Valor of the Healer is now ON SALE for 0.99!
Valor of the Healer is now ON SALE for .99c with all the major ebook vendors! This sale runs through 7/19, so grab the book now and spread the word!
Faerie Blood going ON SALE for 0.99!
Because I CAN, I am putting Faerie Blood on sale for $0.99 USD (and appropriate equivalents in other countries) through the end of July! Shipping charges waived for all print copies as well!
SFWA calls for input re: membership for self-pubbed authors
SFWA’s putting out a call to its members for commentary re: opening up membership to self-published authors. Any SFWA members reading me, go put in your two cents, mmkay?
Recent fun with romance reads
Thanks to the ongoing noble efforts of Smart Bitches Trashy Books and Dear Author, I’m now adding Sarah MacLean and Julie Anne Long to the roster of romance novelists I’m reading. Check ’em out.
And now, what happens when a Quebecois trad fangirl is on pain meds
Strange things happen in my brain when I have to deal with several days’ worth of Vicodin. Such as bitching about it in French, set to music! Behold, une petite chanson qui s’appelle “Ma bouche est malheureuse”!
Movie review: How to Train Your Dragon 2
We saw How to Train Your Dragon 2 yesterday! I have a few quibbles with it, points that do need to be raised, but overall I found the movie a joy to behold. There are spoilers in this post, so read with caution!
A few things make a Sunday post
Random bits of errata I wanted to throw into a post: some publishing news, YAY I get to go to a house concert, filk actually scores an academic study, and getting to go see How to Train Your Dragon 2.
How Apple users can get my Carina books in the UK
Are you a UK reader who wants to read my Carina Press titles on an Apple device, or books by other Carina authors? Here are some ways you can do it!
Working list of Carina Press POD titles
Carina Press has launched a Print on Demand program! I’m putting together a working list of authors and titles in the first wave of POD release–if you see anything you like, show your support and buy a copy of a Carina print release today!