And now, in praise of supremely awesome people
One of the things I’ve always loved about Great Big Sea fandom (and a lot of you who have read my posts over the years can back me up on this) is that it’s filled with genuinely wonderful people. I have been deeply privileged to discover that the same can be said for the extended…
Taking a net furlough for a few days
After this weekend kicking me in the teeth, I’m not feeling up to dealing with the Internet for the time being. I need some me time, people. So I’m going offline for a few days. Anybody who needs to talk to me, please send email, text, or call. If you don’t have the means to…
Day of unmitigated disaster
Well, this was SUPPOSED to be the day I went with and down to Oregon to see Le Vent du Nord perform, and then to meet up with tomorrow afternoon for lunch and then an excursion to Powell’s. But the travel gods had other plans. We made it safely down to Olympia–where we stopped for…
Tri-lingual Hobbit re-read: Chapter 6 (let’s finish this puppy up)
In which Anna finishes up Chapter 6 of The Hobbit, in English, French, and German! Highlights: the Royal Eagle Air Force of the Misty Mountains swoops in to save the day; Eagles do love them some sheep and are unimpressed by goblin shenanigans; Dori seriously needs extra bonus pay for Bilbositting; and your humble re-reader…
Calling all Francophone Great Big Sea fans!
My Great Big Box of XX Goodness–more on this coming in my next post–arrived today! And it should surprise ABSOLUTELY NO ONE who has been paying attention to my passionate love of Quebecois trad this year that I am all over “Le Bon Vin”, the French song included in this box set! The notes on…
Backing out of Seattle Sherlock panels
I go and announce a thing I’m attending in a writerly capacity–and then keel over and have to go to the hospital. Figures. *^_^*;; Due to the previously mentioned hospital incident, folks, I feel I must play it safe and back out of the panels I agreed to participate in at the Sherlock Seattle convention…
Missed CoyoteCon, oops, and a fellow author recommendation!
Y’all know how I said I was going to be participating in CoyoteCon this past weekend? Um, yeah, well, that kind of fell through with the whole suddenly having to be in the hospital for five days thing I just had to do. Happily I’m fine now, but I was sad to miss the CoyoteCon…
Anna vs. H. pylori, or, the Very Bad No Fun Not Good Weekend
A lot of you who follow me on the social networks and/or who also follow got all this in real time as we were posting about it, but for those of you who might have missed it, I was in the hopsital from Wednesday night until yesterday morning. What put me there was a bleeding…
Vertical Movement alert! GBS at the Moore, 3/8/2013!
Attention all Seattle GBS fans! If you don’t know already, the B’ys just announced the first leg of their massive 2013 tour plans, including a show in Seattle at the Moore on March 8th, 2013! Tickets for this show go on presale TOMORROW! You no longer need an account on greatbigsea.com to buy tickets–they removed…
Et maintenant, une journée avec Anna
Dans ce post, je vais pratiquer mon français! Si vos etes un francophone, j’invite vous à m’enseigne si je faire une erreur! Au matin, j’étudie le français avec SuperMemo sur mon iPhone. Je peux étudier sur le bus pendant que je vais au travail. Je suis un testeur pour notre site web à Big Fish…