Log Date: 3/24/97 Log Cast: Jylien, Leetah, Tinyhowl, Talek Log Intro: Jylien, Dusk, and Tinyhowl of the Willowholt have arrived at Lostholt on a dual mission: to find out what they can about the possibility of replenishing the Willowholt wolfpack from the wolves of Lostholt, and to ask Leetah if she will heal the mindsick, wrapstuffed Talek. To the surprise of Jylien and Talek's daughter Tinyhowl, the two of them have Recognized while at Lostholt -- but the need to heal Tinyhowl's father has remained. They seek out Leetah, and gain her agreement to try to help the incapacitated elf.... ---------- Jylien leads the way into the den, and moves out of the way, to let Tiny and Leetah in after him. Leetah approaches, then looks around the room a bit. "Shall we take him outside?" Jylien sends openly ** No. He's .. safest in here. Isn't he? ** Leetah shrugs a bit, "He may be safest in here, but the whitecold is not heavy upon us and this room is more cramped than I am comfortable in. Given the choice, I would prefer to go outside." Leetah regards Jylien, making no move to unwrap Talek. Tinyhowl, still quietly, sends, ** I would prefer...privacy. Is there somewhere else we might bring him? Somewhere safe? ** Leetah smiles, "We can take him to my den." Jylien heaves a sigh, and nods, once, curtly. ** Outside, then. ** He stops to look at Tinyhowl, and then glances back at Leetah. Cutter and Leetah's Den(#2716RJL) In the seasons since Leetah returned from the Sun Village, she has once again made her presence here known. The silks and brightly colored pillows have reappeared, and a gentle perfume once again fills the room. Sleeping furs and woven blankets are piled neatly in a corner, where they may be sat upon. The window has once again been filled with colorful and shiny mementos from the desert, lovingly tended.. All in all, there is a joyful air about the room. Contents: Leetah Obvious exits: Out Jylien has arrived. Tinyhowl has arrived. Jylien imagines he was the one to carry the bundle of Talek. And so he lays him down, carefully, and after a brief glance at Leetah, draws the stone blade he wears, and knees to cut strands of wrapstuff. Leetah's mind is already reaching out to touch Talek's... a gentle probing. As he is unwrapped, Talek can be seen to be lying within the wrapstuff, his hair intermingling with it, almost the same shade of silver. His face is pale, and his features tranquilly composed. Leetah's mind-touch can sense an utterly formless peace across the surface of his thoughts. Tinyhowl leans forward a little, expression drawing towards worried, love and concern in her eyes. ** Father. ** It's barely a sound at all. The brownskinned healer slips into her Healing trance as those in the room become something far removed from her, as her hands begin a gentle glow, her mind reaches deeper, to feel out the pain. Jylien breathes a whisper of a sigh, and sinks down to sit over his heels, eyes on the silver-haired elf in the sticky strands. Pain? What pain? There is none. There is only flower-bedecked peace, full of golden motes of light and fluttering colored wings. A perfect Dream, timeless, intoxicating, and utterly free of pain... care... thought. Leetah loses herself more deeply in the healing, her single golden focus to find what is at the heart of this opiate haze, if indeed anything remains at all. Tinyhowl's eyes are large, going from healer to healed. There is... _something_, there. A flicker of consciousness, silver, languid, and utterly unmoving. It registers for the healer as though, perhaps, Talek might be lost in the deepest of dreamberry hazes; what goes through Talek's own mind is as of yet not clear. Jylien looks over to Tinyhowl, and rises from his crouch, to slip behind her, standing. His arms go around her waist from behind, and fold together over her stomach, while he watches the healing over her shoulder. Leetah moves deeper into the trance, immobile. Leetah's mind touches the consciousness, gently, inquiring. Talek's mind seems to simply... existed there, and only after several long small eternities does he seem to even register that Leetah's sending has entered his thoughts. He does not so much as turn his attention to her -- for something about his awareness seems rooted... unmoving -- as simply increase his awareness of her, and he regards her in fascinated, tranquil interest. Leetah locksends ** Talek.... it is Leetah... we seek to heal you, your loved ones and I. ** You locksend to Leetah, Talek's awareness simply seems to regard you, as though he were gazing in a rapt daydream at some fluttering butterfly, or particularly exquisite flower. He does not answer you, but you sense something about him as of a dreamy delicate smile. Leetah locksends ** Your loved ones want you to awake, to be with them in mind and body. ** You locksend ** ** to Leetah. Leetah locksends ** <> ** Tinyhowl watches, barely breathing, for fear of interrupting. She leans forward a little, though, as if encouraging. You locksend ** ** to Leetah. Leetah gently disentangles her mind and begins to back away. Talek lies unmoving, barely breathing, his features utterly at peace. Leetah holds a hand to his head, "He does not wish to be healed." Jylien's frown reappears. ** Healer? ** As if to say, you can't let him make that decision. Tinyhowl's head rises, sharply. ** What? Why? ** Leetah shakes her head, "He does not wish it." Leetah says "He enjoys the way he is. I cannot force him to choose otherwise." Tinyhowl half drops back, against Jylien. ** You ... cannot? ** Jylien's sending arcs toward Talek, instead, as he steps away from Tinyhowl, and toward the elf in question. ** Talek? It's time to come back.. Please. ** Leetah reclines slightly, tired from the journey she has made thus far. Talek shows no sign of hearing Jylien, or, indeed, of anything else in the room. He remains blissfully inclined. Jylien bows his head, and closes his eyes, anger, rather than grief, surging to the fore. It broadcasts itself in the set of his shoulders, and his jaw. And his sending. ** We'll take him home, then. ** Leetah nods quietly, expression sad. Tinyhowl sends, very softly, ** Thank you for trying. ** Leetah sighs and nods again. "Healer." Jylien's voice, rather than his sends, and still thick with swallowed rage. Or sorrow. "Is there a Preserver?" Leetah nods, sending. "I shall have it sent." Tinyhowl whispers, "THank you." Jylien nods, and busies himself with gathering Talek up into his arms. Until the bug comes, he'll carry Talek back to the den below, and wait. Straightening, he turns toward the door of the den, vanishing through it with his arms filled. [End log.]