Tri-lingual Hobbit re-read: Chapter 14
Chapter 14 of the Tri-lingual Hobbit Re-read, in which Bard shoots Smaug and Anna geeks RIGHT out all over three different languages.
Further reflections on the imminent loss of Sean McCann from GBS
Pretty much what it says on the tin.
The two weeks after surgery report
A two weeks after surgery status report, with medical deets.
My thoughts on flutes, let me show you them
This is a writeup of recommendations I made to a friend on what to do if you want to get a flute for trad music playing, especially in a session.
Fun things that showed up in the mail yesterday
Pictorial roundup of things that showed up in the mail yesterday!
One week surgery recovery report
Not doing too badly, one week out from surgery. Still primarily made of sleeps, but able to get work done on the computer. Zzzzz.
End of an era
Sean McCann is apparently done with Great Big Sea. A sad day for us all in the fandom.
And now, the hospital report
Surgery’s done, and I’m home and resting, yay! Many thanks to a bunch of awesome people. And especially for tasty chocolate-covered gifts.
Final round of surgery prep
A few more errands and things to take care of before surgery. Also, photo evidence of a new haircut!
Medical update on me and Dara both
Dara’s followup appointment for her eye today means she can’t go to the hospital with me on Monday. But never fear, we have a PLAN.