Tag: event cancellations

  • Backing out of Seattle Sherlock panels

    Backing out of Seattle Sherlock panels

    I go and announce a thing I’m attending in a writerly capacity–and then keel over and have to go to the hospital. Figures. *^_^*;; Due to the previously mentioned hospital incident, folks, I feel I must play it safe and back out of the panels I agreed to participate in at the Sherlock Seattle convention…

  • Missed CoyoteCon, oops, and a fellow author recommendation!

    Missed CoyoteCon, oops, and a fellow author recommendation!

    Y’all know how I said I was going to be participating in CoyoteCon this past weekend? Um, yeah, well, that kind of fell through with the whole suddenly having to be in the hospital for five days thing I just had to do. Happily I’m fine now, but I was sad to miss the CoyoteCon…