Log Cast: Talek (logger/editor), Evenek, Galasia, Kain, Xarisa, Jaylorra, Zelgadis Log Date: 7/3, 7/5, 7/6/1998 Editor's Notes: This is a combination of two different scenes that take place approximately the day after Evenek jumped Talek and Jaylorra. The first scene was rather short and the second took place directly afterwards, so the two were combined for easier editing and storing. Dusk was given to Lrilanya, another Underworlder with whom Evenek owes some level of debt to, without Talek's knowledge and he has been distraught over the fact ever since the pair were seperated. Running out from the chambers he is forced to share with Evenek, he tries to find her, but his eyes no longer used to the dark fail to guide him and he ends up getting rather lost. River Cavern(#2158RAJLa) This cavern is even larger than the Glittering Cavern. it is kept alight by phospherecense and some odd fungi that casts a green glimmer over the area. In the center of the cavern is a river, actually just a large stream, that is crossed by several bridges of rock. Pillars of natural stone support the high ceiling, and between them, on can see the entrances to various dwellings for many of the tribe. Stalactites and stalagmites rise to embrace, though some have been shaped into furniture. The river winds from an impassable opening to the north, southwards to a cliff. Next to the river, between two of the bridges is a low wall made of stone, which has been lade together not shaped. A large chasm has opened up in a large section of the floor of the cavern. To see a list of caves type '+view caves'. Obvious exits: West (W) Downstream (S) Upstream (N) Northeast (NE) Obvious exits: Chasm Evenek locksends ** <> Where are you, Talek? <> ** You locksend ** ((You can literally sense the young silver-hair shrinking away from the sending, building up barriers in an attempt to block you out and maybe away. Just outside the chambers he used to share with his mother is a scattering of feet as he stumbles in the dark, his once dark-sensitive eyes nearly as blind as any Upworlder's. No reply, nothing verbal, but he is there.)) ** to Evenek. Evenek emerges into the cavern from one of the myriad side niches in the rock walls. Evenek has arrived. Evenek emerges from the darkness beyond, his aura seething with irritation, ** Why are you already breaking trust, young Talek? I cannot even trust you to sleep. ** Talek shrinks back against the wall, using the shadows to his advantage. He did this before when he lived down here, skulking in the shadows unseen. But that had been when he could see in the dark as well as any of them and now he lies in danger of misjudging the shadows for their darkness. He cringes, hoping to remain unseen. He has to find Dusk! Somewhere down here.. Dusk.. Resisting the urge to send, he bites his lip and stifles his breath. Evenek moves past by three elf lengths, the Underworld elves, that is. As soon as he has passes the youngster's hiding place a cold smile crosses his lips briefly. He will play the game, momentarily. He stops, just breaths away, listening, heightening the torment for the other. Talek literally stops. Just stops. He stands absolutely still, clutching his knees to his chest, his mouth bitten closed; he stares wide-eyedly at his uncle, then squeezes his eyes closed. Maybe like a child he hopes that if Talek can't see him, he can't see Talek. Evenek turns back so silently, that the closed eyes see nothing, and the straining ears hear nothing. An icy hand fastens over Talek's wrist, pulling him to his feet slowly, deliberately. ** Stand up. ** A sharp intake of breath marks Talek's half-surprise at being found and he stumbles to his feet, a hand moving behind him to touch the wall for support. He doesn't meet the Underworlder's gaze, staring at the floor or at the wall, his face pale as moonlight, if not more. Evenek studies the fear that he can see so clearly on Talek's face. ** Did you think that I had lost my abilities to /see/ in the light of the Outside? You may have, child, but I have been more accustomed to my home here than you will ever be. ** Talek's gaze shifts from the floor to blink into Evenek's studying gaze. His own eyes are wide, ink-black pupils surrounded by shifting puddles of liquid smoke. Defensively, he answers tinily, ** Then why don't you put me back where I belong? Up there? ** Evenek looks amused. ** That would only please you, wouldn't it? Why were you wandering, my prize? ** Talek looks away again, studying the river that earned this cavern its name. ** I'm not your prize, ** he send-mumbles with minimal defiance. Evenek shakes Talek by the wrist he still holds. ** And you will answer me. <> ** Talek jerks sharply on the wrist that is held, trying to pull it free of Evenek's ice-cold grip. ** Let me go! ** he barks instead, frustration and fright apparent in his eyes. Suddenly brave, his sendings echo off the cavern walls. ** Where is Dusk? What have you done with her? Let us go! I never did anything to you! ** Evenek holds you in a grip fast as if he had frozen there. ** Dusk..? Ah, your little companion, yes... I have put her someplace special. I believe that she is worthy of my attentions. ** And his grin is cruel and taunting, knowing that it will hurt. Startled horror spreads across Talek's face as quickly as if it were a brushfire. ** No! No, you won't! Don't you dare touch her! ** Violently, he starts to pull away now - get him /off/, he /won't/ touch him! His sending turns shrill, like the whistle of steam escaping through thin holes. ** Don't dare touch her!! ** Evenek drops him, almost abruptly, still smiling. ** You cannot stop me, I will do as I choose. ** Talek drops, but recovers quickly, standing on wobbling legs. ** You can't! You won't! ** Fingers balled into fists, tears have stung the half-Underworlder's eyes, turning them a muddy gray. ** I won't let you! I won't let you anywhere near her - anywhere near /anyone/! ** Evenek leans forward, mocking. ** You cannot even find your way beyond the entrance to you House. I do not see you succeeding, noble as your intentions are. Her safety depends on your conduct. Remember that. ** Talek shrinks back like a flower from the dark. ** Don't you dare hurt her, ** he cannot help but spit out raggedly. Evenek moves back a few steps, seeming to blend with the darkness until his send is the only sign he is still there. ** Return to your chamber...if you can. If not, I will find you later. ** Talek's eyes widen slowly; he shrinks back against the wall and huddles there rather than wander blindly trying to find the chamber. Bad memories there. After Evenek's fading form he sends uneasily, ** Where are you going? Why are you leaving? ** Lrilanya has connected. Lrilanya moves through like a phantom, a chalk outline scrawled upon the charcoal black. Lrilanya heads towards Upstream (N) Lrilanya has left. Evenek stops for a moment, making his step scrape so that Talek can hear him. ** I have other matters to attend to, youngling. ** Talek's gaze follow the appearance and departure of another worriedly, then shift in the direction of the sound of foot-on-ground. He hesitates, then slides back down against the wall, huddling in the corner again, his arms tight around himself in a self-hug. No reply comes, for the silver-haired elf has none to give. [Time passes. Talek continues to huddle in the dark corner, silent and out of sight of the Underworlders that wander past him, unaware or uncaring of his presence. Eventually he falls asleep, huddled in place. And so we skip ahead to the log taking place on 7/5/1998] The silence stretches out, until time is meaningless, the only thing that keeps you aware is the rumbling of your stomach as it becomes empty from lack of food, and still there is no sign of the one who brought you here. Finally, like a blessing, faint steps can be heard, growing ever-closer as echoes rebound. ** Talek...are you still sitting there, boy? ** No response, not even a shifting of his form. His pale-and-grey figure can be made out where you left him, huddled and silent, but his chin is dipped to his chest, his knees tucked beneath with his arms hugging them in place. His breathing, if heard, is shallow, but even; Talek is asleep. Evenek chuckles softly, leaning over to shake the young one awake. ** Talek. ** "Mmmnf?" Blearily, Talek's eyes open, a few precious moments going by before he realizes where he is. He had huddled there for.. /hours/, it felt like, until sleep finally pulled his fear-exhausted body away from consciousness. So dark is it, his eyes only now finally beginning to call up long-hidden memories of being able to see within it, he forgets where he is. Then realization dawns and he stiffens. "Oh!" Also calling forth recollection is the hand gripping your shoulder. ** Come, Talek, would you like to refresh yourself? ** ** Refresh? ** The word is echoed hollowly, as if misunderstood or not understood at all, yet Talek's head dips in a wary nod, smoky eyes regard the pale hand on his shoulder uneasily, as if expecting it to bite. ** ... Aye.. ** Evenek removes his hand, unshielding a glow basket slowly, so that Talek's eyes can adjust as well as his own. ** This way. ** Talek's eyes flicker when the waxy glow that the glowmoss emits catches his notice. The light dancing over a pond's surface, so does his eyes seem to ripple, and he rises soundlessly to his feet once Evenek's hand is removed and the send is offered instead. Evenek seems almost congenial at this point in time. ** Would you prefer warm or cold water? ** Talek's voice resembles much of an echo, seeming disembodied and soft for all its wariness. ** Warm water.. There is little heat down here as it is. ** Evenek disappears into the western passage. Evenek has left. You move through a long twisting passage to the west. Glittering Cavern As you enter this huge cavern, you almost gasp at it's sheer beauty. The walls glitter from light reflected by countless gems embedded in them. They seem to dance like thousands of fireflies across a huge field, and every color of the spectrum is represented. Added to the incredible vista is a veritable symphony of the Underworld, as tiny droplets of water fall into small pools and their sound is echoed through the whole cavern. There are several stools that look like they were grown out of the living rock, and a small hot spring lies in the center of the cavern. The many crystals here reflect and amplify all light so that it is esay for even a surface dweller to see the cavern. Contents: Evenek Hot spring Obvious exits: East(E) South(S) Evenek leads his nephew through the dark to a spring of hot water. ** Here. I will ensure your privacy. ** ** Privacy? ** Talek echoes the word simple because it is the last word sent, blinking slowly at the tendrils of steam as they curl up from the hot spring. He half-crouches by the spring, making no move to enter the hot water, gaze shifting from dark to light and back again. Then, slowly, he looks back towards Evenek, brows slightly arched. Evenek smiles, again, almost kind in his expression. ** I do not wish to present you to Lord Morganthe in the state you are in. ** Talek's fingers start to peel his tunic off, but pause halfway there. A light frown appears as he regards the older Elessardo, repeating, ** The 'state'.. I'm in..? ** Evenek flicks a careless hand his way. ** You are filthy, and smell of the Outside, do please bathe. ** Talek's eyes widen and his cheeks color a pale rose-hue; looking away sharply, he silently removes his tunic, but hugs it against his chest and sits there, eyes dark. ** I'm not filthy, ** he states defensively after a time, though his voice is quiet and touched with unease. Evenek chuckles coldly. ** Are you not. Your short friend said as much. ** Talek turns his head to look back towards Evenek, repressed worry making it back into his eyes. ** Dusk? ** Evenek smiles but doesn't answer right away. ** She's a pretty little thing. Are you sharing a bed with her? ** Talek's sending hardens noticeably, tight and empty of emotion. ** No. Why? ** Evenek chuckles, leaning over to run the fingers of one hand in the water. ** I would, had I been traveling with her. She seems old enough to be initiated in the ways of an adult. At least by the standards of the overworlders. ** Talek pulls off his boots with decided vehemence, yet folds his tunic over and places them overtop beside him. ** You're talking about things you have no idea about, ** he sends quietly, but sharply. Someone touched a nerve. Evenek leans forward, in Talek's face, somewhat. ** Am I? I think not. Do you desire her, little one? ** Talek leans back from Evenek some, expression twisted with discomfort and distrust. ** That's none of your concern, ** he send-snaps, still defensive, still on edge. Evenek doesn't back off, too busy twisting words to suit his purpose. ** It /is/ my concern as Master of my House, little one. ** ** No, its /not/. ** Talek rises to his feet unsteadily and inches back a step from Evenek. ** Dusk doesn't have anything to do with this -- she's not even supposed to /be/ here! I don't want to be here! ** Anger gives his sending strength, yet fear sends his eyes wild. ** Leave her out of this..! ** Galasia emerges from the passage to the east. Galasia has arrived. Galasia wanders in picking up a rock here or there as catches her interest and examining it, humming all the while. Evenek growls almost, until the humming inserts itself on his concetration, and his tactics. He flicks a glance over to the annoying toddler, wondering hwo best to get rid of her. ** Galasia. Go home, child. You're mother will be worried if she finds you missing. ** Talek takes note of Galasia through the corners of his eyes, then quickly back to Evenek. His eyes widen indistinctly, then suddenly he darts away, seizing the chance of momentary distraction. Fright gives him speed and he runs as if a mountain bear were on his heels. You go through a twisting rock passage to the east... River Cavern(#2158RAJLa) Obvious exits: West (W) Downstream (S) Upstream (N) Northeast (NE) Obvious exits: Chasm Evenek emerges from a passage to the west. Evenek has arrived. Evenek charges out of the spring tunnel and dives for talek, taking him roughly to the stone. ** Be still!! ** Talek squawks in surprise and pain as his slight form crashes into the hard, unforgiving rock. Tears sting his eyes - so close! and yet so far! - and he immediately starts to struggle, trying to worm out from beneath Evenek and escape into one of the tunnels. His sending blasts out, half-pleading, half-demanding: Talek sendshouts ** Let me go-Let me-go-LET ME GO!! ** Evenek drives a shaft of mental pain into the boy, sharp send enough to quell his shrieking sends. ** >>SILENCE!!!<< ** Talek gasps raggedly, hands going to his head, his struggles momentarily ceasing as the pain rockets his head. ** .... .... .... ** Evenek jerks you to your feet by the scruff of your neck . ** You are a fool, child. I allow you a chance, and you give it up so easily. Perhaps your little Dusk should suffer for it, hmmm? ** Talek's eyes squeeze shut and a broken noises escapes his mouth, hands going from his head to his neck as he is yanked to his feet. But that sending is what inspires the most response as his eyes snap open. ** No! No, don't hurt her! Leave her alone! ** Evenek hisses. ** Do not tell me what to do! I will do as I choose! When will you learn that!?? ** And he shakes Talek with the end of each sentence, much as one would a disobedient wolf-pup. ** The girl is in the custody of one I know. She will punish her as I see fit for your errors. Now stand. ** And he releases him abruptly, to stand or fall as he will. And Talek falls, crumpling to his knees where his hands go to the back of his neck, holding where the skin has broken out in angry red, the skin nearly torn from where he was shaken. ** Don't let her hurt her! ** his sending still warbles, bright yellow with guilt-drenched fear. ** Please! Just leave her alone! ** Evenek sighs in disgust. ** Stop your useless begging, her punishment is a given. You were the one who caused it. Remember that when next you see her. ** And he steps back, willing the /child/ to collect himself. The 'child' looks up, horror dawning in his eyes. ** No! ** He moves to his feet, a hand still positioned on the back of his neck, yet his eyes are tearful, accusing, and bright with soul-pain. ** You brought her here! You're punishing her for something she didn't do! /I/ never did anything to you! Its your fault! ** Evenek reaches out, almost casually, and slaps Talek across the cheek. ** I said be silent. You broke faith with me, after I told you that her well-being depended on your good behaviour. You have only yourself to blame. ** And he draws his hand back into a slightly curled fist, waiting... Talek's face turns with the slap, a bright red mark appearing on his cheek. His other hand shakes as he touches the afflicted area and he turns eyes still brighter with pain, but mingled with surprise and accusation as well. ** You.. hit me..! ** Evenek nods, finally, the lad is beginning to realize. ** Yes... and I will strike you again, if you defy me once more. ** Talek lowers his other hand, yet his first still touches his reddened cheek. Mutely he nods, the nod neither indicating obediance or acknowledgment; it is a nod, nothing more. Yet he shies back a step as if expected to be struck again. Evenek stands there, his hands shaking slightly. ** Now, you can bathe until you don't reek anymore, or I will present you to Morganthe in chains. ** The smoke-eyed elf regards the older male warily and offers another nod, still silent and still distrustful. No words are given though his eyes harden at the word 'reek'; he makes no move to close the gap between he and Evenek. Evenek gestures back to the spring cavern, having won the first lesson, at least in his own mind. ** Then proceed. ** And, wordlessly, Talek complies. You move through a long twisting passage to the west. Glittering Cavern Contents: Hot spring Obvious exits: East(E) South(S) Evenek emerges from the passage to the east. Evenek has arrived. The folded tunic and boots are still placed where Talek left them and he moves to retake his seat beside them. Eyes like smoke over crystalline liquid watch Evenek warily once again, then he moves to slip out of his breeches, touching a toe hesitantly to the steaming water. A clatter of displaced pebbles announces the return of Galasia from the far end of the cavern, a handful of rocks in tow. "Hello." She chirps to the stranger, ignoring Evenek. Evenek turns, ignoring her too, for the time being, wathing Talek closely. The lad starts to move into the water, then pauses at the spoken(!) voice. Gazing shifting first to Evenek, then to Galasia, quizzical relief spreads across his face. A child. ** Hello.. ** he sends softly and quietly. Galasia pauses, watching Talek. ** You look all dark. Where from? ** And she ignores the glower that Evenek casts at her. It gets lonely here in the dark. A faint smile releases some of the tension from Talek's face. Dark? he wonders idly as he regards his skin, form obscured as he lowers himself into the spring. He is still quite pale, a characteristic he has retained over the years. ** Willowholt. ** Evenek manages to surpress his urge to slap the child for meddling in something that doesn't concern her. ** And he doesn't turn his gaze from Talek to order her, this time, having learned his lessons well. ** Galasia. I will tell your mother that you were away from the cave if you do not go home. ** Talek's gaze abruptly darkens when the child is ordered to leave, shifting his eyes back again to look at the water. Galasia grins. "I'm coll'cting rocks. She likes me to." And she ignores him, though she scuffs her feet, watching what Talek does. Evenek hisses quietly, trying to decide what to do, then he returns to his original tactic of ignoring her. The silver-haired Talek's attention seems to be absorbed in the ripples caused by the fractional shiftings of his body whenever he moves. He curls and uncurls his fingers, then brings them out of the water, letting the steaming liquid escape through his fingers. Feeling eyes upon him, he lifts his eyes again, catching the blue-eyed lass's curious glance. Gallie grins, tickled by his expression. ** Why face red, here.. ** And she motions to her cheek. ** There was an.. ** Talek's gaze slowly shifts to Evenek, then back again. ** ..accident. ** Evenek snorts softly, amused by the explanation. Galsia is a canny young child, and she looks over at Evenek suspiciously. ** Why you hit? ** Talek's cheeks redden, as if embarrassed, and he looks away slowly again to stare at the water. He swallows and lifts a hand to touch his cheek again, then tries to hide the movement by tucking some silvery strands behind his ear. His gaze is far-off and troubled. Evenek considers the child carefully. ** I hit him because he felt it necessary to argue with me, and it's against the rules, Galasia. ** Galasia shakes her head. ** Mean. Not like much. Why make bad rules? ** [Evenek] His very height is imposing, though he is no taller than the average Underworlder. Evenek's tall frame is lithe and graceful, every movement meaning something, not a single gesture wasted. His face is well-drawn, the cheekbones high and fine. Evenek looks out on the world from a pair of haughty grey eyes, he is better than most everyone, and carries himself with the proper bearing. His incessant desire for honor keeps him from smiling all that much, but when he does it is cold and cruel, only hinting at trouble. He wears a near black, mottled tunic over a pair of mottled grey breeches. The symbol of his house is worked with thread into the chest of his tunic. His hair is a rich red-tinted brown that is pulled back into a tail to keep it from his face. He wears a cloak of a deep blue hue which is also the only bit of color anywhere about him. His ears are high and finely pointed. When he turns his head his cold gaze fixes you in a judgemental stare as though he is measuring your worth to him. His cloak is fastened with his house symbol but he wears it as though nothing else mattered. On his left hip dangles a simple short sword which is obviously well-used and well cared for. The smoke-eyed Willowholter falls utterly silent during this exchange, his hand still resting by his ear, then lowering to touch the back of his neck. Though soothed by the warm water, it is still an angry red with crimson showing where his uncle's fingernails penetrated the skin. After a moment he dips his hand in the water, then lifts it to his neck, washing some of the redness away. Evenek shakes heis head at the child. ** Galasia, you are paying attention to things that don't concern you. Go home now, with your rocks. ** Galasia pouts, really unhappy at being told to leave, and her little chin is set with stubborn. ** Why? Going to be more mean? ** As he dips his hand into the water again and lifts it to the back of his neck, Talek sends hesitantly without lifting his gaze from the water, ** She doesn't.. have.. to go.. ** Kain emerges from the passage to the east. Kain has arrived. Xarisa emerges from the passage to the east. Xarisa has arrived. Xarisa follows Kain slowly, trying not to run into some unseen wall. Kain tugs on the length of chain leading Xarisa along. Evenek snarls angrily, still caught up in the minor argument he's having with a /child!/ ** Go home Galasia. Now. ** Talek is seated in the hot spring's water, both his cheek and the back of his neck an angry red. His gaze is far-off, disturbed, and dark, and he closes his eyes slowly at the send-snarl, taking no notice of the two new arrivals. Galasia definately pouts, but she leaves, her handful of rocks clicking together merrily as she makes her way from the cave. Kain motions Xarisa to sit down. Xarisa's eyes glance nervously around, feeling the presence of others, yet not able to see them. She sits down near Kain at his motion. Evenek tenses, ears picking up sound and motion. ** Come, Talek. You've had enough time to bathe. ** Xarisa blinks as her eyes adjust to the faintest light. Kain sends openly ** Clear tunnels ** Talek dips his hand into the heated water, angry red splotches reappearing on the back of his neck, though the slap-mark on his face has finally started to fade. At the sending, he looks up with a slow blink, then wordlessly rises to his feet and moves towards his leathers collected by the side. He pauses. ** Are there.. towels..? ** Faint sounds are all that signals Evenek's approach as he hands his nephew a towel. ** There, dry quickly. ** Xarisa looks from the activity over to Kain, neither sending nor moving, unsure of what is going on. Kain sits down with a sigh, he removes his boots and lets his feet soak in the spring. Once more silently, Talek mops himself dry with the towels, yet leaves the still-tender back of his neck alone, the drying water offering some level of relief. Dropping the towel beside him, he slides into his breeches and pulls his tunic up over his head, eyes clouded. Xarisa looks at you. Evenek stands there, towering slightly over his nephew, waiting rather impatiently for him to finish his ablutions. Talek seems to shrink slightly in the would-be shadow of the taller Evenek, pulling his boots on without a word before announcing: ** I'm done. ** Never mind that his hair, dried quickly with a towel as it had been, looks like a bird decided to make a nest in it. Kain disappears south, through a long passagaway. Kain has left. Xarisa disappears south, through a long passagaway. Xarisa has left. Evenek continues to wait for Talek to finish dressing. The grinding of his teeth is almost audible under the circumstances. ** Come, now. ** Evenek goes through the eastern passage. Evenek has left. You go through a twisting rock passage to the east... River Cavern(#2158RAJLa) Obvious exits: West (W) Downstream (S) Upstream (N) Northeast (NE) Contents: Evenek Obvious exits: Chasm Evenek vanishes down a side passage into the darkness. Evenek has left. You turn down a side passage and follow it through the darkness, emerging into... Mireka and Talek's Chambers(#7762RAJL) Smooth of wall and even of shape as only a rockshaper's chambers can be, these are the rooms shared between Mireka and her young son, Talek. The wan, ethereal light from glowmoss captured in crystalline globes casts only enough illumination to give an idea of where things are; one's sense of space, in these dim rooms, is more useful to give a true feeling of the size of the surroundings and the locations of things they hold. One's sense of touch, too, tells more of the woven hangings that surround the sleeping places, and of the shaped images that seem to be place at random along the walls. Contents: Evenek Obvious exits: Out Evenek turns open a few more glowbaskets, making it considerably lighter in the room, but it also makes the shadows starker. Talek seems to shake suddenly, sharply, and only once when the pair step inside his old chambers. He says nothing though his eyes close for a long moment. Evenek turns to regard his nephew. ** You are not comfortable here. Why? ** Talek's eyes open, severely clouded and dark, and the stark whiteness of his face is a pale that no Underworlder's skin has yet to achieve. His gaze shifts over the images, able to recognize each and every one even if they are enshrouded by shadows; it has not changed much in here since the ground-quake shook him loose. ** Bad dreams, ** is all he offers, albeit hoarsely. Evenek kicks at a loose stone on the floor. ** Your mother was.. ill. I have heard some things. ** And there is a slight note of sadness and pity in his send. ** .... ** After a moment, the lad finds a place in the very center of the floor and sits there, huddled. As if to be as far away from the walls themselves as possible. Evenek seems to shake himself out of that softened mood. ** You will sleep here. ** ** I had guessed as much. ** Evenek stands stiffly. ** I will procure decent apparel from Anahita when I have a spare moment. As soon as you are more suitably dressed, I will take you to meet your lord. ** He looks away, staring at the same stone Evenek kicked moments before, his eyes blurring slowly. ** Can I at least keep my old leathers? Even if I do not wear them? ** Evenek sends openly ** Why? ** ** Why not? ** Evenek smiles, amused by the stubborn-ness of the youngling. ** You remind me much of your mother. ** Talek's face blackens abruptly and he huddles into a tighter ball, silver hair fallen around his shoulders and face like a silken curtain. ** .... ** Evenek chuckles. ** It appears I have hit another nerve. ** His eyes shift to their corners, regarding Evenek sullenly and drearily, then shifting back to the rock. He plucks idly at the lacings of his breeches, fidgeting more than anything else, and offers no reply. Evenek nods. ** I shall leave you then, here in the darkness. You seem to find my company so unpleasant. ** The last words are almost purred. Though still no reply comes, Talek stiffens visibly where he huddles. Alone? Here? His eyes squeeze shut and he buries his face into his knees. Dreams thought hidden or forgotten dance in his mind - of purplescent flowers and Ynderra's coaxing voice; of struggles with reality and stone, cold walls reaching for the sky; of a silent maiden ever-shaping, of the rock swallowing him as she shaped him into the stone. He breaks suddenly, right there and then, as his shoulders start to shudder violently. Evenek stands stiffly for a moment, his expression sharp. His goal was to cow the child so that he would be suitably quiescant for Morganthe, but this...no, he did not mean to damage him. ** Talek...I have reconsidered. My other business is not so pressing as to keep me away. I shall stay here the darktime, to speak with you on... other matters. ** Still no reply. Has the lad lost control of his voice? Yet when the silence breaks with a ragged sob, his control of voice is still determinable at least, yet he still does not send, grasping his knees to his chest tightly. It is the only sob he allows to escape and he does stifle the shaking slightly, but.. silence, thick like wine and certainly more foul, seems to surround the son of Mireka in a palpable aura. He will not look - he does not /want/ to look - and he tries to make his mind go utterly blank of thought. Evenek shakes Talek, trying to pull him out of it. ** I will be here, boy. ** When Talek looks up it is with tearful eyes. ** I don't want to sleep here! ** he sends suddenly, desperately, and loudly. ** I don't want to sleep here or.. or /anywhere/! ** Evenek nods. ** You don't have to sleep here. But you will sleep somewhere, I assure you. Would you like to meet one who was from the surface? ** Relief breaks across Talek's face smoothly, but otherwise his expression is unchanging. ** Who? ** Evenek flicks his fingers, showing his lack of interest in the subject. ** Her name is Jaylorra. Perhaps you can sleep in the pile of furs she used to occupy. ** Talek ohs softly, glancing away. The name rings no bells and offers little importance to him. ** Can I see Dusk? ** Evenek shakes his head. ** You may not. ** Talek's face falls and he droops. ** Why not? ** Evenek smiles, though there is a hint of compassion there. ** She is a link to your past. It is time to put aside what you learned on the surface and take your place in the rolls of Elessardo. ** ** But.. But.. ** Unsteadily, Talek rises to his feet. ** Can't I see her at all? She's my friend! ** Evenek sends openly ** Not...yet. If you are patient, and do as you are told, I will allow you to visit with her. ** Talek seems almost to be testing out his legs, to make certain they will not fail him, then straightens slowly. ** All right. ** You could almost see the wheels turning his head, though he keeps his eyes veiled. If he finds Dusk.. A plan, he realizes, he needs a plan, for he will /not/ stay here, no matter how much Evenek frightens him. He wants to go home to Jylien and Tinyhowl and Dawn and Trollkiller and /everyone/. Not stay down here. In the dark. Evenek pauses for a moment as his mind reashes out for another. Evenek looks fainlty annoyed. ** She has agreed to see you, Talek. Come along. ** Talek waits in silence. Utter silence. Nearly tangible silence. Then he raises to his feet, eyebrows arched. ** What is wrong? ** Evenek chuckles. ** She and I are not on the best of terms. Perhaps you will understand why when you meet her. ** Talek says nothing now, offering only a muted nod. Evenek leads the way from the cavern, his stride a bit jarring in his concealed irritation. Evenek makes his way out of the chambers. Evenek has left. You leave behind the subdued chambers here and blink as you step into the light of the.... River Cavern(#2158RAJLa) Obvious exits: West (W) Downstream (S) Upstream (N) Northeast (NE) Contents: Evenek Obvious exits: Chasm Evenek heads towards Upstream (N) Evenek has left. [omitted travel spam] You begin a long trek down a great corridor of sculpted stone. Every so often you pass through a graceful arch. The walls are covered with frescos of the most delicate detail. Some of these frescos tell the history of the Underworld, others merely depict daily life of the subterranean elves. Maerfaydo Caverns(#7460RAJLh) You are in a massive cavern. It has been well shaped by some ancient and powerful rockshaper, for his equal has not been seen in some time. Great spiral pillars reach up to the caverns ceiling some forty feet up. Along the spiral indenture of the pillars, glow moss trails upwards illuminating the pillars. In the center of the cavern is a large shaped fountain, with a soft cascade of water spillng off the top. The remnants of what looks to have been three great houses commands the three other walls. They look to have once been two stories tall, but now seem to have been nearly destroyed in some great cave-in. Two of the three houses can still be entered. The building most oposite the entranceway is the most magnificiant of the three. The archway of the building consist of two elves, one male one female, reaching over to hold hands. Above the arch is a seal with two swords passing through a crown with an exploding star above the crown. This symbol is found all throughout the cavern. There are several large planters with glow moss in them. One of them is filled with mushrooms and other edible fungus. It almost looks like it has been recently tended to. Contents: Evenek Jaylorra(#4808PJUceg) Jay's Furs(#6470Je) Obvious exits: Out Uthraedo Caverns Chamber House Grand Hall Jaylorra sits gracefully on the edge of the fountain, a small infant lying in the firs at her feet. ** Clear tunnels, Evenek...? ** Talek moves behind Evenek, a characteristic shyness falling over him, hugging himself uncomfortably as his gaze shits to take in the whole of the room. Evenek tilts his head briefly. ** I see that you have born your son, Jaylorra. My congratulations on the increase of your House. ** Talek's eyes settle on the resting child silently, pursing his lips. He hopes, silently, that Evenek did not learn of his own daughter back in the Willowholt. Jaylorra rises fluidly to her full height, feet taller than any surface born would be, naturally, anyway. A single eyebrow raises inquiringly. "You may speak, young one. I am not in the habit of biting." Evenek narrows his gaze at her, irritated at her setting aside of protocol. ** Jaylorra... ** There is no denying the threat in his tone. His gaze lifts slowly to meet the female's and faint smile touches his lips. Yet, still, he neither sends or speaks, utterly silent as his arms settle into place over his chest. Yet with Evenek's warning, Talek suddenly blurts out, ** There's no difference between speaking and sending. Its just a matter of preference! ** Jaylorra smiles softly, her eyes glittering as she glances to Evenek. "The difference is that sending cannot lie, young one. You may call me Jaylorra, though I have borne many names since I arrived here." Evenek bows his head, though reluctantly, in respect to her.. ** It is your House, lady, I do not presume to interfere with your whims. ** Talek's regard shifts between Jaylorra and Evenek silently, the faint smile lingering for bare moments before fading into a mask-like face void of expression. Jaylorra moves forward, her eyes studying Talek. "Do you have a name, then?" She blatantly disregards Evenek, a sure snub to protocol yet again. Evenek sighs, this was perhaps...a mistake. He had forgotten Jaylorra's lack of respect for the rules. ** Answer her, that's the third time she has asked you. ** It is barely above a whisper. ** Talek. ** Jaylorra nods. "Talek." a slight breath later she raises her head sharply. ** You smell like white-cold! ** Evenek scowls blackly. Stupidstupidstupid idea, anyway... He shifts uneasily, trying to decide hwo to divert the topic to more neutral subjects. Talek blinks twice, then a smile spreads across his face. ** It snows outside.. the white-cold is nearly over.. The green was just starting to show when Dusk and I turned back.. ** Jaylorra steps forward with a smile. "It reminds me so of...home. But I don't belong to the surface any longer...Do I, Evenek?" And her gaze shifts mockingly to the named, taunting him with his rigid stance. She breathes a soft sigh. "Ah well. Some things aren't meant to be. Why have you come, Talek?" Talek's gaze blackens and he lifts a self-conscious hand to the back of his neck. Silent once again, he looks away. He will not lie and would not risk Evenek's wrath were he to slip so. So he regards a pillar as if in fascination. Evenek nods once to Jaylorra, giving her the field, for once. ** I will leave you noth to speak of what you will. I shall return for you in the morn, Talek. ** Talek's gaze shifts to Evenek and a flood of relief covers his face before it is quickly pushed away. Jaylorra nods to Evenek coolly. "I will assure you of his safety, Evenek. Do not worry about us." Evenek smiles coldly. ** I never worry...about you, Jaylorra. ** Talek watches the exchange in silent interest, yet withdraws backwards from the pair. There is.. conflict between the two, he senses. Jaylorra chuckles softly. "You may leave us, then. We will be receiving tomorrow, as usual." Evenek nods briskly and wastes no more time trading barbs with her, but turns on his heel and leaves. Evenek has left. Talek's gaze lingers after Evenek, not sorry that he is gone, but all too aware that this place is strange and though the maiden seems friendly enough, things are not always what they seem. Slowly, his smoke-hued eyes shift to regard her warily. Jaylorra settles back to the edge of the fountain, looking down at her tiny son. "He forced you to come, didn't he?" ** Aye. ** Talek's voice is grave. ** He did. ** Jaylorra lowers her eyes, and it's obvious she's not seeing the child anymore. ** I am well learned in being forced, Talek. I was not brought here willingly....but I can't remember /why/. ** Talek stands where he has since Evenek left, rubbing his forearm as if it itches, though it doesn't. His sending tightens, with anger, guilt, and upset. ** I remember why. It can't have been more than a hand of days since then. ** Jaylorra sighs, her face tightening a fraction. ** Talek...I am not the enemy. Do not lose your focus. ** ** I don't know that. ** As if expecting /her/ to strike out at him as his uncle did, Talek shies backwards a step or two, regarding Jaylorra warily. ** Why did Evenek bring me to you? ** Jaylorra holds her hands out, projecting total calm. ** Perhaps he thought that my tale would subdue you. He seems to think I will tell it. ** Talek still stands where he shied away, his fingers interlacing tightly. ** Tale? ** Jaylorra reaches out and touches the soft fuzz on the top of her child's head. ** I was from a place in the far north, the Cavedwellers, the tribe called themselves. ** The words are drawn reluctantly, but she feels that she must tell it. Talek emits a soft 'oh!' of reply and blurts without thinking, ** I'm from Willowholt. ** Jaylorra nods. ** I remember...I traveled south, to visit the home of our ancestors, the Palace of the High Ones. Have you heard of it? ** The younger elf's gaze flickers briefly. ** Of course. ** Jaylorra closes her eyes, the memories coming back. ** There was such beauty...we clearly came from something much larger than what we are now..I had...been ill <>, and the Festival of Flood and Flower was about to begin in Sorrow's End. So my companion left me there and went off to travel on her own. ** Jaylorra twists her fingers in the kirtle about her waist, some of her discomfort quite evident. ** Morganthe and his people came...to visit, and they asked if we would like to go back with them...there is something <>. I don't remember why I came, there is so much that I have tried to forget, and things that I must have succeeded at. Morganthe is kind to me, though. I did not always look like this... he shaped me so that I would better fit in. ** The youth says nothing, sends nothing, and indeed if looked upon he might be seen to be inching farther away, eyes moving towards the exit. This maiden is.. /strange/ and he does not know why Evenek brought him here, if there was a purpose at all. He wants to find Dusk! who must be hidden somewhere within this labyrinth, he just has to find her.. ** I see, ** comes the sending, hoping she'll take it as an indication to continue. Jaylorra laughs softly. ** But you don't. Neither does Treestump. I don't understand half of it myself, because I can't remember. ** ** Oh. ** A muted pause. ** I'm sorry. ** Closer, closer.. he inches towards the exit. Just keep talking, lass, just keep talking, he silently begs her. Calling on skills he hasn't used in years, he instinctively takes to the shadowy parts of the Cavern, keeping his movements enshrouded by darkness. Jaylorra sighs. ** Stop. I am not that foolish, Talek, and you are straining trust. ** And she stands, looking rather imposing, for all that she is a female, and so willowy, as well... Imposing perhaps if Talek were not her equal in height and already scared out of his wits as it is. He stops where he stands, yet still eyes the exit through the corners of his eyes, sending nothing. Jaylorra beckons with a slender hand. ** Treestump states that I bore a daughter, but I do not remember her. It seems that I have been tampered with, but how am I to know? Now...why are you here? ** Her eyes are saddened as she looks back over her shoulder to the sleeping babe. The offered hand is regarded warily, like something dreadful or hurtful, and not at all pleasant. Dully, Talek replies, ** Because my.. uncle took me here. ** He withdraws backwards to lean against the wall and sinks slightly, knees bent, but does not touch the floor. Jaylorra sends openly ** Did he give you no reason? ** ** Apparently the Elessardo fell and I'm his only means of bringing it back up again. ** Jaylorra nods, filing away that bit of information. ** You do not wish to restore your House, then. I can see that you are rather eager to leave. ** And her chin tilts briefly toward the entrance to the Cavern. ** What would you do if I could arrange for your departure? ** ** I wouldn't believe you. ** There it is, out in the open: Talek hates it down here. He holds no trust for any down here, even if Evenek is not the best examples of their kind. He starts to slink towards the exit, head slightly ducked, silver hair falling over his feline eyes. ** I'm leaving now, ** he sends suddenly, decisively. ** I'm going to find Dusk. ** A sharp sound. ** Will you stop that! I cannot break my word to Evenek, not yet at least. And you should know that sending does not lie, young one. <> There is another with you? ** ** There is. ** No explaination beyond that as Talek continues to move towards the exit, slowly and stealthily. ** Leave her alone. ** Jaylorra makes an irritated face and strides forward, closing the distance between them, though she doesn't touch...not yet. ** I cannot let you leave, Talek, and I am more sorry than you know for that. Even /I/ must answer to Morganthe, and risking a House war would be rather foolish at this point. ** Her eyes stray once more to her son, so small, on the furs. And the moment her gaze looks away, Talek seizes the chance to dart further away from her, his eyes brittle and cold. Evenek warned of things he would let another do to Dusk if his nephew disobeyed, but if he gets to her first there's a chance that nothing will happen! He puts some yards between himself and Jaylorra, then continues closing in on the exit slowly, back to the wall though it doesn't touch it. Jaylorra stands silently. ** I will send for him if you continue to try me, Talek. I made a promise. ** In response, the silver-haired youth hesitates, mind spinning.. and he darts out of the cavern as quick as his legs can carry him. [And so Talek runs, darting this way and that, winding the labyrinth of tunnels that makes up the Underworld, thinking too quickly to decide where he's going and gets utterly lost. Along the way, he slams headlong into another Underworlder: Zelgadis of the Anado. Without thinking, he tries to push past the larger Underworlder and the results are not what he expects..] Top of the Waterfall Obvious exits: Stairs(D) Slide(Ansi Picture) Upstream(N) Evenek arrives from upstream, emerging through the wide northern passage. Evenek has arrived. The scene unfolds. Talek is being held by a very pertubed looking Zelgadis, struggling violently with a terrified expression. ** No! Let me go! ** Evenek enters the area, looking severely irate. ** Jaylorra sent, Talek. ** And that is all he says, at the moment, eyeing Zelgadis. ** My nephew, Zelgadis. ** Jaylorra locksends ** Be calm, do as he says, and I will do as much as is in my powers to help you. Sending does not lie! ** ** Apologize, youth. ** Zelgadis does not even look up at the sending, gripping the frightened half-blood with hands that refuse to release him. Steely blue eyes bore into the younger elf's smoky grey, then he looks up towards Evenek slowly. ** Your 'nephew', Elessardo, has a certain lack of manners. ** ** No! No! Let me go! ** /Wolf squat/! A sending and Evenek's presence serves to relieve his struggling somewhat, but he still jerks here and there in futile attempts to break the larger Underworlder's grasp. ** Let me go! ** Evenek chuckles coldly. ** I know that. It is one of the many faults that I am trying to break him of. I will punish him fittingly do you wish it. ** ** Punishment is not necessary. An apology is. ** And Zelgadis's hands squeeze harder. Evenek locksends ** Apologize, now! <> ** Talek gasps! and pulls away again, yet blurts, ** I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run into you! Please, I'm sorry! ** He jerks back again, stumbling in his steps.. ... And Zelgadis releases him, sending the boy sprawling. Cloak falling back into place, he withdraws a step or two, fixing Talek with a Look, then focusing it on Evenek. Evenek returns the Look, not backing down an inch. ** My apologies as well, Zelgadis. Jaylorra had proven that she cannot even control a half -blood. I will remember better for future reference. ** Talek stumbles, but immediately clambors to his feet. Without waiting a bare moment he tries to dart off again. Evenek reaches out a clamps a hand on Talek's arms, almost jerking him from his feet. ** Indeed. ** Zelgadis's gaze shifts to regard the fleeing Willowholter, gaze flickering lightly as if amused. He has seen Evenek's temper and almost hopes that the youth escapes; that flame is snuffed out quickly the moment the older Elessardo's hand snaps out. ** No! ** Talek /is/ jerked from his feet, hitting the ground hard. Yet he still fights as he did with the Anado, pulling violently. ** Let me go! Let me go! ** Nearly wrenching his arm out of its socket, he pulls, fingers digging into the unforgiving rock ground, trying to get some sort of leverage to getting away. Evenek nods briefly before pulling Talek, however unwillingly, back up the hall. ** And you said you didn't wish to sleep in your old chamber. You have proven again and again that you do. ** Pulling? Try dragging? For even if Talek is pulled to his feet, he lets his legs collapse out from under him, refusing to be pulled along if he can help it. His silver hair is plastered to the back of his neck with sweat and his eyes are squeezed shut. ** I'm /not/ sleeping in there! ** Evenek snarls, dragging Talek around so that he can see his face. ** I offered you a more pleasant place to stay, and you >>REFUSED!!<< ** A ragged gasp escapes Talek as his head pounds from the raw volume of that sending. His struggles cease abruptly for a moment, then are weakly reborn as he tries to look away, to /get/ away. The Anado watches the entire exchange, gaze darkened heavily with disapproval, yet he says nothing. Yet. Evenek releases the boy, realizing the scene that he is causing. He does not need to subdue him physically at all, and this fact has just dawned on him. Evenek locksends ** I will have your small friend killed if you do not cease this foolishness. ** "NO!!" The utter explosiveness of the outburst rockets off the surrounding walls and creates a violent echo. That broke it. Talek leaps to his feet, moving back from Evenek, but staring at him wide -eyedly and accusingly. ** I-If you k-kill her - if you /hurt/ her!! - I'll hurt you so badly not even a healer could put you back together!! You will /NOT/ because /I/ will not /LET/ you! ** Evenek steps away, completely unimpressed. ** I fail to see how you will stop me, youngling.. ** A sharp crystalline glitter engulfs Talek's eyes completely, all color and distinctness between iris and pupil vanishing in the sparkle, perhaps serving as the answer. Fear propelled his power before; now he is angry and vehemently protective. ** I'll find a way. ** The Anado continues to watch, though withdrawn somewhat. My, what an interesting spectacle /this/ is. Evenek stands stiffly, towering at his full height. ** Then accept your role and do as I tell you! Jaylorra is rather distraught, and you owe her an apology, for showing such discourtesy. ** Coldly, a sending comes from the blue-eyed shadow that watches from the side. ** Jaylorra is also an Upworlder female, a breed who are often taken to tears at one moment and giggles the next. ** Malandor arrives from upstream, emerging through the wide northern passage. Malandor has arrived. Malandor heads north, along the river. Malandor has left. Malandor arrives from upstream, emerging through the wide northern passage. Malandor has arrived. Malandor heads north, along the river. Malandor has left. Evenek tilts his head, growling that the Anado should choose to interfere in House relations. ** This does not concern you, Zelgadis. ** A faint smile curls on the Anado's lips as he regards the Elessardo blandly, indicating that he truly doesn't care. ** That's nice. Your point? ** Evenek's eyes flash briefly. ** Unless you would care to watch me drag my nephew back to his rooms, the spectacle is over. ** Talek slowly shrinks backwards as attention shifts from him to the stranger, though doesn't run. Yet. Like dark music, the Anado's sending dances here and there, with no sense of purpose, yet definite focus that lies heavily upon the older of the Elessardo pair. ** One would think there is a flaw in your logic of dealing with children if you have to drag them physically to their chambers. ** Evenek chooses his words carefully, sensing the danger in word games with Zelgadis. But his eyes fall on Talek once more, willing him to be still. ** My nephew has not been properly raised in the ways of the Houses, Zelgadis. I am intent on instructing him, and it seems that I must cause him a little bit of pain to make my point. ** ** Indeed. And I have found that when parents, surogate or true, inflict pain on children to get their point across, little respect is held for them in the long-run. And they often end up dead. ** Evenek nods. ** Perhaps...but I have no intentions of any such thing. He is a stubborn child. That is all. ** Evenek locksends ** No harm will come to her, as long as you do as I say, boy. This is my promise to you, and sending does not lie. ** Cold amusement flickers in the Anado's eyes like a live flame. ** Sometimes spirits thought to be broken can rise up again, Elessardo. Be careful to choose which ground you tread upon. ** Then the amusement fades, the crystal blue gaze shifting to watch the pale figure of the younger Elessardo as he shrinks back to the side towards the stairway, his head ducking sharply as if avoiding a blow. Evenek refuses to respond to the barb, even if Zelgadis's intentions are good. ** At least I did not try to kill him outright, upon finding him. ** ** Very few think highly of such elves that slaughter blood-kin without reason. ** Evenek nods. ** I do not wish him dead, Zelgadis. Merely obediant. ** And his eyes narrow as he seeks out the topic of conversation, he's been too quiet for the last few moments... A sly, pleased smile creeps across Zelgadis's face as he watches Elessardo look.. and not find. He saw the youth creep off during the conversation and pointedly refused to draw attention to it. Feigning innocence, yet deliberately not succeeding very well, he sends, ** Is there a problem, Evenek? ** Evenek stiffens in muted fury. ** You deliberately... ** And he breaks off, more intent on finding Talek before he causes no end of trouble. He spins where he stands and moves off, his thoughts sweeping for that faintly wild taint which is his nephew's mind. The search is fruitless, for any sendings gather no reply, no matter how vehement or painful. Talek has quite simply vanished into the rock -work, as it were; and Zelgadis knows it too, doesn't he? ** Deliberately..? ** he urges a reply, fingers curling idly over the hilt of his sword. Evenek shakes his head, a slight smile touching his mouth. ** Did you not distract me, for the pleasure of causing me trouble? ** ** No. I distracted you so that the lad would suffer no further abuse. ** Evenek nods. ** Well, then, But I have already given him my word that he will not suffer at my hands. Why should you take interest in affairs that concern you not? ** ** Then at whose hands would he suffer, I might wonder? Its rather obvious the child is afraid of you. Tell me, though; how certain are you of my interests and of whether certain affairs concern me? ** Evenek smiles cunningly. ** Are you master of House Elessardo, then? ** ** Should I be? ** Evenek chuckles. ** No. I have no trouble in governing my house. You should worry to the workings of your own family, if you even have one... ** Ice-sharp anger creeps unhindered into Zelgadis's sending. ** I do, Elessardo. Believe that. But it appears that the same could not be said to you.. No willing family at least. ** Evenek has put aside his anger, and seems to have won, for he's managed to prick the other. ** No matter. I am sure we will have many opportunities to speak on this charming topic. Clear tunnels, Zelgadis. ** And with that, he takes his leave. ** I am certain we will. ** And the Anado offers no further reply, nor does he take his own leave, watching the Elessardo depart without offering any form of farewell. [End Log]