Boosting the Signal: Wolf Interval, by Chrysoula Tzavelas
Very proud to feature Wolf Interval, by Chrysoula Tzavelas, on Boosting the Signal! Soula is one of my very own Willowholt Tribe from Two Moons, and one of the four, count ’em, FOUR writers who came out of the Willowholt. The Kickstarter for her latest book is in progress RIGHT NOW. C’mon over and check…
Boosting the Signal: In the Void, by Sheryl Nantus
Boosting the Signal still is officially on hiatus, but I DID get in some pieces to run, and here’s one of those today. This book is In the Void, book 2 of fellow Carina author Sheryl Nantus’ SF Romance series Tales from the Edge!
Adobe Digital Editions 4 has significant privacy problems
Roundup of links about Adobe Digital Editions 4 having significant privacy problems.
General reminder and FAQ: Still not a romance writer
I got mistaken for a romance writer again. General reminder: not a romance writer.
Victory of the Hawk (and Kickstarter) update
A status report on pretty much EVERYTHING, but mostly Victory of the Hawk and Bone Walker.
Boosting the Signal: Life Gives You Lemons editors
As part of the ongoing Ellora’s Cave case, I’ve been asked to spread the word about a group of former Ellora’s Cave editors looking for freelance projects. This is my signalboost for them!
Comic review: Thor #1, by Marvel
All hail our new Goddess of Thunder! In which Anna reviews the Thor #1 from Marvel.
Holding out for a hero
In which I am deeply unhappy with the way this season’s Doctor Who run is going so far.