visitors to relax or picnic. The central, most famous area of Plaxton City, seems to become more and more park-like with the frequent additions and maintnence. A pair of Marines quietly watch over the area. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Galactic Lotto Machine => Vendor's Stand -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => JimClevall => Kendell => Jairen => IGNews Terminal - Caspar -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- ndbar leads to The Sandbar. outh leads to South Mergansar Ave. - Plaxton City. ast leads to East Blake St. - Plaxton City. orth leads to North Mergansar Ave. - Plaxton City. est leads to West Blake St. - Plaxton City. Mendonsa enters the square from the south. Mendonsa has arrived. Jairen watches Jim's and Kendall's progress from his spot near a bench for a moment, but does little else. Kendell enters the Sandbar. Kendell has left. Troy enters the square from the west. Troy has arrived. Mendonsa heads down West Blake St. Mendonsa has left. Troy heads down West Blake St. Troy has left. Troy enters the square from the west. Troy has arrived. Troy heads down West Blake St. Troy has left. Tall and slim and young and redhaired... isn't there a song that goes like that? Well, something like that, anyway. Shenneret Veery, moving with lifted chin and squared shoulders, strides into the Square. The singer's making good time, but for once she's not headed for the Sandbar. A night off, perhaps? Her blaster rides in its holster at her thigh, her leather satchel on its strap slung off her shoulder. Kaley enters the square from the west. Kaley has arrived. Phelan enters the square from the west. Phelan has arrived. Jairen's eyes continue to scan the area until they come to rest upon said redhead. Smiling to himself, he takes a few quiet steps back and disappears into the evening crowd, slowly making his way towards her from behind. Morganna enters the square from the south. Morganna has arrived. Kaley is headed west out of the square area. But since the rain has stopped she is taking her time. Still looking upward, and almost completely oblivious to his surroundings Jim continues to admire the strangeness of the city's buildings looming over the trees surrounding the park-like area. It is not particularly unusual that, even though she's not headed for the Sandbar, the lead singer of the Womprats is making music. At the moment, that happens to be whistling -- something of a slightly odd-sounding key for ears accustomed to local musical standards in this section of the galaxy. Half her attention's on her chosen course veering towards the west, but the rest is on that melody; she keeps starting and stopping, perhaps trying to work it out as she goes. Phelan walks to the south. Phelan has left. The scarred woman moves into the square from the south with a mildly aused smile upon her face, something has tickled Morganna but although her expression might look friendly, there's something about Morganna that is decidedly not. The usual vibroblade is strapped to Morganna's side and the scuffed hilt catches the light. The blue eye flashes as Morganna's intense gaze sweeps the crowd, a chill following her eyes. Morganna's gaze stops dead on Kaley and she begins to drift across the square with her usual predatory gait to intercept her prey. Donald enters the square from the west. Donald has arrived. Jairen continues to approach the whistling young woman from behind. Finally, he matches her stride directly behind her, but still moves slightly. A few steps of this he finally speaks out in his typical and quite distinct melodic accented voice, "You have yet to get the eighth tones it seems, but that is to be expected..." Kaley heads down West Blake St. Kaley has left. Morganna heads down West Blake St. Morganna has left. JimClevall's attention draws downward, yet still distracted by thought, his pace quickens slightly, but with no particular direction. Zemdar enters the square from the south. Zemdar has arrived. Zemdar heads down West Blake St. Zemdar has left. Zemdar enters the square from the west. Zemdar has arrived. Zemdar walks down East Blake St. Zemdar has left. The swordsman's voice slides in rather astoundingly well on top of the whistled tones, which abruptly cease the moment he speaks -- for Shen hadn't heard his silent footfalls as he crept up behind her. She manages not to jump... much. Instead, she tosses a swift glance of startled surprise over her shoulder at Jairen and follows that with a big lopsided smile. "Vendui', Ilharn," the young musician then greets, distinctly pleased. Jairen smiles slightly as Shenner turns around. "Vendui'. Your accent is getting better as well." rests both hands on his sword hilt as is his custom. "Have you been well of late?' Zemdar walks into the square from the east. Zemdar has arrived. Zemdar leaves the square to the north. Zemdar has left. Marashi enters the square from the north. Marashi has arrived. Marashi leaves the square to the north. Marashi has left. Zemdar enters the square from the north. Zemdar has arrived. JimClevall leaves the square to the north. JimClevall has left. Tarrin enters the square from the south. Tarrin has arrived. Christopherus enters the square from the south. Christopherus has arrived. Christopherus comes walking casually from the south looking around the area observantly Tarrin heads down West Blake St. Tarrin has left. Tarrin enters the square from the west. Tarrin has arrived. Zemdar leaves the square to the north. Zemdar has left. Mendonsa enters the square from the west. Mendonsa has arrived. Mendonsa walks to the south. Mendonsa has left. Zemdar enters the square from the north. Zemdar has arrived. Marashi enters the square from the north. Marashi has arrived. Zemdar walks down East Blake St. Zemdar has left. Marashi walks down East Blake St. Marashi has left. Better matching her pace to Jairen's for all that she's also slowing it a bit to better allow conversation, Shenner grins. "Yeah, well... I've been workin' on it. Fall term just kicked in again now that the U's officially open -- I'm a freshman all over again. Rah." Christopherus leaves the square to the north. Christopherus has left. Tarrin walks slowly up into the square and makes his way to the fountian. Jairen cocks his head slightly as he walks along with his young friend. "Fresh-man?" Donald walks to the south. Donald has left. "Wha--oh. Oh." Reminded every so often that Jairen still is not necessarily versed with certain unusual terms in Basic, Shenner grins ruefully and clarifies, "A freshman's a first-year student at a college... and on some worlds, in second-level education too. High schools. I actually started freshman year last winter term, but well, y'know, having the university blown up kinda put a damper on that." Jairen ahs slightly as he continues to walk. "I understand. A fresh man, fresh meaning inexperienced. An interesting term indeed." looks about the path the two are taking. "Where are we going, at any rate?" Webb enters the square from the south. Webb has arrived. Shenner's grin, at this, gets a bit wider. "I was headed for the carnival," she points out to the silver-haired swordsman at her side. "Seen it yet?" Donivan enters the square from the south. Donivan has arrived. Jairen's brow furrows slightly. "Karn-ae-val? That is the celebration entailing entertainment and food strewn about randomly in tents, correct?" A peal of laughter wells up from the young musician. "Close enough. Wanna go check it out? I was gonna go with Webb, but it didn't quite work out. I been itching to get on some of the holocoasters." Tarrin sighs as he sits next to the foutain looking aorund the squar.. Jairen looks dubious about that. "What is a holocoaster? Donivan enters from the general direction of south and walks slowly along the sidewalk. In his left hand is a black briefcase. It has been a while since John has seen the surface of this planet, and he was hoping that it would have been much longer, but business is business and he's got plenty here. Slowly, the Corellian's eyes scan the street, perhaps looking for something specific and perhaps just looking. It is interesting how a place changes in several short months. "Oh... well, heck, it's probably better shown than told," Shenner says cheerfully, gesturing westward along Blake Street as she and her silverhaired companion head out of the square. [Down West Blake Street the singer and the swordsman go...] Jairen continues to follow Shenner, looking rather skeptical about this 'Holocoaster' thing. You head for the beach. Hideaway Beach - Plaxton City Surging whitecaps paint themselves onto the powderlike, white sands of this sliver of beachfront, tucked between the two massive bluffs that encircle Plaxton City. The waves have eaten into several places on the shore, forming rocky outcroppings and small coves, but one long strip is laden with pristine, whispy sand. A few Pula trees jut out, throwing their branches toward the tides. The leaves that grace the branches are beginning to pale and turn browns and red. A few hundred meters from shore, a jagged pebble of an island stands defiantly in the surf, holding up an old, unused lighthouse. The night sky above is cloudy obscuring it. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Carnival of Setilli => Casivibak Tent -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- ast leads to West Blake St. - Plaxton City. Jairen arrives from the street. Jairen has arrived. As the singer and the swordsman make their way out onto the beach, it can be seen that a good chunk of the territory here between the city and the ocean has been transformed. Light and sound and smells fill the air; laughter and shouts waft down from the tallest and fastest of the rides, from the delighted sentients letting themselves be thrown about at high speeds by them. "See, there, look," Shenner encourages Jairen before the two of them draw too near to the carnival. "Check it out -- see that big one up there, the biggest of the rides? That's a holocoaster!" Jairen doesn't know what to do first, blink rapidly at the lights, wince at the sounds, or curl his nose slightly to the aromas. Oh well. Looking to where Shenner indicates. "Ah. I see. What purpose does it have? What skills does it teach?" It hadn't ever occurred to her to have to explain the concept behind amusement park rides, either. Casting a rather longing glance up at the big coaster, Shenner hedges, "Er, well... its purpose is fun." She can't help grinning with an almost childlike delight. "Dunno about skills, really, unless you count learnin' how to be patient in line to get on the thing a skill. You get on the thing, strap into the car and then they launch ya, and you ride around real fast on the hills and the loops. The holo-effects are icing on the cake, me, I like a good coaster as much without 'em." Jairen still doesn't seem to completely grasp this concept of 'total recreation.' Probably never had a day of 'fun' as most would define it in his whole life, which is, as Shenner knows, a considerable hunk of time. "So, people do this for enjoyment of the motion of the cars? It serves no practical purpose?" "Suckers for high speed and motion, yeah, that's the folks it caters to." Shenner, it would seem, falls into this target audience. Her eyes alight, grinning broadly, she goes on, "And not a practical thing about it. Or the whole darned place, for that matter!" Grandly, she gestures out to take in the whole carnival in general. "It's for blowing your money, eating lots of fun food, listening to music, buying cheesy souvenirs... y'know, having _fun_. Up for it?" She turns that bright gaze of hers back to her companion, muses, and goes on kindly, "Big crowd, though. If that face you're wearin's any sign, it's probably real noisy for you even from here, huh?" Jairen looks back over at Shenner from looking at the large array of rides, tents, people, and in general, chaos. "I can get used to it... it just cought me unawares." turns again to regard this gathering of celebrants. 'Even celebrations at home have some sort of purpose.' he thinks to himself, but doesn't say anything outloud. No point in hurting Shen's feelings over something as trivial as this. Finally, he answers, "If you like, I will let you show me around this Karn-ae-vahl." Shenner veritably beams at Jairen's gesture, and happily waves him forward so that the two of them can mingle into the flow of humans (with or without Sar spots) and other sentients making their way in and out of the wide park. As the two draw up closer to the edge of the brightly lit and noisy array of entertainments, the young singer blinks to herself, and then admits, "I got it a bit wrong, I think... carnivals in general are for fun, but I forgot! This one's also to help, y'know, celebrate us winnin' the war. Guess Miz Laarken and the rest of the powers that be wanted to throw a party now that everybody's back into the swing of things. Me, I'm cool with a carnival any day of the week -- but it's kinda nice anyway!" My, but Shenner _must_ be in high spirits; hardly ever does she chatter like this. "Ah," Jairen says from his few steps in front, over his shoulder. "So profits from such an endeavor go to something other than the merchants' pockets?" Looks around the area, stepping aside to let an older lady being pulled along by an over active youngster pass by. "On my homeworld, we do not have such things as this outside the court, and even rarely there. However, the games and such are far different, and there is much less noise." "The way I hear it," Shenner pipes cheerfully -- ooh! Look! Cotton candy! -- "is, they're gonna hand out military awards, and do somethin' diplomatic with the Griffon Alliance... dunno if they've earmarked a purpose for all the profits, aside from funding further rebuilding, but I was hearin' somethin' about a memorial they're gonna put up on the U of Caspar campus for all the teachers and students that didn't make it when the campus was razed." For a few moments, Shenner's expression turns more solemn, her eyes a trifle distant, her smile a little sad. Then she waves off at the cotton candy vendor for Jairen's benefit, to signal her abrupt change of course, and starts fishing through her pockets for credits. Donivan arrives from the street. Donivan has arrived. Obediently, as she's the one who knows her way through this labyrinth of tents and vendors, Jairen turns and follows Shenner to the cotton candy vendor. As she make her order, he eyes the wares rather dubiously, his hands not moving from his sword hilt. "It is good to honor those who fell thus." Donivan steps onto the sandy edges of the beach. His left hand rests upon the hilt of the long, decorative sword hanging from his waist. The look John wears on his face is that of a thinker, and from the looks of him the thoughts are heavy in their nature. Slowly, money bags heads down to the water, his gaze stuck on the crashing waves as if the patterns of moving water help him think more clearly. What in the name of seven systems' worth of gods is this girl buying? The stuff that Shenner receives in exchange for her credits seems to be nothing more than sugar spun into an airy mass of filaments, streaked countless colors by edible dyes, and all piled atop a cardboard cone for ease of carrying. "I love this stuff," the singer proclaims, looking over her prize. Then, over the top of her colorful spun-sugar confection, she smiles crookedly. "Yeah... the U's President and all the new board of directors they got in, they're supposed to be issuing a call for a campus vote once we all get settled in for the new term about what form everybody wants the memorial to take. I ain't sure what I think about it yet. Needs to be something pretty though." Jairen looks at the treat that Shenner just bought for herself again, then dismisses it from his mind. "Such a memorial should bring those lost to mind. A Jaer honoring would try to embody the spirit that the beings destroyed had in common with one another." "Cotton candy," Shen identifies the big mound of multihued stuff on her carboard cone. "It's sugar! Want some?" Holding out the cone, she waits long enough to give Jairen a chance to sample her treat if he chooses, while she muses, "Students and teachers. We were... all there to learn. Or teach. Other 'n' that, it's kinda hard to pick out something 75,000 beings have in common at a college, y'know?" Tentatively, the swordsman reaches out and takes a piece of the fluffy stuff of the cone. A small piece. "Knowledge is an honorable pursuit, whether to share or to gain. That is what those killed had in common, that is what should be symbolized." Shrugs slightly. "But, that is what my view is and not many may share it." opens his mouth and inserts the solidified sugar ball. Webb arrives from the street. Webb has arrived. Casey arrives from the street. Casey has arrived. Casey leaves the beach behind and heads back into the city. Casey has left. Shenner and Jairen wend their way through the midway, conversing easily with one another; the singer's bearing a newly purchased large cone of cotton candy, streaked with enough colors to rival some planets' sunsets. She stops to get a look at one of the games of chance, whose prize rack displays a number of large stuffed furry animals, and there she pauses for a moment. That almost childlike look of pleasure flashes across her face as she surveys the prizes, but then she snaps her attention back to her companion. "How d'ya symbolize 'knowledge', though? I mean, it'd be easier if any of the local mythic figures stood for that, but I ain't managed to find any. And you gotta find somethin' that'll appeal to a wide variety of cultures, too... U of Caspar draws in students from a good chunk of the Slice, and that's just the ones that actually come here rather than get their courses over the Holonet!" Webb's movements would seem to belie the fact that he is searching for someone in a fashion which seems awfully reliant upon a scientific wild guess, at best. His eyes scan each passing face as he makes his way down towards the carnival on the beach, as if he expects that somewhere among this mass of people is to be that who he is looking for. As Shenner talks the small piece of cotton candy makes its way to Jairen's mouth, only to be choked upon. "What manner of poison IS this?!" he sputters. Concentrating on this, he completely misses her looks at the prizes and such, though he hears her words. Uh oh. Dismay floods Shenner's eyes, and she looks Jairen up and down in alarm. "Sugar," she blurts then. "Ahh hell, I'm sorry... I shoulda asked if you could eat it... you okay?" She's stopped entirely now near the ring toss game with the toys that had caught her attention before, her cotton candy momentarily forgotten. With a wary pause at the gates of this carnival, Webb finally strides forth onto the grounds to continue his search for a certain wayward redhead. Naturally, a place that is teeming with so many sentients can be rather difficult to search, if one is looking for one specific sentient. Webb does, however, have a few insights into his quarry's mind, which places him at least somewhat upon her trail. After a few coughs and a clearing of the throat, the swordsman looks back up at his younger carnival-goer. "You did not tell me it was PURE sugar..." straightens. "I will be fine, truly. Just was unprepared." "Oh... oh." Relieved that sugar is apparently not seriously toxic to a Jaer, Shenner grins ruefully and scarfs down a mouthful of the colorful stuff herself. "Well, not entirely purely sugar, I mean, there's food coloring in there too to make it all pink and purple and orange and stuff, but that's startin' to nitpick the details. Maybe you better stick to somethin' else for snacks, though. How are you for salt?" She considers, glancing around in all directions, ebullience returning since Jairen seems to be fine. "Or you wanna just poke around and maybe ride some rides or something instead of eating anything?" Webb eyes the brightly coloured cotton candy at the vendor's stand as he passes, noting that this brightly coloured confectionary seems to be the sorts of stuff which would appeal to a certain russet-haired bard. For his part, he doesn't actually purchase any cotton candy, being more preoccupied with other things. He does, however, stop to ask the vendor if he's seen an individual who matches Shenner's description, before he is once again on his way. Jairen nods slightly. "I do think I should stay away from any more of this... whatever it is." he says as he waves at the cotton candy. "As for other snacks, unless something appeals to me, as I am not hungry." looks about at the other attractions. "The rides and games have yet to be determined. "Cotton candy," Shenner clarifies helpfully. Now that she has free rein to tear at top speed through her treat, she does so; it's rather impressive, the rate at which a slip of a girl like her can inhale that much pure sugar. Doubtless, this particular skill of hers is not entirely unrelated to her ability to put down Corellian Suicides. She spins slowly around on a heel, taking in the ambience, taking in the sights and sounds and attractions, taking in the various things each clamoring in turn for a claim on her attention... taking in the tall lean fair-haired figure coming through the crowd. Shen starts, and then carols out, "Yo, Webb!" Webb arches his eyebrows faintly, having born witness to at least part of the cotton-candy disappearing act. This prompts a rather amused expression to cross his face as he approaches. "Thought I'd find you here," he calls out over the din of the crowd as he nears, only to close the ground rapidly so that he might wrap his arms about the woman before him. Through some bit of Shenner-induced tunnel vision, he doesn't seem to have noticed Jairen yet. A small, knowing smile crosses the face of the Jaer warrior and he takes a step back, letting things take their own course. Instead, he seems to involve himself in watching a couple people try and throw rings onto bottletops to win a small stuffed animal. "Hey, hey, watch the cone," Shenner laughs, holding what's left of the cotton candy out of the way while loosely and one-armedly hugging the newly arrived soldier. "You were right, you were right. Jairen and I are wanderin' around, he ain't never seen a carnival before, you got time? Wanna join us?" She's almost... perky, now. Must be the sugar, eh? Green eyes flash a hopeful glance back and forth between the soldier and the swordsman. Webb grins and leans down to kiss Shenner lightly on the lips, before he peers at the cone and asks, deviating momentarily from the main topic of conversation, "Just how much sugar have you been consuming, hmm?" His tone is decidedly light as he says, "I think I can stay for a while. Was kinda looking for you after all." Seeing as Jairen's name has been mentioned, it's about time that Webb becomes aware of the presence of others, and he offers forth a simple, "Hello," in greeting. Jairen nods back to Webb with a simple, "m'lord." However, while his face is neutral, his eyes glint slightly in the semi-dark where the lights don't always get to. There's at least something in this situation that amuses him in some degree. "She has consumed only that which you see in her hand." he offers in response to Webb's question, though it was not addressed to him. "Well, more like, what's missing from what you see in my hand," Shenner declares primly. Whoa, pedantic girl! But she ruins her own momentary attempt at sounding knowledgeable by grinning broadly at both Webb and Jairen and popping another fluffy portion of multihued sugar into her mouth. "Want some?" _Webb_, at any rate, ought to have an anatomy that can handle pure sugar. Webb eyes the cone of cotton candy for a moment, then recalls just how large the ones were which the vendor was selling, and does a quick comparison in his mind as he ponders just how much pure sugar is now fuelling Shenner. "Well..." he considers, before he reaches out to pull a hunk of cotton candy off of the cone, and remarks, apparently to both of you, "Can't let her get /too/ wired, now can we?" before he pops the tuft of cotton candy into his mouth. Jairen has an anatomy that can process pure sugar. Just happens to be more difficult when your body is used to 250+ years of REAL food. However, that's not the point. Taking the lead off Webb's question, he takes a step closer to the pair, hands resting on his hilt again. "Is it not a tad late for such considerations?" he asks in his typically melodic but Jaer-serious tone. "You boys seem to be suffering under the delusion that I can't handle being wired," Shenner proclaims expansively. Another sizeable chunk of the cotton candy, this section of it predominantly green and yellow, is inhaled by the young musician. "And besides, sugar's a stimulant, alcohol's a depressant, if I get too hyper I can always get drunk instead." She winks, and with that is abruptly darting off that ring-toss game, greedily eying the biggest of the stuffed animals. Over her shoulder she appends to her companions, "I need a little somethin' for my apartment, I think!" Webb's gaze slowly turns towards the aforementioned game, and the selection of ridiculously over-sized stuffed animals. "Which one?" inquires Webb as his eyebrows arch slightly in a faintly bemused expression, "The Bantha?" Jairen strides up to stand behind the pair, watching the activities of the two. He still seems rather amused at this whole situation. He does, however, remain quiet. "Good gods, I never thought I'd say this about a bantha, but he actually looks cute," Shenner enthuses. "He's got plush horns, check him out!" This, apparently, inordinately amuses her. Grinning ear to ear now, she starts a one-handed search through her pockets for more credits, then pauses a moment in consternation as she tries to juggle her candy cone and coming forward to answer the seductive call of those bottles just begging to have rings tossed around 'em. Webb peers back over his shoulder towards Jairen in a silent commentary regarding Shenner's eccentricities. Not that those are a bad thing, mind you. After all, some of the most interesting people one will ever meet are downright nuts. Looking back to Shenner, it quickly becomes apparent that the bard's grin is rather infectious. Well, not TOTALLY infectious. While the swordsman still holds his slight smile, few and privileged are the ones that have actually seen him grin, per say. However, one thing he is faster than an over excited Shenner at is fetching money from its location. Dipping his hand into one of his pouches, he withdraws the appropriate amount of credits, handing them to the vendor past his young friend's shoulder. "Thanks Jair!" pipes the singer in delighted tones. The silver-haired swordsman gets a brief but full-force edition of Shen's sunniest grin, before the game attendant hands over a trio of small plastic rings. "Don't bother, I know the drill," she adds to the attendant, cutting him off before he can go into the usual spill about how the toss works. Somehow managing transferring two of the rings to her other hand, nibbling down more of the cotton candy, and taking aim with the third ring all at the same time, Shenner is quite obviously revelling in the atmosphere of her surroundings. "Lesseeeeee now, which one, which one--" "Just throw the rings, sweetheart," rasps the big burly game attendant, who rolls his eyes as if to say 'women' -- and who turns off to attend to some of the rest of the crowd clustered around his booth. Webb marvels for a moment at Shenner's display of coordination and balance in the little juggling act that goes on between the rings, and the cotton candy. "Uh, would you like me to hold that for you?" offers forth Webb as he gestures to the cone of candy, all while regarding the attendant with a faintly withering glare for his impatience with the enthusiastic young woman. Jairen continues to watch the whole scene still rather bemused at this whole situation. His free hand has again come to rest on his sword hilt as he watches Shenner's balancing act as she gets ready to toss the rings. His eyes narrow slightly as he watches now, however. Perhaps almost analytical. Yeah yeah yeah, pal. The attendant's had a long and cranky day, huh? Sue him. The fellow merely rolls his eyes again at Webb's glare, forking over more rings for a little Sullustan's handful of credits. And when he has a moment, he steps off to the side of his booth to mutter something into the wrist-model comlink he's wearing, under his breath. Shenner, in the meantime, cheerfully yields the cotton candy to Webb, then pulls in a breath. She settles herself, arranging her stance and features in a manner suggesting she's clearing her thoughts of distraction; her hand with the aimed ring twitches once, twice. And the ring abruptly sails out, skimming over several bottletops... only to skid down between a pair of bottles. "Awww!" comes Shenner's dismayed cry. "Kark it!" Webb uses the opportunity to pull a small tuft of the spun sugar from the cone of cotton candy. Incredibly addicting stuff this cotton candy can be. One eyebrow arches faintly as he observes Shenner's throwing techniques... indeed, he seems even slightly more surprised that it actually missed. Slowly, his head turns to peer towards the attendant. Clink clink clink. Jairen also watches the plastic ring fall between the bottles. His eyes narrow slightly again. Shen's technique wasn't THAT bad. Oh well, he's not a thrown weapons kinda guy anyways. He'd probably do no better. Instead, he takes a look around him to observe the fact that most of the people here are children. Indeed, a significantly large number of youngsters of assorted species are scurrying all over the place, calling out to one another and to their parents and just on general principles, laughing and shrieking with delight. Little sentients even more hyper than Shen on even more sugar than she's had so far charge hither and yon, supervised by often tired-looking adults. But there's also a significant number of young people like the redheaded young singer, taking breathers between invading the rides... and a smattering of off-duty Marines scattered through the crowd as well. If the attendant is aware of Webb's scrutiny, he gives no sign of it; certainly the man isn't long muttering into his wrist unit. In seconds he's back to smile placatingly at the little Sullustan as the being in rapid succession misses all three of his throws and stomps off muttering curses in his own language. Shenner is undaunted by her first miss. Her green eyes glint with determination -- and she might be heard muttering under her breath, "Stay on target... stay on target..." Fling! The second ring sails out and strikes home on a bottle five rows away from her. Webb pulls another small tuft of the brightly coloured cotton candy from the bundle, and chews it thoughtfully. Of course, the image of the stoic, uniformed Marine stuffing the cheerfully coloured confection into his mouth just seems to be the sort of thing that would be a little odd, in a faintly amusing fashion. "Good toss," he offers forth as he wipes a little bit of cotton candy residue from his lower lip, before he silently resolves to leave at least some of Shenner's cotton candy on the cone that it came in. "Yes," Jairen's soft voice adds. "Quite a good toss." lets his eyes wander about the area again. Despite the revelry and all around good times going on here, there's just something no right and he can't put his finger on it quite yet. "The question now is, can you score the third time?" he says looking back over Shen's shoulder. What could be not-right about this scene of revelry? Certainly nothing in the crowds that swirl in the immediate vicinity of the ring-toss booth; indeed, about the only possible somewhat incongruous detail in everything nearby is the attendant, a slightly scruffier fellow than one might expect at a quality carnival. He notes Shen's successful second toss with a slight smirk, while handing out rings to a shouting child and his frazzled-looking mother, both of whom have violet-hued Sar spots. The singer glances at both Webb and Jairen, grinning widely in acknowledgement of their praise, before steeling herself for her final throw. "The intrepid redheaded warrior bard closes in on her target," she mutters. Stay on target! Stay on target! Use the Force, Shen! Well, something like that, anyway. "She shoots..." *Fling* goes the ring. It spins around several times in the air -- and comes in for a landing on a bottle almost towards the middle of the game, rotating several times before it finally stops. "Let's blow this thing and go home!" cries Shen then, thrusting both fists into the air in victory. Well, okay, so Solo said that BEFORE the Death Star blew up. Close enough for government work! Webb suddenly seems compelled to scrutinise the cotton candy quite heavily, as if a simple visual inspection could ever be sufficient to detect whether or not this stuff has any appreciable hallucinogenic properties. "So did you win?" Webb inquires curiously, seeming not entirely certain as to just what kind of skill is required to win what. Zemdar arrives from the street. Zemdar has arrived. Zemdar leaves the beach behind and heads back into the city. Zemdar has left. Jairen says, "Yes, what /does/ one win for participating in this game?" "One wins," drawls the attendant, "one of these." He thrusts a grimy thumb up at the stuffed animals overhead, surveying Shenner with a sardonic glint in his eyes as he does so. "Choose your prize, sweetheart. You can have one of the medium-sized ones." "Hot damn," Shenner declares in satisfaction. Two tosses out of three puts one of the smaller banthas into her range, and the young singer stretches up a hand to deftly snag one off the line. Grinning ear to ear, she turns to display the toy to her compatriots, asking drolly, "Whatcha think?" Webb ponders for a moment as he scrutinises the plush bantha. "Well..." he starts to say as he leans in a little to peer at the fuzzy beast's somewhat comical expression, "It's very umm..." Webb grins faintly as he realises that words are just defying how to explain his thoughts with regards to such a beast, until he finally settles upon, "It's very you." "It looks nothing like the real thing." Ah, Jairen Windchaser, the eternal pragmatist. "It is not even to scale. What use is it?" Oh well, can't win them ALL. He does however seem just a tad bit more on edge than he was a few moments ago, it could just be the commotion starting to get to the usually solitary warrior. "Its _use_," Shenner explains in tones of infinite patience, "is for affection and fun." It's comical, all right; what other word can be used to describe a plush bantha with soft velvety horns and fur and enormous glassine eyes? With a surprising amount of tenderness for a girl who typically slugs back Corellian Suicides without even blinking, and who frequently slugs anyone impudent to make a pass at her in the Sandbar (including her own band's drummer), Shen tucks the little critter under her arm and adds grandly, "I'm gonna name him Bob. Where you two wanna go next?" At the mention of 'affection and fun', Webb slips his arm (the one which doesn't hold Shenner's cotton candy) about Shenner's waist and interjects dryly, "Same purpose as I serve in other words," as a wry grin crosses his expression. That seems to lighten up Jairen's mood a tad. "I will not inquire as to what purpose I serve." looks about the area for a moment. "What is the next logical place to go after such a game? One of the rides or another game?" it IS his first carival after all. Donivan leaves the beach behind and heads back into the city. Donivan has left. A passerby -- another carnival staffer, from his uniform -- going by with a small wheeled barrel for refuse happens to catch Jairen's comment, to which he answers with utmost politeness, "You folks might want to go check out the Death Star III -- it _is_ the hottest ride we got tonight, after all! You wanna chance in, you better get there soon." And on the man goes, pausing a moment to tap a button on _his_ wrist-unit before wheeling his barrel away. Shenner ooohs at the suggestion, while more or less straightfacedly casting a glance between Jairen, Webb, and her new toy. Her eyes spark with appreciation at the Marine's reaching for her, but the warmth of that green gaze of hers doesn't diminish as she casts a glance along the swordsman's elegant form. What she _says_, however, is a droll, "Bob gets to keep my pillow warm next time you vanish on me, pal." With that, then, she swipes her cotton candy back before Jon can steal any more of it, and she chatters to Jairen, "Logic, shmogic, the idea is to do what looks fun! We can work our way through the games or just go straight to the rides or whatever works. Me, I'm up for the holocoaster!" Casey arrives from the street. Casey has arrived. Casey leaves the beach behind and heads back into the city. Casey has left. Webb arches an eyebrow ever so faintly at the pillow remark. Shortly thereafter his fingers deftly find their way to just one of the incredibly ticklish spots that lays upon the side of Shenner's ribcage, and acts upon it in the appropriate manner, albeit highly momentarily. "Okay, but Bob is an exception to the rule," Webb comments, maintaining his utterly dry tone as a sly grin crosses expression. Jairen continues to move along the pair on the other side of Shenner and perhaps half a step behind. He gives the two lovebirds a bemused look, glancing around again in that particular brand of Jaer-paranoia he sports around in areas like this... bright, crowded, and noisy... those things that cancel out just about all of his highly developed hunting senses. "I have no argument from this camp." is his comment, though his tone is neutral and noone who doesn't know him well can tell if he's attempting to stay humorous or not. "Aigh! Hey, hey, pal, don't make me make you _wear_ this!" Shenner waggles Bob the Bantha at Webb, before realizing that she _meant_ to waggle the cotton candy -- which she promptly swipes back from the soldier. Fortunately, enough of the sugary stuff has been consumed that when she _does_ waggle it, it doesn't fall right off the cone and land in a goopy mess at her feet. With that, then, the bard launches herself off through the crowd, seemingly homing in by instinct on the area of the amusement park where the rides have been set up. Not like they're hard to miss -- they're the biggest and brightest attractions in the place -- but still. "C'mon, c'mon!" she calls over her shoulder. At any other time, in any other place, she too might be exercising her instincts; they're not as sharp as either Jairen's or Webb's, not honed by either two centuries of experience held by the one or the brutally intimate familiarity with war and killing held by the other for all that he is much, much younger. Shen's instincts are primarily those of the street, and she's quite happily mostly put them on hold for the evening, just to be young, carefree, and having fun. Webb retreats just a few steps at first being menaced by the stuffed bantha, then the remnants of the cotton candy, adopting a vaguely defensive posture just in case he were to be in a position to end up wearing either. Once this threat has passed he immediately adopts a much more calm, nonchalant posture as he exchanges a glance with Jairen, and shrugs his shoulders. After all, Webb, being his slightly socially challenged self, isn't exactly a frequent visitor to such venues as this carnival either. Deciding that for the moment, Shenner's instincts are most likely the best in the group, considering the task, he immediately starts off in hot pursuit before Shenner can get lost in the crowd. Jairen follows suit, moving after the rapidly disappearing Shenneret. However, he does so at a mildly slower pace then Webb. Jairen may be a close friend to Shen, but it is only honorable to let those two have some sort of vestige of time to themselves during this. Sometime later, perhaps, Shenner might be inclined to do... well, what two healthy young humans of appropriate genders are liable to do when they have time alone together. Right now, however, Shen is interested in light and noise and lots and lots and _lots_ of speed, and the Death Star III promises to provide them in abundance. Periodically checking back to make sure her companions are still on her trail, the girl leads them on through the park without a hint of hesitation. Every so often she calls out greetings to passerby who seem to recognize her: the occasional patron of the Sandbar, friends of her bandmates, classmates who also managed to survive the war, and even a member of the Alpha Company with whom she'd helped fight in Operation Nova. Soon enough, though, she's led Jonathan Webb and Jairen Windchaser into the section of the park devoted to the rides -- and even from some distance away she can see the beginnings of a _very_ long line for the famous holocoaster. "Ohhh, kark, this might be a while," she blurts out in dismay, skidding to a halt. By now she's downed the rest of the cotton candy and shucked the cone in the nearest recyc bin, so her only burden is Bob. The crowd here is different -- many more young adults and late-adolescents of the usual mix of species, or at least those whose systems and cultures find high-velocity amusement park rides fun. Not much difference in the park staffers, however. Like the burly young man leaning over one of the recyc bins, punching in a reboot order to its terminal... and who casts a glance in Shenner's direction as the redheaded girl goes past. That glance lingers on the singer and upon her silver-haired companion before he abruptly turns his face away... and raises his wrist-unit to his mouth. Ronnie arrives from the street. Ronnie has arrived. Okay, for all of Webb's reservations about this place, and the appropriateness of holding a /carnival/ in honour of the sacrifices of those who fought to secure this possibly very temporary state of freedom, he does actually seem to be enjoying himself. True, some might consider such an event to be a 'bread and circuses' approach to addressing the fact that the galaxy has been right nasty lately - why deal with the problem after all when you can convince people that it doesn't exist? Well, the situation (particularly with the russet haired bard who he is presently in pursuit of) if sufficient to over-ride even much of Webb's cynicism. Nevertheless, something about some of these carnival workers... Webb can't quite put his finger on it, but something about them is starting to register in his brain as 'suspicious'... not that such triggers don't go off on an incredibly regular basis as far as Webb is concerned. If one knew the inner workings of his mind, one might almost consider him to be paranoid. On the other hand, a little wariness is often the difference between a near-miss and a body bag. Appearing more or less nonchalant, he nevertheless peers out of the corner of his eyes at the 'carnival worker' as he passes. You don't have to maybe consider Jairen paranoid. In a situation like this, the silver haired warrior would simply admit to it when asked. However, he seems to have noticed the inordinate amount of attention he's getting from the carnival workers who then speak into wrist comlinks. He's getting so edgy in fact that he's dropped his hands to his side. Most observers might thing that this is a safer place to be but those familiar with how he uses that weapon on his hip know quite a different spot. He's trying to have fun, really, but 200+ years of instinct tell him something's not right here. Ronnie enters the grounds, being fussed over by carnival workers. Ronnie shoos them away, wanting to be alone, he looks around the beach, his home for the few years, then the war came. He remembers it vividly, especially the Battle of Gamma 3, flying Ben's Gnat, because they had nothing else for him... he mutters amoungst the crowds something incoherent, and gets a few gazes. He stops close to the Death star III ride and glares at it, and thinking to himself about the idiocy of recreating that damned thing again, even if it's a game... truly, Caspar has not learned it's lesson from war, he concludes... Apparently, there are at least a small handful of people in the park that agree with Webb's sentiments as to whether an amusement park is an appropriate way to honor war casualties - especially when that amusement park includes a holocoaster named after the two biggest instruments of Imperial destruction in recent galaxy history. Three prim-looking Sarian women, one middle-aged, one elderly, and one positively ancient, each wearing identical expressions of tart displeasure upon their progressively more wrinkled faces, might be spotted some distance away from the young people in line for the holocoaster. They're bearing picket signs, with slogans like "Do Not Glorify the Empire!" and "Is This _Real_ Honor?" and "Plaxton City's Dead Can't Ride a Coaster, Why Should You?" "Hrmph," Shenner exclaims in disgust, "bet they ain't even ridden it yet. I read up on it, y'know," she chatters to Webb and Jairen as she wends her way along the line, looking for where exactly it ends. "I hear they laid out the whole course the Rebel forces followed to blow it up, and they got all kindsa voice overs; would ya believe they even actually found somebody to imitate Wedge Antilles? The light show's gotta be _awesome_..." And so on, and so forth. Shen Veery, quite obviously, is a holocoaster buff. At last, though, she rounds on her two friends and beams hopefully at them once the end of the line is in sight. A sign proclaims, "60 Standard Minutes From This Point" in both Basic and Sarian and a few other local system dialects, along with another sign that adds, "You Must Be At Least This Tall to Ride The Death Star III." Webb peers grimly at the notice of just how long the line ought to be from this particular point. "Hmm..." he remarks as he studies the sign intently, as if doing so would in some way magically shrink away that number to a more respectable level. "It certainly seems popular." A smirk crosses his expression as he slides up beside Shenner, and peers down at the recently won plush bantha. As for enthusiasm about holocoasters.... Well, Shenner has gotten to experience one of Webb's thrill rides, in the form of a nice, brisk, 17000 foot free-fall in a suit of enhanced armor. Seeing as Webb repeats this exercise on a decidedly regular basis (not necessarily under fire), any holocoaster is going to have a supremely tough time competing. Luckily for him, he's here for the company. Jairen takes a good, long look at the coaster and all the lights, screaming people, and basically annoying things that are associated with them. "I think not," he states to no one. Then, to the group, "I will sit this ride out I think." After finishing with his glaring at the ride, Ronnie decides he needs something to eat, and makes his way over to one of the nameless outlets, where he buys some disgusting form of meat on a stick, which he seems to think is pretty appetizing, and he has the thing swallowed in a good two minutes. After, he looks over to the water from his spot near the coaster, and reflects some more on why he's here... It's been a long path, from those days, after the war, things changed... Awww! Well... not that Shenner can't understand the assault that a full-force holographic reproduction of the Battle of Yavin is bound to do to Jairen's inhumanly acute senses... but still, she's a trifle disappointed that this, too, seems to be one of the rougher and louder and very human entertainments she can't share with her adopted clansbrother. Something of her ebullience dims down a bit, and she steps away from Webb towards Jairen to smile crookedly at him. "Awww... well, d'ya mind waiting? If ya don't will ya watch Bob?" She presents the bantha toy, her face full of that same almost childlike hope. If one didn't know better, one might actually suspect Shen's tapped into a store of innocence she doesn't normally express to _anyone_, even her two friends. And in the meantime, that last suspicious worker appears to have... vanished, for the time being. No one is in immediate sight, at least no one in those carnival uniforms with wrist-unit commlinks... Webb peers towards Jairen in a manner which could be referred to as a 'knowing glance', for any number of things - the long lines, the noise, the creepy 'carnival workers', and of course Shenner's utterly irresistible expression that she employs with such insidious strategy. Insidious strategy! Bah! Such things don't work on the stoic swordsman. Or do they? Reaching out with his left hand... distinctly not his usual sword hand... Jairen takes Bob the Bantha. "I shall guard him with my life." He jokingly semi-swears, bringing his right fist to his chest. Ronnie eventually finds a worker and asks him a few questions... according to the man, Ronnie can get news in the tent to the left, so Ronnie heads off into the tent. Ten minutes later, the sound of yelling can be heard from the tent, the sound of items being swept off a counter can also be heard as Ronnie comes trotting out of the tent muttering, "they signed a treaty with the bastards" and heads over to a bench, as upset as a Rodian could ever be... by coincidence, he happens to choose a bench not far from Jairen as he sits and buries his face into his hands. Bob the Bantha seems to approve. Or perhaps that's just the fact that even a big smelly creature from Tatooine can be made adorable when rendered in plush and large shiny black eyes? Who knows. Regardless, Shenner beams and proclaims warmly, "You gotta teach me how to say 'thank you', Ilharn. And you" -- _this_ is apparently for the bantha, as she waggles a slim finger at it -- "be good." And she spins round again, reaching for Webb's arm in apparent determination to haul _him_ onto the ride even if Jairen is best sitting out. "C'mon, pal, you're just dyin' to be all of Gold Squadron, ain'tcha?" In moments, she's tugging the young Marine off towards the tail end of the line, leaving the silver-haired swordsman to guard her toy... ... and leaving, too, a fourth figure in a carnival uniform peeking out of the shadows at the back of a nearby booth. The man is small and wiry... and staring in Jairen's direction from his unobtrusive vantage point, staring with eyes hard and cold with unmitigated hatred. "Depends," answers Webb with the sort of dry blasé that comes from being just a little too veteran at a lot of things, "Are they the ones who got the snot pounded out of 'em during the infamous 'Trench Run'?" He hooks his arm through Shenner's as he follows alongside of her. "You know," he begins to relate after a short pause, "Back when I was a Reb, it took our pilots a matter of three days to transform that term into a euphemism." Jairen tucks the small animal under his left arm and turns and watches the other patrons of the festivities. His right hand, his sword hand, remains free however. Something is still bothering him about this place and he can't quite pinpoint it yet. Following his two centuries plus of battle experience, he finds a nice wall, not a tent mind you, but a solid wall to stand in front of where he can see the line where Shenner and Webb are as well as most of the lane. Ronnie stands, still angry... but calm... He doesn't see anymore point in being here, if Caspar wants to glorify the sacrifice not him, but those he knew made, then that would be their issue. He takes in a glance at Webb and Shenner, but ignores them both, deducing that despite having seen them around town, that is no reason to start a conversation... He looks to the two Kylan-3 pistols in their holsters on his legs and thinks, "I coulda been a bit more inconspicuous, but what does it matter now" as he starts one last walk around the grounds. Once the singer and the soldier take up a position at the tail end of the line for the holocoaster, a few more carnival-goers soon get in line behind them. Shen grins widely as Webb begins his recounting, avidly soaking in his words -- not only is she a holocoaster buff, she's a Rebellion buff, too. Hey, she's met Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo; kinda comes with the territory, y'know? Not surprisingly is the young bard entirely unaware of the figure lurking not too far away behind that booth, that figure who brings his wrist-unit up to his mouth and mutters into it a single word. Anyone within earshot might catch that single syllable, but no one is close enough: "Now." The next figure that passes Jairen, as the swordsman takes up his own vantage point, is _not_ clad in a carnival uniform; for all intents and purposes, he looks exactly like a slightly rumpled young Sarian, clad in a voluminous waist-length cloak, as he kneels nearby as if to recheck he lacings on his boots. This lasts exactly as long as it then takes for the stranger to subtly snap an arm up from under the cloak, aim a tiny wrist-mounted dart launcher... and fire a slim, almost invisible projectile at the silver-haired warrior. Webb seems uninclined at this time to relate exactly what this 'Trench Run' euphemism was. After all, in spite of the height restrictions, a fair number of individuals in this line who would be in easy earshot wouldn't exactly be old enough to be appropriate audience for such (less glorified) stories of the Rebellion. Of course, far be it for Webb to actually relax completely as he stands next to Shenner with his arm hooked through hers. People just seem to be acting... strangely. His brow furrows ever so faintly as he adjusts the subject of conversation back towards far more tasteful realms, only to trail off abruptly as he detects the sharp movement of the arm being raised. A soft *click* sound. Barely audible. But for one certain Jaer Warrior, barely is good enough. Immediately, Jairen swivels and slide back into a backstance to get out of the way of whatever's coming at him, though he's still unaware of the source. However, despite the swordsman's proven reflexes the small projectile slices through the sleeve of his tunic, grazes his arm and buries itself quietly in the wooden planking now to the side of Jairen. Windchaser's eyes are wide as he scans the area for possible points of origin. As Ronnie turns, he sees Webb's sudden reaction... He may not be greatly attentive, but he knows trouble when he sees Webb. Suddenly, from behind him, he hears the clicking, and turns around, seeing Jairen and the cloaked man, but not yet sure what his intent is, he calls out to the men indirectly, and offers quickly but calmly, "what was that?" The dart-launcher vanishes under the cloak as swiftly as it had emerged -- and the young Sarian who as far as anyone in the crowd is concerned had just knelt to relace his boot lazily gets up again and begins to stroll on his way. He casts a bemused glance in Jairen's direction as if to wonder 'What's with him?'... ... while Shenner blinks at Webb, seeing the Marine's attention diverting from her. "Hey, go on," she prompts eagerly, wanting to hear more about the next battle that the conversation had been beginning to cover. "You still with me, Jon? Base to Lieutenant Webb, come in, Webb...?" Webb mutters aside to Shenner in tones deliberately kept low for purposes of subtlety, "Something's not right..." As to just how 'not right' things are, Shenner, being immediately next to him, would notice Webb's fingertips moving to lightly touch the handle of his sidearm. "Think we might wanna check on Jairen..." 'Not right' is hardly an accurate phrase but it'll do for now. Making sure Bob is secure, Jairen brings his left hand up to the spot on his right arm where the dart made contact. Touching the spot with a finger he holds in front of his face. Blood. Whatever was on that dart made it into his system. The question is now who shot it and what is the design of the toxin. He scans the crowd for both the shooter and for his two friends. Although not the hunting genius he should be, Ronnie senses something amiss with the cloaked man, and he quietly withdraws one of his weapons from the right holster and follows the man through the crowd, slowly and stealthy without letting the man know someone is trailing him, obviously he still has Rodian genes in him. That softly delivered warning and the subtle shift of the man at her side nudges Shenner out of her carnival-induced buoyancy... and her immediate first reaction is to glance back the several meters to where she and Webb had left their companion. Jairen is not immediately where she'd left him, and so the singer abruptly frowns. "C'mon then," she murmurs to the Marine, abruptly jumping out of line and crossing over the chain that had sectioned off the sentients anxious to get on the DSIII away from the main flow of the throng -- much to the delight of the pair of youngsters that'd been just behind her. "Yay!" they cry, surging forward to fill the sudden gap. The Sar-spotted man in the cloak in the meantime seems to be entirely unaware that he's got a Rodian on his tail now. But he's easy enough to follow. He doesn't get in the line for the holocoaster, but he _does_ set himself a course for another of the big nearby rides, whose line he nonchalantly joins. As drawing a blaster in a crowded carnival generally produces unpleasant results, like more than a bit of panic, Webb has not as of yet drawn his sidearm from its holster. He is, however, right behind Shen at first... maybe a step or two ahead not long afterwards. "Something funny happened," Webb explains, donning one of those 'no really' expressions of extreme seriousness, "Sarian with a trenchcoat... he was watching Jairen. Then he made a move... not sure what he did." As his two friends approach Jairen is leaning, yes leaning, against the wooden wall next to him and he blinks a few times then shakes his head once as if to clear it. He waits until they within earshot to hold up the small silver dart he's retrieved from the wall by now. "It seems someone is not pleased with my being here." he says. Despite his stance, his speech isn't slurred or sluggish at all. Joining the line after cutting off a few citizens, Ronnie is right behind the man... he keeps his Kylan low and makes an ajustment to it, then pulls it up and pushes it hard into the mans back and pulls the trigger. He catches the man as he falls from the stun blast, and keeps him upright to look as normal as possible. He steps out of line and makes his way back to Jairen, Webb, and Shenner. Despite a few odd looks, he pretty much makes it back undetected. He drops the limp man before the three and says in thick accented basic, "looking for him?" If the Sarian had expected a Rodian to sneak up behind him in the line for the somewhat smaller coaster he'd been about to try for, he certainly doesn't give any sign of it. Nor does he have much time to do more than jerk in surprise before the muffled stun blast shuts down all his higher cognitive processes. As Ronnie hauls his sudden captive back towards Jairen, those three little old ladies protesting the DSIII can be heard to mutter disapprovingly to one another. "Why, look at that young man, he must be drunk!" "They let all sorts into these nasty places, don't they, Mabel?" Shenner, though, frowns tightly -- at Webb's words, at Jairen's lowly murmured pronouncement, and at the sudden arrival of the Rodian in their midst, coming up to join them just as she and Webb reach the Jaer swordsman. The singer's first concern is for Jairen, though, to whom she murmurs in consternation, "You okay?" Webb nudges the unconscious form of the apparent culprit lightly with his boot, before he kneels down to proceed to search the man for the weapon which fired the tiny dart that Jairen now holds. Pausing to tilt the unconscious man's head towards Jairen, Webb inquires, "Uh... do you know this guy?" before he continues to frisk the man. Jairen's right arm hangs limp. He hands the bantha to Shenner. "Here..." bends down to examine the man. "No, I do not..." finds the wrist launcher. "But he's definitely the shooter." takes the small device and slips it into a pouch. "Now," he says as he stands up. "Only two questions remain. Why did he do it and what was the dart tipped with." Places his left hand over the cut on his right arm. Standing the shooter, Ronnie speaks again to Webb, "Lieutenant, we probably should get this guy to the authorities..." and then, turning to Jairen, he says, "And we should get you to Dr Tarquin... We don't know what was in the dart." Her brow crinkled in consternation, and having not received a vocal answer to her question, Shen settles for looking the swordsman up and down and making as best a call on his status as she can. "Thanks," she mutters gruffly, accepting Bob back, but rather more concerned for her sword-teacher than her toy at this point. While Webb and Jairen frisk the cloaked Sarian, she sidles over into as good a position as she can to block their activities from casual passersby. And she puts in to the Rodian, since no one else has, "Thanks -- but let's try to get outta here before we start raisin' eyebrows, huh boys?" "Agreed," mutters Webb in a decidedly no-nonsense tone in response to the recent suggestions as to the wisest course of action in this case, before he begins to lift the inert form of the stunned Sarian. "How's the arm feeling, Jairen," he asks almost casually, "Any numbness? A tingle? Soreness?" Jairen looks down at his right arm. He lifts it slightly. "I can feel my elbow still a little but not my fingers of hand. I think the dart must have been designed to incapacitate me." looks back at Webb. "As it is, if we are attacked on our way out by this man's compatriots, I will be severely handicapped." Sliding his arm under the stunned man, he assists Webb, and says... "you're all right, now let's get out of here" and he waits for the initial pull to let him know when Webb starts walking. "Officially Not Good," Shenner mutters, casting a narrow-eyed glance at her teacher's numbed arm, and beginning to realize exactly what disabling his sword arm can do in terms of reducing his effectiveness as a fighter. "They'll be real karkin' silly to try anything else somewhere this public, though." The musician doesn't go for her blaster, not in so populated an area, but wary tension has chased all traces of her prior near-childish glee out of her eyes. Electing herself crowd-clearer, she springs into motion, waving a few passerby out of the way and saying in wide-eyed guilelessness, "He just got off the DSIII, couldn't handle it! Clear the way, will ya, we wanna take him home. Clear the way!" Deliberately ignoring the odd looks she's getting from some of the sentients at the tail end of that coaster's line, she starts cutting a path for the others. Webb mutters in a low tone to Jairen as Shenner offers forth an explanation of the unconscious Sarian's apparent poor health to the crowd, "Soon as we get a chance, you're flushing out that wound with water before any more of that stuff seeps into your system." Webb sighs, adding something in an even lower tone about how little peace there can be in this supposed haven that is Caspia, as his eyes scan the crowds, ever alert for the reappearance of any of the unconscious fellow's associates. To lower odd looks, Jairen lets his left hand drop as well so that both hands are at his sides. "Probably a wise piece of advice." he says to Webb. However, he is also now on full alert as his eyes dart everywhere. Barely keeping pace with the others, Ronnie makes his way. He quietly mutters, "I'm Ronnie, Ronnie Guynok... CEO, AEC Shipyards" He stumbles slightly but doesn't drop the man. Several more curious glances are directed to the little group's way as the redheaded singer leads her companions out of the amusement park. As she goes, Shen utters a string of bland assurances, including a "no, no, we're quite all right" to a uniformed attendant with a wrist-unit comlink who attempts to intercept her and inquire whether she and those behind her are in need of assistance. Fortunately, the park isn't that big, being a temporary construction for the week -- and so the group can soon find themselves approaching far more open ground. At the appearance of the uniformed attendant with the wrist comlink, Webb exchanges a quick glance with Ronnie, before his eyes turn back to the attendant and fixate. A hint of wariness ought to be apparent to his friends, as Webb shifts the load that he is carrying slightly just in case he needs to access his blaster. Understandably, he delays just a touch in answering Ronnie's introductions. Jairen also gives the Attendant a once over, though perhaps his attention is a little bit less subtle than the Marine's. Of course, he has no burden to shift, but he does lay his left hand nonchalantly on his sword hilt as he is accustomed to do, his right arm still hanging. Ronnie tries to stay as inconspicuous as possible, as he stays with the group, looking around. he looks over to the man, and ignores the man, letting the others deal with him... they live hear after all. He tries to walk faster, wanting to get away from this place as soon as possible. The attendant _looks_ innocuous enough, politely inclining his head to Shen as he goes on his way -- but the singer, too, gives him an odd look once she senses out of the corner of her eye that both Webb and Jairen are staring at at him. Once they're home free to the outer edge of the park, however, the girl glances to the Rodian and says gruffly by way of belated reply to his introduction, "Shen Veery." She keeps going, though, trekking down the beach and looking for the first decent route out and away from the crowds streaming in and out of the park. "Where we headed, people? Law enforcement station or what?" Webb finally answers Ronnie's earlier introduction, "Jonathan Webb... 10th Spacemobile Infantry. First thing we gotta do..." he says as he turns his attention back to Shenner, "First priority ought to be getting Jairen treatment. This guy..." he gestures to the unconscious Sarian, "Is going to wake up eventually, so we ought to restrain him while he's still nice and cooperative." Jairen bows a small bow to the Rodian. "Jairen Windchaser..." he says in his melodic accent. He looks like he's about to go through the whole schpeel about his titles and such, but obviously thinks better of it. "Yes, restraining him would be prudent. As for my arm, removal of this substance as soon as possible would be appreciated." Expressing a slow regret Ronnie says, "I knew I should have brought the speeder, but how the heck was I to know" he starts to think a little more seriously and continues, "let's see if we can get some transport. I don't know Caspar as well as I should, but there should be somthing for hire." then the name "Jonathan Webb" clicks, and Ronnie looks at the human saying, "Your legend precedes you, I remember before the war, in IGnews, something about kidnapping an imperial Lieutenant, It's an honor" Shen points out drolly, "Well, I can wave down a skimmercab, but the question remains -- where are we gonna take our friend? Will they help us sit on him at the hospital, is what I'm worried about..." She keeps moving, though, leading the rest of the group back towards Blake Street and looking for the first decent place to stop and look for public transport. Every so often she casts dark glances over her shoulder, to make sure that the two carrying Jairen's assailant are still keeping up -- and that Jairen himself is still on his feet. The young singer's gaze lingers on him more often than not, and although her face has set itself into a decidedly stoic expression, still there is a tinge of worry in those big green eyes of hers. Webb considers the whole situation briefly. "I can make sure this guy gets where he's supposed to go... the rest of us will get Jairen to Tarquin Memorial... we'll meet there," he states as he lowers the stunned figure to the ground, then proceeds to search through his pockets for anything that would be suitable for binding this man's ankles and wrists. Finally, a small roll of heavy duty tape is produced, which seems to fit the bill of what Webb is looking for. Jairen looks rather frustrated as he is seen attempting to move his arm, now completely paralyzed it would seem. "This is exasperating." comes his voice. A professional warrior unable to draw his weapon. He's probably never been this way before in his life. "Very well, let us do that." reaches over and examine the assailant once again, looking for a wrist comlink. Ronnie nods to Webb, "that would probably be our best idea, if you're sure you can handle him and whomever else comes up, I'll make sure Ms Veery and Mr. Windchaser make it to Tarquin" he readjusts his right kylan from it's "stun" setting to maximum power. Still stunned by Ronnie's blaster shot, the Sarian has as of yet shown no signs of stirring. His pockets and his person are open to both Webb and Jairen's scrutiny, and in addition to the tiny shooter that'd been secured at his wrist, a blaster can be found hidden under that cloak as well. And... ah. A commlink. Not a wrist model, but small and discreet nonetheless. That'd be that, then. Shenner flicks Webb a brief concerned glance, too -- but then, if there's anything she's learned about Jonathan Webb in the months she's been his friend and then some, it's that the man can take care of himself. Still... she steps over to him for a moment, touching his shoulder and rasping softly, "Watch your back, Jon." She proffers Webb a small crooked smile and holds it for a single second, before turning off to escort Jairen to the hospital. "Okay boys. Let's do it." Webb studies the comlink for a moment, taking note of the frequencies which it is set to, before tuning in his own comlink to monitor. As Shenner touches his shoulder he slowly looks up to her, allowing his seriousness to evaporate as his gaze meets hers. "Oh... I'll keep a few good tricks up my sleeve," he assures her as he starts to heft the limp body up onto his shoulder. Rising up to his feet, he manages to lean to give Shenner a quick kiss on the cheek... without toppling over or dropping his load, "See you soon." Jairen looks thoughtfully at the comlink in his left hand. "I have an idea... but first, we need to get my arm healed." Letting Webb take the full brunt of the man, Ronnie draws both kylans, keeping them low, but ready. "let's go" he mutters to Shenner and Jairen, and moves on taking one last glance at the departing marine. [And soon...] _I do not,_ Shenner reminds herself for the hundredth time as she paces in the lobby of the Dr. Tarquin Memorial Medical Center, _like hospitals. I do not like hospitals. I do not like hospitals..._ The redheaded musician's worn a stoic grimace ever since she's set foot in the place and it hasn't shifted as Jairen's been escorted off by a doctor to be quietly attended to; one would think that she, not the swordsman, is the one having to undergo treatment. And it hasn't much helped her mood that the receptionist behind the desk has snuck a glance at the toy bantha still stuffed under her arm, smiled in a positively maternal fashion, and then chosen to apparently dismiss her as a restless adolescent. _Hrmph. I'm 20, kark it, and I like stuffed animals. So sue me. Hrmph. Where the heck -is- Jair, anyway?_ And for the hundredth time, she casts an anxious liquid glance at the door behind which her teacher, clanbrother, and friend has vanished. Webb finally shows his face in the waiting room... having managed to deposit his cargo at its appropriate destination without any appreciable interference. Doffing his beret and tucking it under the epaulet of his jacket, he strides in to find Shenner pacing back and forth with Bob the Bantha tucked under her arm. Making a bee-line for the rather focused young bard, he inquires to Shenner, "Did I miss anything important?" Important? Nah... nothing important has happened. However, the raised voices coming from the next room might count as important. "But sir, we've never seen anyone with your rather unique body chemistry! We don't know how long the chemical will work or if it won't end up killing you." comes a male voice, probably a doctor. "Enough m'lord!" Definitely Jairen. "You have done your service, but do not try my patience. You may be a Healer but your task is through at this time." With that, the door slides open and Jairen walks out, flexing his fingers while holding his right wrist with his left hand. He's literally dragging the doctor, who's trying to hold onto his shoulder. "BUT SIR!!!" As the swordsman turns towards Shenner, he calls in a mildly loud voice, "Daharil, velve!" Ronnie steps into the room, and heads toward Shenner and Webb, "please excuse the absence, but I had to go and cancel my meeting" he says, "How's he doing? did they figure out what the dart was tipped with?" questions pour out of the Rodian's mouth until he notices he's babbling, "sorry" he says politely, "I get excited sometimes" Converged on from three directions at once, Shenner rather startledly halts her pacing. In addition to the bantha tucked under her left arm, she's got the belt of Jairen's sword hanging off her slim shoulder, and she's carefully cradling both it and his dagger to her as if they were far more fragile sorts of objects than sharp-edged instruments of destruction. In fact, the blades with which she's been entrusted have been the one thing that have prevented her from hassling the receptionist for reports every five minutes -- and well, she's got a glimmer of inner satisfaction at the slight bemusement the woman appears to have felt upon trying to figure out what a seemingly nice lass with a stuffed bantha is _also_ doing with a sword and a dagger. The singer's emerald gaze snaps from Webb to Ronnie and then to Jairen, as the swordsman's clarion accents and the force of his entry into the room assure her that he must be more or less alll right. Grinning crookedly at the Marine and the Rodian, Shen chooses to approach her teacher before answering them, crossing the distance between herself and Jairen and answering him in accents coming passably close to matching his fluid cadences, "Velve, Ilharn." The sheathed dagger is held forth first for Jairen's claiming, while Shenner puts on her best guileless expression for the benefit of the apparently outraged doctor. Webb peers aside at Ronnie and flashes him a faint grin, before he turns back to watch Shenner and Jairen. He mutters to the newly arrived Rodian as he observes the hand-over of the sword and dagger, "He's just getting out of treatment. Our friend has been deposited where he's supposed to be. I have a couple of acquaintances looking into the guy's background." With that he shrugs his shoulders casually and appends, "Things seem pretty ordinary so far." Ronnie looks back at the marine and gives him a strange look, "Normal? this is normal?" then he gives himself a thought and says, "no wonder I decided to move to Pride." the Rodian looks casually at his chronometer and then does a double take at the time, he almost jumps and says to Webb, "I have to go, glad to meet you, give Ms Veery and Mr. Windchaser my regards." he waits for a response and then heads out of the hospital at a running jog. Jairen with a hint of a smile ever so subtle to his young friend, Jairen's right hand shoots out, grasps the hilt of the vibro dagger, and has the point at the doctor's throat in one quick, fluid movement. "I said, your services are appreciated, but are finished, m'lord." The doctor, now very quiet, nods with his eyes, backs a step or two away, then runs like hell. Meanwhile, Jairen has taken his baldric and belt from Shenner and has buckled them on, slipping the vibro away. Which, as the perceptive could tell, was never turned on. A quick wink to Shenner, then the comment. "I am ready." Somehow, Shenner manages to stifle a burst of laughter at the poor doctor's hasty retreat, not to mention the horrified look from the receptionist. "Glad you're okay, Jair. But let's get outta here before they decide to sic security or somethin' on us, huh?" she implores both Jairen and Webb, gesturing with Bob at the door. Amusement or not, she's still visibly tense from the wait. Webb mutters in agreement to that suggestion as he peers back towards the door, "Hospitals kinda give me the creeps anyways." Smirking ever so faintly, he shrugs his shoulders, then asks, "Uh... where to now?" "The forests..." A very cryptic comment from a now quiet, reserved, and highly cryptic looking Swordsman. Without another word, he turns and heads out the door. The forests. Two simple words out of Jairen, but they seem to catch Shenner just a trifle by surprise. She blinks several times between the silver-haired warrior's departing back and Webb at her side... and then murmurs ruefully to the latter man, "You heard him -- c'mon!" Out, then, into the night, a strange thrill seizing her as her mind races over the several possibilities of what her Ilharn might have up his sleeve. Webb arches an eyebrow faintly at the suggestion as to the next destination, but readily falls into tow at the end of the procession, before a few quick steps bring him up alongside Shenner, as he inquires, "The woods, eh?" A faint grin crosses his expression as he says, "Somehow... I fail to feel all that surprised." Ah yes, the woods. Jairen silently leads the trio through the forests outside the city for several minutes until he comes to a small glade completely encircled by huge, ancient trees that managed to miss the razing done by the recent Imperial attack. Perhaps some of the last in the forest of this age. "Here..." he says turning back around to meet the other two, "... will our adversaries be goaded." To this effect he holds up the comlink. "We will separate them and pick them off one by one. Use deadly force only when absolutely needed. These are not warriors, but thugs and ruffians who know not what they encounter." With that done, Jairen raises the comlink to his mouth and speaks into it. "Waelen. Fools. I still live. Your attempt fails. I am where this signal originates. Come find me." With that, he turns the homing signal on and drops it in the middle of the glade. Taking a few steps back towards the ring of trees, he says, more to himself than anyone else, "Lil alurl velve zhah lil velryn uss..." Then disappears into the trees. All throughout the trip, Shenner hasn't said much. She's regretted having left her training sword behind in her apartment -- but well, hey, it's a training sword. She _does_ have a blaster, and furthermore, she also has gained a familiarity with this terrain courtesy of the silver-haired Jaer who's led her and Webb out here into the trees. That familiarity, demonstrated for the first time to Jonathan Webb, begins to manifest itself as a sort of odd mingling of peace and alertness steals over her. The farther they head into the trees, the more silent Shen's passage becomes -- though she doesn't match the utter flowing silence that is the moving of Jairen Windchaser in his natural element. Once in the clearing, she pauses with a strange light in her eyes and a small upward curl at one end of her mouth. After Jairen announces his intentions and promptly vanishes, she turns to the Marine at her side and murmurs, "What sector you want, Lieutenant?" As Shenner and Webb are deciding where to go, there is a quick hiss and a "Dalharil!" With that and no other warning, the wrist launcher finds itself landing at Shen's feet. Webb has passed beneath the boughs of many a forest like this one through his widely travelled military career. Though others may find such terrain foreboding and ominous, to Webb, there is something about the thick masses of foliage that is actually quite welcoming. "You know," he mutters aside to Shenner, surveilling the options presented by the terrain, "I like your friend's style..." His jacket is quickly shrugged off, for in spite of its dull coloration, is rather at odds with the surrounding terrain. At this time, it becomes readily apparent just what a plethora of... junk Webb has in his pockets at any given time. First comes wad of squares of slate green cloth, suitable for making bandages or in this case, Webb explains, "We need to cover up your hair..." he unfolds the cloth revealing it to be a decent-sized square, "Tie it over your head." Next comes a camouflage compact which he opens and proceeds to quickly apply a layer of the stuff to his face and hands, with practiced ease, before he passes it to Shen, "Quick game plan... We each watch one of his flanks," he gestures up vaguely in indication to Jairen. "Keep in mind where I am. I'll be watching for you. If we have to fall back, we retreat past each other. Enveloping defense..." If he could be seen by people who don't know what to look for, Jairen could be seen in a tree at the western edge of the glade now, watching intently, listening carefully. While there's a possibility Webb might be able to detect the Jaer in this state due to his extensive field experience, and Shenner might due to her training in such arts with said Jaer, one from the city who has little experience in the woods, even the experienced nature lover, would see but only a shadow, hear only but wind. 'Daharil'. It means 'daughter', 'cousin', and at the moment, it also serves to neatly translate to 'Heads up, Shen!' The young singer only fractionally starts as the dart-launcher sails down out of the shadows, and she casts a small lopsided grin in the direction from which it had arrived before turning her attention to Webb and submitting herself to his impromptu instructions. "Yeah," she murmurs wryly as he helps her dim down the dark russet fire of her hair and the pale pointed shape of her face. "I like it, too." Once she's disguised herself as he's advised, she experimentally hefts the launcher, studying it, and then with a smile of feral satisfaction she clicks it into place on her wrist. To Webb's suggested tactics, she proffers a level nod -- and with it seems to have shifted roles now. No longer just a bar musician, no longer just a grown-up version of the lanky street kid who'd scuttled through countless alleys on two different worlds, she now can be taken for a fledgling warrior. That little curl remains to her mouth, though, and as she steps back to choose her own position among the trees that surround the glade where Jairen's made his home in the forest, she murmurs, "Got it. Let's rumble." Webb gives a faint nod to Shenner, then draws his own sidearm, and checks the fire selector before he begins to move off into the bush. The spot that he selects for himself is actually forward and to the right of Jairen, where a tangle of inhospitable looking underbrush has grown up between two of the ancient trees. Dropping into a crouch, he slowly advances into this tangle, as if he sees some gap that few others would, before settling down flat against the ground, seemingly melting away into the scrub. Jairen continues in his perch in the tree, some 8 meters off the ground, hidden in the semi-shadows. And Shen... well, Shenner is neither a hardened Marine nor a two-centuries-old Jaer warrior with preternatural grace and stealth to help her slide like a shadow into the underbrush. But she _is_ that Jaer warrior's apprentice, and Jairen's instruction has built upon the foundation laid when she'd thrown herself through every simulator she could get access to in Trinumvira Base during the war. With her hair rebraided up off her back and bound tightly around her head, then hidden away beneath Webb's provided cloth, with her face smudged and darkened, she can vanish almost as deftly as the two men. Only the tiniest rustlings, possibly detectable by Jairen's sensitive ears, betray her passage. But in moments she, too, is safely hidden and out of sight. And with that, there is little left to do but wait. Seconds become minutes, minutes drag into a quarter of an hour, a half. Only when a third quarter of an hour is almost done coming into being does a new sound intrude upon the night noises of the glade: the distant whine of a skimmer's engine. Someone, clearly, has taken the bait. Webb's head turns slowly as he peers back over his shoulder towards the tree that is Jairen's perch, then checks for the last location where he saw Shenner. As the noise of the skimmer draws closer his thumb slowly edges the fire selector of his blaster pistol off of 'safe'. For the moment, this is the most significant movement that he'll dare to make. Not long after the skimmer's engine sounds, it dies some distance away, out of range to be spotted by the three who hide in the greenery. Several more minutes pass. And then, at last, wary footfalls signal the approach of individuals on their way to the glade. A light flashes somewhere out in the undergrowth; another. And then, four figures slip into view. Three of them, a Twi'lek and a Sarian who looks not unlike the man who'd been carrying the dart-launcher, are carrying the glow-sticks; a third man, probably human, is decked out in a pair of night-sight goggles. Still, though, even with the goggles, he is easily identifiable once he speaks; his is the voice of a man Jairen and Shenner have encountered before. The little thief who'd once tried to rob the swordsman. Wil. "Fan out," he can be heard to bark gruffly to his compatriots, in a low and throaty rasp. "Keep the frekkin' lights pointed away from me, d'ya hear?" Ahhh... the prey approaches. And it is about time, are the thoughts that run through Jairen's mind as his eyes flash in the darkness once, scanning the direction of the noise. However, not being in Webb or Shenner's position, he is able to move quickly and quietly through the branches of the trees, and does so. He smiles to himself as he spots those who have come seeking him and his friends, waiting until they are mostly in the glade. "Greetings, waelan." He suddenly says from his perch, now in a completely different tree. His voice seems to come from nowhere and everywhere in the glade at the same time. "I have been in your grounds and faced your challenges, now you enter my domain..." Though he would doubtlessly consider the NVG's sported by Wil to be a useful thing, Webb has often found himself of making due without them for a variety of reasons, to the point where he is quite comfortable (and capable) of operating at night without them. Indeed, his unaided human eyes probably have a fair share of advantages over Wil's fancy gear. He studies the three figures, making note of which direction each of them is travelling in... and feels compelled, for a moment, to hold his breath as Jairen begins his speech. Simultaneously, Shenner is amused by Jairen's theatrics while rolling her eyes at his choice of dialogue. _Why, Jair, I never knew you had it in you,_ she thinks, while scowling at the figures she can just make out from her vantage point behind the tree she's chosen to hide her. She can spot one of their foes... no, two. Her own vision is neither so trained as Webb's nor so acute as Jairen's, so she makes due with fiercely focusing her attention on the slightest motion or sound that might betray the approach of one of this gang that's walking into Jairen's trap. At those lyrically accented words drifting down out of the trees overhead, all three men who've ventured into the clearing visibly start. All three of them, it might be noted, are armed -- and in nervous reaction, the Twi'lek almost involuntarily fires off a shot into the canopy of leaves. It misses Jairen by a parsec or two -- but the echoes of the blaster shot tear out into the night, ensuring that if any animals had been lingering in the area, they're running for their lives or hiding now. "Idiot!" Wil hisses, swinging around and rabbit-punching his compatriot in the gut. "Try aiming first!" Then the apparent ringleader of the trio snaps a suspicious glance in all directions, calling out sharply, "We know it's you, swordsman! How long you think you're gonna hide from us, huh?" From the time that Jairen began his speech, Webb has been set in motion... not especially quickly, but certainly at quite a respectable speed for one who is conforming himself to the ground in a fashion that would make most species of snakes rather jealous. The distraction provided by Jairen certainly assists quite heavily in Webb's attempts to get where he's going stealthily. By the time Wil has answered Jairen's challenge with words of his own, Webb has advanced well past the trio. Thumbing the fire selector from stun to blast, and setting the power of his Kylan-3 to full power, he rises up onto one knee and carefully takes aim from behind an ancient tree-trunk... but not at any of the trio. Scarcely a second after Wil has shouted his own challenge, Webb fires off first one double-tap... then a second, followed by a piercing bang as the skimmer engine finally succumbs to the relentless pounding of the Kylan-3. 'Now,' thinks Webb, 'We own them.' "Where am I thief?" comes Jairen's reply to the wiry man's challange, his voice still echoing off the trees. "Why, I am... right here." On the words 'right here' Jairen's voice becomes highly localized as he steps around a tree, now on the ground abou 90 degrees around the glade from where he was. How he covered so much ground so fast is anyone's guess. His sword is drawn as he stands there for a moment, letting the three zero in on him for just a second, long enough for them to realize he's there. "Come and get me." With that, he takes a step back and around the tree again and is gone. An inarticulate snarl of rage bursts out of Wil -- the noise of a man who's spent months chasing a quarry, only to be taunted by it yet again. But even as Jairen vanishes one more time, the boom of the destruction of the engine causes all three men in the clearing to start, and visibly. "After him!" Wil snarls to the nervous Twi'lek, even as he jerks a hand up to his mouth -- and barks into the commlink at his wrist, "Find out what the hell just happened and bring down whoever caused it!" _Shiisa,_ thinks Shenner as she, too, is startled by the blast far off in the distance and by Wil's order to parties obviously not at his side. _There's -more- of them -- how many?_ But she has little time for pondering that question, and as she catches sight of the Twi'lek pelting off into the trees in Jairen's wake, resolve grips her. Time to try to take out one of the remaining vermin, hey, especially if there's possibly more coming? She inches forward, and then begins to cautiously circle the glade from within her cover of trees, looking for a good shot at either Wil or his remaining comrade. Webb is fairly certain at this point that he has attracted a certain amount of attention by knocking out the skimmer's propulsion unit, and apparently at least part of its contragrav capabilities. The whole left half of the vehicle has sagged to the ground, with a steady stream of smoke and an occasional spark now testifying that this craft will not be going anywhere soon. Instinctively he recalls the direction between his present position and Shenner's, and starts to slip back into the bush. His path is far from a bee-line towards Shenner, at least for the moment. He covers ground in short bursts, roughly falling back towards the other two, zig-zagging between positions of cover, and pausing at each to look back to watch for pursuers. Now this, THIS is what Jairen has been trained to do all his life. Forest-oriented, small unit eluding and combat. To this extent, he remains purposely visible to his Twi'lek pursuer, leading the alien on a merry, and surprisingly fast chase through the underbrush away from the glade. In one could see the swordman's face it would be the look of a cat toying with a small rodent. As he runs, Jairen slips his blade into his scabbard. Then, suddenly, unexpectedly, all trace of him disappears as he leaps up, grabbing a branch with both hands, and swings into the trees above him, climbing quickly and noiselessly out of sight. Oh, Webb has attracted attention, all right. Breaking twigs and a single muttered curse coming through the foliage behind him attest to the presence of one individual who'd come charging around from the other side of the skimmer when he'd attacked it, to give chase to him as he made his retreat. A suspicious shadow on a different heading behind him hints at another one of Wil's party closing in, but tentatively, as if the one who casts that shadow is ill at ease in this forest setting. In the meantime, the Twi'lek fires off two more shots at Jairen, both of which whiz past him in flares of red, but which wind up impacting upon tree trunk and tree branch and setting off little sparks and flames when they strike. Obviously, the alien is jumpy enough to begin with -- and Jairen's tactics are adding confusion on top of his nervousness. As the silver-haired warrior goes swinging up into the branches the Twi'lek skids to a stop, looking in all directions before gingerly moving forward a few more steps. His weapon at the ready, he peers anxiously into the shadowed, leafy canopy overhead. And back in the glade, a small *snk* is the only sound when Shen's captured-dart launcher delivers its projectile into the back of the man who'd remained at Wil's side. Startlement washes over his face... and in seconds he's staggering, blurting out words to his leader, but what he tries to say comes out in an unintelligible slur. With that, he collapses. Wil begins to curse, whirling to search the greenery from which the attack must have been launched -- but then, as he catches sight of another shadow, he abruptly smiles. Shenner, elated by her 'kill', doesn't hear the footstep behind her until it's a fraction too late... and then, there's a big burly arm suddenly encasing her in an iron grip. Almost regretful, almost plaintive, Tegger murmurs into her ear, "Now, miss, I really like how you sing purty, and I hate to do this, but Wil's my friend!" A hard blow between her shoulderblades drives all the breath out of her and sends her plummeting to her knees. 'Do nothing that is useless.' These words are sound doctrine for warriors who often find themselves in the situation of having to extract great gains from seemingly limited resources. As such, it is emphasised heavily in the training of the Caspian Rangers. Webb isn't so much a student of this doctrine - not as a Ranger at least - rather, he helped make it into one of the unwritten laws on how a Ranger is to conduct himself in combat. As such, it might perhaps seem like he's toying with his enemy... maybe even enjoying it. Perhaps he is, but not for a moment longer than necessary. Once he has determined that he is in fact being followed, Webb's switches from luring the target, to trying to dispatch it as quickly as possible, with the minimum of fuss... as such, his path through the bush begins to veer sharply, until he is doubling back, parallelling the path which he took, though much more cautiously and covertly than before, until finally he settles upon a suitable spot where he can watch the ground which he so recently crossed - slightly uphill, in thicket of waist-high grasses that have grown up where a gap in the trees allowed the light to filter through. Here he lays prone on his side, parallel to the trail, so as to mimimize the displacement of the blades of grass around him, and waits for the sentient who believes himself to be the one who is hunting. The silverhaired alien who so resembles a human that it often fools many into believing he is human is, however, quite a student of this doctrine. Indeed, he has been for many years now. And the purpose of the chase into the forest now shows its usefulness as the Twi'lek thug is completely and hopelessly separated from his fellows. Slowly, silently, Jairen drops from a branch directly behind the Twi'lek. With perhaps a small bit of sarcastic irony, the Jaer warrior reaches out with his left hand and taps on the other alien's shoulder lightly with his index finger, striking out with the rather solid basket-hilt of his sword to the Twi'leks face in a savage blow, using all of the considerable strength his small frame hides. The first of Webb's pursuers is not long in obliging the Ranger's patience. Soon enough, the figure comes into sight -- a woman, oddly enough, but stocky of frame and wielding a light blaster rifle with at least some measure of confidence. But she's edging along the thin game-track in apparent oblivion to the man who lies in wait... ... while the Twi'lek, taken totally by surprise, has barely enough time to blink when Jairen's blow connects with his face. He doesn't even have enough time to look surprised before the galaxy goes dark around him and he goes down in a heap of sprawled limbs and splayed head-tails... ... while Shenner, her head spinning, lashes out blindly towards the figure behind her. Red dots of light swirl through her vision, and the edges of _her_ universe go gray as she feels herself tugged out of her hiding place. As she hears someone's -- whose? -- voice chortling gleefully, "Good, now _we_ have an advantage over _them_. Tie her up, Tegger! Kinth -- keep an eye out for the swordsman!" And as a blow from what might be someone's foot connects with her ribcage, sending her slamming to the ground and darkening her grey-edged vision to black. Webb allows his quarry to only get so far along the path, watching all of the while. Abruptly and unpleasantly, it is revealed quite abruptly to the unfortunate woman that Webb was this close all along. Abruptly, arms reach out from behind her, one snaking about, cupping the underside of her jaw to silence any scream before it leaves her throat. A sharp blow follows immediately thereafter, robbing the woman of her consciousness. The attack, lasts mere seconds, before Webb melts back into the brush like a ghost, taking the unconcious body with him. Once secured, the woman's rifle and comlink are quickly removed from her person... both items quickly become of interest to Webb as he mentally maps his way back to Shenner's position, cursing himself for having strayed this far from her. While the marine may be worried about his lady love, Jairen has no such thoughts in his head. Shenner is well trained and familiar with this territory. She should have no problems as long as she doesn't forget to not get semi-cocky until AFTER all the enemies are dealt with. Something that even Jairen himself has problems with from time to time it would seem. Quickly and efficiently the swordsman looks through the the Twi'lek's possessions, destroying any blasters the man might have, taking his comlink and any bladed weapons. Then, he stands up, moves back to the trees, and heads stealthily back towards the glade, leaving the Twi'lek bleeding from his broken face bones on the floor of the forest. Shenner's position, for the time being, is crumpled in a heap in the middle of the clearing. Wil and Tegger rip the concealing cloth from the young singer's head, tear it into strips, and use it to bind her hands. Nor does it take long for Wil to produce a length of cord from his own pockets to bind her feet. All the while the third man still in the clearing, Kinth, is slowly circling the edge of it and flashing his glow-stick out into the shadows, trying to catch a glimpse of the musician's companions. And Wil calls out, his voice sharpening with undisguised glee, "Hey, swordsman! Loooo-tenant! I got your songbird here, you two! Nice face she's got here -- shame if somethin' was to happen to it!" Perhaps that might not have been the smartest thing for Wil to announce right now. It certainly wasn't good for the second 'hunter' who was after Webb. This man is dealt with a touch less silently than the woman. The sudden disappearance of his partner doesn't exactly set the poor thug at ease. Every shadow suddenly seems to be a threat... every sound is Webb creeping up on him to end his life in some horrid fashion. In a way, he's probably expecting it when a hand reaches out to grasp the man's weapon arm by the wrist, followed immediately by Webb's other hand driving sharply into the thug's elbow, forcing it in directions it was never intended to bend, producing the usual sound of bone shattering, before Webb twists the broken arm, forcing the man to double over as Webb's knee drives up hard into his ribs, silencing the moment of screams of anguish. A deft sweep of Webb's foot take's the miscreant's legs out from underneath him, before Webb drives the heel of his hand straight down into the fallen man's face. This very nearly violated Jairen's initial instructions to only use nonlethal force. A quick check of the man's caratoid pulse confirms Webb's suspicions that the thug still lives. With that, Webb starts off through the bush, advancing fast on Wil, Teggar, Kinth, and the captured Shenner. "Vith..." is the quiet word uttered by Jairen, still high up in the trees, upon the thief's announcement. While noone but Shenner on this side of the galaxy might have an idea what that means, the tone of his voice, could anyone hear it, reveals the nature. Swearing is swearing, no matter what language. However, Wil's announcement did do one other thing, it has rather angered the 250 year old swordsman. Shenner may be a capable person in all respects but she is still under his oath of protection. Moving swiftly now, he arrives at the glade. "What do you want, thief?" he asks from his perch, voice again coming from nowhere and everywhere at once. As soon as Jairen speaks up, three faces in the glade whip their gazes up to search him out. Shenner lies unconscious in the midst of the ruffians, her slim figure curled uncomfortably on her side on the ground. Tegger's face reflects a measure of consternation and maybe even a bit of embarrassment; Kinth's, a flare of alarm. But Wil's features, even when half-concealed by the NVG's, contort into a snarl of hatred and fury. "What do I _want_?" he shrieks. "What do I want?! I want my pride back, you filthy foppish scumsucking bastard! You -SHAMED- me!" A manic smile that has nothing to do with mirth or pleasure slashes across the little man's features, and abruptly, he lunges for Shenner's fallen form, hauling her up by a handful of her shirt. "So I figure, I shame you right back! Maybe I oughtta start with this little singer, huh? Been sharin' her with the Lieutenant? Think she's got enough kick in 'er for me, huh, fop?" Congratulate Wil, everyone... he just attracted the last kind of attention anyone in this part of the slice wants. Right now, he's sitting right in the aiming recticle of the blaster rifle which Webb now wields. For what it's worth, Webb actually did consider using the stun setting... but well... stun bolts aren't exactly 100 percent effective... and they're not quite as accurate over range as a good old fashioned flesh-burning blaster bolt. At 300 yards, with a rifle that Webb was familiar with, he could easily put the bolt straight through poor Wil's throat, as easily as clubbing a newborn nerf. This rifle isn't exactly one Webb has had all that much time to familiarise himself with... on the other hand, he's also far closer than 300 yards. Besides, in a certain sense, he really would like to take Wil alive, if it becomes a possibility. As Wil is attempting to haul Shen up, Webb calmly draws his finger straight back against the trigger, unleashing a single blaster bolt which tears straight through the shoulder of arm which Wil dared to use to lay his hand upon Shenner. Almost as if it was planned, in the aftermath of Webb's marksmanship, Jairen appears out of the middle of nowhere, his sword in his right hand, vibro dagger in his left. And this time it is turned on. Brining his blade down upon the barrel of Kinth's weapon, he neatly removes that weapon from active use. He then promptly pins the poor man to the nearest tree via a vibrodagger shoved through the shoulder and into a tree. Next he advances on the still standing Tegger. 'Never attack out of anger' may be on of his main maxims, but even the long lived have their limits. Jairen gets a few feet away from Tegger, pointing the sword at his throat. "Drop... your... weapon..." "Aiiiieeegh!" The scream of pain bursts out of Wil as that blaster bolt bursts into his shoulder, scorching the cloth of his clothing and the flesh beneath it. It doesn't sever his arm from his shoulder, but it's a fair bet that the man's not going to be able to use that limb for a while. He goes flying forward with the impact, falling in fact over the prone bard and pinning her to the ground once again as he collapses. For just a moment his shoulder actually _steams_, and for just a moment his flesh gives off an alarming crinkling noise from there before he goes silent where he lies, dropped into merciful oblivion almost immediately. Impaled to the tree, Kinth doesn't faint yet, but the man looks about ready to do so -- and so does Tegger, as Jairen's blade points straight at his throat. Arguably the biggest man in this party of six, Tegger is also arguably the stupidest and most easily frightened... and now, terror washes across a face that for all his size is not particularly old. He may not even be much older than Shenner. The big fellow promptly throws down his own blaster, eyes going enormous and round and teary, and he starts mumbling frantically, "I done what he told me, Wil's my friend, I just done what he told me, h-h-h-he's my fr-friend..." Webb now rises up from his cover at the periphery of the glade, green-faced, dirty, and grim. His newly aquired rifle is still aimed at Wil, held at shoulder level. His finger only loosely rests against the trigger now, and even this is probably merely a precaution. With one combat booted foot, he not so gently nudges Wil off of Shenner. Perhaps Webb is having a brush with temptation to pull the trigger one more time, and put a second bold straight through Wil's brain matter. But, no... all in all, Webb is pretty civilised for a man who could easily be classified as a walking weapon. Seeing that Wil isn't about to get up, he slowly kneels down at Shenner's side, and lays the rifle upon the ground... within easy reach of himself, of course. Wrath. If one word could describe the burning behind Jairen's bright blue eyes, that would be it. Wrath so hot that even the recent Emperor would have a challenge meeting it in all his Dark Side fury and power. "Then I suggest, oaf, that you locate new friends post haste. For if you or your associates /ever/ attempt anything like this again or harm her, you ne'bel'la vith'karliik, I will personally see to it that you suffer the slowest and most painful demise that can be fathomed by your insignificant minds. Now, get out of my forest." With that, he leaves Shenner in the capable care of Webb. He turns, pulls the dagger from Kinth's shoulder (with little regard for the man), cleans it off and disappears into the forest once again. Kinth, unregarded by Webb, lets out a husky whimper of pain and sinks down to his knees by the tree, one hand coming up to clutch at his wounded shoulder... while Tegger, his blockish face drained white with fear, just stares at Jairen as the swordsman issues his order, wearing a look typically described on Tatooine as 'like a womprat caught in the running lights of an oncoming landspeeder.' Only when the silver-haired warrior takes his dramatic leave does the big man, the only unwounded member of Wil's gang left, turn and abruptly bolt without comment or preamble off into the trees, running as fast as humanly possible. In the meantime, as Wil's form is shoved off her, Shenner can be seen to scowl faintly, her nose crinkling as if in reaction to some foul order. Though he eyes do not open, her head turns a bit. Webb slings the newly aquired rifle over his shoulder as he kneels down at Shenner's side. His pistol has been returned to its holster, where it should be easily reachable, should it be required to use it again anytime soon. With one hand, he reaches down to brush his fingers across Shenner's cheek in a manner of tenderness that is in dramatic contrast to the ferocity exhibited against Wil's gang. With the other hand, he pulls out his comlink again, and opens a channel, "Cunha... Webb here. I uh..." Webb peers about at the carnage that remains from the battle, "I need a bit of a favour." With no more noise than another soft groan, Kinth keels over onto his side and quietly bleeds where he's fallen -- and as for Wil, he's not moving again any time soon. The man Shen shot with the dart-launcher still lies prone under the influence of the drug with which the weapon had been loaded. Of the four prone figures in the clearing, then, Shen seems to be the one most likely to rouse... and as the Marine's fingers grace her cheek, her eyelids flutter a little. "Jon," she croaks, and then tries to sit up all at once in a surge of alarm. "Jon! Jair...?" "We had..." Webb's arm abruptly snakes about you to clutch you as you sit up abruptly, "A bit of a brush with a local gang. They kinda came gunning for myself and a coupla friends. You..." Webb hesitates as he looks over to Kinth, "You're probably gonna want to see that these guys end up where they're supposed to... several of them are gonna need medical attention." Whatever the answer is, that is more or less between Webb and 'Cunha' - the earpiece of his comlink doesn't exactly produce much in terms of stray sound. "He's alright..." he whispers to you, after pulling the mic of the comlink away from his lips. "Ooogh," mutters Shenner, eloquence not being high on her list of easily achieved behaviors at the moment. "Get the number of that skimmer that clocked me?" One hand comes up to cradle her cheek while the other curls about the place where Wil had kicked her, but with both her hands occupied she's not left with one to support herself for balance. Gratefully she sags against your arm, even as she tries to squint blearily about herself. "Cunha, I've can pick up the nav signals from Union Starport tower. From the looks of things, we're about 6.1 km from their signal, bearing 72.1 degrees. That puts us..." Webb's arm tightens just a little about your midsection... not enough to squeeze anything in a painful fashion, but enough to keep you from flopping right over onto the dirt again as he reaches for a datacard map, "You have one of our f/o charts? Grid reference would be Bravo-1-4 mark 6-6-3-8-3-1. They have a vehicle out here that's still hot. It'll show up nice and bright on your scopes." "This mean you're callin' us a cab?" Shenner mutters, leaning her head sideways in search of your shoulder while she tries to make sense of your end of the conversation going through the commlink. Having that shoulder handy lets her free up a hand, though, as she considers the advantages of trying to get up versus staying exactly where she is. The manner in which Webb clutches you would seem to indicate that for the moment, he's in favour of you staying right where you are... at least until you no longer appear to be on the verge of falling right over again, mouthing out the words, "How are you feeling?" in a low whisper. The singer shifts her head just enough to squint blearily up at you -- or at least to try to. What she gets, though, is mostly a look at your jawline. "Get the number of that skimmer that clocked me?" she mutters back, making a face that suggests the question is _mostly_ but not entirely rhetorical. Webb peers down at you for a few seconds as he contemplates your answer, then kisses you softly upon the forehead before he pushes the mic of his comlink back into place, "Cunha... if it's not too much trouble, I think we're going to need a lift out of here. Not really sure just how much walking my friend is up to right now." "I can walk," Shenner immediately protests, her brow crinkling in that way she tends to get when she's just had her fifth Corellian Suicide and is claiming 'I'm not drunk!' "Yes... but do you want to?" comes Webb's immediate answer as he peers down at you, running a finger lightly along your cheek as he angles his face down in an attempt to achieve some sort of eye contact. Mrmm. Good question, that. Shenner grimaces a bit more at the thought of a two-klick-plus hike. Certainly she trudged that far on Mandalore under far worse conditions... but if there's anything the young singer's learned since _that_ particular disastrous little adventure, it's how to admit when she's not up to par. She more or less manages to meet your gaze, her mouth quirking into a half-hearted little half-smile, half-smirk. "I ain't fond of the concept right now," she grudgingly confesses. "Cunha is trustworthy," Webb explains as he awaits the sound of the airspeeders that are doubtlessly on their way, "Him and I go back a ways. He used to be a Marine before he joined the security services. He kinda got messed up pretty bad in the Second Zealot War, or police action, or incident, or whatever the hell they call it. They had to do a fair bit of work to put him back together. He kinda just needed to go on to other things after that." Not really knowing what else to say to _that_, not exactly certain if she can think of anything suitable anyway with the aches in her ribs and between her shoulderblades and at the base of her skull, Shenner just murmurs, "Oh..." And after a moment she adds in plaintive tones, "You, um, you okay?" Webb nods his head slowly as he murmurs back to you, "Yeah, I'm alright hon..." with no small amount of reassuring warmth in his voice. His brows furrow afterwards as he murmurs, "Although... I shoulda been watching you closer. Wasn't very Marine-like of me to leave you hanging there..." Shenner's expression softens, while with a bit of concentrated effort she straightens herself up into a better position to look you in the eye. Just to be sure, though, she peers around the clearing to make sure no one else is about to jump her -- and the unconscious bodies in her immediate vicinity make her blow out a sharp soft breath. But once she looks back to you, her mouth's quirked again in self-directed embarrassment. "We divvied up the plan fair and square," she gruffly contradicts. "Seemed pretty Marine-like to me, even if I did get clobbered by the other side." Webb mutters back to you, "Mm. Maybe. But we really coulda handled that better if we'd been watching each other a little more closely..." Webb sighs and shakes his head a little, demonstrating more than adequately just who a Marine's toughest critic is. Peering upwards towards the night sky, he murmurs to you, as he catches glimpses of patches of starry sky through the forest canopy and the spotty clouds, "You know," a a faint smirk crosses his expression as the soft hum of turbines indicates the approach of airspeeders from the constabulatory, "You make a pretty interesting date, Shen Veery." Green eyes pick up enough of a twinkle to show that despite the force with which Tegger must have clobbered her, the redheaded singer is bounding back well enough. She flashes you a bigger lopsided grin as she drawls, "Just wait till you see my encore." Then, though, she catches the sound of the airspeeders coming -- and indeed, it doesn't take long for the cavalry to arrive, flying overhead to scan the immediate area and winding up landing at last near the now-crippled vehicle the gang had brought out here. Nor does it take very long for those who flew those speeders out here to disturb the forest quiet to show themselves, hail the two of you, and begin the work of gathering up the casualties. Shen, once again on her feet, brushes off any offers of medical assistance for herself... and while Wil and his remaining compatriots are bundled off towards their fates, she hangs back to peer off uncertainly into the woods where Jairen had gone. But at last she is easily enough beckoned to her ride home, and readily enough she settles into stride beside you, tired but proud of the victory. Until, at any rate, she gets about six yards into the woods and realizes she's forgotten something. The last thing to break the peace of the glade is Shenner's anguished howl: "Jon! Where the kark's my _bantha_?!" [End log.]