• The Great Recovery of My Old Webpages Project

    The Great Recovery of My Old Webpages Project

    I’ve been amusing myself lately reconstructing old versions of my web page. Here’s a little writeup about that, and some screencaps of older versions of my main index, circa 1999, 2002, and 2003!

  • Adventures in Time Machine backups

    Adventures in Time Machine backups

    Time Machine is being stupid. To the tune of making me have to transfer a bunch of data to my Linux/Windows box, and prepare to wipe the drive in my Macbook. Anybody know how to address error -36? Talk to me!

  • Oops I appear to have had an ebook acquisition burst

    Oops I appear to have had an ebook acquisition burst

    Another ebook roundup, fueled partly by tasty sales, and partly by my finding ebook editions of paperbacks I’ve had on the To Read shelf for ages. Also, there’s space opera, queer romances, and zombies!

  • WandaVision episode 8 reaction post!

    WandaVision episode 8 reaction post!

    Reaction post for the penultimate episode of WandaVision! Spoilers abound in the post and in any comments! (Please leave any comments of your own directly on the post and not on social media, to keep spoilers contained. Thanks!)

  • Post-big-reveal further rampant WandaVision speculation!

    Post-big-reveal further rampant WandaVision speculation!

    Another WandaVision post because this weekend’s episode was GREAT. More rampant speculation, and RAMPANT SPOILERS OMG SO MANY SPOILERS, herein! Come back to this post later if you haven’t yet seen Episode 7, “Breaking the Fourth Wall”!

  • Brief ebook roundup

    Brief ebook roundup

    Picked up some more ebooks, predominantly a lot of historical romance by Kate Noble, but also C.L. Polk’s closing volume of her Kingston Cycle. Also WOO Cherie Priest is going to write a mystery and it’ll be out in October!

  • My version of pandemic anxiety dreams maybe?

    My version of pandemic anxiety dreams maybe?

    In which I take notes about a particularly disjointed and anxiety-inducing dream I had this morning, the most redeeming factor of which was a background cameo by Simon Beaudry of Le Vent du Nord.

  • Signalboosting Search for NC and SouCon Players

    Signalboosting Search for NC and SouCon Players

    Chanter1944 on Dreamwidth asked me if I knew how to get in touch with a bunch of different NC and SouCon players, but they’re all after my time on NC! Anybody out there know how to find these folks? Talk to me if you have a way to contact them!

  • Mid-story rampant WandaVision speculation

    Mid-story rampant WandaVision speculation

    In which, now that I’ve watched episode 5 of WandaVision, I engage in rampant speculation as to where this plot is going to wind up. I also engage in RAMPANT SPOILERS. Seriously, there are ALL THE SPOILERS IN THIS POST so do not engage with it if you haven’t seen episode 5 yet!

  • Whoops I missed a 2020 purchase ebook roundup post

    Whoops I missed a 2020 purchase ebook roundup post

    Acquired from Amazon during 2020 The Lord of Stariel, by A.J. Lancaster. Fantasy with strong romantic subplot. Got this on the strength of this review over on Smart Bitches, Trashy Books. Amended total for 2020: 162 Acquired from Kobo: The Mask of Mirrors, by M.A. Carrick. Fantasy. Got this in no small part because M.A.…