Boosting the Signal: The Siren and the Sword, by Cecilia Tan
One more out-of-band Boosting the Signal post for you all–Cecilia Tan’s The Siren and the Sword, an urban fantasy featuring bisexuality, love, sex, and magic. Check it out.
One more Doctor Who reaction post for the end of the season
Kinda funny how I still seem to have things to say about Doctor Who without having actually watched the last several episodes. This is what happens when I read recap posts.
Bye Firefox, it was nice knowing you
Mozilla is entitled to its opinions, but if they want to publish pro-Gamergate opinions, I’m entitled to go use a different browser.
Spotted on Dear Author today: to DNF or not to DNF
In which I rant a bit about what makes me decide to NOT read a book. How about you? What makes you bail on something you’re reading?
Boosting the Signal: Underground, by the Northwest Independent Writers Association
Boosting the Signal is still technically on hiatus but I’m breaking radio silence to promote the Underground anthology for NIWA today! Featuring a piece sent to me by Rosyln McFarland, who has a story in the anthology. Come check out this collection of stories by independent Northwest authors!
Doctor Who reaction post: End-of-season Dark Water spoilers
In which I boggle about the end-of-season Doctor Who spoiler. And I DO MEAN SPOILER so don’t look at the post if you don’t want to get a spoiler in the face!
Quick ebook roundup
A mostly-rebuy book post, because of wanting ebook copies of stuff I own in print, or which I did own in print but got rid of because of culling the shelves.
Protected: Scene from Chapter 1 of Victory of the Hawk
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Ereader review: Kindle Fire HDX, by Amazon
I got a Kindle Fire HDX for free! So here are my thoughts on it.
Housekeeping-type site updates
A few small updates to my site today: the FAQ, the Rebels of Adalonia page, and the activation of pages for Victory of the Hawk and Bone Walker!