Log file from Midnight. 24.02.00 20:00:30 Cast: Tsoran, Midnight, Leaffall, Bloodwolf, Whitestar Intro: Tsoran has been sent to Ravenholt to see if any of the lost Willowholt-members have arrived there. Midnights asks to go with his sire, eager for a change from the confines of Blue Mountain. (And does he ever get it... :) Scene starts with Tsoran and Midnights arrival in Ravenholt, aboard Tsoran's bondbird. ------- The center of all holt activity here in Ravenholt is the large clearing you find yourself in. This area which lies in the shadows of the great Father Tree, is a place where the elves of the holt can gather and socialize or for councils to meet. At all hours of the day, wolves and elves alike can be found here doing an assortment of activities from skinning their latest kill or relaxing by the warmth of the fire on those chilly evenings. The clearing is lined by carefully placed logs for those who do not wish to lounge upon the ground. A fire can be found blazing in it's stone-ringed pit during those cool evenings. The clearing is surrounded by dense vegetation and is difficult to see from the forest until you stumble through the thick brush or know where the paths are. The faint sounds of a steam can be heard off to the west and to the south the faint sound of a wolf howling fills the air. The morning air is cold, so very cold. The sun then rises over the horizon, heralding the beginning of another day. The first beams of light reflect off of the icicles on the trees. Leaffall rushes out of the father tree, brushing off some of the hunters and telling them to keep to the shadows for now. There has been some tension in the holt of late, and it is obvious that they were on the lookout for a bondbird's approach. Her eyes sweep over the skies at the send and she responds as she squints in the sun's light towards the direction of the bird Bloodwolf arrives from the south riverbank. Midnight is seated behind Tsoran, curiously peering past him and down, trying to see something past Darkwings sweeping wings. Leaffall makes a motion for the hunters to lower their guard, though they still hold their bows ready, not risking anything this time. DarkWing descends, landing in the center for the clearing in a whirling cloud of frozen leaves. Bloodwolf comes running into the clearing from where he was on lookout at the top of the falls, he unslings his bow from his shoulder and knocks an arrow in one quick stroke as he rushes to his chieftess' side, his eyes narrowing. Tsoran releases the harness and gets off. Bloodwolf's mood sours as he notes Tsoran, and under his voice he can only be heard to mutter "... Chosen.." Tsoran floats down from the giant hawks back. His passenger follows him down, but remains close by the bondbird, sheltered behind its bulk. Tsoran watches Bloodwolf and the others briefly through narrowed eyes. Then concentrates on the young chief of the Ravenholt elves. Leaffall stands still watching the glider, her expression controled as she prepares silently for the confrontation that must come, "Greetings to you Tsoran, it has been along time since your last visit. What is it you wish to discuss?" Whitestar arrives from the Ravenholt Father Tree. Bloodwolf stands at Leaffall's side, the clearing fairly well encircled by the hunters on watch. He keeps his bow at the ready, arrow knocked should the Chosen make any sudden movements. Leaffall frowns faintly, "Former Willowholt?" Obviously by her tone, she's heard nothing about the destruction of the other holt. "I've heard from no one." Whitestar hurries out of the father tree, still pulling on his quiver with his free hand (bow in the other), and quickly moves to Leaffall's other side (that Bloodwolf isn't). Tsoran looks disdainfully at the skittish wolfriders. ** It seems you are unaware of the fate of the Willowholt. It was destroyed in a flood, some seasons ago. The Chosen managed to save about half of the holt, the rest are missing. Those willowholt elves currently residing at Blue Mountain had hoped that some of their tribesmates would have made their way here. ** Bloodwolf's brow arches at that.. though he doesn't buy the 'best intention' message for a moment. Leaffall's eyes widen. She has never been to Willowholt certainly, though she knows of many of it's members from tales of her tribe, "Oh highones..." she murmers softly, "I had heard nothing of this. None have appeared here but I will have scouts go out in case they are in need." Tsoran inclines his head. ** My Lord appreciates your efforts. You will notify us if any are found? ** Whitestar casts a narrow eyed glance at Leaffall. He looks distrustful, to be sure, though only holds his bow loosely in a hand without an arrow, unlike his father. Leaffall nods her head faintly. ** Word will be sent to the Mountain if we find anyone. Are the remaining Willowholters well? ** Bloodwolf's eyes flicker to his chieftess for the briefest of moments before falling level again on the Chosen. Tsoran smiles faintly. ** They are well fed and protected. I would ask the same of the glider currently residing with you. How is Isme? I would have a private word with her, if you have no objections. ** Leaffall glances about a moment, ** Isme is well of course. I will ask her if she wishes to speak with you. ** Leaffall sends briefly and nods towards the river to the west, ** She will meet you by the bridge. ** Tsoran folds his arms over his chest while he waits. As Leaffalls send, he nods and turns to walk in the direction given. ** Midnight, stay with Darkwing until I return. ** Tsoran heads towards the sound of the river to the west. Midnight looks after the disappearing Tsoran, and finally takes a few cautious steps away from the bondbird. A head or two above the height of an adult wolfrider, Midnight has wide, skyblue eyes and a lingering cublike roundness to his facial features. His recent growthspurt has slowed, and he seems to be catching up with his body at last - growing more graceful and selfassured as his slender frame fills out. The longest black tendrils of wavy hair nearly reach his shoulders, neatly combed. His clothing is new and obviously of glider make, though less ornate than most. The predominant color is black, with subtle traceries of grey winding up from the legs to the middle of the chest. He wears no weapons or ornaments. Whitestar watches after Tsoran cautiously and really fights the urge to follow, just to be sure. Bloodwolf's eyes follow Tsoran before turning to regard Midnight, his bow creeking slightly as he flexes his fingers on either side of the knocked arrow's fletching. Midnight steps forward into the clearing, blinking blue eyes at the tension and weapons. Turning to the presumed chief, he says. "I'm really not..." Strawberry blond curls cover the head of this young wolfrider maiden. Leaffall is young, but from the look in her eyes you can see she has aged greatly in the last few moons. Her hair now holds the chief's lock which shows her to be the chieftess of Ravenholt. Leaffall has her sire's eyes, The bluest color you have ever seen as they explore the world around her, missing little. There is a sparkle of mischief hinted in these eyes all of the time as if she is ready to find something new and exciting to do. her full red lips can express her mood, even without speaking, her slightest pout or grin is quite able to get what she wants. Leaffall is slightly taller than your average wolfrider, and perhaps a little more slender, the only hints of her glider heritage in this she-elf who is pure wolfrider. Her leathers are finely cut to show off her slender frame. Brown leggings hug her long, shapely legs. The pants are low on her hips with fluffs of fur around the waist. A belt hangs low on her hips with a metal dagger hanging to her thigh. Her tunic is a softer doe brown and leaves her belly bare. Around her wrists are leather guards the same color as her pants and about two inches thick. A golden necklace circles her neck, a gift from Sorrow's End and decorated with some feathers. Her outfit is completed with knee-high boots which have the look of being fairly new still. Leaffall watches Tsoran depart and sends her orders to the watchers of Tsoran and Isme's discussion before she turns her attention to the new elf who traveled with Tsoran. She is actually totally unsure how to react to this wolfrider in glider clothing who approaches, "Are you one of the..." she pauses a moment, "Hunters in the Mountain?" she asks slowly. Midnight locksends to Leaffall, Midnight's eyes are similar to the sky in more than one way... they are as deep and endless, giving a sense of dizzying vertigo as you look into their depths. A sense of falling upward, perhaps, but also the strong sense of the earth beneath your feet. And an anchoring whisper in your mind... ** << Ryl >> **. Midnight replies intelligently. "Uh.." Whitestar manages a tight smirk at that. Bloodwolf's bow raises slightly with each step Midnight takes, very uncertain whether or not to trust this wolfrider in gliders clothing. After a few footfalls his eyes intent and calculating. Midnight senses in a locksend, Leaffall's own eyes are of a deep blue pond whose depths draw you into them overwelming yet at the same time caressing. You are surrounded and and yet hold as Trel leaps out to join you withthe whispering embrace of a cool breeze fluttering through the forest. Leaffall swallows and takes a step back suddenly, actually off of her feet and in the air before she realizes what she is doing. Midnight blinks at the motion, eyes widening a little. "You're a glider, too!" He suddenly moves forward, reaching for Leaffall. Bloodwolf's brow knits as he sees his chieftess lift off, but at Midnight's motion his bow is up in a flash and the arrow ready to fly as it trains on Midnight ** Stop right there...** Bloodwolf sends openly ** I won't warn you again.. ** Leaffall tears her eyes away from Midnight finally at Bloodwolf's send and action, ** No! ** Whitestar steps directly in front of Leaffall, fully intent on not allowing Midnight to get to her at all. Midnight stops right before the arrow actually touches him, halting just before Leaffalls valiant defenders. "But... you don't understand..." He looks up at Leaffall again. Leaffall takes a breath to calm herself, and of course at this moment, her thought brings her down fairly hard on the ground as she can't hold herself up like that. She gets to her feet slowly and rubs her rear as she asks slowly, "Who are you?" Midnight looks at Leaffall past Whitestar and Bloodwolf. He could glide over them, of course, but somehow that doesn't seem like a good plan right now. "I... they call me Midnight." Midnight locksends to Leaffall, Midnight sends softly. ** I think you know who I am. ** Leaffall nods to Midnight, her eyes watching him again as she responds, "I do..." to the silent send, "I am Leaffall." Whitestar folds his arms across his chest and regards Midnight critically in way of greeting - he keeps ahold of his bow, but only loosely in his left hand. Leaffall locksends ** Ryl.... ** Midnight says "Leaffall..." Midnight locksends to Leaffall, Midnight's send tingles pleasantly at your sending of his true name. He replies, in wonder. ** Trel... ** Bloodwolf doesn't move an inch, he's had too many friends, too many chiefs leave the holt by way of bondbird. And by the look in his eye, he's not about to let another one go. Midnight says "That is a pretty name... A wolfrider name, too. Um. Do you think maybe they don't have to stand in front of you? I'm really not dangerous." Leaffall nods to Midnight, "Midnight..that is not a glider name." she almost sounds relieved when she says that. She looks to Bloodwolf and Whitestar and says softly, with a surprising certainty, "He won't hurt me." "What do you want of her?" Whitestar asks cautiously in way of reply. Midnight blinks in surprise, looking at Whitestar. Then blushes fiercely. Midnight says "Uh, no... Willowholt. I mean, my name. My mother is from Willowholt..." Whitestar ahs. He's a Willowholter. He's still uneasy with the entire situation, but he does lower his hackles some. Bloodwolf's eyes glance to Leaffall before looking back to Midnight. He pauses, almost as a wolf might do in a staredown before he backs off a step or two, his arm relaxing the tension on the bow, though the arrow remains knocked and at the ready. Leaffall is definately tense, well surprised, unsure, etc...all rolled up in one, but at the mention of Willowholt she is definately more at ease, she takes a step towards Midnight before she knows what she is doing. Midnight smiles in relief, and steps forward, holding his hands out to Leaffall. Leaffall takes Midnight's hand, her eyes lost in his own again. Midnight smiles softly to Leaffall, her hands in his. Tsoran arrives from the south riverbank. Whitestar begins to understand and takes a few steps to the side, but still does not look entirely pleased with this turn of events. Tsoran strides back into the clearing. ** We are done. Do remember to give us word if you find any lost willowholters. Midnight, time to go. ** Bloodwolf frowns deeply, his eyes picking up the rustling of movement that signifies Tsoran's return, he turns, his ready gaze following Tsoran again now. Leaffall's eyes are torn away from Midnight's at the arrival of Tsoran, though several beats later than usual. she does not let go of her hold on Midnight's hands, in fact if anyhing she holds on tighter, "He can't go...not just yet." Midnight doesn't even register Tsoran's presence until Leaffall looks away. With a start, he half turns to the Chosen, eyes going wide again. "Oh! It's too soon!" Tsoran walks up to Darkwing, sending impatiently. ** You've had enough time to play. There are no Willowholters here, and no reason to remain. Come.** Whitestar shoots a narrow eyed, nearly seething look at Tsoran. ** They've just Recognized, Glider, ** he offers since they don't seem able to. Fear glimmers in the Leaffall's eyes at the send, of course they had to tell the Chosen so he would understand...but somehow she'd hoped to prevent it. She just nods at Whitestar's send, "He can't go yet." Tsoran stops in his tracks. Then walks up to the two hand-holding youths, staring at them. A slow smile appears on his pale face. "How... interesting. And the Chief, no less. Though I should expect nothing less of my son. Well, the sooner Lord Winnowill is informed of this, the sooner you can return. If she so wishes." Midnight says "B-b-but..." Bloodwolf's fingers tighten on the string of the bow at Tsoran's nearness to his chieftess. This situation is -not- improving.. Midnight gives Leaffall a panicked look. "But I can't! Please, not right now, not now, we've hardly even..." Whitestar opens his eyes wide at that surprise let loose. ** He's your cub! ** He composes himself then and glowers at Tsoran's refusal to let Midnight stay. ** You could stand wolfblood in your line. Let the cub stay. ** Leaffall looks more then a little paniced herself. More like a cornered wolf now she can't decide what she is supposed to be fighting or if to run. Tsoran's cub...but he's...he's a wolfrider. This is WAY too much for her. Tsoran sneers at Whitestar. ** My _child_, and mine to decide over. And thus, Lord Winnowills, as her will is mine. ** Cool grey eyes regard Leaffall. ** Lord Winnowill has chosen to regard your tribe in a friendly manner. She will most likely approve of this union. But the choice is hers to make, not yours. I suggest you do nothing to upset our... peaceful understanding. ** Whitestar gapes in complete shock, and he actually points an accusing finger at the glider. ** The choice is no ones to make at all! Did your Winnowill give you permission for you to Recognize? ** Midnight locksends to Leaffall, Midnight clenches his grip on your hands, nearly painfully. Then sends in anguish. ** I... dare not upset the Mountain. It would be bad. Very bad. Will you wait for me, Trel? Or, or come with me? ** One of Leaffall's hands leaves Midnight's and strays to the metal blade her father gave her. She holds the hilt with a tight grip as she glares at Tsoran ready to fight if necessary Bloodwolf's arms raise for the second time, he knows gliders have a tendancy to dodge arrows, but he has no intention of seeing his chieftess suffer even a moment. Midnight grabs for Leaffalls straying hand, saying anxiously. "No! Not that!" Bloodwolf's jaw tenses, any moment this could turn very ugly. Tsoran's eyes flare angrily at Whitestar. "Have a care, wolfblood. This matter is not for you to interfere with." Leaffall locksends ** I can't Ryl...I can't go there not for anything. I will wait of course, what choice do I have? Why can't he just let things be??? ** Bloodwolf's aim turns to the bondbird ** Have a care Chosen.. the blood made the decision.. you can stay here with your bird, while they care for it.. Or I'll give you an excuse..** Whitestar's lips turn into a sneer. ** Nor you, Glider. Be aware of your situation. ** Midnight puts his arms around Leaffall, gently, in a first (but hopefully not last) embrace. His send is for all to hear. ** I will return, I swear. It is... the best way. Please, do not worry. ** Leaffall relaxes her hold at Midnight's send and his touch though only the grip on the blade. She is very tense, like a bow ready to fire. Tsoran sneers sarcastically. "Perhaps I was mistaken as to who the real chief of this holt is. Leaffall, do curb your inferiors before they make utter fools of themselves." Whitestar's eyes narrow a little more. "And how foolish of us to think you would care for the well being of your own cub," he snorts. "Typical glider. Why not slit his throat next?" Midnight locksends ** I really don't want to leave you. It's...awful. But if Lord Winnowill gets upset, we will never be safe. Nor our...cub. ** to Leaffall. Leaffall's body shakes, is it anger, or need, only her eyes tell you for sure as they glare at the glider before her, "THat is the difference between the two tribes. I allow my tribemates to have their own minds. They think for my own good, and the good of YOUR child. Do you not care that we will both suffer while your precious Lord deliberates on a matter she has no control of?" Bloodwolf's bow creeks under the tension of his pull, a bird that size could easily feed the holt for an entire season, and he's swiftly approaching the breaking point under this Gliders hubris. Tsoran sends openly ** Do not presume to tell me what I should feel. Midnight, say your farewells, then we will leave. ** Tsoran turns his back on the arrows and furious wolfriders, walking back to the giant bird in clear contempt of their threats. Leaffall turns her eyes slowly back to Midnight, the ache is obvious in her as she slowly nods, ** Do what you must, but remember you are a wolfrider, no matter what he says. If you don't you will only suffer like mother....Ask Wolffla...Ekana when you return to the Mountain she'll tell you. ** Midnight holds Leaffall tightly again, then sighs with a shudder. "I.. do not need to. My own mother... I know what waiting does. I will return, I promise.. quickly. Lord Winnowill would not deny me. Us." With an effort of will, he breaks the embrace and takes a step backwards. Whitestar watches the entire affair with naught but a disgusted expression. Tsoran climbs onto DarkWing's back and settles himself between the giant wings. Bloodwolf's eye narrows and he trains his bow on the bondbird's wing at this range the veteran hunter would be hard pressed to miss, though he pauses for some reason. Midnight locksends to Leaffall, Midnight repeats, earnestly. ** Soon. Whatever it takes. ** Leaffall takes a step again towards Midnight then forces herself away to move to Bloodwolf and Whitestar, refusing to watch them depart, though she feels it none the less. Midnight very reluctantly walks over to Darkwing, floating up to joins his father on the birds back. He keeps looking over his shoulder at Leaffall, anguished. You settle on the giant hawk's back, holding onto the silver-decorated harness. Bloodwolf drops his aim, his eyes locked on Tsoran's ** Pray you our paths never cross one to another Glider.. for the next outcome will be a far different one I swear it.. ** Tsoran exchanges a silent send with Midnight. Without further ado, the bird launches into the air.