Boosting the Signal: Mighty Mighty, by William Freedman
Today’s admittedly rather late first Boosting the Signal post is about Mighty Mighty, the superhero satire by William Freedman! (Note: NSFW due to character language.)
Vengeance of the Hunter is now available!
Vengeance of the Hunter has shipped! Roundup of all the places you can find the book talked about this week.
Yet another round of medical joy
In which our heroine is in recovery mode from yet another Medical Thing, particularly badly timed since Vengeance of the Hunter is about to come out!
An I have no brain but I do have new books book roundup
Because I’m trying to clear out my queue and get SOMETHING done this week, here, a roundup of latest purchases, both in print and in digital, many of which were because of Norwescon!
Victoria/Cumberland 2014 Trip, Day 4: Le Vent du Nord at the Cumberland Hotel, 3/11/2014
Long-overdue concert report on Le Vent du Nord in Cumberland, 3/11/2014! In which all parties involved have a delightful evening, in which there is Actual Photographic Evidence that Simon can smile on stage, and in which I learn directly from Olo that my mammoth is a podorythmie protégé!
Victoria/Cumberland 2014 Trip, Day 3-4: Cumberland!
Long overdue next post about my and Dara’s Victoria & Cumberland vacation! This is what happened between when we got to Cumberland, and when we saw Le Vent du Nord! Lots of pics!
Book review: Luna: La cité maudite, by Élodie Tirel
A review of the first book it’s ever been my pleasure to read in French: Élodie Tirel’s Luna: La cité maudite! Four stars, mostly for language geekery, but also for finding the book surprisingly charming.
Boosting the Signal: The Sergeant’s Lady and A Marriage of Inconvenience, by Susanna Fraser
Today’s featured author on Boosting the Signal is my fellow Carina Press author and Browncoat, Susanna Fraser! Her post today is about the excellent Regency romances The Sergeant’s Lady and A Marriage of Inconvenience.
Movie review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
The Murkworks saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier this past weekend! Spoiler alert: I liked it. Lots. 😀
Boosting the Signal: Much Ado in Montana, by M.M. Justus
We have another doubleheader on Boosting the Signal today! Our second featured book is Much Ado in Montana, a contemporary romance by indie author M.M. Justus.